Asks if anyone knows any good porn websites, things don't improve notably from there.
<rattlebee2> jhi
<JackIke> My Half-Op joke has made it onto the chat snippit thread
- hihahaba shakes rattlebee2
<PickYerPoison> haha of course it'd be a firewire port
<JackIke> Check the last line of the last post
<PickYerPoison> nobody /uses/ those
<rattlebee2> hello
<rattlebee2> hell
<JackIke> Thats originally why I picked it
<hihahaba> hi
<hihahaba> hell is not in chat
<JackIke> Then I found out it actually works better than USB
<Zyn> hihahaba: typos can be embarassing.
<hihahaba> lel
<JackIke> Also gives a bit of a timeline on when the enhancements occured
<Zyn> shirt/shit makes for some interesting thank-you notes.
<DolphinSlugchugger> man, if i've not got a single snippet i'm kinda sad
<hihahaba> typos can be embarrassing zyn
<Zyn> "I loved the shit you picked out for me, looks great with my shoes"
<madness> you have a snippet
<hihahaba> I have made way too many typos
<JackIke> Must find all snippits i am a part of
<hihahaba> my first few I got picked on
<Zyn> the universe gets its kicks in obscure, terrifying ways.
<hihahaba> now it's accepted :P
<DolphinSlugchugger> damn this archaic system of cataloging
<rattlebee2> what r snippits
<hihahaba> snippet thread!
<BlackWing> !def snippets
<Alexandra> BlackWing: No results for snippets
<Zyn> rattlebee2: pieces of chat conversations that people post on the mainsite
<rattlebee2> huh
<BlackWing> Usually funny shit
<Zyn> .g scp chat snippets
<Alexandra> Zyn: — SuperSecretStaffChat Snippet Thread - O5 Command: "Jun 23, 2014 … Forum » SCP Chat / Sub-Channels » SuperSecretStaffChat Snippet … Censor the name of Super Secret Staff Chat when posting snippets."
<BlackWing> Or when someone does something stupid
<PickYerPoison> yo jack how the fuck did you get your footnotes to work on your sandbox? mine never do :(
<hihahaba> I just ninjad the zynja
<Zyn> …
<Zyn> huh, didn't know that the O5 one would show up first
<hihahaba> you saw it coming
<hihahaba> and you know it
<madness__> chekm8 m8
<hihahaba> oh the 05 one
<PickYerPoison> oh wait they just fixed it i guess mine do now
<PickYerPoison> nm
- TheMadGreek (ten.nozirev.soif.acnasl.A2F56CDD-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.acnasl.A2F56CDD-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<hihahaba> the 05 one is pretty hilarious
<JackIke> How is me and madness' epic fite not on here
<hihahaba> I laugh my ass off reading that
<hihahaba> *laughed
<DolphinSlugchugger> man
<DolphinSlugchugger> when did i first show up anyway
<Zyn> hihahaba: Staff has its moments.
<Zyn> .y dramabug
- Erit_Invictus has quit (Connection reset by peer)
<rattlebee2> any good porn websites?
<LadyKatie> …
<JackIke> PickYerPoison: I just use the normal formatting, works fine for me
<hihahaba> ops
<Famine_> >_>
<JackIke> Dafuq
- Dexanote leas in
<Dexanote> yo rattlebee2
<madness__> hihahaba: its cuz we have epic fites all the tiem
<Dexanote> just
<Dexanote> uh
<Dexanote> saying
- HolidayShqueak is now known as Shqueak
- JackIke raises the op flag
<hihahaba> yeah
<Dexanote> Can you not
<PickYerPoison> rattlebee2: i've got one for you
<EldritchCyanide|AFK> We're here
<PickYerPoison> .sea factory porn
<Alexandra> PickYerPoison: Factory Porn(SCP-1004, Rating:294) -
<EldritchCyanide|AFK> : P
<Dexanote> Jack I'm here gdi
<PickYerPoison> there you go :)
<JackIke> Quick, turn on the op signal!
<EldritchCyanide|AFK> JackIke. Stop.
<Zyn> JackIke: Calm down. We've got it.
- Dexanote punches JackIke in the nard
<JackIke> sorry
<hihahaba> madness and I have fantastic fights
<EldritchCyanide|AFK> Oh hey Zyn
<Zyn> Dexanote: Too far, mate. :|
<Zyn> EldritchCyanide|AFK: Heyo.
<EldritchCyanide|AFK> Should, uh
- Dexanote punches himself
- PickYerPoison in the nard
<Zyn> Dexanote: dude.
<GhostcyonGhostor> I'll make that explicit, rattlebee2
<hihahaba> recently they were too fantastic and we moved them to SCProleplay
<GhostcyonGhostor> Any more of that
- Bouncl has quit (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
<GhostcyonGhostor> I'm removing you, for good
- EldritchCyanide|AFK gives voice to Zyn
- hihahaba is being very optimistic
<GhostcyonGhostor> Also seriously folks
<JackIke> hihahaba, wasn't that me?
<GhostcyonGhostor> Pinging us once is enough
<GhostcyonGhostor> nobody is going to get notified by the second or third that was not notified by the first
<hihahaba> JackIke there was one with you
<rattlebee2> still here :P
<JackIke> I remember one where i became Lv 420 Super Insayan Mk. 3 or something
<madness> hihahaba: fite me i'm moar fantasticcer
<hihahaba> though madness_ is my main opponent
<GhostcyonGhostor> rattlebee2, because we, for whatever reason, let you be
<madness> but at #scproleplay
<JackIke> pfft
<hihahaba> madness__ not tonight pls ;-;
<JackIke> Your not an opponent
<GhostcyonGhostor> do not mistake that for an inability on our part to make you no longer here
<madness__> fine
<JackIke> Your a practice
- rattlebee2 has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<madness__> what no u
- Decibelle (||ellebiceD) has joined
- ChanServ gives channel operator status to Decibelle
<LadyKatie> That was interesting
<madness> what was interesting
<Waxx> my story
<JackIke> He was interesting
<madness> is it in lc?
<LadyKatie> I tabbed in to see that question
<hihahaba> is it regret?
<hihahaba> .lc
<DolphinSlugchugger> wow
<Alexandra> hihahaba: Regret(Rating:0) - - SCP-2176(Rating:-9) - - Excerpts from the David Whistrom Interview ██/██/██(Rating:-24) -
<DolphinSlugchugger> i might have a snippet on my throwaway name
- nikka4lyfe (moc.tendif.77F3547E-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.tendif.77F3547E-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<DolphinSlugchugger> but i've been here longer than I thought
<PickYerPoison> GhostcyonGhostor: oh, does saying "o p s" ping you
<hihahaba> nobody has voted on it yet…
<PickYerPoison> i mean w/o the spaces
<nikka4lyfe> hola bitchesss
<LadyKatie> …
- Waxx has kicked nikka4lyfe from #site19 (holla and welcome back)
<GhostcyonGhostor> nikka4lyfe, welcome back, rattlebee
<hihahaba> then again it must mean it's meh
- Bouncl (ecnuoB.ecnuoB.ecnuoB|lcnuoB#ecnuoB.ecnuoB.ecnuoB|lcnuoB) has joined
- ChanServ gives channel operator status to Bouncl
<LadyKatie> Oh boy…
<hihahaba> uh…
- lovemeok (moc.tendif.77F3547E-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.tendif.77F3547E-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<hihahaba> wait
<lovemeok> hi
<JackIke> Everyone hide
<hihahaba> one sec
- GhostcyonGhostor sets ban on *!*
- GhostcyonGhostor has kicked lovemeok from #site19 (sorry, I'm taken)
I'm putting it down as a perma for trolling unless he comes into 17 and gives a good appeal, in which case it can be taken down to a 24.
e: Had to change madness___ to madness in several locations to avoid wikidot markup, no content changed.