3:19 PM <pizzacougar> I won’t get the vaccine because I don’t believe in pseudoscience the far-left is putting out there
3:19 PM <AWeirdBird> i mean, some people may not have done any research at all
3:19 PM <@gee0765> the horses are getting all the good shit
3:19 PM <%DrFullham> it's not
3:19 PM <@gee0765> pizzacougar: is this a bit
3:19 PM <%DrFullham> pseudoscience
3:19 PM It's
3:19 PM science
3:19 PM <@gee0765> are you making a joke or no
3:19 PM <Tropinano> :D https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/red3jsja/IMG_0105.PNG
IMG_0105.PNG335.36KB • image/png
3:19 PM <Hex> :|
3:19 PM <pizzacougar> There are people saying that the vaccine is better than natural immunity, which is false
3:20 PM <%DrFullham> …no
3:20 PM <pizzacougar> I have natural immunity already
3:20 PM <Tropinano> idk if it fits well or no
3:20 PM <%DrFullham> It's not
3:20 PM that's the purpose of
3:20 PM <BananaRepublic> Obviously you should do research if you’re skeptical but like the science is pretty much in that vaccines are like effective and shit
3:20 PM <%DrFullham> a vaccine
3:20 PM Natual immunity didn't save lots of people from fucking polio
3:20 PM That's why they made a vaccine.
3:20 PM <@gee0765> the last time the far left did pseudoscience was trofim lysenko in the 1950s lmao
3:20 PM <pizzacougar> Here’s the thing, the vaccine for COVID was rushed
3:20 PM <Hex> No, it wasn't. lmao
3:21 PM <pizzacougar> Vaccines normally take several years to be developed
3:21 PM <DrHart> FlameShirt oh ty
3:21 PM <%DrFullham> Yes
3:21 PM <Hex> The governmental bullshit was cut, but the actual science wasn't.
3:21 PM <%DrFullham> and people normally don't die by the thousands from one disease
3:21 PM This was not a normal situation
3:21 PM So it could not be given a normal response
3:21 PM <Hex> Bureaucracy. That's the word I was looking for.
3:22 PM <pizzacougar> Plus, in teens (including me), many develop heart issues due to the vaccine
3:22 PM <DrGolden> The vaccine production was put on turbo
3:22 PM pizzacougar: I have heard of no such side effects
3:22 PM <%DrFullham> many?
3:22 PM How many
3:22 PM <@gee0765> if many means like six in several million you're right but
3:22 PM <DrGolden> Please list your sources
3:22 PM <%DrFullham> Give me a statistic that has real research behind it or that statement is meaningless
3:23 PM <DrGolden> ^
3:23 PM <@gee0765> far more likely to get dead from covid
3:23 PM <pizzacougar> 78%, with the median age being 15.6
3:23 PM <Hex> pizzacougar: That's literally not true. You know what is giving teens heart issues? COVID.
3:23 PM <DrGolden> okay no
3:23 PM That’s a complete lie
3:23 PM There is no way 78% of teenagers get heart complications from the vaccine
3:23 PM <Tropinano> i got mine and my heart looks great
3:23 PM <DrGolden> No government EVER would put that out
3:23 PM <pizzacougar> I got COVID and had almost zero issues other than some headaches
3:23 PM <DrGolden> Tropinano same here
3:23 PM <%DrFullham> Good for you
3:24 PM <DrGolden> ^
3:24 PM <%DrFullham> Tell that to the millions dead
3:24 PM Oh wait you can't they're dead
3:24 PM <DrGolden> Also that statement has 0 sources behind it so far
3:24 PM So to me it’s just a made up statistic
3:24 PM <%DrFullham> Yup
3:25 PM <Hex> Multiple people I know have almost died, or *have* died from COVID. You know how many have gotten ill from the vaccine that I know? None.
3:25 PM <pizzacougar> Here’s the thing, COVID affects certain people differently
3:25 PM <DrGolden> And what about it
3:25 PM <&Lily> Oh my god okay so
3:26 PM That's enough antivaxx lies and shit
3:26 PM <%DrFullham> That's like saying "you can shoot anytone, some people survive it after all"
3:26 PM <pizzacougar> Lily I’m not anti-vax
3:26 PM — Hex sighs
3:26 PM <%DrFullham> You called it pseudoscience and are apreading false statistics
3:26 PM <DrGolden> You aren’t helping your case
3:27 PM <WitchOfSummer> pizzacougar "Plus, in teens (including me), many develop heart issues due to the vaccine… 78%, with the median age being 15.6"
3:27 PM <&Lily> Alright all
3:27 PM Stop backseat modding
3:27 PM <DrGolden> Ach, sorry
3:27 PM <&Lily> pizzacougar: this is a 6 month ban for intentionally spreading misinfo
3:27 PM <DrGolden> Oh wow
3:27 PM ← pizzacougar (moc.murtceps.ser.dbcj7h-PCS|resuegnuol#moc.murtceps.ser.dbcj7h-PCS|resuegnuol) was kicked by &Lily: appeal in 17 if you wish