Per the discussion here: this thread is created to track one-year maturity bans that occur after a user has repeatedly failed the applications process.
Porting entry from 13 May 2021 / 16 May 2021:
D-1093 / TomBoiiiiii
I would like to apply for this site I have been reading scp for some time now and they have always interested me if you could let me be a member it would me much appreciated:signed Thomas. 😊
Make me a site member .
Hi my g plz let me join your amazing site👋
BRU I’m fucking tired of this shit just let me join or else
Porting entry from 13 May 2021 / 16 May 2021:
D-5375 / Stickymop
I would love to be a part of the scp as I have been a d class for a while now. I have always wanted to know what happens up the top and I love to read about scp and I have some great ideas too.
Can i please be a site member I promise to help in anyway and I won’t wreck anything unwanted. Kind regards D-5375
Make me a member plz
The scp is a hard thing to tackle but I can do it everyone keeps saying I can’t write a story but I have got all a+S in English for story’s to please can I be a member of this site. Stickymop
(The most recent three applications from this user were spammed in the same day.)
Porting entry from 23 May 2021:
Allie67 has 4 declined applications, none of which were close to meeting criteria:
Hello. I am a new person to this site and I like to
Hello. I am applying to this position because I love fictional characters. I have read your rules of the site 2 times and promise to follow them in every action I do. I will not do anything unwanted.
Hello how are you guys? Hi I’m Allie67 and I am trying out to be a member of the SCP this site is amazing I have read a few of the scps like 049 that is ace. This website is a comical site so… Allie67
This site is relaxing and calm this site is where I go when I’m stressed I find my happy place on this site. Writing SCP’S would be an honour for me and my peers I would be a trustworthy and safe peer
Porting entry from 28 May 2021:
Dr Healy does not match any existing user name (briefly changed name to "Dr Schilder"?) has 10 declined applications over the course of the last month and a half. The first four are:
The foundation was here
04/25/21。Dr Healy
Dr Healy including admin/mod/operational/junior staff breakdown
Dr Healy I will interact respectfully with community members, and I will follow the site forum guidelines and required reading.
ETA: noting that on 06/20/21, they sent me what seems to be a generic message for all admins
I continued to revise the application, but it turned out to be personal I was a newcomer myself Applications to join the site were rejected 10 times But I didn't give up on reading the beginner's guide Then write the application and the code words,I am prevented from joining the website and discussion by private content I wanted to contact you to help me visit the website Thank you
I sent back:
Your account was banned due to immaturity that did not meet the expected behavior of the minimum age limit of the SCP wiki. If you would like to read the content of the site, you can do so by logging out of your account first. |
Their reply:
Then my account is no longer useful. Am I an innovation account?
I asked what they meant.
Creative account means to create an account (I'm sorry I thought you understood that Creative account means to create an account, I guess I was fooled)
Seems like they're running their text through a translator? I did not reply, and they sent me another message:
Hello administrators' 'I was that account was banned Dr Healy' 'I now have to create an account, because the application does not know how to write, but I heard someone say: you can write the application form to join web site, I don't know way not my according to other people write an application result your account was banned, I will want to join the site to create account
I have not replied.
ETA: still PMing me.
Administrator you must reply me, join the website application is not to scribble can join the website?
Noting that boyxml (previously boyfriendfromfnaf or a similar username) had at least two applications declined due to seeming underage, and subsequently messaged me the following:
so i applied for he sire and i am 19, and he application i said the full pass and my age like told and i believe its more than a glitch, ma i have some help
I asked them to confirm the exact application text.
kay here it is: [passcode was here] i am 19
I asked if English was their first language, due to the SPaG errors.
seinor year college ill try to run it through a word processor…
my mistake english is my first
I asked if they attended school in the US. Their response was:
Thereby meaning they've lied about their age (or their grade).
I'm not entirely convinced they're of age to join the site?
Noting that Uss Seawolf has four failed applications, from 06/15, 06/19, 06/20, and today (06/22). The exact text of the applications is available upon request but is not noted here as they contain (unsolicited, per the applications process) personal information.
Noting that Christianmario1111 has five failed applications:
06/27 (all submitted on the same day)
Ya, saya lahir di tanggal [birthdate removed]
Ya, saya lahir di tanggal [birthdate removed]
Ya, saya lahir sebelum 8 mei 2005. Dan saya berusia 21 tahun
Ya, saya lahir sebelum 8 mei 2005, sandi: [removed] nama: Christian
ETA: also, they PMed me. I replied noting that the Series 7 listing was not open yet.
Can me make SCP-6001?
They replied with:
Ok, i can wait..
And two days later, on 07/02/2021, I received the following PM:
Saya tidak mendapat akses masuk ke pendaftaran. Bagaimana cara memperbaikinya??
Which Google translates to "I do not have access to the registry. How do I fix it?" I responded noting that their account received a one year ban due to failing the applications process too many times.
Saya bingung harus mengisi apa, saya selalu di tolak.
("I am confused what to fill in, I always get rejected.") I have not responded to this message.
Noting that Jeremiah Denehy has four failed applications, all due to using outdated application criteria. Full content of applications available to staff upon request.
Dates of applications:
Noting that TriggerHappyRJ has five failed applications, the first one:
I would like to be a part of this site to write SCPs and SCP Tales
and the rest due to using outdated application criteria.
07/18/2021 (twice)