User joined chat, made Holocaust and 9/11 jokes, got banned, complained.
The 19 visit (logs courtesy EldritchCyanide);
6:30 PM <D-ClassPersonnel> Huehue
6:31 PM <D-ClassPersonnel> What do you call the Incredible Hulk when he's an accountant?
6:31 PM <D-ClassPersonnel> THE CREDITING HULK!
6:31 PM <gto_173> deez nutz
6:31 PM <D-ClassPersonnel> Get it? Credit? Finances?
6:31 PM <D-ClassPersonnel> So many idlers.
6:31 PM <gto_173> yea I get it lmao, what you just said reminds of a joke scp
6:31 PM → thekillerax joined (||tibbiM)
6:31 PM <Aleph> It gets higher each day
6:31 PM <D-ClassPersonnel> spoopy
6:31 PM <D-ClassPersonnel> i am trooly le spookt
6:32 PM <Aleph> Yesterday there were less than a hundred
6:32 PM <Aleph> Hi killer
6:32 PM <thekillerax> hi Aleph!
6:32 PM <thekillerax> haven't seen you in chat before
6:32 PM <D-ClassPersonnel> Guess what I found in my dumpster yesterday.
6:32 PM <LadyKatie> The number of people in chat vaires.
6:32 PM <Live2Die> Hi, Ax.
6:33 PM <D-ClassPersonnel> 17 dead hookers, and a hobo. That's what I found in my dumpster.
6:33 PM <gto_173> oh ur still here katie
6:33 PM <Roth> ops
6:33 PM <gto_173> Hi
6:33 PM <thekillerax> hi l2d
6:33 PM <LadyKatie> Roth beat me to it
6:33 PM <•EldritchClasside> D-ClassPersonnel: We don't allow roleplaying here.
6:33 PM <•EldritchClasside> Also, please don't be creepy.
6:33 PM <thekillerax> aren't names with D-class in them not allowed
6:33 PM ← D-ClassPersonnel was kicked by EldritchClasside (tnil.tekcop.dna.edin|yc#tnil.tekcop.dna.edin|yc): In fact, change your nick and reconsider your behavior, please.
6:33 PM <•EldritchClasside> Yes, apologies.
6:33 PM <LadyKatie> It's okay
6:34 PM <KaiserCrab> Aleph: not trying to crap on your idea, the skip idea isn't bad at all
6:34 PM <•EldritchClasside> I had to catch up to the situation z
6:34 PM <Dr_Leonard> don't apologise, lol
6:34 PM <•EldritchClasside> *.
6:34 PM <Dr_Leonard> not your fault
6:34 PM <thekillerax> no need to apologize
6:34 PM <Dr_Leonard> .lc
6:34 PM <LadyKatie> I was worried he was going to say something about dead bodies when he said dumpster.
6:34 PM <•Alexandra> Dr_Leonard: SCP-2789(Rating:-2) - - SCP-800-J(Rating:5) - - SCP-2339(Rating:-16) -
6:34 PM <Dr_Leonard> why?
6:34 PM <LadyKatie> Good guess?
6:34 PM <Dr_Leonard> we don't have many dumpsters here in Ireland
6:34 PM ⇐ themadstork quit (~ude.uyn.looptan.03388263-CRInys|otsdameht#ude.uyn.looptan.03388263-CRInys|otsdameht) Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…
6:34 PM <Dr_Leonard> and even fewer dead bodies in them
6:35 PM <thekillerax> Earlier I was playing Binding of Isaac on Hard Mode and was like two rooms away from the final boss
6:35 PM → GeneralissimoFranciscoFranco joined (ac.kniltsae.25390308-CRInys|tibbiM#ac.kniltsae.25390308-CRInys|tibbiM)
6:35 PM <thekillerax> then an enemy got stuck in a rock
6:35 PM <thekillerax> and I couldn't get it
6:35 PM <thekillerax> and I had to start over
6:35 PM <Aleph> KaiserCrab: No worries
6:35 PM <Aleph> thekillerax: Suddenly got better internet, that's why now I can get here
6:35 PM <thekillerax> Aleph: yay!
6:35 PM → Zmax15 joined (||tibbiM)
6:36 PM <Aleph> Yay for progressive politics and a country that gives almost free internet
6:36 PM <thekillerax> where are you
6:36 PM <Aleph> Uruguay
6:36 PM <thekillerax> I'm still looking for the user in Antarctica
6:36 PM <Aleph> Beautiful place were everywhere you go, there is internet…
6:36 PM <Zmax15> Does anyone here have experience with wikidot code?
6:36 PM <GeneralissimoFranciscoFranco> Sure
6:36 PM <GeneralissimoFranciscoFranco> I don't.
6:36 PM <Aleph> I already told you, is a penguin
6:37 PM <thekillerax> sapient researcher penguin
6:37 PM <Dr_Leonard> There aren't too many Antarcticans in this universe doe
6:37 PM <Dr_Leonard> scp-1483
6:37 PM <•Alexandra> Dr_Leonard: SCP-1483 (The Third Antarctic Empire, Written by Djoric, Rating:+213) -
6:37 PM ← GeneralissimoFranciscoFranco was kicked by EldritchClasside (tnil.tekcop.dna.edin|yc#tnil.tekcop.dna.edin|yc): Last chance. Shorter nick, no dictators, please.
6:37 PM <thekillerax> oh my god how did I not make that connection
6:37 PM <Dr_Leonard> hah
6:37 PM <•EldritchClasside> It's okay, I had to google it xD
6:37 PM <Zmax15> Would it be potentially possible to create a button which closes an open collapsible, while simultaneously revealing new text?
6:38 PM <thekillerax> the user is obviously the Bastard Empress of The Third Antarctic Empire
6:38 PM → Billy joined (ac.kniltsae.25390308-CRInys|tibbiM#ac.kniltsae.25390308-CRInys|tibbiM)
6:38 PM <Billy> Billy
6:38 PM <•EldritchClasside> That works, thank you.
6:38 PM <Billy> Satisfied?
6:38 PM <Billy> Billy.
6:38 PM <gto_173> lmao, last resort name
6:39 PM <Billy> Ikr.
6:39 PM <Billy> I'm Billy. And I tried to be a foreign dictator.
6:39 PM <Zmax15> w/e, i'm outie
6:39 PM <Aleph> thekillerax: I will eventually get around to make a skip out of it/him/her
6:39 PM <thekillerax> bye
6:39 PM <Zmax15> buy guys i love you all
6:39 PM ⇐ Zmax15 quit (||tibbiM) Quit: ajax IRC Client
6:39 PM <Waxx> fact: i am the only dictator allowed here
6:39 PM <Aleph> We love you too…
6:39 PM <Billy> Bye. I'm Billy.
6:39 PM <Billy> Whoa.
6:39 PM <Waxx> and then only barely
6:39 PM <Billy> Calm your hormones.
6:39 PM <•EldritchClasside> Waxx, no, doesn't even.
6:40 PM <Dr_Leonard> staff are the only dictators allowed in here, mate
6:40 PM <Billy> Love isn't in the air.
6:40 PM <•EldritchClasside> Dr_Leonard: He used to be owner of chat xD
6:40 PM <Aleph> Waxx: That's because you couldn't be the king
6:40 PM <Aleph> Staff are the kings
6:40 PM <thekillerax> Waxx is a tyrant who rules 19 with an iron fist
6:40 PM <Dr_Leonard> EldritchClasside exactly. Used to.
6:40 PM <Dr_Leonard> *was * ruled
6:40 PM <thekillerax> no
6:40 PM <Billy> Generalissimo Francisco Francis is a noble, honest and kind man.
6:40 PM <thekillerax> he's secretly also moose
6:40 PM <Dr_Leonard> *before he was overthrown
6:40 PM <thekillerax> so he still owns chat
6:40 PM <Billy> If you get past the fact that he's a ruthless dictator.
6:40 PM •Waxx was voiced (+v) by •EldritchClasside
6:40 PM <Aleph> But continues being a tyrant
6:40 PM → themadstork joined (~ude.uyn.looptan.03388263-CRInys|otsdameht#ude.uyn.looptan.03388263-CRInys|otsdameht)
6:41 PM <•EldritchClasside> There, that works.
6:41 PM <LadyKatie> … sigh
6:41 PM <Dr_Leonard> as far as dictators go, Waxx is purty cool
6:41 PM <thekillerax> in fact all staff are waxx
6:41 PM <thekillerax> just like how all users on the site are Roget
6:41 PM <Billy> Guys. My grandfather died in a concentration camp.
6:41 PM <Billy> He fell from a guard tower…
6:41 PM → Ireul joined (~kniP.dnA.yracS.giB|alliztahc#kniP.dnA.yracS.giB|alliztahc)
6:41 PM <•Waxx> billy i already told this joke
6:41 PM <Billy> Badum tsss.
6:41 PM <•Waxx> years ago
6:41 PM <Billy> Oh
6:41 PM <LadyKatie> ….
6:41 PM <Dr_Leonard> Billy Was he a soldier there?
6:41 PM <Billy> My dad died on 9/11
6:41 PM ⇐ themadstork quit (~ude.uyn.looptan.03388263-CRInys|otsdameht#ude.uyn.looptan.03388263-CRInys|otsdameht) Quit: themadstork
6:41 PM <•Waxx> i told this one too
6:41 PM <Billy> Yes
6:41 PM <Live2Die> :|
6:41 PM <Dr_Leonard> Oh, it was a joke
6:41 PM <Billy> DAMNIT
6:41 PM → themadstork joined (~PI.958F7918.99497BBA.F6F2167D|otsdameht#PI.958F7918.99497BBA.F6F2167D|otsdameht)
6:41 PM <Dr_Leonard> I don't think this is the place for 9/11 jokes, mate
6:41 PM <Billy> …
6:41 PM <•Waxx> show me your troll academy diploma
6:41 PM Sibler → •Silber
6:41 PM <•Waxx> right now
6:41 PM <LadyKatie> Just assume all the stock jokes have been made
6:41 PM <thekillerax> hi silber
6:41 PM ⇐ •ProcyonLotor quit (nooccaR.snaeM.rotoL|noycorP#nooccaR.snaeM.rotoL|noycorP) Ping timeout: 182 seconds
6:41 PM <Billy> As long as it isn't AMERICA
6:42 PM <Billy> BADUM TSSS
6:42 PM <Dr_Leonard> I'm expecting a staff member to come in any minute now and ask
6:42 PM <•Silber> howdy thekillerax
6:42 PM ⇐ •ProcyonPhone quit (nooccaR.snaeM.rotoL|noycorP#nooccaR.snaeM.rotoL|noycorP) Ping timeout: 183 seconds
6:42 PM <Dr_Leonard> "alright, what the fuck is going on here, fuckheads?"
6:42 PM <Billy> Honestly, though. Some people react as if 9/11 was as bad as The Holocaust.
6:42 PM <Dr_Leonard> and then kick some troll ass
6:42 PM <Ireul> .lc
6:42 PM → •ProcyonPhone (opped) joined
6:42 PM <•Alexandra> Ireul: SCP-2789(Rating:-3) - - SCP-800-J(Rating:3) - - SCP-2339(Rating:-16) -
6:42 PM <•Waxx> i'm waiting for someone to handle it
6:42 PM •EldritchClasside banned *!* (+b)
6:42 PM → •ProcyonLotor (opped) joined
6:42 PM <Dr_Leonard> Here we go
6:42 PM <Ireul> Ooo a -J
6:42 PM <•Silber> don't talk to Waxx about the Holocaust
6:42 PM <•Silber> I am afraid of how that discussion would go
6:42 PM <LadyKatie> right on time
6:42 PM <•Waxx> you'd be surprised
6:43 PM ← Billy was kicked by EldritchClasside (tnil.tekcop.dna.edin|yc#tnil.tekcop.dna.edin|yc): Trolling, perma.
Then he sort of tried to appeal in 17:
[18:43] -->| GeneralissimoFranciscoFranco (ac.kniltsae.25390308-CRInys|tibbiM#ac.kniltsae.25390308-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site17
[18:43] GeneralissimoFranciscoFranco Howdy.
[18:43] Waxx hey man
[18:43] GeneralissimoFranciscoFranco …
[18:43] GeneralissimoFranciscoFranco Too quiet.
[18:44] GeneralissimoFranciscoFranco Eh.
[18:44] GeneralissimoFranciscoFranco Howdy.
[18:44] GeneralissimoFranciscoFranco How are you?
[18:44] Waxx i'm fighting a headache and sipping coffee
[18:44] GeneralissimoFranciscoFranco Cool.
[18:44] GeneralissimoFranciscoFranco Hang in there.
[18:44] GeneralissimoFranciscoFranco You know what's strange?
[18:44] Waxx thanks billy
[18:44] ProcyonLotor Are you here to appeal your ban?
[18:44] Waxx can i call you billy
[18:44] GeneralissimoFranciscoFranco I was banned from Site 19 for "Trolling."
[18:44] GeneralissimoFranciscoFranco Sure.
[18:45] ProcyonLotor Alright
[18:45] GeneralissimoFranciscoFranco I was using that name, anyway.
[18:45] ProcyonLotor So, first off, with that nick
[18:45] GeneralissimoFranciscoFranco Yet I wasn't trolling.
[18:45] GeneralissimoFranciscoFranco Now ain't that silly.
[18:45] ProcyonLotor Why do you deserve do be unbanned?
[18:45] ProcyonLotor Because
[18:45] ProcyonLotor I mean
[18:45] GeneralissimoFranciscoFranco I don't know if I do.
[18:45] GeneralissimoFranciscoFranco But I just came to talk.
[18:45] GeneralissimoFranciscoFranco Because I am bored.
[18:45] ProcyonLotor Considering you came in to appeal with that nick, I'd agree.
[18:45] GeneralissimoFranciscoFranco All I did was begin to talk about the Holocaust.
[18:45] GeneralissimoFranciscoFranco And then I was kicked.
[18:45] GeneralissimoFranciscoFranco Brb.
[18:46] ProcyonLotor I'm denying your appeal
[18:46] |<-- GeneralissimoFranciscoFranco has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[18:46] -->| Billy (ac.kniltsae.25390308-CRInys|tibbiM#ac.kniltsae.25390308-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site17
[18:46] Billy I didn't make one.
[18:46] Billy I never said I did.
[18:46] ProcyonLotor Well, you were trying to say you weren't trolling
[18:46] ProcyonLotor Which would be a de facto appeal
[18:46] Billy De facto?
[18:47] ProcyonLotor In effect.
[18:47] Billy What's "De facto?"
[18:47] Billy Oh.
[18:47] Billy Well I wasn't appealing. I was just talking about it. I never asked to be unbanned.
[18:47] Billy Did I?
[18:47] Billy No, I didn't.
[18:48] ProcyonLotor Again, considering you were banned for trolling, trying to make a argument about how you weren't trolling would be the same thing.
[18:48] ProcyonLotor So, you did.
[18:48] ProcyonLotor But this is entirely besides the point.
[18:48] Billy Ah. Alright.
[18:48] Billy Well, I came here afterwards to talk.
[18:48] ProcyonLotor You can appeal, or you can leave. This isn't a "I got banned from 19 for my behavior so I'll talk here instead" room.
[18:48] Billy Because I thought there would be more non-idles.
[18:48] Billy Alright.
[18:48] Billy I think I'll leave.
[18:48] ProcyonLotor Very well.
[18:49] Waxx bye billy
[18:49] Billy Thanks for the conversation, friend.
[18:49] Billy *friends.
[18:49] |<-- Billy has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[18:49] ProcyonLotor Alright, I have to eat, can someone else get that for me?
[18:49] EldritchClasside squiiiints
[18:49] EldritchClasside Yeah, I'm logging him anyways
[18:49] ProcyonLotor And 05 it
[18:49] ProcyonLotor And put it in the bot
[18:49] ProcyonLotor Thank you
[18:49] Waxx i'll never forget you, billy
[18:49] EldritchClasside And Silber's taking care of the 05
[18:49] =-= ProcyonLotor is now known as ProcyonDinner
[18:51] Silber EldritchClasside did you want to gather the logs or should I?
[18:52] EldritchClasside Almost done, sorry
[18:52] EldritchClasside Putting his appeal in there with it
[18:52] EldritchClasside Or, apparently not an appeal. Meh.
[18:53] |<-- Marcuse has left (Quit: Marcuse)
[18:54] EldritchClasside
[18:54] -->| kaktus (||H) has joined #site17
[18:54] =-= Mode #site17 +o kaktus by ChanServ
[18:55] EldritchClasside There you go Silber, gotta run
[18:55] EldritchClasside Brb
[18:55] |<-- kaktus has left (Quit: kaktus)
[18:55] Silber thanks ED
[18:55] Silber EC
[18:55] EldritchClasside : P
[18:55] -->| Billy (ac.kniltsae.25390308-CRInys|tibbiM#ac.kniltsae.25390308-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site17
[18:55] Billy Hey'o. I'm back.
[18:55] Silber Why?
[18:55] Billy I was kicked from another chat.
[18:56] Billy Even though I did nothing to provoke anybody in that one.
[18:57] Silber This still isn't a room for people who were banned in 19 to hang out in.
[18:57] Billy I was banned in a diff. one.
[18:57] Billy I was already banned from 19.
[18:57] Billy Brb checking log
[18:58] Billy Back
[18:58] Billy Just noticed
[18:58] Billy You were in the same room.
[18:58] Silber That doesn't undo your ban from 19. You can actually be banned from several rooms at once.
[18:59] -->| Randomini (||eewwow) has joined #site17
[18:59] Billy Nice. I don't know what the reason was, why I was banned from the origins one.
[18:59] EldritchClasside Lotor is an op in there too.
[18:59] Billy Checking
[19:00] EldritchClasside It's under his discretion to ban trolls.
[19:00] -->| Dr_Mann (moc.wzvym.241-112-57-bus.70E09286-CRInys|nnaMrD#moc.wzvym.241-112-57-bus.70E09286-CRInys|nnaMrD) has joined #site17
[19:00] =-= Mode #site17 +ao Dr_Mann Dr_Mann by ChanServ
[19:00] Silber Usually, when someone bans someone from 19 and they immediately show up in Origins chat, the same op will ban the person from there, too.
[19:00] Silber Just as general policy.
[19:00] Billy I wasn't trying to troll.
[19:00] Billy You know what's stupid?
[19:00] Billy If somebody acts/behaves in a way somebody else doesn't like, it's trollig.
[19:00] Billy *trolling.
[19:01] EldritchClasside Okay, then a person who makes shitty holocaust and 9/11 jokes isn't someone we want around either.
[19:01] -->| Joreth (swap.htiw|epyt#swap.htiw|epyt) has joined #site17
[19:01] Billy I was trying to liven up the chat.
[19:01] Silber You can see how coming in named after a dictator to make 9/11 jokes and talk about the Holocaust might not be welcomed with open arms
[19:01] Billy I didn't know people would be so easily offended.
[19:01] EldritchClasside Frankly, you picked a rather stupid way to do it.
[19:01] Billy Usually my pals IRL are not so sensitive.
[19:01] Billy I have a different sense of humour.
[19:02] -->| JackIke (PI.D6E6B2D5.E2FE6BBD.D066194F|tibbiM#PI.D6E6B2D5.E2FE6BBD.D066194F|tibbiM) has joined #site17
[19:02] <--| JackIke has left #site17
[19:02] Billy Apparently that means I am to be banned?
[19:02] EldritchClasside Are you appealing your ban? If so, I am to turn you over to a different operator.
[19:02] Billy Go ahead.
[19:02] -->| dexandroid (~PI.E5EC90E2.B0ABBA12.4D0E9C4A|taobaxed#PI.E5EC90E2.B0ABBA12.4D0E9C4A|taobaxed) has joined #site17
[19:02] =-= Mode #site17 +o dexandroid by ChanServ
[19:02] EldritchClasside Such as Silber, if he's able and willing.
[19:02] Billy I'm fine to have somebody other than you.
[19:02] Billy Thank you.
[19:03] Billy Silber
[19:04] Billy Is he even listening?
[19:04] Silber Billy, I'm here.
[19:04] Billy Or is he having a 'Nam flashback?
[19:04] Billy Thank you.
[19:04] Billy Mind helping me with something? As in, just listening?
[19:04] Billy I'm wondering why I was banned from 19.
[19:05] Billy I made some 9/11 jokes.
[19:05] Silber Well, look at it from our point of view.
[19:05] Billy Actually.
[19:05] Billy I didn't make any.
[19:05] Billy I didn't finish the joke.
[19:05] Silber If you were looking after a meeting room, and someone you didn't know walked in and started making Holocaust and 9/11 jokes unrelated to anything
[19:06] ProcyonDinner For the record, I didn't ban him from Origins
[19:06] Silber you would probably not have much faith in their ability to contribute to the discussion
[19:06] ProcyonDinner As I was eating dinner
[19:06] Billy Well, I tend to be around people who're not so sensitive.
[19:06] ProcyonDinner Someone else might have- which I would support, given, you know
[19:06] Billy Either that, or I just have a different sense of humor.
[19:06] Billy Do you want log?
[19:06] ProcyonDinner It was Nemi. I trust her judgement in this matter.
[19:07] Billy Yes, it was.
[19:07] Silber It's not even about sensitivity. It's that making middle-school-tier edge-humor jokes is usually the province of people who just want to get a rise out of someone for the lols.
[19:07] Billy Do you want chat log from 19?
[19:07] Hexi its 9/22 and the majority of users here are american
[19:07] ProcyonDinner It's also about knowing your audience.
[19:07] Billy How would I have known them?
[19:07] ProcyonDinner I have friends I won't tell certain jokes in front of, and friends I will.
[19:07] Billy I was new.
[19:07] ProcyonDinner Exactly!
[19:07] Billy Same.
[19:07] ProcyonDinner If you don't know your audience, don't just bust out the offensive jokes until you know your crowd.
[19:08] Billy Do you want the chat log? Yes or no?
[19:08] Hexi 9/11 jokes in september are in bad taste among any group though
[19:08] ProcyonDinner From Origins? I can see it myself.
[19:08] Billy I mean from 19.
[19:08] ProcyonDinner I have already seen them.
[19:08] Billy Alright.
[19:09] ProcyonDinner If I had not agreed with EldritchCyanides actions as a half operator, I would have overturned them as a full operator.
[19:09] |<-- Dr_Mann has left (Ping timeout: 366 seconds)
[19:09] Billy Also,
[19:09] Billy I had then decided to join Origins.
[19:10] Billy But "LadyKatie" was there, and decided to get them to have me banned from there, too.
[19:10] Billy She was also in 19, when I was banned.
[19:10] ProcyonDinner LadyKatie has no power there, but did pass along logs of what you did in 19
[19:10] Billy Yes.
[19:10] ProcyonDinner Which someone with power equal to my own (Nemi) decided was grounds to remove you from Origins
[19:10] Billy I did nothing at all that would cause that in origins.
[19:10] ProcyonDinner And Origins has a seperate disciplinary structure from 17 or 19- we are perfectly free to make our own decisions regarding these matters, and in these, we decided to apply the logs from 19.
[19:11] Billy The only reason I was kicked was because LadyKatie came along, and let them know.
[19:11] ProcyonDinner As we have done before, and will continue to do.
[19:11] ProcyonDinner Oh no
[19:11] ProcyonDinner Trust me
[19:11] ProcyonDinner If I had come back from dinner and saw you in there I would have shoo'd you out without a second thought.
[19:11] Hexi if it wasnt ladykatie, it would have been me
[19:11] Billy For doing?
[19:11] Decibelle hexi, please leave this up to ProcyonDinner
[19:11] Billy For what?
[19:11] Decibelle thank you
[19:11] ProcyonDinner All that franco shit in 19 and generally seeming unproductive.
[19:11] Silber As a general policy, Origins does not want to be the place where banned people go to continue whatever got them banned from 19.
[19:11] ProcyonDinner ^
[19:12] Billy Well how would I know?
[19:12] ProcyonDinner You didn't, but that doesn't change anything.
[19:12] Billy I know.
[19:12] Billy All I wanted to do was have a little fun.
[19:13] Billy I used the names because I thought it would have been funny. I didn't see the rules about names.
[19:13] ProcyonDinner And your fun turned into disruption and unproductive behavior, so we removed you.
[19:13] Billy Yes, I know.
[19:13] ProcyonDinner And listen, someone who thinks the atrocities of Francoist Spain is "a bit of fun" is not someone I want around.
[19:13] Billy But I never intended to do that.
[19:14] Billy I meant that I thought it would be funny if somebody just randomly joined, w/ his name.
[19:14] Billy Because it'd be so absurd and random.
[19:14] ProcyonDinner You could say the same thing about Mussolini, Pol Pot, god knows who else.
[19:14] Billy But apparently that is frowned upon.
[19:14] ProcyonDinner It is.
[19:14] ProcyonDinner Annyway, this is going nowhere.
[19:14] ProcyonDinner Do you have any further questions?
[19:14] Billy Had I known that it was, I wouldn't have done it.
[19:14] Billy Yes.
[19:15] ProcyonDinner Then ask them.
[19:15] -->| Roget (suruas.eht|esohw#suruas.eht|esohw) has joined #site17
[19:15] =-= Mode #site17 +o Roget by ChanServ
[19:15] Billy Am I able to go back to the rooms?
[19:15] ProcyonDinner No.
[19:15] Billy Alright.
[19:15] Billy Well, goodnight.
[19:15] ProcyonDinner You can appeal your 19 ban in a year, Origins you will have to appeal directly to someone on the GM team.
[19:16] Billy How would I do that?
[19:16] Billy Wouldn't I have to join the room?
[19:16] ProcyonDinner Well, I mean
[19:16] ProcyonDinner You can also do that in a year.
[19:16] Billy How so?
[19:16] ProcyonDinner Because I'm a member of the GM team, and I'm denying it.
[19:16] ProcyonDinner PM a member of the GM team on chat or the wiki.
[19:16] Billy Well thank you for letting me know.
[19:16] Billy Goodnight, I guess.
[19:16] ProcyonDinner Goodnight.
[19:17] |<-- Billy has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
-->| Billy (ac.kniltsae.25390308-CRInys|tibbiM#ac.kniltsae.25390308-CRInys|tibbiM)
(edit: I feex. —Photosynthetic)