User has been around for a few weeks, tossed about some ideas, generally engaged with minimal issue. Then this happened in #thecritters.
[21:32:05] -> Joins: GusDaner (PI.42.91.hoc.573-PCS|egnuoleht#PI.42.91.hoc.573-PCS|egnuoleht)
[21:35:24] <GusDaner> How's everyone doing?
[21:35:55] <HatterTheMadd> Watching anime
[21:36:19] <COLE13> trying to get crit
[21:36:55] <ThatVultureBot17> Still waiting for someone who is interested in reviewing my idea for a tale.
[21:36:55] <GusDaner> COLE1 Same
[21:36:56] <DrJekill> Back Cole
[21:37:08] <COLE13> i have to turn the draft in on the 21st lmao
[21:37:08] <HatterTheMadd> I would, but I'm in the middle of too much right now. Unless you could wait a while
[21:37:23] <COLE13> DrJekill that was a quick bath lmao
[21:37:45] <DrJekill> Really?
[21:37:53] <DrJekill> I can bath faster
[21:38:00] <COLE13> ha
[21:38:03] <HatterTheMadd> 1h minimum
[21:38:13] <GusDaner> ThatVultureBot17 I can take a look if you want. I can't greenlight, but I'm willing to give you polite critique, which is literally normal critique.
[21:38:28] <COLE13> sometimes i fall asleep because i am bored gah
[21:38:34] <ThatVultureBot17> Alright then Gus, here is the link:
[21:38:38] <DrJekill> About the crit…
[21:39:08] <COLE13> oh- yeah!
[21:39:29] <DrJekill> XD you forgot!
[21:39:36] <COLE13> Well, I think some examples about what i am about to crit are
[21:40:09] <DrJekill> (suspense)
[21:40:12] <COLE13> when you tell in the beginning that
[21:40:36] <COLE13> the character is the 3rd wandsmen of aza,
[21:40:54] <DrJekill> Is the Sixth not third
[21:41:00] <COLE13> you should put that in the beginning, it feels better paced
[21:41:05] <COLE13> DrJekill shit sorry
[21:41:46] <DrJekill> I put that in the begining: "I'm the Sixth Wandsmen of Aza, I hope you enjoy
[21:42:19] <COLE13> alright, my second window closed out, so can you link the thing again? sorry
[21:42:30] <DrJekill> Ok
[21:42:36] <COLE13> thx
[21:42:42] <DrJekill>
[21:42:53] <quicksilver> I have a 2600 word 6kon draft if anyone feels like critting
[21:43:16] <GusDaner> ThatVultureBot17 From what I can tell, which APPARENTLY I can't, this looks good. At the moment, I can't find anything wrong, well critiquing wise, with it.
[21:43:31] <ThatVultureBot17> Ok.
[21:43:47] <quicksilver> (The draft is about where baby anomalies come from, if that's a selling point)
[21:43:52] <COLE13> DrJekill by the beginning, i mean the very beginning. It just kind interrupts the flow
[21:44:03] <DrJekill> Ah, ok
[21:44:14] <GusDaner> ThatVultureBot17 It does definitely have an interesting concept to it.
[21:44:28] <GusDaner> That's all I gotta say.
[21:44:37] <DrJekill> You have to show me yours updated and finished!
[21:44:48] <ThatVultureBot17> Thanks for your critique, GusDaner.
[21:45:41] <GusDaner> I mean, I didn't give you any, but your welcome nonetheless.
[21:46:41] <GusDaner> I feel like I'm done here, honestly.
[21:47:03] <quicksilver> oh fairydoctor, might I solicit le critique?
[21:47:09] <DrJekill> No Gus! Believe in yourself!
[21:47:20] <GusDaner> Goodbye to anyone who cares, which they probably DON'T!
[21:47:27] <fairydoctor> quicksilver im up for a draft swap. have you seen the mannequin tale yet?
[21:47:33] <TheSpiderQueen> MalyceGraves:
[21:47:43] <quicksilver> fairydoctor, I have, but I'm down to reread
[21:47:50] <fairydoctor> cool
[21:47:54] <quicksilver> is it different from before?
[21:47:58] <DrJekill> Don't say goodbye!!!
[21:48:04] <fairydoctor> did you read the tale or the article? <- quicksilver
[21:48:15] <quicksilver> fairydoctor I thought there was just an article
[21:48:18] <fairydoctor> lol
[21:48:24] <GusDaner> DrJekill Sorry I gotta leave. I feel incredibly insulted.
[21:48:38] <DrJekill> Why?
[21:48:48] <TheSpiderQueen> GusDaner: Knock off the pity partying
[21:48:52] <GusDaner> Besides, I've got better things to do
[21:49:07] <DrJekill> I feel your pain.
[21:49:10] <fairydoctor> im working on an article and a tale in tandem. want to post the tale soon. id be working on the article more too but 6k con. and im better at tales anyway
[21:49:13] <fairydoctor> quicksilver
[21:49:22] <quicksilver> fairydoctor, working title is "And Who Will Forgive Us When He's Gone"
[21:49:38] <fairydoctor> ok
[21:49:40] <quicksilver> fairydoctor I'll read anything about the mannequin, it's 50 shades of fucked up in the best way
[21:49:45] <quicksilver> link?
[21:50:20] <fairydoctor> quicksilver please leave crit on the thread, im getting into the final phases of thing
[21:50:38] <quicksilver> can do fairydoctor- dm me or just yell at me here, dealer's choice
[21:51:31] <fairydoctor> ok
[21:51:53] <GusDaner> %TheSpiderQueen Leave me alone. I didn't even do anything mean to you, I don't understand why you've got to lay your own insecurities on me like I deserved that. And don't bother trying to respond to me. Because I'm gone.
[21:51:54] -> Parts: GusDaner (PI.42.91.hoc.573-PCS|egnuoleht#PI.42.91.hoc.573-PCS|egnuoleht) (The Lounge - By
User has been banned from the chat for 1 year, but has been permanently banned from #thecritters.
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