nick2quick popped in a few days ago and the following transpired:
[16:32:44] -> Joins: nick2quick (ten.enilnotpo.nyd.jq9tar-PCS|egnuoleht#ten.enilnotpo.nyd.jq9tar-PCS|egnuoleht)
[16:33:08] <nick2quick> hello?
[16:35:10] <Hex> nick2quick: Do you have a question for staff?
[16:35:14] <nick2quick> yes
[16:35:18] <Hex> What's up?
[16:36:11] <nick2quick> i sent out an application yesterday with the appropriate details (the passcode and age). I was just wondering why I got declined?
[16:36:40] <Hex> nick2quick: Can you PM me the contents of your application?
User then moved to PM with Hex, where the following transpired: (transcribed from screenshot)
<nick2quick> hi
<nick2quick> so the passcode is [Passcode removed]. and I am 21
<Hex> Did you include "so the passcode is" in the actual application?
<nick2quick> Yes
<nick2quick> i did passcode;
<Hex> Don't do that just put: [passcode] [age]. Nothing else.
<nick2quick> i deleted the application on wikidot cause I was just gonna reapply but I decided to ask why I got declined first
<nick2quick> ok
<nick2quick> so this would work
<nick2quick> [passcode removed]. 21
<Hex> Yes.
<nick2quick> love you [Kissy face emoji]
<nick2quick> say it back [Angry face emoji]
<Hex> That wouldn't be appropriate.
<nick2quick> i wont tell [Sad face emoji]
<Hex> Yeah, no.
<nick2quick> [Frowny face emoji]
<nick2quick> fine just say um thank you come again
<Hex You're welcome.
<nick2quick> ill take it
User was pre-emptively site banned for the above interaction, though it wasn't logged due to the high volume of other things going on at the time. User popped in today to ask about their difficulties in joining the site and the following transpired.
[16:45:41] -> Joins: nick2quick (ten.enilnotpo.nyd.jq9tar-PCS|egnuoleht#ten.enilnotpo.nyd.jq9tar-PCS|egnuoleht)
[16:46:12] <nick2quick> i dont think im banned anymore 😃
[16:47:27] <nick2quick> so back to my original issue/
[16:47:30] <nick2quick> ?
[16:47:41] <nick2quick> why was my application declined
[16:48:35] <Kufat> Because of your inappropriate behavior.
[16:48:50] <nick2quick> so can i try again
[16:48:59] <nick2quick> im sorry
[16:50:21] <Kufat> Staff is aware that you want to appeal, but I don't have the authority to hear your appeal.
[16:50:32] <nick2quick> my appeal for what
[16:50:38] <nick2quick> i dont think im banned anymore
[16:51:04] <nick2quick> i was just wondering if i can put in another application or do i have to wait
[16:51:42] <taylor_itkin> is this a disc thing
[16:51:51] <Kufat> taylor_itkin, yes
[16:51:57] <taylor_itkin> Kufat:
[16:52:02] <nick2quick> a what thing
[16:52:04] <Kufat> however there hasn't been a thread yet
[16:52:04] <taylor_itkin> alright
[16:52:22] <taylor_itkin> nick2quick: I'm on sabbatical so I cannot give you an answer, however I am on disc, and I can hear your appeal and pass it on to the rest of thee disciplinary team.
[16:52:58] <nick2quick> whats disc
[16:53:02] <nick2quick> discord?
[16:54:01] <Kufat> the Disciplinary Committee, a staff team tht handles disruptive behavior and rule violations
[16:54:06] <nick2quick> and again, im not looking for an appeal. I am pretty sure I am not banned anymore
[16:54:30] <nick2quick> i am just wondering if i can put in another application or do i have to wait
[16:55:29] <taylor_itkin> I believe you are banned for your behavior
[16:58:19] <MalyceGraves> nick2quick: Hey, I'm going to be taking over for Taylor.
[16:58:34] <MalyceGraves> I'm looking into your situation, just a moment
[16:58:57] <nick2quick> I DONT THINK IM BANNED ANYMORE
[16:59:33] <stormfallen> No need to shout
[16:59:42] <nick2quick> ITS STUCK
[17:00:04] <nick2quick> got it
[17:00:48] <nick2quick> hi graves
[17:00:53] <MalyceGraves> nick2quick: Does it still say "private content" when you go to join?
[17:01:00] <nick2quick> maybe
[17:01:23] <MalyceGraves> Well, it either is or it isn't. The specifics of my assistance will change depending on whether it is or not
[17:01:38] <nick2quick> it is 😞
[17:02:33] <MalyceGraves> All right, then you are still banned.
[17:02:42] <nick2quick> ok
[17:02:58] <nick2quick> so for how long
[17:03:24] <nick2quick> cause i dont think theres any chance of a successful appeal
[17:04:10] <MalyceGraves> The discussion of length hadn't come up yet, so now is the perfect chance for you to tell me why you shouldn't be banned.
[17:04:34] <MalyceGraves> You were banned for inappropriate behavior. Are you aware of the context of this ban?
[17:06:24] <nick2quick> i shouldnt be banned because i was joking when i said it and when the person in question said it that is inappropriate i said "can you say thank you come again" I dont believe I was harassing the person because once they said "no" I didnt keep going with the joke
[17:09:30] <MalyceGraves> All right. Do you understand why what you said was inappropriate?
[17:09:39] <nick2quick> yes
[17:11:07] <MalyceGraves> Is this the extent of your appeal?
[17:11:41] <nick2quick> i mean what else can i do
[17:12:07] <nick2quick> i explained why i shouldnt be banned and said sorry
[17:13:10] <nick2quick> i acknowledged that it was inappropriate and i would say sorry to the person but they requested that i dont message them so
[17:13:40] <MalyceGraves> That's fine. I just wanted to make sure I got everything you wanted to say on the matter.
[17:13:53] <nick2quick> so now what
[17:13:55] <MalyceGraves> There is no one true way to go about appealing a decision.
[17:14:24] <MalyceGraves> I'll take your appeal to the rest of the Disc team and we'll discuss it. Someone will send you a wikidot PM about that discussion as soon as it's concluded.
[17:14:47] <nick2quick> when can i expect that
[17:15:08] <MalyceGraves> Probably a day or two.
[17:15:20] <nick2quick> pain.
[17:15:25] <nick2quick> ok
[17:15:40] <MalyceGraves> Patience. You are still welcome to read the content on the site.
[17:16:00] <MalyceGraves> I suggest you familiarize yourself with our site rules as well as the guide for newbies
[17:16:03] <MalyceGraves> .s site rules
[17:16:03] <Secretary_Helen> MalyceGraves: Site Rules (Rating: +58. Written 12 years ago By: staff) -
[17:16:07] <MalyceGraves> .s guide for new
[17:16:07] <Secretary_Helen> MalyceGraves: Guide for Newbies (Rating: +63. Written 12 years ago By: drclef rewritten on: 2018-08-22 by staff) -
[17:16:22] <nick2quick> ive read them like 3 times
[17:16:35] <nick2quick> i missed the passcode twicw
[17:16:38] <nick2quick> twice
[17:16:48] <nick2quick> third time was the charm
[17:17:28] <MalyceGraves> It happens. As I said, you are also welcome to read the actual content on the site. It's an integral part of everything we do around here. If you wish to contribute, reading the content is essential to helping you craft a compelling narrative.
[17:18:12] <nick2quick> im gonna start once i can upvote cause im gonna go in order from series 1 scp 0001 to whatever is the most recent
[17:18:26] <nick2quick> 001
[17:18:42] <nick2quick> or downvote
[17:19:08] <MalyceGraves> Might I suggest an aleternative? That's not nearly as easy as it sounds.
[17:19:14] <MalyceGraves> I suggest starting with the canons
[17:19:21] <MalyceGraves> .s canon hub
[17:19:23] <Secretary_Helen> MalyceGraves: Did you mean : 1) Canon Hub, 2) The Gulf Canon Hub, ?
[17:19:28] <MalyceGraves> .sm 1
[17:19:29] <Secretary_Helen> MalyceGraves: Canon Hub (Rating: +61. Written 8 years ago By: TroyL) -
[17:19:36] <MalyceGraves> Find something that looks interesting to you and read everything linked from that canon's hub
[17:19:38] <nick2quick> why did you try ti
[17:19:40] <nick2quick> it
[17:19:41] <MalyceGraves> I did.
[17:19:46] <nick2quick> and?
[17:20:04] <MalyceGraves> I got to about 900 before I realized that there were far better ways of reading the site's content
[17:20:30] <MalyceGraves> There is no canon, so there is rarely a cohesive narrative thread through the numbers, if you read them in order
[17:20:55] <nick2quick> OH YOU CAN CLICK ON THE CANONS TITLE
[17:21:03] <nick2quick> im stupid
[17:21:36] <MalyceGraves> Is there anything else I can assist you with?
[17:21:56] <nick2quick> ill wait to explore the site once i can join the site (i hope)
[17:22:01] <nick2quick> no
[17:22:18] <nick2quick> actually
[17:22:21] <nick2quick> 1 thing
[17:22:39] <MalyceGraves> Go ahead
[17:22:47] <nick2quick> whats the worse punishment i can get
[17:23:12] <MalyceGraves> In this context?
[17:23:16] <nick2quick> yes
[17:23:45] <nick2quick> i just wanna mentally prepare myself
[17:24:20] <MalyceGraves> You're already banned, so the possible outcomes from here are "Ban removed", "Ban affirmed for X duration", or "Ban affirmed, permanently."
[17:24:40] <nick2quick> whats the chances i get banned permanently
[17:24:46] <nick2quick> cause thats not good
[17:25:21] <MalyceGraves> I can't really comment on that. I'm not the only person that will be discussing this.
[17:25:40] <nick2quick> whats the usual outcome
[17:25:47] <MalyceGraves> If I had to guess, probably not very likely.
[17:26:08] <nick2quick> whats the usual outcome
[17:27:15] <MalyceGraves> For this type of instance? It doesn't happen often.
[17:27:19] <MalyceGraves> I do have a question for you, tho
[17:27:33] <nick2quick> yes
[17:27:45] <MalyceGraves> How old are you, friend?
[17:27:51] <nick2quick> um
[17:28:08] <nick2quick> i dont like how you said friend
[17:28:16] <nick2quick> that was very passive aggressive
[17:28:32] <DrBleep> Malyce is trying to be nicer. Please answer the question.
[17:28:52] <nick2quick> 16 ☹ï¸
[17:28:59] <MalyceGraves> It was meant as a non-gendered way of referencing someone I'm having a conversation with. It is meant to be entirely neutral.
[17:29:01] <nick2quick> ill be honest
[17:30:14] <nick2quick> no one is typing
[17:30:21] <nick2quick> did i say the wrong thing
[17:30:25] <MalyceGraves> All right, is there anything else I can assist with?
[17:30:42] <nick2quick> wait you cant do that
[17:30:51] <nick2quick> why did you ask
[17:31:04] <MalyceGraves> Because you told us before that you were 21 and I didn't believe you.
[17:31:21] <nick2quick> TRUTH TIME
[17:31:52] <MalyceGraves> Was 16 also a lie?
[17:32:35] <nick2quick> i said i was 21 becuase it was my birthday july 6 (the truth) and i was 15 and i saw that you had to be like may 4 2005 or something and im july and im like thats only 3 months dont wanna risk it
[17:32:42] <nick2quick> so i just put 21 to be safe
[17:32:46] <nick2quick> but no im 16
[17:33:03] <MalyceGraves> Ah. I see.
[17:33:30] <nick2quick> me lying doesnt help my case does it
[17:33:52] <MalyceGraves> Well, unfortunately, your birthdate falls before our cutoff. You had to be 16 by May 8, 2021 and you were not.
[17:34:06] <MalyceGraves> So you will be banned until you turn 18 as per our site rules.
[17:34:10] <nick2quick> but hold on
[17:34:19] <nick2quick> that makes no sense
[17:34:21] <MalyceGraves> Now I am afraid I have to ask you to leave, because you are also too young to be here
[17:34:31] <nick2quick> how is a 16 old allowed but im not
[17:34:48] <nick2quick> may 2005 is 16
[17:34:55] <nick2quick> july 2005 is 16
[17:34:58] <MalyceGraves> Because you weren't 16 at the time of the cutoff. You just told me you turned 16 on July 6
[17:35:50] <MalyceGraves> Now, please leave.
[17:36:03] <nick2quick> so a person who is 16 is different than a person who is ALSO 16 just born late
[17:36:25] <nick2quick> im just trying to understand this
[17:37:20] <Kufat> You were born after our cutoff date and will not be allowed to be a member until you're 18, setting aside for the moment your ban for your prior behavior.
[17:37:22] <stormfallen> Our age limit was changed a few years ago from 15 to 18, and the way it's set up is so that users who were between those ages when the rules changed didn't need to be banned.
[17:38:15] *** nick2quick was kicked by MalyceGraves (I asked politely, now I'm telling you directly. )
User has been chat banned for 2 years.