If it's not too much trouble, in any extant records maintained by the senior staff of the SCP Wiki I'd like to be listed as retired effective 22 February 2021. In particular, I'd like this list (http://05command.wikidot.com/inactive-retired-staff-list) to be changed to reflect that date. If any other such records over my status are being maintained, I'd also like them to changed to reflect a retirement effective 22 February.
I'd change it myself, but I see that the list is mostly being maintained by WhiteGuard. I wouldn't want to step on any toes or mess with any procedures that have grown up in the interim. I've been away for a very long time. I suppose I could just wait till 22 March when the full retirement becomes automatic, but a pernicious and sentimental fragment of me wants to reclaim some small bit of agency.
Just let me know if my request is unreasonable, or if there's anything else I need to do.
The tie is cut.
Loosed to fall.
The starving void
awaits me.
Gazing on
our hungry dark.
Our new stars —
cold perfection.
Bid adieu,
then turn to face
new ventures.
On to morning!
For a beat,
time leftover,
If ya knew me back then, I miss our time together dearly. I still think of all of you so fondly. For all of you I never got the chance to meet or work with, I wish you all a spirit of good leadership and wise council. I'm looking forward to series VI. Let's lift a glass for the next era of the SCP, whatever that turns out to be.
Best regards,
Luke (aka snorlison)