If someday the SCP wiki were to be its own thing rather than being tied to wikidot.com, would the new independent site be able to have its own edit buttons?
I'm talking about the series of buttons that are right above the forum text entry window that I'm typing into right now - which is the same set of buttons that appears above the window into which we type when creating or editing a wiki article.
"H1" "B" "I" "U" "S" and so on.
It strikes me that this collection of buttons may not correspond to the actually-most-useful formatting options that SCP community members frequently use.
If the collection of edit buttons were to be re-designed from the ground up (not that I have any idea whether this is possible or whether anyone would choose to take the project on), what would we want that collection of buttons to include?
Some potential suggestions:
- A "SCP Mainlist" button which, with a single click, creates a template mainlist article (rating module, boldfaced "Item", "Object Class," "Special Containment Procedures," "Description," wikiwalk nav footer, and other popular footers)
- A button that opens a wizard to create a collapsible
- Buttons that format blocks of text in certain popular styles, such as various colored boxes, green-on-black old CRT style text, text that looks like a handwritten note, etc.
- image wizard that actually facilitates the formatting of images in the way that the SCP wiki typically formats them
- button that opens up a menu of page styles
- the greatest hits of http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-style-resource