New site member Machen2 (account age 12 days, site membership 10 days) has been posting some rather vague and sometimes misleading feedback in the forums:
Could improve grammar. The idea is good, though.
You're supposed to describe the SCP in the Elevator pitch, and the central narrative is supposed to be what, when and how the Foundation found and dealt with it, but that doesn't matter. I really like this idea! Best of luck!
Ok. Let's see.
If I talk about originality, I'd say…a little. I think mind control SCPs have been done before. It may not have been, since I haven't read the entire archive. So on originality, I would give you 5/10. The spider thing, though, I like it. Everyone's afraid of Spiders, so it will cause fear to some people. And otherwise, it's all just terrific. Great job. The Hook is good too, like I said, so, on good article, by the power vested in me, I give thee 10/10. On grammar, uh, you could improve. But, otherwise, good job.
It's a great story! I like it, though I technically can't green light it. And you're right about the fact that this one is different. It is unique. Keep up the good work!
Staffposted on the two most recent comments and sent the usual "please be more conscientious with your crit" PM.
ETA: got a reply
I'll try to be more clear next time.