This is a very much belated reworking of my previous overflow discussion. For members of chatstaff who would discuss this, I would appreciate you familiarizing yourself with that thread first.
To reiterate the point made in the first thread, politics and sensitive discussion is a persistent bugbear for operators. Political discussion is frequently not quite bad enough to stop order without making the userbase feel we are acting unreasonably, while still bad enough to require constant operative eyes on chat. It is, to whit, frequently infuriating and exhausting. As the primaries have gotten under way, and looking forward to the general election, I foresee this only getting worse, and more frequently overwhelming 19 to the detriment of both our chatstaff and to the many users who do not come to 19 for such discussions.
This is why I am proposing #site20.
#site20 will act as an overflow for political (or otherwise sensitive at the discretion of chatstaff) discussions. It will be solely used for overflow, and will be muted at all other times1.
A running presence in #site20 from any individual member of chatstaff would not be mandatory, but would be greatly appreciated by the team.
In function, if an operator wishes to remove a political discussion from 19 that is not bad enough to stop order, they can op order it to be moved to #site20. Further discussion on the topic in 19 may be treated as a violation of a stop order.
Any operator who moves a conversation to #site20 will be responsible for opping that conversation, or otherwise ensuring that someone else does.
Channel roles shall be identical to 19, hops in 19 are hops in 20, ops in 19 ops in 20, and so on.
All rules and policies of #site19 will be applied to #site202.
#site19 and #site20 shall be identical for disciplinary purposes. A ban from 19 is a ban from 20 (and vice versa), an offense in 20 is considered an offense in 19.
Site-chat disciplinary bridge shall apply equally to 20 as it does to 19.
I am only looking for input from chatstaff, including half-operators.
e: Clarified some disciplinary matters.