SCP-682 came in, spammed, banned TyGently for it.
[21:43:31] SCP-682 (PI.41AE22AE.351D3D97.9E3D97F5|tibbiM#PI.41AE22AE.351D3D97.9E3D97F5|tibbiM) joined the channel.
[21:43:32] <madness> Aleph: I'll steal that if u don't join the voice server
[21:43:32] <thespookyax> Athena_Grey: 7 seconds too much, you're fired
[21:43:37] <Aleph> Meh he is dead
[21:43:38] <SCP-682> I'm not saying that just make me sick as useless human
[21:43:39] <SCP-682> I'm not saying that just make me sick as useless human
[21:43:40] <SCP-682> I'm not saying that just make me sick as useless human
[21:43:41] <SCP-682> I'm not saying that just make me sick as useless human
[21:43:43] <SCP-682> I'm not saying that just make me sick as useless human
[21:43:44] <SCP-682> I'm not saying that just make me sick as useless human
[21:43:45] <SCP-682> I'm not saying that just make me sick as useless human
[21:43:45] <SCP-682> I'm not saying that just make me sick as useless human
[21:43:48] <madness> b&
[21:43:48] <William_See> mods?
[21:43:51] <William_See> please ty
[21:43:52] TyGently kicked SCP-682 from the channel. (Spam)
[21:43:57] <Heartful> uh
[21:43:59] <Heartful> that happened
[21:44:02] <madness__> Aww
[21:44:02] <%Athena_Grey> that was
[21:44:03] <@Waxx> ban him next time if he does it again
[21:44:04] <Kestin> That sentence doesn't even make sense
[21:44:04] Horrible (~h.tsohv|si#h.tsohv|si) left IRC. (Broken pipe)
[21:44:06] <William_See> Told you he knew what was happening
[21:44:09] <%TyGently> The best part
[21:44:10] <%Athena_Grey> the most uninspired bit of spam ever
[21:44:13] <Aleph> Remember he died by drunken driving
[21:44:13] SCP-682 (PI.41AE22AE.351D3D97.9E3D97F5|tibbiM#PI.41AE22AE.351D3D97.9E3D97F5|tibbiM) joined the channel.
[21:44:14] <%TyGently> is that William_See pinged me just as I did it
[21:44:19] <JackIke> Round 3
[21:44:20] <Kestin> Has he even bee so far aso to something something look more like?
[21:44:21] <%TyGently> SCP-682: Why did you do that?
[21:44:21] <thespookyax> Heartful: yes it did
[21:44:23] Bouncl sets mode +b *!moc.duolccri.notlrahc.4A0081A9-CRInys|18519diu#moc.duolccri.notlrahc.4A0081A9-CRInys|18519diu
[21:44:23] Bouncl kicked TyGently from the channel. (Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.)
[21:44:24] <thespookyax> Kestin: no
[21:44:25] <William_See> TyGently: sowwy
[21:44:31] <@Waxx> thanks imants
[21:44:32] <President> There
[21:44:33] <@Bouncl> np
[21:44:39] <William_See> Errr.
[21:44:42] <JackIke> gg
[21:44:52] <LadyKatie> … did they really think that was okay?
[21:45:00] <William_See> why was ty banned?
[21:45:04] <William_See> Oh
[21:45:07] <@Waxx> omg
[21:45:08] <@Waxx> hahaha
[21:45:09] <William_See> kicked*
[21:45:12] <@Bouncl> WHOOPS
[21:45:14] <@Waxx> bouncl we've made a terrible mistake
[21:45:14] <JackIke> Wrong guy
[21:45:16] <TwistedGears> wow
[21:45:17] <@Bouncl> FUCK
[21:45:17] <William_See> Bouncl: jesus christ
[21:45:20] <thespookyax> srsly
[21:45:21] <TwistedGears> well fucking done, Bouncl
[21:45:23] <thespookyax> 0/19
[21:45:24] <thespookyax> *0/10
[21:45:25] Waxx sets mode +b *!*@5F79D3E9.79D3D153.EA22EA14.IP
[21:45:26] <President> /newnick Mal
[21:45:26] <JackIke> 682 still here
[21:45:27] GhostcyonGhostor sets mode -b *!moc.duolccri.notlrahc.4A0081A9-CRInys|18519diu#moc.duolccri.notlrahc.4A0081A9-CRInys|18519diu
[21:45:30] Waxx kicked SCP-682 from the channel. (what bouncl said)
12:38 * SCP-682 joined #site19
12:38 JackIke Urp
12:38 MacAFK Of course, a Shoggoth is still a better candidate than Trump
12:38 William_See I say we hand over the reigns to Odon
12:38 Aleph Smarter than the guys we got
12:38 Athena_Grey SCP-682 please change your nick
12:39 Mal Is he though
12:39 Aleph He already havd it William
12:39 Athena_Grey we don't exactly allow nicks with "SCP-[number]" here
12:39 Aleph He is it
12:39 thespookyax we should let the blind idiot by faminepulse be president
12:39 thespookyax .sea blind idiot
12:39 Alexandra thespookyax: The Blind Idiot(SCP-2682, Rating:327) -
12:39 William_See ^
12:39 thespookyax raspberries for 2020
12:39 Athena_Grey SCP-682: use the "/nick New_Nick" command - no quotemarks, of course
12:39 William_See William for VP 202020
12:40 * Mal is now known as Cthulu
12:40 Cthulu Yessss
12:40 Athena_Grey ^^ like so
12:40 SCP-682 human disgust me - me dan asco los humanos
12:40 Cthulu Bow down to President Cthulu
12:40 William_See Oh boy.
12:40 Athena_Grey SCP-682 and no roleplaying
12:40 Athena_Grey also this is an English language chatroom
12:40 William_See chances are they know what they're doing
12:40 Aleph I won't bow to any president
12:40 William_See just sayin
12:40 Cthulu BOW
12:40 Waxx SCP-682, this isn't a roleplaying room
12:40 Waxx get a new name and come back
12:41 madness__ aleph that's because you're not a real murican
12:41 GhostcyonGhostor y solo ingles, por favor
12:41 Waxx Cthulu that goes for you too
12:41 Cthulu THIS is a chat room for civilified human beings
12:41 William_See madness__ you ain't murican D:
12:41 madness__ Mire my muricanness
12:41 Athena_Grey SCP-682 you have 5 seconds to change your nick, or else we will have to remove you
12:41 * Ghostey joined #site19
12:41 William_See Ill steep in the mire
12:42 thespookyax Aleph: bow to lord president rassilon
12:42 Aleph Nevur!
12:42 William_See ahem.
12:42 SCP-682 I'm not saying that just make me sick as useless human
12:42 madness__ Join the voice chat
12:42 * Cthulu is now known as President
12:42 William_See Aaaand…
12:42 * SCP-682 was kicked by Athena_Grey (Athena_Grey)
12:42 JackIke gohn
12:42 Cybergirl so is this an accurate depiction of foundation activities?
12:42 Athena_Grey that was about 12 seconds in total, actually
12:42 President *price is right fail noise*
12:42 William_See Athena_Grey: you failed
12:42 William_See :C
12:43 * HERIC quit (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
12:43 Aleph You can steal my right to live a non insane life, but you won't steal my freedom
12:43 William_See Now he's goin to come back and kill us all
12:43 »> SCP-682 was PI.41AE22AE.351D3D97.9E3D97F5|tibbiM#PI.41AE22AE.351D3D97.9E3D97F5|tibbiM
12:43 *** SCP-682 joined #site19
12:43 madness__ Aleph: I'll steal that if u don't join the voice server