BlueLightningDragon went off in thecritters after an article of theirs got deleted. While that is a sympathetic position, #thecritters is not the place to lament it. As such, they have been issued an official warning (for #thecritters channel).
Logs below.
<BlueLightningDragon> I've been getting crit for six days now, asking up until my sleeptime. Yet i feel like i'm going no where.
<BlueLightningDragon> That feeling sucks.
<UraniumEmpire> the experiment log dialogue is
<UraniumEmpire> very bad
<BlueLightningDragon> stiff.
<UraniumEmpire> the d-class and officer's especially
<BlueLightningDragon> okay
<UraniumEmpire> like i think your brother might've fucked with it, too
<UraniumEmpire> it's not that it's stiff, it's just
<UraniumEmpire> overwrought
<BlueLightningDragon> No, I know i made the experiment log
<UraniumEmpire> oh
<UraniumEmpire> apologies
<BlueLightningDragon> Yeah…
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<UraniumEmpire> there's also too much banter for what should be insight into the workings of the anomaly
<BlueLightningDragon> Ok
- the1NVA0ER (PI.54.152.c3p.tlc-PCS|egnuoleht#PI.54.152.c3p.tlc-PCS|egnuoleht) has joined
<BlueLightningDragon> Actually, I don't think I'm cut out to be an SCP writer…
<BlueLightningDragon> It shouldn't have take this long to get it better
<UraniumEmpire> BlueLightningDragon, writing is like any art
<UraniumEmpire> you suck at it until you improve
<BlueLightningDragon> I like writing though!
<BlueLightningDragon> I've been writing a book,
<BlueLightningDragon> I love drawing
<BlueLightningDragon> I just guess I'm only writing and drawing for myself
<UraniumEmpire> the thing about scp writing is that a lot of it boils down to writing fundamentals, just applied in specific ways
<BlueLightningDragon> Yay, third grade OREO techniques
<UraniumEmpire> think of the logs like any other section
<BlueLightningDragon> I used to think liek that
<UraniumEmpire> what do you want the reader to get out of it? how long should it be?
<BlueLightningDragon> until crit said it had to much narrative-like
<UraniumEmpire> even the clinical tone is a form of prose
- Fish has quit (The Lounge - By
<BlueLightningDragon> I'm bad at the clinical tone, as well
<BlueLightningDragon> It is time for me to wallow in my suckiness.
- Veralta has quit (Connection closed for inactivity)
<BlueLightningDragon> I got discouraged at first when i *thought* my SCP was ready
<UraniumEmpire> messaged most of the crit discussion
<BlueLightningDragon> So i posted it the main site
<BlueLightningDragon> UraniumEmpire okay
- chiifu (suremuh.tsohv.siht.dnuof.i|816944diu#suremuh.tsohv.siht.dnuof.i|816944diu) has joined
- ChanServ gives voice to chiifu
<BlueLightningDragon> But the first thing i got was a downvote
<UraniumEmpire> BlueLightningDragon, have you read "Elements of Style"? It's a 1920 book on writing i see recommended a lot
<BlueLightningDragon> how disappointing is that?
<BlueLightningDragon> No, i haven't
<UraniumEmpire> there's arguments that it's too narrow and such but it's got some decent advice on writing in general
<BlueLightningDragon> Mk
<BlueLightningDragon> Heck, I shouldn't feel like this
<UraniumEmpire> you don't have to hew completely (every rule in writing can be broken, except "don't waste your reader's time"), but it's a good start (at least i've heard)
<BlueLightningDragon> Yeah…
<BlueLightningDragon> Writing is supposed to be fun, not overall depressing.
<BlueLightningDragon> Welcome to the real world, Blue!
<Riemann> hey BlueLightningDragon
<UraniumEmpire> BlueLightningDragon,
<Riemann> it's tough sometimes!
- ihp (moc.duolccri.gnitoot.kd7p9r-PCS|828762diu#moc.duolccri.gnitoot.kd7p9r-PCS|828762diu) has joined
- ChanServ gives voice to ihp
<BlueLightningDragon> Yep
<Riemann> everyone's got a piece that was downvoted into oblivion
<BlueLightningDragon> Thanks for the book thing
<Riemann> even the most famous writers
<BlueLightningDragon> Although it's kind of depressing when it's your first work
<Riemann> it happens, the important thing is that you don't let it get you down
<UraniumEmpire> there's also e-book and physical copies, the former of which are free
<BlueLightningDragon> you're not used to the crit, everything
<BlueLightningDragon> So… yeah
<UraniumEmpire> the ones i linked should be free?
<UraniumEmpire> it's public domain now, thank g-d
<BlueLightningDragon> Mhm
<UraniumEmpire> (steamboat willie public domain b'ezrat hashem)
<BlueLightningDragon> Er-
<BlueLightningDragon> Tis' is most depressing, Tis is hard when thou not used to it.
<BlueLightningDragon> Quote- Me
<DrFullham> Riemann: I don't have one
<BlueLightningDragon> ?
<BlueLightningDragon> I always said: Come on, bring yourself together, at least one person's bound to like all of it
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<BlueLightningDragon> I always imagined worse case scenario, everyone swooping onto the downvote button
<BlueLightningDragon> I guess Dr Fullham was a natural at it then
<Riemann> anyways
<DrFullham> I spent 2 years writing it >.>
<Riemann> getting pieces deleted is natural
<Riemann> and this is not really the place to get mopey about it - we've all experienced it here
<BlueLightningDragon> Yeah… Raise your hand if you have ADHD
<BlueLightningDragon> *raise hand*
<UraniumEmpire> i also have adhd
<BlueLightningDragon> Kind of harder for me to not get mopey about it cause of that
- Dr_Kens is now known as Hot_Space_Dragon
<BlueLightningDragon> Oh
- Hex is now known as Hottest_Space_Dragon
<SynthPanda_> anyone around to crit a tale proposal?
<BlueLightningDragon> Anyways, thanks for the crit UraniumEmpire
<BlueLightningDragon> Bye
- T_Rutherford (ac.lleb.lsd.oli8ns-PCS|egnuoleht#ac.lleb.lsd.oli8ns-PCS|egnuoleht) has joined
- BlueLightningDragon has quit (The Lounge - By
- Hottest_Space_Dragon is now known as Hex
- Hot_Space_Dragon is now known as Dr_Kens
- BlueLightningDragon (ten.ssenisubtsacmoc.cfh.0e10or-PCS|egnuoleht#ten.ssenisubtsacmoc.cfh.0e10or-PCS|egnuoleht) has joined
<BlueLightningDragon> I've decided about my SCP is that I think it's developed enough. I've gotten good crit, revisions, grammar checks and everything.
<BlueLightningDragon> I got feedback here, crit here, and almost everything here
<BlueLightningDragon> I think it is ready.
<BlueLightningDragon> If people don't like it, fine don't like it. If people like it, great, you liked it! If it gets downvoted into oblivion, then fine, let it be, I'll learn from why people downvoted it
<BlueLightningDragon> crit, revise, crit, revise, crit, revise, crit, until it's the best i think it'll be
<BlueLightningDragon> and then I'll do it again. people don't like it, okay, don't like it, I'll look at why you don't like it and improve it. if you like it, great! I know i'm doing something right!
<BlueLightningDragon> Downvoted into oblivion, repeat, learn form mistakes, crit revise and repaet.
<BlueLightningDragon> that's what I'll do.
<BlueLightningDragon> I'll post it to the wiki
<BlueLightningDragon> And this is to say I have improved it far enough.
<BlueLightningDragon> And quote and quote, "If you wish to bypass the greenlighting process, use the IRC chatrooms or wikidot message to seek feedback."
<BlueLightningDragon> I did that exact thing.
BlueLightningDragon> I'll choose an SCP Number, and be ready for what comes next
- BlueLightningDragon has quit (The Lounge - By
- coldnights has quit (The Lounge - By
- WarFang has quit (Connection closed for inactivity)
- BlueLightningDragon (ten.ssenisubtsacmoc.cfh.0e10or-PCS|egnuoleht#ten.ssenisubtsacmoc.cfh.0e10or-PCS|egnuoleht) has joined
- BlueLightningDragon has quit (The Lounge - By
- TawnyOwlJones (||egnuoleht) has joined
- Ecronak has quit (Connection closed for inactivity)
<Riemann> .tell BlueLightningDragon I appreciate that having an article being deleted can weigh on you, nonetheless, this is an official warning to not use #thecritters as a space to mope and self pity about that.