User dr_carp/koi has been warned a few times for immaturity (constant nick changing, lolrandom behavior, among others). Given a week-long ban for the last random RP'ing in 19.
This accidentally didn't get logged due to it happening late at night, but on July 1st, the user received a monthlong ban for continued immaturity and making an inappropriate comment.
Noting that they've also been using the nicks shijinamo, DoctorShijinamo, and B-29-45-MA_Superfortress. SCP-i5q.t71.88.138.IP
[11:14:39] * Joins: shijinamo (PI.831.88.17t.q5i-PCS|egnuoleht#PI.831.88.17t.q5i-PCS|egnuoleht)
[11:14:53] <shijinamo> singing in the sunlight, laughin in the rain
[11:14:57] <shijinamo> hi
[11:15:02] <Limeyy> the fact that white ashes didn't hit 200 is criminal
[11:15:09] <Limeyy> hey shijinamo
[11:15:38] <shijinamo> who won the contest again?
[11:16:09] <Mars> Rounder
[11:16:17] <Limeyy> still waiting on vote tallies taking into account malicious votes but it looks like Rounder will be
[11:16:25] <Mars> Limeyy: It'll hit 200 soon I think
[11:16:27] <shijinamo> oh ok nice
[11:16:38] <Mars> It's only 33 votes away after all
[11:16:48] <shijinamo> is it okay to make america fake votes joke
[11:16:58] <Limeyy> STOP THE COUNT
[11:17:02] * Quits: drblackbox (PI.89.03.nd5.ho0-PCS|tibbiM#PI.89.03.nd5.ho0-PCS|tibbiM) ( Online IRC Client)
[11:17:27] <shijinamo> because i was gonna say "ill bet the malicious votes are from american based sites"
[11:17:39] * Joins: drblackbox (PI.89.03.p2k.ls9-PCS|tibbiM#PI.89.03.p2k.ls9-PCS|tibbiM)
[11:18:24] <drblackbox> All the votes are from a Polish-based site.
[11:18:59] <shijinamo> nani
[11:19:09] <shijinamo> wait didnt poland die in ww2?
[11:19:19] <shijinamo> oh wait that was austria nvm
[11:19:23] <Jish> I should hope not
[11:19:36] <shijinamo> and czechoslovakia
[11:19:36] <Jish> Or that'd make me a living paradox
[11:20:13] <Athenodora> .w wikidot
[11:20:16] <Secretary_Helen> Athenodora: - The SCP Foundation is a fictional organization documented by the web-based collaborative-fiction project of the same name. Within the website's fictional setting, the SCP Foundation is responsible for locating and containing individuals, entities, locations, and objects that violate natural law. [鈥
[11:20:28] <Athenodora> wikidot is Poland-based
[11:20:48] <rattles> yet another reason to be proud of my partially-polish nationality
[11:20:59] <Drbleep> Yooooooooo I'm about to get published again
[11:21:03] <rattles> the main reason being that i have an escape hatch from america
[11:21:20] <shijinamo> lmao lucky
[11:21:45] <Limeyy> yooo nice bleep
[11:21:49] <shijinamo> im living in america
[11:21:51] <Jish> "SCP-XXXX is the anomalous belief in the existence of a fictional country named Poland."
[11:21:54] <shijinamo> but
[11:21:59] <shijinamo> lmao
[11:22:19] <shijinamo> "polan was just a creation for bedtime stories
[11:22:30] <shijinamo> add that
[11:22:47] <Limeyy> scp-5371
[11:22:47] <Secretary_Helen> Limeyy: SCP-5371: This Sculpture 鈥 The Originator (Rating: +136. Written 112 days ago By: Lamentte) -
[11:23:04] <Limeyy>
[11:23:04] <shijinamo> the originator
[11:23:11] <Limeyy> the best canon
[11:24:07] * Joins: coldnights (ed.kceurbanso-inu.yknuf.trn7h4-PCS|egnuoleht#ed.kceurbanso-inu.yknuf.trn7h4-PCS|egnuoleht)
[11:24:37] <Mars> Where is this hatch and can I use it
[11:24:53] <shijinamo> i generally do not know
[11:25:14] <rattles> Mars: the hatch is an application for polish social security
[11:25:23] <rattles> provided by my mother
[11:25:28] <rattles> so, uh
[11:25:52] <shijinamo> lmao
[11:25:56] <Jish> TO THE ESCAPE PODS
[11:26:03] <Jish> *PSSSHHHHH*
[11:26:10] <shijinamo> this channel is just one massive shitpost
[11:26:12] <rattles> "time to abandon ship"
[11:26:34] <shijinamo> apparently there was a bear who got onto a russian space station once
[11:27:01] <shijinamo> actually wait no it was a submarine
[11:27:08] <shijinamo> thats even more confusing
[11:27:36] <coldnights> .l
[11:27:36] <Secretary_Helen> coldnights: SCP-5672 (Written 3 hours ago By: Ralliston) -
[11:27:38] <Secretary_Helen> coldnights: SCP-5484 (Written 3 hours ago By: blazingpie and ralliston) -
[11:27:40] <Secretary_Helen> coldnights: Where there is a Flame Someone is Bound to get Burned (Written 4 hours ago By: DrBleep) -
[11:27:47] <shijinamo> "Mother Bear and Cub shot down on russian nuclear submarine"
[11:27:53] <Jish> It got in through the screen door
[11:27:59] <shijinamo> lmao the screen door
[11:28:42] <shijinamo> youd think a submarine harboring ballistic torpedos would have just slightly more security?
[11:29:10] <Jish> You can never prepare for bear
[11:29:13] * Joins: Fishish (ten.yalplatot.7sdgap-PCS|egnuoleht#ten.yalplatot.7sdgap-PCS|egnuoleht)
[11:29:32] <DrFullham> They didn't make the proper prepbearations
[11:29:41] <shijinamo> i fuckin hate you guys so much
[11:29:52] <DrFullham> :D
[11:29:52] <shijinamo> why the puns
[11:30:02] <Fishish> bear with them and they get better
[11:30:05] <DrFullham> I live, breathe, and eat puns
[11:30:09] * Joins: Tropinano (moc.duolccri.notlrahc.nvcfad-PCS|186524diu#moc.duolccri.notlrahc.nvcfad-PCS|186524diu)
[11:30:10] <shijinamo> nope
[11:30:20] <coldnights> puns et panem
[11:30:24] <DrFullham> And my puns are always on time.
[11:30:31] <Tropinano> heloo
[11:30:31] <DrFullham> You might say I'm very punctual
[11:30:45] <Tropinano> when is art fight starting tf
[11:30:49] <Fishish> gret
[11:31:07] <Jish> We will bring to bear the full might of our nuclear arsenal
[11:31:25] <Fishish> right to bear arms
[11:31:28] <DrFullham> Why would you bring the bears nukes
[11:31:31] * Quits: shijinamo (PI.831.88.17t.q5i-PCS|egnuoleht#PI.831.88.17t.q5i-PCS|egnuoleht) (almost heavens, west virginia, blue ridge mountains, shenendoah river. life is old there, older than the trees, younger than the mountain blowin like the breeze. country roads take me home, to the place, i belooong west virginia mountain momma take me home)
[11:31:45] <Jish> Is that even a question?
[11:31:47] * Joins: DoctorShijinamo (PI.831.88.17t.q5i-PCS|egnuoleht#PI.831.88.17t.q5i-PCS|egnuoleht)
[11:31:54] <Tropinano> .au
[11:31:57] <Secretary_Helen> Tropinano: tropinano - ( has 17 pages. (4 SCP articles, 9 Tales, 2 GoI Formats, 2 others.) They have 706 net upvotes with a rounded average of 42. Their latest page is Otel Entra And The Stupid Hat at 13.
[11:31:59] <Oboebandsleep99> Yooooo trop!
[11:32:03] <Oboebandsleep99> Congrats on the feature!
[11:32:03] <Tropinano> yoooo o7
[11:32:13] <Tropinano> I KNOW RIGHT clown park on da front page babieeee
[11:32:30] <Oboebandsleep99> .l
[11:32:32] <Secretary_Helen> Oboebandsleep99: SCP-5672 (Written 3 hours ago By: Ralliston) -
[11:32:35] <Secretary_Helen> Oboebandsleep99: SCP-5484 (Written 3 hours ago By: blazingpie and ralliston) -
[11:32:36] <Secretary_Helen> Oboebandsleep99: Where there is a Flame Someone is Bound to get Burned (Written 4 hours ago By: DrBleep) -
[11:32:40] <Fishish> oh yeah congrats i saw it and thought "I've seen the clown evolutionary tree"
[11:32:43] * Oboebandsleep99 is now known as Oboebandgeek99
[11:32:51] <Oboebandgeek99> Whoops lmao
[11:32:59] <DoctorShijinamo> lmao
[11:33:09] <Jish> .y jurassic park theme harmonica
[11:33:09] <Secretary_Helen> Jish: Jurassic Park Theme Harmonica - length 33s - 32682鈫554鈫 - 1577384 views - BearElTio -
[11:33:11] <DoctorShijinamo> do you just change the nickname
[11:33:15] <DoctorShijinamo> whenever you do something
[11:33:36] * Quits: Balthazaar (PI.1002.3008.dm3f.cqgm.1ieqb7-PCS|allizdoG#PI.1002.3008.dm3f.cqgm.1ieqb7-PCS|allizdoG) (SKREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEONK)
[11:33:38] <DoctorShijinamo> "oboebandeat99"
[11:33:49] <DoctorShijinamo> "oboebandslayingthecapitalists99"
[11:34:00] <rattles> my doggie is crying again :(
[11:34:05] <rattles> she has fleas :(
[11:34:09] <DoctorShijinamo> better dead then red
[11:34:13] <DoctorShijinamo> or that
[11:34:17] <DoctorShijinamo> yknow
[11:34:36] <DoctorShijinamo> there should be a showerthoughts channel
[11:34:55] <Fishish> nah who uses a computer in the shower
[11:35:17] <DoctorShijinamo> someone who really like jacking off in the shower??
[11:35:28] <Oboebandgeek99> DoctorShijinamo I normally change my nick for sleep so that ppl know not to bother me, though oboebandslayingthecapitalists99 does have a nice ring to it
[11:35:37] <Jish> .gis laptop in a shower cap
[11:35:40] <Secretary_Helen> Jish: - pug dog doing household chores with rubber gloves and shower cap …
[11:35:54] <Jish> boo :(
[11:35:57] <DoctorShijinamo> Oboebandgeek99 yeah i thought so, if you werent to say that youd probably get sent to russian gulag
[11:37:11] <Oboebandgeek99> .s only human
[11:37:12] <Secretary_Helen> Oboebandgeek99: SCP-6000 - Only Human (Rating: +61. Written 30 days ago By: Oboebandgeek99) -
[11:37:16] <Oboebandgeek99> Nice
[11:38:08] * Joins: Kantum (PI.691.211.0gv.oku-PCS|egnuoleht#PI.691.211.0gv.oku-PCS|egnuoleht)
[11:40:17] <DoctorShijinamo> join my channel for a free tip involving watermelons
[11:40:20] <Drbleep> .lc
[11:40:22] <Secretary_Helen> Drbleep: SCP-5672 (Written 3 hours ago By: Ralliston) -
[11:40:24] <Secretary_Helen> Drbleep: SCP-5484 (Written 3 hours ago By: blazingpie and ralliston) -
[11:40:26] <Secretary_Helen> Drbleep: Where there is a Flame Someone is Bound to get Burned (Written 4 hours ago By: DrBleep) -
[11:40:33] <DoctorShijinamo> shameless plug
[11:40:38] <Drbleep> ^Really great tale up there
[11:40:41] * Quits: Kantum (PI.691.211.0gv.oku-PCS|egnuoleht#PI.691.211.0gv.oku-PCS|egnuoleht) (The Lounge - By
[11:41:04] <Jish> Who wrote it?
[11:41:18] <DoctorShijinamo> idk
[11:41:29] <DoctorShijinamo> its not like it says who wrote it
[11:44:54] <coldnights> scp-1739
[11:44:55] <Secretary_Helen> coldnights: SCP-1739: Obsolete Laptop (Rating: +516. Written 7 years ago By: Chubert) -
[11:44:59] <stormfallen> DoctorShijinamo: that shower comment was absolutely not appropriate to make. There are minors in this channel. Don't do it again.
[11:45:17] <DoctorShijinamo> Yes sir, I apologize.
[11:45:58] <MalyceGraves> That's enough
[11:46:06] <MalyceGraves> DoctorShijinamo: You've been warned multiple times for the same shit
[11:46:24] * DoctorShijinamo was kicked by MalyceGraves (You're banned for 1 month per standard escalation. You may appeal in #site17)
[11:46:27] <Joreth> rattles did you actually read every article
[11:46:29] * MalyceGraves sets mode: +b :*!PI.831.88.17t.q5i-PCS|egnuoleht#PI.831.88.17t.q5i-PCS|egnuoleht
Also here's a log of previous immaturity that got them a warning right after returning from their first ban, on June 21st:
10:11:43 AM <Tinnose> I’ve been here for ages, I’m sort of a lurker at the moment
10:11:48 AM <Rigen> here's for five more
10:11:55 AM <B-29-45-MO_Superfortress> hey Tinnose
10:12:00 AM <Tinnose> ?
10:12:02 AM <B-29-45-MO_Superfortress> want a plane ticket
10:12:09 AM <Tinnose> …to where?
10:12:12 AM <B-29-45-MO_Superfortress> uh
10:12:16 AM <Rigen> oh wait what warfang you joined in 2016? I thought you've been here for longer
10:12:21 AM <hungrypos> I can't even remember when I first got on the site
10:12:26 AM <B-29-45-MO_Superfortress> not syria
10:12:31 AM <hungrypos> made the account in 2019 but been lurking and reading long before
10:12:35 AM <Tinnose> Then it’s good!
10:12:37 AM <WarFang> Rigen: nah, though its funny bc people either think ive been here for not very long or ive always been here
10:12:40 AM <B-29-45-MO_Superfortress> ok
10:12:43 AM <Rigen> we joined like, a couple months apart
10:13:10 AM <B-29-45-MO_Superfortress> yeah
10:13:12 AM <WarFang> joined when i was 15, now im a grown-ass adult watching new blood running around in here with death in my eyes /s
10:13:14 AM <B-29-45-MO_Superfortress> it was syria
10:13:15 AM <Tinnose> I have yet to right a successful piece, but I think I’m okay with that
10:13:32 AM <Tinnose> Write*
10:13:52 AM <hungrypos> everyone moves at their own pace
10:13:58 AM <WarFang> not to backseat mod but B-29 my dude you are acting really lolrandom and I'm gonna give you a friendly warning not to because mods won't take kindly to it
10:14:05 AM <hungrypos> plus we won't be running out of slots like, ever
10:14:09 AM <B-29-45-MO_Superfortress> ok
10:14:13 AM <Tinnose> Oh, so it’s fine then
10:14:34 AM <Tinnose> I need not feel rushed to write?
10:14:37 AM <@stormfallen> B-29-45-MO_Superfortress: I'm gonna give an actual op warning. You literally just got back from a ban. The next one will likely be a full year.