Recently, user Cerastes posted an SCP-001 Proposal “May We Meet Again in Adytum”, revolving around an object known as “the Great Seal”. It has since been deleted.
Multiple users throughout the writing and drafting of said SCP, and then after it was published, made observations that multiple aspects of this article seemed to have been taken wholesale from parts of the Alchemy Department canon, as written by DrMagnus. DrMagnus has been writing The Great Seal and working towards its publication for the better part of the existence of The Alchemy Department canon, and has discussed the idea before.
When shopping the draft around for feedback, Cerastes was told by multiple users that the draft was extremely close to Magnus’ idea, to the point of authorial theft.
Here is an example of one such interaction, specifically the instance wherein DrMagnus was made aware of the draft in question. Other users have provided accounts wherein they have had similar interactions, with the point boiling down to them indicating that the idea was clearly Magnus’.
Cerastes sent one .tell during the course of this, seen below:
8:56 PM <Secretary_Helen> DrMagnus: cerastes said at 11/06/2020 15:47:04: hey, whenever you're available, could you send me a ping? writing something that involves the origin of the alchemical great seal, malyce recommended i get your input as you had some stuff in mind for its origin
… and as far as can be seen, did not alter the course of his narrative until confronted directly.
Eventually, Magnus was pinged in a Discord discussion by another user, and confronted Cerastes; only after then, the draft was altered somewhat. These are the discord images linked below.
In short, multiple staff (other than DrMagnus, whose opinion has been discounted due to being a subject of this interaction) believe in the possibility that Cerastes in some way derived the idea, writing, and execution of his 001 from Magnus’ intended 001 idea, and should have known better.
See here for a Google Doc of several edit differences between three versions of the article. Full HTML files of each version are all available upon request.
This thread is a discussion of how staff should respond to this situation, as it is something of a borderline case and not immediately explicit. As of currently, it has been proposed that Cerastes be demoted from staff for bad faith coopting of another user’s intended climactic material, combined with a pattern of behavior unbefitting an individual of staff position.
This discussion is open to OS and above.
0. This is a discussion on whether demotion is the correct course of action. We do have a demotions process, and it will be linked below by Soulless.
1. This is a disciplinary thread and Disciplinary team staff have the ability to moderate and keep it on rails. Stay on topic for what the thread is discussing.
2. I will request that Cerastes' staff responsibilities are held in abeyance until a conclusion is reached in this thread. His Team Captains may reply once they have come to a decision (together, if there are more than one team Cerastes is on).
EDIT 2: I have edited this first post to better reflect the evolution of the discussion, with a broader focus on Cerastes' pattern of unstafflike behavior and less of a focus on "plagiarism", which was a bad presentation choice of issues on my part.