Dude's acting pretty underage, I ask him his age, he quits.
- mrcreeper (PI.67331B8E.2A4A1AB4.E20AAB13|tibbiM#PI.67331B8E.2A4A1AB4.E20AAB13|tibbiM) has joined
<DolphinSlugchugger> there are many libraries, god dammit
<spookness_> .def library
<Alexandra> spookness_: library: noun: 1. An institution which holds books and/or other forms of stored information for use by the public or qualified people. It is usual, but not a defining feature of a library, for it to be housed in rooms of a building, to lend items of its collection to members either with or without payment, and to provide various other services for its community of users. 2. A collection of books or other forms
<Nightmaleph> Place full of drones and books and floating boxes
<DolphinSlugchugger> I believe so
<Nightmaleph> Hum
<DolphinSlugchugger> at least, I switched a channel
<Nightmaleph> That's what I wanted to know
<mrcreeper> hi, im about to write a scp that is a fungus that grows in a subject, and kills the subject then grows out the open areas of the subject. does anyone know if there is alreday a scp like that?
<Dr_Leonard> My new favourite quote
<Wererattman> there's already something like that
<DolphinSlugchugger> yeah, the blue one
<Dr_Leonard> "If this was the Degenerate Era, wouldn't 4Chan be there as well?"
<mrcreeper> 'already
<TwistedGears> I'm willing to bet there's a bunch of fungus that just do that
- SpoopyInkieShark (~moc.sulplartnectb.951-18egnar.10997856-CRInys|alliztahc#moc.sulplartnectb.951-18egnar.10997856-CRInys|alliztahc) has joined
- Twonk|afk is now known as Twonk
- SpoopyInkieShark spoops
<Wererattman> it can be found in The Last Of Us
<TwistedGears> Cordyceps are pretty rad
<DolphinSlugchugger> where's the blue fungus
<Nightmaleph> Dolphin: How did you feel when Felix suffered sudden head explosion
<mrcreeper> oh ok, well thank you and i appreatiate the help :D
<Nightmaleph> ?
<dexandroid> Mrcreeper
<dexandroid> .G cordyceps
<Alexandra> dexandroid: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cordyceps — Cordyceps - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Cordyceps /ˈkɔrdəsɛps/ is a genus of ascomycete fungi (sac fungi) that includes about 400 species. All Cordyceps species are endoparasitoids, parasitic …"
<dexandroid> Like its a real and horrific tgung
<dexandroid> Thing
<mrcreeper> ohhh
<mrcreeper> i heard of it but i thought it only effected ants/other insects
<dexandroid> Yeah that's true
<TopHatFancy> Clickers gave me the worst case of brown shorts ever
<mrcreeper> XD
<Wererattman> what if there was a type of wasp whose sting was a type of amnestic?
<mrcreeper> hmm
<mrcreeper> not sure
<mrcreeper> it sounds likley
<DolphinSlugchugger> http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-129
<Alexandra> DolphinSlugchugger: SCP-129 (Progressive Fungal Infection, Originally written by far2, rewritten by Quikngruvn, Rating:+43) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-129
<dexandroid> But it's difficult to make an SCP of something like that when the real world has something even grosser
<DolphinSlugchugger> this one's decently relevant
<DolphinSlugchugger> Nightmaleph: I… was really shocked, frankly
<spookness_> what if there was a guy that turned into a rat during a full moon
<Nightmaleph> Cool
<Wererattman> hey that's me
- spookness_ locks Wererattman up
<Wererattman> oh no
<Nightmaleph> I was afraid I wasn't the only one
<mrcreeper> i have another scp i plan on writing that is a creature that stalks its prey, and when it strikes or starts stalking, it screeches very loudly. is there a scp like that? :P
<Nightmaleph> *was
<Wererattman> now I'm SCP-4023
<Wererattman> the horror
<DolphinSlugchugger> oh
<DolphinSlugchugger> jesus
<DolphinSlugchugger> space of gore
<spookness_> so when were affects of your anomalous capabilities made known to you
<Wererattman> mrcreeper, a recommendation
<DolphinSlugchugger> it's like a plethora of bloody grapefruit
<Wererattman> read the entire scp list
<Markormaniac> this may be an akward question but i want to know if there are any scp's of a particularly sexual nature, or is that taboo
<Wererattman> and cry when you realize all the good ideas are taken
<SpoopyInkieShark> .sea jack of hearts
<Alexandra> SpoopyInkieShark: Jack Of Hearts(SCP-952, Rating:56) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-952
<DolphinSlugchugger> oh god i ate some of the grapefruit
<spookness_> .sea 1004
<Alexandra> spookness_: Factory Porn(SCP-1004, Rating:294) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-1004
<GhostcyonGhostor> Markormaniac, I would heavily advise against doing that
<GhostcyonGhostor> that is really only usually done by experienced SCP authors, and even then it rarely turns out well
<Nightmaleph> Dolphinsulgchugger: You have seen nothing yet
- SpoopyInkieShark has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 41.0.1/20150929144111])
<Nightmaleph> .sea big bang
<Alexandra> Nightmaleph: The Big Bang(SCP-2182, Rating:76) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-2182
<Nightmaleph> A fairly recent one
<mrcreeper> yeah but there is over 2000 scp's so i don't wanna waste my time reading 2000 scp's, just to write something for fun. thanks for the sugeston though
<TwistedGears> I mean really that's just a stupid joke, Nightmaleph
- LargeBlueThing (ten.nozirev.tsae.apalhp.603E53F8-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.tsae.apalhp.603E53F8-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<Nightmaleph> But it was a good stupid joke
<Necrophysician> Eh, if you just write something for fun without really knowing the site, it is unlikely what you write will stay up for long.
<TwistedGears> if you say so
<LargeBlueThing> Hello.
<spookness_> OH I HAVE A GOOD J IDEA
<Nightmaleph> TwistedGears: Of course, in my opinion
<Nightmaleph> Hi
<mrcreeper> spelling is not my best subject appeantly and i ment writing it so i could entertain people, while having fun writing it
<spookness_> pair of chopsticks that keep dropping whatever you try to pick up
<mrcreeper> thats pretty good XD
<Wererattman> I dunno
<caseymilo> eh
<mrcreeper> back to what someone said earlier, there should be a J SCP about a guy turning into a rat at the full moon
<caseymilo> I prefer to use a fork
<Nightmaleph> mrcreeper: The site is for writing as a hobby, but you know, we took our hobby fairly seriously. Quality controls and stuff
<DolphinSlugchugger> "my biggest fears are meat and pomegranates" i goddamn knew it
<Wererattman> mrcreeper I told you, that already exists
<Wererattman> because it's me
- SpoopyInkieShark (moorkaerb.s91etis|knat.sih#moorkaerb.s91etis|knat.sih) has joined
<spookness_> why pomegranates
- SpoopyInkieShark spoops
<LargeBlueThing> Can you guys take a look at my draft?
<Wererattman> (you can try your hand at it but I dunno)
<dexandroid> Dolpin is that persephone
<Alexandra> LargeBlueThing has a draft guys!
<spookness_> Hi spoopyink
<Wererattman> yay
<GhostcyonGhostor> mrcreeper, even if you are not good at spelling, you need to put more effort into it than that
<DolphinSlugchugger> "flowers that lie have bad memory" oh god does that mean that the save point doesn't work
<Wererattman> what
<Nightmaleph> Eh, no
<GhostcyonGhostor> if youu would like to stay in this chatroom
<spookness_> Show us the draft LargeBlueThing
<mrcreeper> I under stand that, but i enjoy entertaining people while writing as my hobby
<LargeBlueThing> Okay, http://scpsandbox2.wikidot.com/largebluething
<GhostcyonGhostor> how old are you, mrcreeper?
<mrcreeper> and ok i will go more into spelling
<mrcreeper> why should you know?
<GhostcyonGhostor> Because I'm a channel operator and you're obligated to answer the question
- mrcreeper has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<dexandroid> Have you read the chart guide
- [mrcreeper] (PI.67331B8E.2A4A1AB4.E20AAB13|tibbiM#PI.67331B8E.2A4A1AB4.E20AAB13|tibbiM): http://www.mibbit.com
- [mrcreeper] avarice.wa.us.synirc.net :Sat Oct 10 11:13:20 2015
- mrcreeper :End of WHOWAS
<dexandroid> Sigh
<Nightmaleph> It's the protocol dude
<dexandroid> Nah he's gone
- GhostcyonGhostor sets ban on *!*@31BAA02E.4BA1A4A2.E8B13376.IP
If he comes into 17 and gives an appropriate answer, unban.