So, well, this guy's an ass.
- aria (moc.retrahc.nm.dcts.pchd.D76B0C1D-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.retrahc.nm.dcts.pchd.D76B0C1D-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<aria> .
<Riemann> .
<LadyKatie> …
<Paradox> '
<aria> idk what im supposed to do
<Dr_Kens> !
<Riemann> We don't either
<Silber> I'm considering calling up the people who make MTG because they gave me the wrong d20 last night
<Riemann> Slay them, Silber
<Riemann> slay theeem
<Dr_Leonard> Hey, MacLeod?
<Silber> Someone with customer service said on social media "hey if you got the wrong d20 call us and we'll fix it"
<Silber> but somehow it feels really petty
<MacLeod> I m summonded.
<Tuomey> but Silber you have to
<Tuomey> it could affect your luck
<Riemann> Maybe they'll be impressed by your forwardness
- Zanadu has quit (Connection reset by peer)
<Silber> Riemann: well they'll be expecting it
- Zanadu (~quassel@F1E8645D:55B5F313:5AF9B5FE:IP) has joined
<Dr_Leonard> MacLeod can I ask you to look over a really quick thing I just wrote up? (literally only a few lines)
<Silber> they said this as an open post to anyone that happened
<Riemann> "whoa this silber guy. He really has things together"
<Silber> to
<MacLeod> lemme see
<Dr_Leonard> PM
<Silber> almost everyone at my prerelease got the wrong d20
<Silber> it was a travesty
<Riemann> Fight someone
<aria> G20
<ChaoSera> What d20?
<aria> Bilderburg
<Takov> Silber: Did they get fuzzy d20s or something?
<thedeadlymoose> Silber: do you literally actually care at all?
<LadyKatie> Fuzzy d20s might actually be really funny
<Riemann> Silber, ignore the moose
<Tuomey> moose do not invoke the anger of the random number god
<Riemann> let the hate flow through you
<thedeadlymoose> lmao
- RexSueciae (PI.9949C69B.A96376C8.01C496AE|tibbiM#PI.9949C69B.A96376C8.01C496AE|tibbiM) has joined
<Tuomey> .r 1d20 asplode moose
<Tuomey> .dice 1d20 asplode moose
<Alexandra> Tuomey: asplode moose: 10 (1d20=10)
<ChaoSera> i feel like I'm missing some context
<aria> bush
<Riemann> 1d20 asplode
<Dr_Kens> You're all banned.
<Dr_Kens> Like
<Dr_Kens> just banned.
<LadyKatie> :(
- Tuomey sets ban on Dr_Kens!*@*
- Dr_Kens removes ban on Dr_Kens!*@*
- TwistedGears (opxE.ehT|tranA#opxE.ehT|tranA) has joined
<aria> bush did 9/11
<Silber> Takov: they were supposed to be spindown d20s with the new set's logo on them
<LadyKatie> You make no sense
<Dr_Leonard> No, he just overreacted to it
<Silber> like, for the 20
<Riemann> cool story, aria?
<Dr_Kens> aria: Don't you ever joke about 9/11.
<Dr_Kens> Ever.
- Metaphysician snerks.
<Dr_Kens> :|
<Silber> instead they were spindown d20s where the 20 was the /previous/ set's logo
<aria> im not joking
<Silber> this happened to everyone at the event except for like three people
<Dr_Leonard> Dr_Kens relax man
- Dr_Kens has kicked aria from #site19 (My friends had loved ones who died in those towers. Show some goddamn respect.)
<Takov> aria: gr8 b8 m-
<Takov> RIP
<Riemann> This isn't exactly the right place to do th-
<Dr_Leonard> just a dumb troll
<Dr_Leonard> RIP, nonetheless
<LadyKatie> Is this going to be the second person banned for 9/11 jokes this week?
- aria (moc.retrahc.nm.dcts.pchd.D76B0C1D-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.retrahc.nm.dcts.pchd.D76B0C1D-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<Silber> thedeadlymoose: Not especially, but I like collecting dice and they tend to apologize for the error with some free packs or something
<Riemann> Do it Silby
<aria> kick me because u disagree with my point of view. ok then
<Riemann> Silbster
<Riemann> Not a public forum, aria
<Metaphysician> Why are you here and why should we care what you have to say?
<Riemann> We reserve the right to moderate conversations as we see fit
<Alexandra> Metaphysician: Help! I'm Being Repressed! (Short Version) - length 17s - 279↑0↓ - 60,410 views - Boxy Brown on 2013.06.24
<aria> i didnt break the guidelines
- apt-get has quit (Client exited)
<Hexi> aria: politics and discussion of terrorist activities are actively against site19 rules, if you want to have a serious discussion abotu that i invite you to #neutralzone
<Takov> aria: If you're gonna b8 do something original other than a maymay
- apt-get (ikus.ikus.iuy.amah|giuy#ikus.ikus.iuy.amah|giuy) has joined
<thedeadlymoose> Hexi: no, that's not true
- Decibelle (||ellebiceD) has joined
<Dr_Leonard> It's not against the rules
<Dr_Leonard> But I don't think it's discussion has any place in here tbh
<Hexi> huh?
<thedeadlymoose> however, saying something inflammatory with no context to get a reaction is against the rules. and being annoying long-term will get you banned
<Dr_Kens> aria: I didn't kick you because I disagreed with your point of view. I kicked you becaus I explicitly told you not to talk about it. And to show some respect. Do you know how many of my own friends lost loved ones or family in the towers? How many people in our towns were directly affected by it?
<Hexi> i thought the general thing was politics? religion? topics that tend to incite arguements? take that shit to nz
<thedeadlymoose> Hexi: Politics discussion hasn't been against the rules since I became chat owner, and I think maybe a little before, tho I'd have to check
<Hexi> oh
<Dr_Leonard> Dr_Kens I understand you are upset, but feeding trolls is not a wise move
<Riemann> It's not actively against the rules, but given the predilection to cause trouble, most ch0ps shut it down
<Hexi> >w> shows how long i've been poking my snout around here
<LadyKatie> I'm going to stay out of this argument.
<Hexi> any other month i'd say this guy might be related to a person who was recently perma'ed and possibly is a ban evasion, but heck its september
<aria> see moose said i didnt break the rules
<ProcyonLotor> No, Moose did not say that
<Dr_Leonard> this is pathetic
<ProcyonLotor> Moose said hexi's interpretation of the rules were incorrect
<ProcyonLotor> (which they were)
<Hexi> they usually are
- Dr_Kens sets mode +m on #site19
<Dr_Kens> Right.
<Dr_Kens> The question here isn't whether or not you broke the rules, aria.
<Dr_Kens> It's a matter of directly continuing to make comments about a topic that you were explicitly told not to continue.
<Dr_Kens> Politics was always allowed to talk about, but given the tendency of chat to make it out of proportion is pretty seirous.
<Dr_Kens> So it was generally shut down if the users were not civil.
- Dr_Kens sets mode -m on #site19
<Dr_Kens> Carry on.
<Takov> I'm just going to derail this conversation with something weird
<Alexandra> Takov: KITTY CANDY - length 2m40s - 2075↑258↓ - 334,299 views - ShayeSaintJohn on 2006.12.02
<Hexi> kitty candy you say
<TwistedGears> No look at this This channel is fun
<Alexandra> TwistedGears: WORST RELOAD PART 2 - length 41s - 14033↑262↓ - 782,996 views - Hyper on 2014.11.20
<aria> fuck ur friends
<Hexi> Takov: distraction sucessful, nat 20
<Metaphysician> Wow.
- ProcyonLotor sets ban on *!*
- ProcyonLotor has kicked aria from #site19 (ProcyonLotor)