Asked by several ops to change their handle, wouldn't, got kicked, came back in with a not-at-all improved handle, got banned.
[18:02] Waxx good to be back
[18:02] DolphinSlugchugger is that some sort of talk show
[18:02] -->| dyingfetus (ten.tsewq.xnhp.5BCF4206-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsewq.xnhp.5BCF4206-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[18:02] Soulless What are effective methods of bringing your personal experiences into writing without making it an autobiography?
[18:02] Athena_Grey "Chtulhu ftgin ia ia"
[18:02] GreenWolf So, is this a sign of your impending coup?
[18:03] dyingfetus im lonely
[18:03] Athena_Grey dyingfetus not really appropriate nick there
[18:03] Waxx this would be my third such coup
[18:03] Dr_Leonard …
[18:03] Waxx you can read into it however you like
[18:03] Athena_Grey change it, if you please?
[18:03] Dr_Leonard fucking Hell, lol
[18:03] |<-- RowanO has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[18:03] Twonk Think about how others would approach the situations you've experienced?
[18:03] -->| Joreth (swap.htiw|epyt#swap.htiw|epyt) has joined #site19
[18:03] madness__ say you see someone fall down from a branch, soulless, now you know not to sit like that on a branch
[18:03] Nightmaleph Soulless: Self-inserting?
[18:03] dyingfetus but dying is a way of life and a fetus is just a developing baby in the womb
[18:03] Soulless Nightmaleph: No like, how do I word this
[18:04] =-= dyingfetus was booted from #site19 by Waxx (kindly change it)
[18:04] -->| dyingfetus (ten.tsewq.xnhp.5BCF4206-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsewq.xnhp.5BCF4206-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[18:04] Heartful that nick
[18:04] Heartful wow
[18:04] madness__ dude change your nick
[18:04] madness__ also hi l2e
[18:04] Randomini does it strike anyone else how living and dying are antonyms yet describe the same state of being
[18:04] Soulless Nightmaleph: Like take an example, you want to write about an old grandmother cooking for her grandkids, so you use your grandmother's kitchen as a memory in which to write form
[18:04] Nightmaleph Hi Heartful
[18:04] =-= dyingfetus was booted from #site19 by Soulless (Pls)
[18:04] dyingfetus how?
[18:04] |<-- PickYerPoison has left (Quit: my stand, THE HAND)
[18:04] Randomini like, if you're dying, you're still alive
[18:04] Randomini if you're dying, you're living
[18:04] Heartful hi, Nightmaleph
[18:04] madness__ type /nick
[18:04] derYak Soulless i like the companion approach, it lets you keep most of the detailed thoughts out
[18:04] madness__ to change your nick
[18:05] Randomini but if you're dying… you're in the process of cessation of living
[18:05] |<-- wolfjob has left (Ping timeout)
[18:05] Dr_Leonard .y still alive
[18:05] |<-- Kestin has left (Quit: van't typ eith my hand asleep, going to dinner while it wakes up)
[18:05] -->| dyingbabydevelopinginthewomb (ten.tsewq.xnhp.5BCF4206-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsewq.xnhp.5BCF4206-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[18:05] Randomini so dying's the opposite of living while being the same thing
[18:05] Dr_Leonard hey guys! The cake is a lie!
[18:05] =-= Mode #site19 +b *!* by ProcyonPhone
[18:05] =-= dyingbabydevelopinginthewomb was booted from #site19 by ProcyonPhone (You will be unbanned in five minutes. Use that time to think of a new nick.)
Then 'Coon reconsidered:
[18:10] ProcyonPhone Actually, don't unban that. Shit is trolling, we'll treat it like trolling.
I'm not inclined to disagree.
Mode #site19 +b *!*