(account deleted) 18 Sep 2015 02:10
03:08 * HeinrichHimmler joined #site19 PI.56626FC8.FE8E802E.13676AED|tibbiM#PI.56626FC8.FE8E802E.13676AED|tibbiM
03:08 DolphinSlugchugger … oh no
03:08 Lex1nat0r OH YES
03:08 hihahaba falls from the sky and smashes TwistedGear's car
03:08 DolphinSlugchugger three positive .lcs
03:08 HeinrichHimmler Gas the kikes, race war now
03:08 * Ireul joined #site19 ~kniP.dnA.yracS.giB|alliztahc#kniP.dnA.yracS.giB|alliztahc
03:08 ChanServ Channel HeinrichHimmler doesn't exist.
03:08 TwistedGears > implying I have a car
03:08 - ChanServ has banned *!*PI.56626FC8.FE8E802E.13676AED|tibbiM#PI.56626FC8.FE8E802E.13676AED|tibbiM
03:08 * HeinrichHimmler was kicked by ChanServ (Requested (Tuomey))
Perma'd for nazi shit