New site member dundiddly (account age 5 days) recently admitted to not meeting the minimum age requirement in #site17 while requesting sandbox access. Screenshots available if requested.
11:48 AM <dundiddly> Helloo! I would like to get access to the SCP Sandbox Wiki lll so that I can begin writing my SCP, may I get an invite?
11:49 AM My name on the actual SCP site is dundiddly and I would like to get put on the invite list please :)
11:49 AM <+DrFullham> hi dundiddly! I'll need your wikidot username and current age, please
11:50 AM <dundiddly> My wikidot user name is dundiddly and my current age is 16 about to be 17
11:50 AM → DrLefaye joined (moc.rr.zib.86a6l6-PCS|egnuoleht#moc.rr.zib.86a6l6-PCS|egnuoleht)
11:51 AM <+DrFullham> What's your date of birth?
11:52 AM ⇐ the1NVA0ER quit (PI.34.032.5rd.46d-PCS|egnuoleht#PI.34.032.5rd.46d-PCS|egnuoleht) The Lounge - By
11:52 AM <dundiddly> June 14
11:52 AM 2005
11:53 AM → Fabulushpoo joined (PI.05.822.7rf.u02-PCS|egnuoleht#PI.05.822.7rf.u02-PCS|egnuoleht)
11:54 AM <+DrFullham> So by May 8th, 2022, you will still be 16?
11:54 AM <Fabulushpoo> Huh?
11:54 AM <dundiddly> Yes
11:55 AM <Fabulushpoo> Oh, my bad.
11:55 AM → wgoops joined (ten.tsacmoc.ap.fj5gqb-PCS|spoogw#ten.tsacmoc.ap.fj5gqb-PCS|spoogw)
11:55 AM <Fabulushpoo> Wait was I added yet, just checking in from earlier.
11:55 AM (had to eat breakfast)
11:56 AM ⇐ Balthazaar quit (PI.1002.3008.dm3f.cqgm.pptdff-PCS|allizdoG#PI.1002.3008.dm3f.cqgm.pptdff-PCS|allizdoG) SKREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEONK
11:56 AM <+CuteGirl> Fabulushpoo: you cant be a part of the SCP community and a part of the RPC community
11:56 AM <Fabulushpoo> alright, I'll revoke my membership for RPC.
11:56 AM <+CuteGirl> .user dundiddly
11:56 AM <%Secretary_Helen> > CuteGirl:
11:56 AM <+CuteGirl> Fabulushpoo: cool, let us know once you have
11:57 AM <Fabulushpoo> Alright, done.
11:57 AM <+DrFullham> dundiddly: Unfortunately, due to our rolling age policy change, you are too young to be a site member or use our chats. The age policy requires you to have turned 16 on or before May 8th of this year, and it sounds like you turned 16 in June of this year, is that correct?
11:57 AM <dundiddly> Yeahh :(
11:58 AM <Fabulushpoo>
11:59 AM <+CuteGirl> Fabulushpoo: thanks, me or Fulham will add you to the sandbox momentarily
11:59 AM → Klurg joined (moc.duolccri.yelsmleh.6ocb04-PCS|148922diu#moc.duolccri.yelsmleh.6ocb04-PCS|148922diu)
11:59 AM <Fabulushpoo> Alright, thanks.
12:00 PM Have a nice day.
12:00 PM → TempestDuxton joined ← Fabulushpoo left
12:00 PM <wgoops> would I be able to get an invite to the SCP Sandbox III? My username is wgoops and my age is 26
12:00 PM <dundiddly> Will I ever be able to actually enter the sandbox or does the fact that I'm born on june 14th kind of mess that up for me as a whole
12:00 PM <+CuteGirl> dundiddly: you can return when you've turned 18
12:00 PM Until then, I have to ask you to leave
12:01 PM <dundiddly> :( Alright I appreciate the help though, I'll comeback soon so don't delete me or anything hehe
12:01 PM <+DrFullham> I mean, we will be revoking your site membership
12:01 PM Since you are underage
12:01 PM <dundiddly> Ohhhh
12:01 PM Okay that's fine
12:02 PM ⇐ Dr_Recoil quit (PI.281.81.gk0.o0t-PCS|egnuoleht#PI.281.81.gk0.o0t-PCS|egnuoleht) The Lounge - By
12:02 PM <TempestDuxton> do you have to be 18+ to join the sandbox?
12:02 PM <+DrFullham> Not at this point.
12:02 PM <TempestDuxton> whats the age limit?
12:02 PM <dundiddly> Thank you for your time anyway
12:02 PM ⇐ dundiddly quit (moc.rr.ser.fpco8l-PCS|egnuoleht#moc.rr.ser.fpco8l-PCS|egnuoleht) The Lounge - By
Banned until they are of age.