User has been acting immaturely since they joined chat several days ago. Today, they were warned for spamming lennyfaces in chat, and several hours later, started spamming them again. A log of the second incident, and further immature and roleplay-esque behavior which led to the ban, is below. Ban is 24 hours, with assent of 3 members of chatstaff. SCP-v1j.qrn.72.107.IP
2021-07-19 20:43:31 Squirreltoons: that is it. IT IS TIME FOR ME TO UNAPOLOGETICALLY… ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2021-07-19 20:43:44 fairydoctor: B^)
2021-07-19 20:44:08 fairydoctor: 😩👏
2021-07-19 20:44:09 Tropinano: .s clown park
2021-07-19 20:44:11 DrLucis: botw is better
2021-07-19 20:44:15 Tropinano: eee yahoo!
2021-07-19 20:44:21 Squirreltoons: OwO
2021-07-19 20:44:25 RoninTortoise: botw is really good
2021-07-19 20:44:30 RoninTortoise: but I miss the classic zelda formula
2021-07-19 20:44:45 River: I just finished a playthrough of BotW where I found all 900 korok seeds, I ain't touching that again for a while lol
2021-07-19 20:44:53 BlackWing:
2021-07-19 20:44:53 RoninTortoise: YIKES
2021-07-19 20:44:55 RoninTortoise: I could never
2021-07-19 20:44:57 Tropinano: i gotta thank u again for featuring clown park fairy cus it got revived
2021-07-19 20:45:07 fairydoctor: :D
2021-07-19 20:45:09 Squirreltoons: Can i ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) one more time?
2021-07-19 20:45:17 fairydoctor: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2021-07-19 20:45:19 River: My least favorite is the one where you have to get the boulder into the little divot on the side of a hill
2021-07-19 20:45:19 Squirreltoons: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2021-07-19 20:45:36 stormfallen: Squirreltoons: weren't you literally warned earlier today about spamming
2021-07-19 20:45:48 Squirreltoons: ohi know. Im not spamming tho. Thw
2021-07-19 20:45:53 Squirreltoons: at was the last time
2021-07-19 20:46:00 stormfallen: You kinda are.
2021-07-19 20:46:14 Squirreltoons: Welp sorry. Im not any orw
2021-07-19 20:46:24 Tropinano: once i finish my little unhuman stuffs ill get back on track with bambousio
2021-07-19 20:46:32 Squirreltoons: also im eating popcorn so forgive the constant stypos
2021-07-19 20:46:36 Mooagain: .s heartwarming
2021-07-19 20:46:38 fairydoctor: Tropinano: yeeessssss
2021-07-19 20:46:45 fairydoctor: .s how to burn
2021-07-19 20:46:51 fairydoctor: gets popcorn
2021-07-19 20:47:02 RoninTortoise: 22 comments
2021-07-19 20:47:06 RoninTortoise: sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh
2021-07-19 20:47:07 Squirreltoons: **HISSS MY POPCORN
2021-07-19 20:47:07 fairydoctor: its divisive
2021-07-19 20:47:13 fairydoctor: and i LOVE IT
2021-07-19 20:47:26 fairydoctor: D: ITS MY OWN POPCORN!!! that i popped MYSELF
2021-07-19 20:47:27 DrLucis: hmm, havent seen moo for a long time
2021-07-19 20:47:36 **Squirreltoons: MINE
2021-07-19 20:47:42 fairydoctor: flips table
2021-07-19 20:47:45 Squirreltoons: **grabs popcorn and runs
2021-07-19 20:47:47 Tropinano: .s otel hat
2021-07-19 20:49:13 RoninTortoise: pops popcorn for all of 19
2021-07-19 20:49:19 **Squirreltoons: I love popped corn
2021-07-19 20:49:19 RoninTortoise: :D
2021-07-19 20:49:21 MetalRavioli: :poggers:
2021-07-19 20:49:31 Squirreltoons: POPPED CORN FOR LIFE
2021-07-19 20:49:46 Squirreltoons: Ok now i must regain my maturity
2021-07-19 20:49:54 fairydoctor: good luck in this chat
2021-07-19 20:50:13 RoninTortoise: succumb to immaturity
2021-07-19 20:50:14 Squirreltoons: Lol
2021-07-19 20:50:17 RoninTortoise: reject aging
2021-07-19 20:50:22 Squirreltoons: i cant or i will get banned
2021-07-19 20:50:25 RoninTortoise: revert back to child
2021-07-19 20:50:40 RoninTortoise: well, maybe not that far
2021-07-19 20:50:43 RoninTortoise: but revert back a few years
2021-07-19 20:50:52 DrLucis: i am the most immature person on this chat
2021-07-19 20:50:59 BlackWing: tosses the popcorn out the window
2021-07-19 20:51:01 DrLucis: and i have still not gotten banned yet
2021-07-19 20:51:03 RoninTortoise: D:
2021-07-19 20:51:18 DrLucis: tosses Squirreltoons out the window
2021-07-19 20:51:19 RoninTortoise: that's it blackwing.
2021-07-19 20:51:27 Squirreltoons: **catches popcorn and runs up tree THE PERKS OF BEING A SQUIRREL
2021-07-19 20:51:27 DrLucis: slaps blackwing around a bit with a large modoc sucker
2021-07-19 20:51:36 DrLucis: modoc sucker?
2021-07-19 20:51:38 RoninTortoise: start trainin' we got a boxing match comin' up D:<
2021-07-19 20:51:41 DrLucis: thats a new one
2021-07-19 20:51:55 BlackWing: RoninTortoise, Good luck finding me
2021-07-19 20:51:56 AyyJayy: Lucis is taking over the defenestrator job from blackwing
2021-07-19 20:52:03 RoninTortoise: D:
2021-07-19 20:52:07 River: All this black text on white background is hurting my eyes. I need a new IRC client
2021-07-19 20:52:19 BlackWing: AyyJayy, I don't do this for employment. This is but a hobby.
2021-07-19 20:52:24 MetalRavioli: black on white? ew
2021-07-19 20:52:26 AyyJayy: ah I see
2021-07-19 20:52:52 AyyJayy: ok so i may have been gone for slightly longer than an hour
2021-07-19 20:52:57 AyyJayy: sorry everyone
2021-07-19 20:53:02 AyyJayy: but im back now
2021-07-19 20:53:02 DrLucis: hmm, irccloud has dark mode
2021-07-19 20:53:23 River: White on black hurts too. I want a nice medium-light gray for the background
2021-07-19 20:53:26 AyyJayy: been gone almost a month
2021-07-19 20:53:27 **Squirreltoons: Hey i dont have a narrative. DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS FOR ONE
2021-07-19 20:53:45 AyyJayy: Squirreltoons GOC incompetence
2021-07-19 20:53:51 Squirreltoons: Wat
2021-07-19 20:54:00 Joreth: .lc
2021-07-19 20:54:05 AyyJayy: look it up
2021-07-19 20:54:15 Mars: Squirreltoons: Read a ton
2021-07-19 20:54:17 AyyJayy: a bunch of trigger-happy lunatics
2021-07-19 20:54:23 fairydoctor: Squirreltoons: what do you want to write about? i have a scip about manatees that im working on, but im using them as a tool to talk about one of my breakups
2021-07-19 20:54:32 fairydoctor: ^like the scip is a veichle
2021-07-19 20:54:38 AyyJayy: MARS
2021-07-19 20:54:39 fairydoctor: *vehicle
2021-07-19 20:54:40 AyyJayy: AAAAA
2021-07-19 20:54:56 AyyJayy: ITS BEEN A WHILE
2021-07-19 20:55:03 Mars: Me!
2021-07-19 20:55:10 AyyJayy: im very starved for human contact rn
2021-07-19 20:55:12 Squirreltoons: I need a narrative for this post. I have a character named DR. William Afton. But i have no story
2021-07-19 20:55:18 DrLucis: Mars!
2021-07-19 20:55:29 fairydoctor: Mars did you get that thing i sent you? 👀
2021-07-19 20:55:36 RoninTortoise: narrative is, simplified, all about conflict
2021-07-19 20:56:06 Tropinano: create characters youd love to read about
2021-07-19 20:56:11 Squirreltoons: And no this is not the William Afton from fnaf
2021-07-19 20:56:15 DrLucis: no narrative is all about narrative
2021-07-19 20:56:19 RoninTortoise: conflict is driven by characters
2021-07-19 20:56:21 Tropinano: like, where is the substance?
2021-07-19 20:56:22 DrLucis: but in all seriousness
2021-07-19 20:56:29 DrLucis: narrative is ants
2021-07-19 20:56:33 DrLucis: attactment
2021-07-19 20:56:38 DrLucis: novelty
2021-07-19 20:56:40 DrLucis: tension
2021-07-19 20:56:44 BlackWing:
2021-07-19 20:56:46 DrLucis: satifsfaction
2021-07-19 20:56:53 BlackWing: Antici-
2021-07-19 20:56:57 RoninTortoise: LOL
2021-07-19 20:57:07 BlackWing: -pation
2021-07-19 20:57:09 Squirreltoons: Yes i get it lucis but i need to overcome this writer’s block!
2021-07-19 20:57:18 Raddagher: .l
2021-07-19 20:57:24 Mars: fairydoctor: What thing?
2021-07-19 20:57:25 BlackWing: Squirreltoons, Animal-theme team of super heroes
2021-07-19 20:57:30 Tropinano: i havent drawn all day today 😔
2021-07-19 20:57:35 fairydoctor: <- Mars
2021-07-19 20:57:36 Squirreltoons: Blackwing wat
2021-07-19 20:57:36 BlackWing: But lesser portrayed animals
2021-07-19 20:57:41 fairydoctor: the second page towards the end
2021-07-19 20:57:41 BlackWing: Giving you ideas
2021-07-19 20:57:42 MetalRavioli: Like squirrel girl except not marvel
2021-07-19 20:57:45 fairydoctor: are kitchen pics you might like
2021-07-19 20:57:54 MetalRavioli: Like "Lumpfish man"
2021-07-19 20:58:07 Mars: fairydoctor: Ooh that shit is fire
2021-07-19 20:58:08 BlackWing: MetalRavioli, No, like squirrel girl but not a godsdamned overused meme
2021-07-19 20:58:12 Tropinano: i designed this lovely lady last night, shes full of heart
2021-07-19 20:58:12 fairydoctor: :D
2021-07-19 20:58:21 Squirreltoons: So you mean like something goes wrong at a foundation site, and they need to use scp-xxxx to fix it?
2021-07-19 20:58:24 MetalRavioli: BlackWing exactly
2021-07-19 20:58:34 fairydoctor: Mars the one super creepy one with "CAUTION" and then the giant ass drain, they legit call it "The Pit"
2021-07-19 20:58:38 MetalRavioli: Squirreltoons that could be interesting
2021-07-19 20:58:49 Squirreltoons: OMG I OVERCAME THE BLOCK
2021-07-19 20:59:04 BlackWing: You only think you did
2021-07-19 20:59:08 Squirreltoons: Oof
2021-07-19 20:59:12 River: The block is eternal
2021-07-19 20:59:15 BlackWing: You can't truly overcome till you either quit or actually start writing.
2021-07-19 20:59:18 River: The block is omnipresent
2021-07-19 20:59:27 MetalRavioli: Until it comes back next time you try to write an SCP
2021-07-19 20:59:34 River: The block is truth.
2021-07-19 20:59:39 Squirreltoons: yeah i have to plan what site it is, what is going wrong, and what they do to stop it
2021-07-19 20:59:46 Mars: Holy shit
2021-07-19 20:59:51 BlackWing: So, the true question is: Are you gonna give up like someone on their diet at a buffet, or are you gonna write
2021-07-19 20:59:54 Mars: fairydoctor: Thank you for this
2021-07-19 21:00:01 Squirreltoons: IM GONNA WRITE
2021-07-19 21:00:12 Squirreltoons: THE WRITE WAY
2021-07-19 21:00:22 RoninTortoise: every way is the write way
2021-07-19 21:00:22 Mars: Squirreltoons: good luck
2021-07-19 21:00:29 BlackWing: tosses RoninTortoise out the window
2021-07-19 21:00:33 RoninTortoise: D:
2021-07-19 21:00:41 fairydoctor: Mars <3
2021-07-19 21:00:47 RoninTortoise: dies
2021-07-19 21:00:50 Squirreltoons: **slaps Blackwing to the moon
2021-07-19 21:01:05 BlackWing: crashes back in through the skylight
2021-07-19 21:01:08 **Squirreltoons: STOP TOSSING POPLE OUTA WINDOWS
2021-07-19 21:01:08 BlackWing: Moon's haunted
2021-07-19 21:01:22 RoninTortoise: comes back as a ghost
2021-07-19 21:01:32 Squirreltoons: **throws Blackwing to the sun
2021-07-19 21:01:44 BlackWing: crashes back in through the skylight
2021-07-19 21:01:47 BlackWing: Sun's haunted
2021-07-19 21:02:08 **Squirreltoons: **throws Blackwing into Scp-094
2021-07-19 21:02:19 BlackWing: SCP-094
2021-07-19 21:02:43 RoninTortoise: titles were very literal back then
2021-07-19 21:02:52 BlackWing: Straight and to the point
2021-07-19 21:02:58 **Squirreltoons: Definitely
2021-07-19 21:03:01 fairydoctor: sweeps up the glass while cussing about BlackWing's shenangians
2021-07-19 21:03:18 Squirreltoons: HALT YOU CANNOT LEGALLY CUSS HERE
2021-07-19 21:03:20 fairydoctor: i strive for that tbh
2021-07-19 21:03:32 fairydoctor: i will cuss if i he*ckin want to!
2021-07-19 21:03:32 Squirreltoons: YOU NEED A PERMIT FOR THAT
2021-07-19 21:03:35 BlackWing: Fookin' wot
2021-07-19 21:03:37 River: .ch make mac and cheese (not ice cream), don't
2021-07-19 21:03:39 fairydoctor: shows my permit
2021-07-19 21:03:48 fairydoctor: take that you mudder fr*icker
2021-07-19 21:03:49 BlackWing: tosses the permit out the window
2021-07-19 21:03:55 fairydoctor: D:
2021-07-19 21:03:58 Squirreltoons: **rips permit NOONE SHALL CUSS HERE PERMIT OR NOT
2021-07-19 21:04:10 fairydoctor: >;'(
2021-07-19 21:04:19 RoninTortoise: fu
2021-07-19 21:04:19 RoninTortoise: dge
2021-07-19 21:04:32 MetalRavioli: If I want to swear in the scp chat I will swear in the scp chat
2021-07-19 21:04:44 **Squirreltoons: **slaps Ronintortoise so hard, they fly out of the universe
2021-07-19 21:04:47 RoninTortoise: yeah I will say whatever the frickity frac-
2021-07-19 21:04:54 fairydoctor: whispers "heck"
2021-07-19 21:04:56 Mars: Hey y'all
2021-07-19 21:05:00 fairydoctor: hey
2021-07-19 21:05:01 Mars: check out my new tale pls
2021-07-19 21:05:05 Mars: .s burger king
2021-07-19 21:05:07 Mars: .sm 1
2021-07-19 21:05:07 **Squirreltoons: **obliterates earth
2021-07-19 21:05:13 RoninTortoise: AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃ
2021-07-19 21:05:16 Mars: Consider reading and donating a +1
2021-07-19 21:05:19 River: Squirreltoons: oh thank god, no work tomorrow
2021-07-19 21:05:28 fairydoctor: Burger King is an immediate +1 from me and should also be a +1 for you too
2021-07-19 21:05:32 BlackWing: Sorry, River, you're needed tomorrow
2021-07-19 21:05:35 MetalRavioli: Oh we're plugging?
2021-07-19 21:05:38 River: I know ;_;
2021-07-19 21:05:41 MetalRavioli: SCP-6773
2021-07-19 21:05:46 MetalRavioli: First article
2021-07-19 21:05:50 River: We're so understaffed it's hell
2021-07-19 21:05:51 MetalRavioli: read or perish
2021-07-19 21:05:59 **Squirreltoons: **obliterates SCP Foundation NOT ANYMORE 😆
2021-07-19 21:06:02 BlackWing: fairydoctor, Go to Burger King and get their "impossible" whopper, then add bacon to it
2021-07-19 21:06:38 **Squirreltoons: **summons dr phil NOW WE SHALL BE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT
2021-07-19 21:07:02 River: I used to like Burger King. Then they changed their fries and now they suck. But they make good shakes
2021-07-19 21:07:05 fairydoctor: BlackWing: do you wanna put me outta work for a day? because me eating pork is how you get me outta work for a day
2021-07-19 21:07:16 BlackWing: Your body sucks
2021-07-19 21:07:20 River: Yeah, I know
2021-07-19 21:07:27 River: It's cause I eat so much fast food :)
2021-07-19 21:07:29 BlackWing: No, fairydoctor's
2021-07-19 21:07:31 River: Oh
2021-07-19 21:07:48 **Squirreltoons: Lowkey roasted yourself river
2021-07-19 21:07:57 BlackWing: Their fries are ok, it's them getting rid of their chicken tenders that bugs me
2021-07-19 21:08:00 Mars: They don't make shakes anymore in that there tale ;)
2021-07-19 21:08:07 fairydoctor: BlackWing: i know thank you :)
2021-07-19 21:08:12 Squirreltoons: I love burger king but mc nuggies are best
2021-07-19 21:08:17 BlackWing: But a pack of 10 for $1-something is a godsend
2021-07-19 21:08:20 RoninTortoise: what I wanna know is why every burger on this planet has to have mayo
2021-07-19 21:08:20 River: I haven't even *seen* a BK around in years so idk what they do and don't do anymore
2021-07-19 21:08:23 fairydoctor: River 😂
2021-07-19 21:08:27 River: I just love my McD's
2021-07-19 21:08:28 RoninTortoise: every single restaurant and fast food place spams mayo on everything
2021-07-19 21:08:35 CuteGirl: In Ireland we hate the monarchy so they’re burger Taoiseach
2021-07-19 21:08:38 RoninTortoise: like bruh the egg sauce just ain't it fam
2021-07-19 21:08:40 CuteGirl: Tropinano can confirm
2021-07-19 21:08:43 BlackWing: RoninTortoise, Only notice mayo on burgers at Jack in the Box
2021-07-19 21:08:47 MetalRavioli: Mars you get my doot
2021-07-19 21:08:57 Squirreltoons: I am not afraid of a zk class scenario. I am afraid of when day breaks
2021-07-19 21:09:08 BlackWing: Never seen mayo on the Double Quarter Pounder
2021-07-19 21:09:30 fairydoctor: CuteGirl: WOW
2021-07-19 21:09:48 RoninTortoise: it's got mayo
2021-07-19 21:09:55 RoninTortoise: maybe not noticeable with two patties
2021-07-19 21:09:55 BlackWing: It does?
2021-07-19 21:09:58 RoninTortoise: yeah
2021-07-19 21:10:04 RoninTortoise: I get quarter pounder blt and that's got mayo
2021-07-19 21:10:10 RoninTortoise: unless they make that abitrary distinction
2021-07-19 21:10:18 BlackWing: I only ever get it with bacon
2021-07-19 21:10:27 Squirreltoons: Guys what would you do in the case of WDB happening?
2021-07-19 21:10:34 BlackWing: A what
2021-07-19 21:10:50 Joreth: scp-6622
2021-07-19 21:11:10 stormfallen: Squirreltoons: you have been constantly disruptive and immature all day, including ignoring an operator warning. You are being banned for 24 hours, and this ban extends to #thecritters. You may appeal in #site17.
2021-07-19 21:11:15 stormfallen: stormfallen has banned :*!*@SCP-v1j.qrn.72.107.IP