On June 20th, this happened, resulting in a kick and warning:
2021-06-20 21:49:40 drbrooks: hello guys
2021-06-20 21:49:47 BlackWing: Dumbledor!
2021-06-20 21:49:53 drbrooks: i just woke up from a 7 hour nap
2021-06-20 21:49:58 Ecronak: Snape Snape, Severus Snape
2021-06-20 21:50:28 ManyMeats: 7 hours is not a nap
2021-06-20 21:50:39 drbrooks: maybe not
2021-06-20 21:50:46 ManyMeats: naps cap out at 90 minutes, per international agreement
2021-06-20 21:50:47 drbrooks: but i feel a little better
2021-06-20 21:51:06 ManyMeats: "a snooze" can go as long as 4 hours
2021-06-20 21:51:12 ManyMeats: anything more than that is being asleep
2021-06-20 21:51:22 ManyMeats: or going to bed
2021-06-20 21:51:41 drbrooks: i wasnt able to sleep last night cuz im sick, but i took some nyquil severe when i got home from my road trip and i knocked out
2021-06-20 21:52:10 BoogeyMobile23: That "a snooze" is longer than "a nap" feels unintuitive
2021-06-20 21:52:11 LizardWizard: oh hey the ticking noise stopped
2021-06-20 21:53:01 drbrooks: bro i think that was ur pace maker
2021-06-20 21:53:09 LizardWizard: you mean my heart?
2021-06-20 21:53:24 drbrooks: well yes/no
2021-06-20 21:53:29 LizardWizard: what is a heart but a pacemaker unworthy of Mekhane
2021-06-20 21:53:39 drbrooks: oh lmao
2021-06-20 21:53:44 drbrooks: then sure
2021-06-20 21:53:46 LizardWizard: lol
2021-06-20 21:54:29 LizardWizard: honestly human bodies are pretty impressive pieces of machinery
2021-06-20 21:54:53 drbrooks: impressive, but squishy
2021-06-20 21:55:04 LizardWizard: Squishy is useful for impact
2021-06-20 21:55:08 Alyx1: Trying to do research for my SCP, are there any SCPs that involve cockroaches or similar insects?
2021-06-20 21:55:17 LizardWizard: There are several insect SCPs
2021-06-20 21:55:37 LizardWizard: SCP-3035
2021-06-20 21:55:45 drbrooks: the first one off the top of my head is SCP-3004
2021-06-20 21:55:48 BoogeyMobile23: Yea, mekhanists replacing real hearts with fancy pumps are losing out
2021-06-20 21:55:51 LizardWizard: i had an idea for a joke scp
2021-06-20 21:56:09 LizardWizard: a bad idea
2021-06-20 21:56:18 LizardWizard: the Haunted Mansion at Disney World
2021-06-20 21:56:26 LizardWizard: (3 guesses as to where I thought of it)
2021-06-20 21:56:29 drbrooks: idk, honestly, id rather be a cyborg
2021-06-20 21:56:34 Alyx1: thanks LizardWizard
2021-06-20 21:56:41 LizardWizard: Not an anomaly, just an MTF team thinking it was a real haunted house
2021-06-20 21:56:44 LizardWizard: No problme
2021-06-20 21:56:55 drbrooks: then i could have a detachable schlong
2021-06-20 21:56:57 LizardWizard: drbrooks just wear glasses to become a cyborg
2021-06-20 21:57:08 LizardWizard: Why would you want a detachable
2021-06-20 21:57:17 LizardWizard: I ok
2021-06-20 21:57:34 BlackWing: There's a song about it
2021-06-20 21:57:38 BoogeyMobile23: Lol, i recall a song about that back in the 90s
2021-06-20 21:57:42 drbrooks: well i could make it longer or shorter for any situation
2021-06-20 21:57:44 BlackWing: .y Detachable Penis
2021-06-20 21:57:50 BoogeyMobile23: Ayy
2021-06-20 21:57:53 benddy: it would make wearing tight pants easier
2021-06-20 21:58:03 BlackWing: The song covers why one would want it
2021-06-20 21:58:04 drbrooks: you know whiplash from iron man 2?
2021-06-20 21:58:10 GaySpiderQueen: IRON MAN 2
2021-06-20 21:58:13 drbrooks: thats me but with my penis
2021-06-20 21:58:32 BlackWing: :|
2021-06-20 21:58:42 BlackWing: Ok, now you've gone and made it weird.
2021-06-20 21:58:44 LizardWizard: Wait you can't change your length at will?
2021-06-20 21:58:44 drbrooks: i could electrify it
2021-06-20 21:58:55 thewalkindude: ops
And then today (the 26th), this happens:
2021-06-26 19:15:54 drbrooks: hey guys
2021-06-26 19:15:57 BlueJones: .au
2021-06-26 19:16:01 Tuk6: hey
2021-06-26 19:16:04 drbrooks: i got blue hair now
2021-06-26 19:16:16 drbrooks: first time dying my hair
2021-06-26 19:16:23 Tuk6: cool
2021-06-26 19:16:29 Tuk6: what kind of blue?
2021-06-26 19:16:35 drbrooks: very dark blue
2021-06-26 19:16:51 Tuk6: like sapphire blue?
2021-06-26 19:17:22 drbrooks: yeah
2021-06-26 19:17:40 drbrooks: my whole head isnt blue, but its streaks of blue
2021-06-26 19:18:01 drbrooks: i have natural dark brown hair, so i had the blue be rly dark
2021-06-26 19:18:11 shaggydredlocks: scp-5439
2021-06-26 19:18:25 shaggydredlocks: hot new scp!!!
2021-06-26 19:19:03 shaggydredlocks: it has scary monsters, red herrings, and a wild twist!
2021-06-26 19:19:07 RoninTortoise: meet hot new scps in your area! sign up now no credit card!
2021-06-26 19:19:35 drbrooks: /asks for credit card anyways//
2021-06-26 19:20:13 RoninTortoise: *picture of 173 in a maid outfit*
2021-06-26 19:20:35 drbrooks: wait no
2021-06-26 19:21:28 shaggydredlocks: 106 in lingerie
2021-06-26 19:21:31 drbrooks: "UwU peanut-kun, your bulbous head is making my [REDACTED] super [EXPUNGED]"
2021-06-26 19:21:54 shaggydredlocks: dr spanko operating a phone sex line
2021-06-26 19:24:28 stormfallen: Reminder that there are minors here
2021-06-26 19:26:04 Joreth: .au
2021-06-26 19:27:06 Mars: It cost neither of you anything to send this
2021-06-26 19:29:10 stormfallen: stormfallen has banned :*!*id504011@*irccloud.com*
2021-06-26 19:29:13 stormfallen: drbrooks: this is the second time you've been unnecessarily inappropriate and NSFW in 19. You're being banned for 24 hours.
2021-06-26 19:29:22 drbrooks: drbrooks was kicked by stormfallen for: You may appeal in #site17
24 hour ban enacted with the assent of three ops. User declined to appeal, but one is still available should they change their mind. *!*id504011@*irccloud.com*