Recently, Mann upgraded his Wikidot account from a Pro account to a Pro Plus account. This was to enable https on the main wiki, but it unlocks a few other features that we haven't had access to before. Chiefly among these is disabling the display of Wikidot Karma and Pro Account status star1. We could toggle these features so that karma and and the Pro account star no longer appear on the main wiki, sandbox or any other site that Mann is a master admin on.2
Combining this option with the following code (incorporated into Sigma-9) will let us hide the Karma Bars and Pro Stars and patch a spacing issue that appears when those elements are disabled:
.printuser img.small { padding: 1px 4px 1px 0px; } #who-rated-page-area .printuser img.small, #revision-list .printuser img.small { background-image: none !important; }
This option disables the display of Karma in a most places on site, but does not remove it entirely. You'll still be able to see a user's Karma by clicking on their username, as the popup that appears is unchanged.
Karma has been noted as a bad metric on the site, as it only refers to your level of Wikidot activity and not actual SCP Wiki activity. It is ignored for all official purposes and users are also encouraged to ignore it themselves, but new users who are unfamiliar with the site tend to put a lot of weight on the concept.
Given our new ability to disable the display of these features, should we do so? Karma and the Pro Account star are toggled separately, and we could disable one without having to disable the other. Karma will still be tracked and can be found by visiting a user's wikidot profile; it will simply not be displayed on the main wiki.
The current suggestion is to try these features out as a limited test run for a short period of time (most likely one or two months) and then revisit the policy to see if there have been any significant downsides to the change.
This discussion will be open for one week to staff of all levels (including Junior Staff, with captain permission).
can I get some nice "no signatures on my forum"
sigma-9 css machine broke
understandable have a nice day