The MAST Guide Update Team is proposing various changes to guides on the wiki. This thread is intended for all levels of staff to be able to preview the guides in question and voice their concerns about the proposed changes. Once the timer at the bottom of this post has expired, the proposed changes will be implemented unless otherwise stipulated below or if significant alterations to the changes in question need to be made.
- The Site Rules guide has been rewritten by taylor_itkin does not match any existing user name. All staff may comment on the rewrite, but final changes are subject to approval by the Disciplinary Team. ETA: Upon review of the site charter, these changes cannot be implemented until a vote by site mods and admins is taken, so expect that thread to go up once the timer expires. The proposed rewrite can be found here:
- The Guide Hub has been rewritten by
MalyceGraves and myself. Aside from reorganizing the page, no major changes have been made. The sandbox also denotes locations where guides or essays can be replaced in the future with a more comprehensive version, but until these newer guides are ready for posting, the grey boxes will not appear on the guide hub itself. They exist on the sandbox page for internal MAST purposes only. The proposed rewrite can be found here:
- The Guide Hub has also been given a replacement, derived from the above rewrite. The current guide hub is a comprehensive list of all pages that are tagged as a guide or essay. While the existence of such a page is important, there is a growing concern about "guide bloat". As such, the MAST Guide Update Team is proposing the creation of an Abridged Guide Hub which would trim down the 100+ links on the current Guide Hub down to under half that, a size that is far more digestible for a new site member. The old hub will continue to exist under the title of "Comprehensive Guide Hub", but the hope is to replace all current links to the Guide Hub with links to the Abridged Guide Hub. That being said, this page will only be posted when the timer below expires. Link replacement can be discussed here as well, but a vote thread will go up once the timer expires to implement any link changes. The proposed new guide can be found here: