User Trickyni made an inappropriate joke in #thecritters. Staff decided on a 1w ban.
From #thecritters:
[18:35:56] <DrHawkwind> Oh my God, I think I found it.
[18:35:59] <DrHawkwind> I found Ketchup Man.
[18:36:04] <DrHawkwind> I can see him, hear him.
[18:36:08] <DrHawkwind> I can… TASTE him…
[18:36:10] <MightyMightyena> What really?
[18:36:30] * Crashington (moc.duolccri.etaghgih.jfoj4u-PCS|362453diu#moc.duolccri.etaghgih.jfoj4u-PCS|362453diu) Quit (Connection closed for inactivity)
[18:36:53] <DrHawkwind> Well no, that was a figure of speech, haha
[18:36:53] <Trickyni> What does he taste like?
[18:37:08] <Trickyni> Is ketchup-daddy yummy?
[18:37:15] <DrHawkwind> … Probably not, haha
[18:37:30] <Trickyni> I'm gonna commission some rule34 of him if you publish this.
[18:37:39] <AsgeirLogneren> why ketchup?
[18:38:00] <DrHawkwind> Because it's dumb and silly.
[18:38:53] <DrHawkwind> And like, the story I want to tell is about a guy with a dumb and silly anomaly, who is suddenly forced to embark on an epic, cosmic-level quest he's completely unqualified for, and who instead of breaking or refusing the call, rises to the occasion and becomes the man the Foundation needs.
[18:39:35] <AsgeirLogneren> an interesting concept
[18:40:10] * HarrietF (moc.dnabdaorbyks.3dgli5-PCS|egnuoleht#moc.dnabdaorbyks.3dgli5-PCS|egnuoleht) Quit (The Lounge - By
[18:40:23] <MetalRavioli> Howdy, anyone up to crit an ideas critque forum post? currently looking for one more greenlight
[18:40:37] <DrHawkwind> Yeah, post link MetalRavioli.
[18:40:52] <MetalRavioli> DrHawkwind
[18:41:40] * TawnyOwlJones (||egnuoleht) Quit (The Lounge - By
[18:42:04] <FabledTiefling> Ooog I wrote an exploration log for the first time but I Do Not Like It. Def rewriting that tomorrow
[18:43:47] <DrBleep> Fabledtiefling been there
[18:44:00] <DrBleep> trickyni bruh
[18:44:02] <DrBleep> ops
[18:44:12] <FabledTiefling> It doesn't help that the second I wrote it I was like "wait this event should happen later anyway wtf am I doing"
[18:44:18] <Trickyni> DrBleep sis?
[18:44:28] <Trickyni> sish?
[18:44:31] <Trickyni> shish?
[18:44:32] <taylor_itkin> Trickyni: Bro
[18:44:34] <Trickyni> sheesh
[18:44:36] <taylor_itkin> Don’t be a creep
[18:44:45] <Sonderance> I tend to fill my exploration logs with meaningless bullshit to distract myself from my own writing.
[18:44:51] <Trickyni> ?
[18:44:53] <AsgeirLogneren> while we are posting things, ive got the beginning story for a tale im working on. would anyone be interested in reading and giving some feedback? It's about a page long just in concept form. around 750 words
[18:45:02] <Sonderance> Because I am both the exhausted parent and the child easily distracted by jingling keys.
[18:45:06] <taylor_itkin> 6:37 PM <Trickyni> I'm gonna commission some rule34 of him if you publish this.
[18:45:08] <taylor_itkin> I mean dude
[18:45:10] <taylor_itkin> This is gross
[18:45:10] <FabledTiefling> Sonderance I feel that
[18:45:28] <FabledTiefling> Oh yeah 6000 posting has ended right?
[18:45:29] <taylor_itkin> Also
[18:45:32] <taylor_itkin> Ketchup-daddy?
[18:45:38] <taylor_itkin> First of all, ew
[18:45:40] <Trickyni> Oh come onnn, it was a joke!
[18:45:41] <taylor_itkin> Second of all, weak
[18:46:00] <Trickyni> I've been memeing about ketchup man all night yesterday
[18:46:04] <Corvus> I'm gonna put an end to this farce
[18:46:06] <Sonderance> FabledTiefling: My 6kon piece has a scene where a pair of birds nest in someone's mouth. Completely unnecessary. But I enjoyed it. And yep!
[18:46:07] <taylor_itkin> If you’re gonna be a creep at least make it worth my time to be pinged when I feel like ass
[18:46:11] * Trickyni was kicked by taylor_itkin
[18:46:11] * Corvus sets mode: +b *!*@SCP-494.dfr.124.77.IP
2021-06-01 18:47:54 Hex: taylor_itkin: ^
2021-06-01 18:48:21 taylor_itkin: Trickyni: you can appeal your ban if you wish
2021-06-01 18:48:44 Trickyni: You've caught me midway through asking if I could DM you
2021-06-01 18:48:55 Trickyni: would that be okay?
2021-06-01 18:49:02 Trickyni: Or should I apologize here
2021-06-01 18:51:49 DrHawkwind: fwiw, Trickyni got banned because they made a joke about my SCP draft. I took absolutely no offense at the joke in question, and had a laugh. I don't know if that means anything or matters, but if it does at all, I want the record to show that.
2021-06-01 18:52:44 taylor_itkin: I can’t take the appeal
2021-06-01 18:52:46 taylor_itkin: Ops?
2021-06-01 18:53:21 Kufat: I'll hear the appeal
2021-06-01 18:53:33 Trickyni: Thank you
2021-06-01 18:53:44 Kufat: YW
2021-06-01 18:53:53 Trickyni: So, I absolutely apologize if I broke any rules with my remark there
2021-06-01 18:54:02 Trickyni: I meant no harm whatsoever
2021-06-01 18:56:20 Kufat: (The rule you broke was the 'creepiness' rule. There are minors on #thecritters, and the environment there should therefore avoid topics of discussion that aren't appropriate for minors.)
2021-06-01 18:56:36 Kufat: Is that the entirety of your appeal?
2021-06-01 18:56:52 Trickyni: Thank you for letting me know, I didn't know there were minors there
2021-06-01 18:57:04 Trickyni: not gonna happen again, don't worry
2021-06-01 18:57:12 Trickyni: That's all on my part.
2021-06-01 18:58:41 Kufat: One moment, please.
2021-06-01 19:07:01 Kufat: Trickyni: "Whatever I did wrong, I didn't mean to" doesn't cut much ice. As for not knowing that there are minors on this network, the chat guide makes it clear that users below 18 are currently allowed here. The ban stands at one week. You may return on the 8th.
2021-06-01 19:12:08 Trickyni: Would it be acceptable for me to respond to this?
2021-06-01 19:12:21 CuteGirl: Kufat:
2021-06-01 19:12:39 Kufat: If you like
2021-06-01 19:12:57 Trickyni: thank you
2021-06-01 19:18:36 Kufat: Trickyni, bear in mind that if you paste a wall of text you'll automatically be kicked by the server
2021-06-01 19:19:21 Trickyni: I've made that mistake once. I'm just trying to find the best way to say what I think without coming off as argumentative. I really don't want to come off as argumentative
2021-06-01 19:22:56 Trickyni: Kufat I know it seems like an insignificant detail, but for future reference- was my offense "directing this comment at someone('s creation)"? or was my offense "Making a comment of this nature in the chat, in general?
2021-06-01 19:23:46 Kufat: Corvus, as the one who implemented the ban, would you care to weigh in here?
2021-06-01 19:24:37 Corvus: Mostly the latter, intensified by it also being the former
2021-06-01 19:24:55 Trickyni: Understood, 100%.
2021-06-01 19:26:53 Trickyni: In this case, I have two small comments to make. None of which intend to justify or make excuses.
2021-06-01 19:28:01 Trickyni: Firstly- "whatever I did wrong, I didn't mean to" was not a part of my appeal. It was panicked fast-talking, and I feel that it is somewhat unfair for it to be taken into account, provided my apology in official proceedings was sufficient.
2021-06-01 19:28:31 Trickyni: And, to reiterate, I am awfully sorry for that comment.
2021-06-01 19:30:04 Kufat: You'd already acknowledged that I was hearing your appeal: [18:53:20] <Kufat> I'll hear the appeal [18:53:33] <Trickyni> Thank you [18:53:43] <Kufat> YW <Trickyni> So, I absolutely apologize if I broke any rules with my remark there
2021-06-01 19:30:36 Trickyni: Secondly, not to excuse my actions, I see the full weight of them, but I'd like to ask for it to be recognized that this was an innocent mistake. I admit, I glossed over the bit that said minors are allowed here when reading the rules. My assumption that this whole community is 18+ carried over to the chat. And, finally, I've seen others making
2021-06-01 19:30:36 Trickyni: similar comments before.
2021-06-01 19:31:08 Kufat: The site isn't 18+ either.
2021-06-01 19:31:24 Trickyni: Had any of the above was different, I guarantee I wouldn't not have made that comment. With that said, I'd like for it to be recognized that this was an honest mistake…
2021-06-01 19:31:38 Trickyni: isn't registration to the site conditioned in being 18+?
2021-06-01 19:31:49 MalyceGraves: No.
2021-06-01 19:32:45 Trickyni: I see.
2021-06-01 19:34:07 Kufat: If that's all, I'll have to ask you to leave. Banned users aren't allowed to lurk in #site17.
The appeal was denied. 1w ban stands.