Dude comes in, is generally rude and unpleasant about having to register their nick, finds the fact that we don't want his terrible A-Team knock off- that he is incapable of describing without referencing other works- ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE, threatens to go off and make their own site (Ban Bingo players mark their cards now), is kicked when he won't stop complaining about how IT'S JUST FICTION, comes to 17 to complain about being kicked, decides to tell us all to go to hell, banned.
[2015-08-02 12:20:23] â IHaveComeintoBeing joined (ten.xoc.on.on.99C16883-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.xoc.on.on.99C16883-CRInys|tibbiM)
[2015-08-02 12:20:27] â IHaveComeintoBeing quit (ten.xoc.on.on.99C16883-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.xoc.on.on.99C16883-CRInys|tibbiM): Quit: IHaveComeintoBeing
[2015-08-02 12:20:52] â IHaveComeintoBeing joined (ten.xoc.on.on.99C16883-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.xoc.on.on.99C16883-CRInys|tibbiM)
[2015-08-02 12:21:23] <IHaveComeintoBeing> I've registered now how do I get into general chat and post comments
[2015-08-02 12:22:42] <IHaveComeintoBeing> hello?
[2015-08-02 12:24:18] <EldritchCyanide> Hello
[2015-08-02 12:24:32] <EldritchCyanide> Welcome back, Xeper
[2015-08-02 12:24:52] <IHaveComeintoBeing> how do you know I am Xeper?
[2015-08-02 12:25:04] <EldritchCyanide> You'll need to identify yourself first
[2015-08-02 12:25:12] <IHaveComeintoBeing> how
[2015-08-02 12:25:21] <IHaveComeintoBeing> I thought I did
[2015-08-02 12:25:24] <EldritchCyanide> It's in the chat guide
[2015-08-02 12:25:40] <EldritchCyanide> /IDENTIFY yourpassword
[2015-08-02 12:25:43] <EldritchCyanide> Without the space
[2015-08-02 12:26:07] <IHaveComeintoBeing> where do I type that
[2015-08-02 12:26:21] <EldritchCyanide> Into the same box you're typing in now
[2015-08-02 12:26:23] <GreenWolf> that doesn't work on all clients EC
[2015-08-02 12:26:24] <Davsto> Since you're using Mibbit
[2015-08-02 12:26:29] <GreenWolf> if you want a client agnostic command
[2015-08-02 12:26:33] <Davsto> You'll want /ns IDENTIFY yourpassword
[2015-08-02 12:26:36] <GreenWolf> use /msg nickserv identify password
[2015-08-02 12:26:49] <EldritchCyanide> Ach, I am not into mibbit.
[2015-08-02 12:27:06] <EldritchCyanide> IHaveComeintoBeing: If my command doesn't work, try theirs
[2015-08-02 12:27:17] <IHaveComeintoBeing> will my password be seen?
[2015-08-02 12:27:23] <Davsto> not if you do it right
[2015-08-02 12:28:35] <IHaveComeintoBeing> I think it worked
[2015-08-02 12:28:51] â IHaveComeintoBeing quit (ten.xoc.on.on.99C16883-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.xoc.on.on.99C16883-CRInys|tibbiM): Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[2015-08-02 12:33:46] â ProcyonLotor joined (nooccaR.snaeM.rotoL|noycorP#nooccaR.snaeM.rotoL|noycorP)
[2015-08-02 12:33:46] * ChanServ set +h ProcyonLotor
[2015-08-02 12:33:57] â Clef left (moc.yvvas|erneg#moc.yvvas|erneg)
[2015-08-02 12:37:53] * tahugamin is now known as tahunu
[2015-08-02 12:39:41] â Xeper joined (ten.xoc.on.on.99C16883-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.xoc.on.on.99C16883-CRInys|tibbiM)
[2015-08-02 12:40:00] <Xeper> I'm having trouble getting into general chat
[2015-08-02 12:40:10] <EldritchCyanide> Let me see
[2015-08-02 12:40:21] <EldritchCyanide> You're still not identified
[2015-08-02 12:40:40] <Xeper> I tried
[2015-08-02 12:40:50] â ProcyonLotor quit (nooccaR.snaeM.rotoL|noycorP#nooccaR.snaeM.rotoL|noycorP): Broken pipe
[2015-08-02 12:41:12] <EldritchCyanide> Try again, then
[2015-08-02 12:41:20] â ProcyonPing quit (nooccaR.snaeM.rotoL|noycorP#nooccaR.snaeM.rotoL|noycorP): Ping timeout: 183 seconds
[2015-08-02 12:41:24] <EldritchCyanide> /msg nickserv IDENTIFY yourpassword
[2015-08-02 12:42:07] <Xeper> it brings up a window with my nickname on it
[2015-08-02 12:42:35] <EldritchCyanide> Can you screenshot it?
[2015-08-02 12:43:50] <GreenWolf> hold on
[2015-08-02 12:44:00] <GreenWolf> are you using the client on the chat guide page?
[2015-08-02 12:45:45] <Xeper> what client
[2015-08-02 12:45:59] <GreenWolf> okay, a client is what you use to connect to irc
[2015-08-02 12:46:11] <GreenWolf> are you using the thing on the chat guide page to connect
[2015-08-02 12:46:23] <Xeper> mibbit ?
[2015-08-02 12:46:26] <GreenWolf> yes
[2015-08-02 12:46:33] <Xeper> yes
[2015-08-02 12:46:43] <GreenWolf> okay
[2015-08-02 12:47:03] <GreenWolf> have you done /msg nickserv identify password
[2015-08-02 12:47:09] <Xeper> yes
[2015-08-02 12:47:25] <GreenWolf> make sure you put your password, and not the word password
[2015-08-02 12:47:46] <Xeper> I did put MY password
[2015-08-02 12:47:59] <EldritchCyanide> You're not, like
[2015-08-02 12:48:11] <EldritchCyanide> Banned from 19 or something, are you?
[2015-08-02 12:48:13] <Xeper> ?
[2015-08-02 12:48:17] <GreenWolf> wait, did you register with nickserv first?
[2015-08-02 12:48:26] <Xeper> never been to it before
[2015-08-02 12:48:27] <EldritchCyanide> They said they had
[2015-08-02 12:48:32] <GreenWolf> like, what password are you using? are you using your wiki password or something?
[2015-08-02 12:48:38] <GreenWolf> because you're not identifying
[2015-08-02 12:48:52] <Xeper> ye
[2015-08-02 12:48:58] <GreenWolf> which makes me think you're using the wrong oassword
[2015-08-02 12:49:01] <GreenWolf> okay,yeah
[2015-08-02 12:49:12] <GreenWolf> you need to register with nickserv first
[2015-08-02 12:49:54] <GreenWolf> do /msg nickserv register [the password you want to use here] [your email]
[2015-08-02 12:50:06] <GreenWolf> it will send a confirmation email to the address you give it
[2015-08-02 12:50:45] <GreenWolf> if you don't see the email, check your spam folder for it
[2015-08-02 12:51:58] <Xeper> where do I go to register
[2015-08-02 12:52:11] <GreenWolf> you do it in the irc client
[2015-08-02 12:54:30] <Xeper> I finally got the hang of this
[2015-08-02 12:55:14] <Xeper> I'm no troglodyte just for the record
[2015-08-02 12:55:27] <EldritchCyanide> Okay
[2015-08-02 12:55:37] <EldritchCyanide> Do you have any more questions?
[2015-08-02 12:55:44] <Xeper> nope
[2015-08-02 12:56:26] <Xeper> And I'm glad to be part of your wonderful world of NOPE
[2015-08-02 12:58:09] <Xeper> Ever heard of Delta Green?
[2015-08-02 12:58:29] <EldritchCyanide> No, but again, this isn't the place for general chat.
[2015-08-02 12:58:35] â ProcyonLotor joined (nooccaR.snaeM.rotoL|noycorP#nooccaR.snaeM.rotoL|noycorP)
[2015-08-02 12:58:35] * ChanServ set +h ProcyonLotor
[2015-08-02 12:58:55] â Xeper quit (ten.xoc.on.on.99C16883-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.xoc.on.on.99C16883-CRInys|tibbiM): Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
4:09 PM <IHaveComeintoBeing> I have come up with an organization named after Billy the Kid's gang of vigilantes. 'The Regulators' came about following the events in Roanoke and functions as a paramilitary, supernatural investigation and combat task force. They're sort of an oddjob mercenary outfit that deals with various paranormal, otherworldly ot otherwise unnatural terrestrial incursi
4:09 PM <IHaveComeintoBeing> ons.
4:10 PM <ProcyonLotor> IHaveComeintoBeing, can you shorten your nickname?
4:10 PM <ProcyonLotor> It's long enough to disrupt some people's clients
4:10 PM <IHaveComeintoBeing> ok
4:10 PM <IHaveComeintoBeing> disrupt
4:10 PM <EldritchCyanide> .def disrupt
4:10 PM <IHaveComeintoBeing> ?
4:10 PM <Alexandra> EldritchCyanide: disrupt: verb: 1. To throw into confusion or disorder. "Hecklers disrupted the man's speech." 2. To interrupt or impede. "Work on the tunnel was disrupted by a strike."
4:11 PM <IHaveComeintoBeing> I know that smart alleck
4:11 PM <Djoric> IHaveComeintoBeing: yeah
4:11 PM <Djoric> this is not a particularly, shall we say, easy mesh into the 'verse
4:11 PM <Djoric> as in, it clashes something hella fierce
4:11 PM <ProcyonLotor> IHaveComeintoBeing, it pushes the text wall on some clients over (for example, mine) because it takes up too many letters
4:12 PM <IHaveComeintoBeing> how do I change my nickname
4:12 PM <ProcyonLotor> "/nick Newnick
4:12 PM IHaveComeintoBeing → Xeper
4:12 PM <Xeper> ah much better
4:12 PM <Xeper> 'verse
4:12 PM <Xeper> ?
4:12 PM <Djoric> The setting
4:12 PM <Djoric> the scipverse
4:13 PM <Djoric> the general milleau of the shared fluid multicanon we call home
4:13 PM <Djoric> yer shit don't fit, is what I'm saying
4:13 PM <Xeper> My verse then
4:14 PM <Xeper> I'll just make my own frickin' site
4:14 PM <EldritchCyanide> With blackjack
4:14 PM <EldritchCyanide> and hookers
4:14 PM <Bennings> And actually forget the site.
4:14 PM <EldritchCyanide> … My apologies. You are, of course, free to do so.
4:14 PM <Bennings> And the blackjack.
4:14 PM <Xeper> sorry
4:15 PM <Djoric> Xeper: I'm not trying to be too rough here, but it doesn't fit with the general tone of the site
4:15 PM <Xeper> how so
4:15 PM <Djoric> okay, so, the usage of GOIs is a contentious thing to begin with
4:15 PM <Djoric> there are people who don't want any, people who only use a few, people who use a lot
4:16 PM <Djoric> and when dealing with them, it is always important to factor in how they fit in to the universe at large
4:16 PM <Xeper> this shit is like the love-child of Delta Green and John Dies at the End
4:16 PM <Djoric> yeah
4:16 PM <Djoric> otherwise known as "nothing particularly special" in this setting
4:16 PM <Djoric> that shit's standard issue
4:16 PM <Djoric> an American for-hire group that deals with this?
4:16 PM <Djoric> Foundation would have absorbed them decades ago
4:17 PM <Djoric> there's no logical way for them to maintain their independence since A) they lack the resources to be a true competitor
4:17 PM <ProcyonLotor> also, wouldn't a for-hire group be obscenely easy for a massive organization (say, the Foundation or GoC) to track and kill?
4:17 PM <ProcyonLotor> Or, basically what Djoric is saying
4:17 PM <Djoric> 2) they aren't covering some niche that the Foundation is overlooking
4:18 PM <Djoric> and c) nothing mysterious happened at roanoake. Colony failed, they all went and got assimilated into the locals.
4:18 PM <ProcyonLotor> ^^^
4:18 PM <Metaphysician> Yarp.
4:18 PM <Xeper> "We've" worked with the likes of Delta Green and Psi-Ops
4:18 PM <ProcyonLotor> Xeper, please don't roleplay.
4:18 PM <Djoric> You mean those things that aren't in this setting?
4:18 PM <Xeper> It's all fiction anyway like Assassin's Creed
4:18 PM <ProcyonLotor> Yes
4:18 PM <ProcyonLotor> But some things are stupid or don't fit in fiction
4:18 PM <ProcyonLotor> Like
4:19 PM <ProcyonLotor> I loved Hunt for Red October
4:19 PM <Djoric> that does not mean that you have free reign to cross the streams in the face of all storytelling logic
4:19 PM <Xeper> what fiction are you talking about
4:19 PM <ProcyonLotor> but it would have been fucking stupid with a unicorn in it
4:19 PM <ProcyonLotor> this simply doesn't
4:19 PM <Xeper> who says I am
4:19 PM <ProcyonLotor> I do
4:19 PM <ProcyonLotor> If you're talking about roleplaying
4:20 PM <ProcyonLotor> And, as a channel operator, that judgement begins and ends with me
4:20 PM <Xeper> I won't
4:20 PM <ProcyonLotor> Good.
4:21 PM <Xeper> I just found this whole concept fascinating no need be mean about it or come off as such
4:21 PM <kaktus> Blessed be the operator.
4:21 PM <kaktus> For he will be glorious in the sight of the owner
4:21 PM <ProcyonLotor> Well, Xeper, you're coming in, talking with a bunch of people who cumulatively probably have a decade's worth of experience with this stuff
4:21 PM <ProcyonLotor> And then ignoring everything they're saying
4:22 PM <ProcyonLotor> It's like trying to tell a mechanic you know how an engine works when your car is sputtering in the garage
4:22 PM <Xeper> What the Hell are you talking about
4:22 PM <Xeper> It's fiction for chrissakes
4:22 PM <ProcyonLotor> Yes
4:22 PM <Djoric> That doesn't mean that there aren't rules
4:22 PM <ProcyonLotor> That doesn't mean it can't have limits or standards
4:22 PM <Djoric> the more you want to bend things
4:22 PM <Djoric> the harder you have to work at it
4:22 PM <kaktus> Hey guys
4:22 PM <Metaphysician> I mean, if you write it, most won't like it. The vast majority of things that get posted here get downvoted to oblivion.
4:23 PM <Smapti> Xeper, "it's fiction" doesn't mean anything goes. You can't just toss a vampire into, say, Two and a Half Men.
4:23 PM <kaktus> I think the point has been made
4:23 PM <kaktus> Let us move forward
4:23 PM <kaktus> Agreed?
4:23 PM <Metaphysician> Got it.
4:23 PM <LadyKatie> please
4:23 PM <kaktus> Excellent!
4:24 PM <Xeper> Man you people really take this shit seriously
4:24 PM <EldritchCyanide> Xeper: We like our writing : P
4:25 PM <kaktus> Xeper: please let it go.
4:25 PM <kaktus> We've all moved on.
4:25 PM <kaktus> If you want to go, you can.
4:25 PM <kaktus> If you want to stay, you may
[unrelated conversation omitted, subject is not discussed further, until:]
4:33 PM <Xeper> I thought I share some of my ideas even though I wasn't planning to contribute to established canon (whatever it is) because this site brings to mind the eldritch cloak and dagger affairs of Delta Green and the abstract weirdness of John Dies at the End. I can't think of any other website with a community dedicated to the contribution of lore to universe with
4:33 PM <Xeper> I'd
4:33 PM ProcyonLotor kicked Xeper: We were done. We're still done.
[2015-08-02 13:34:17] â Xeper joined (ten.xoc.on.on.99C16883-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.xoc.on.on.99C16883-CRInys|tibbiM)
[2015-08-02 13:34:22] <Xeper> that was rude
[2015-08-02 13:34:35] <EldritchCyanide> ProcyonLotor
[2015-08-02 13:34:39] <ProcyonLotor> And necessary. We'd brought an end to that discussion.
[2015-08-02 13:34:57] <Xeper> sorry
[2015-08-02 13:35:35] <kaktus> It's all good. Just pay attention.
[2015-08-02 13:35:40] <kaktus> You can rejoin 19
[2015-08-02 13:36:45] <Xeper> Everywhere I see people being boorish and obsessively critical on the Internet
[2015-08-02 13:37:27] <kaktus> We're a very passionate community
[2015-08-02 13:37:33] <kaktus> It's something you get used to
[2015-08-02 13:37:40] <kaktus> :)
[2015-08-02 13:37:45] <kaktus> Don't let it get to you.
[2015-08-02 13:37:55] <Xeper> Well then to hell with them
[2015-08-02 13:38:05] <kaktus> Huh.
[2015-08-02 13:38:14] <kaktus> Well, alright.
[2015-08-02 13:38:14] <Xeper> It's stupid
[2015-08-02 13:38:23] <kaktus> You're free to go, mate.
[2015-08-02 13:38:25] * Xeper was kicked by ProcyonLotor (Don't let the door hit you on the way out, then)
[2015-08-02 13:38:29] <Davsto> Pffft
[2015-08-02 13:38:31] â Xeper joined (ten.xoc.on.on.99C16883-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.xoc.on.on.99C16883-CRInys|tibbiM)
[2015-08-02 13:38:34] <ProcyonLotor> But nah
[2015-08-02 13:38:40] <ProcyonLotor> You wanna whine some more, or are we done here?
[2015-08-02 13:38:42] <Xeper> STOP THAT
[2015-08-02 13:38:43] <Xeper> STOP THAT
[2015-08-02 13:38:51] <Xeper> NO
[2015-08-02 13:38:53] â TheDuckman quit (~ten.tsacmoc.im.1dsh.233BB08E-CRInys|87tahCecI#ten.tsacmoc.im.1dsh.233BB08E-CRInys|87tahCecI): Ping timeout: 182 seconds
[2015-08-02 13:38:55] <kaktus> Xeper: if you want to go, we'll happily help.
[2015-08-02 13:38:59] <ProcyonLotor> Because I'm going to speak for all assembled when I say
[2015-08-02 13:38:59] <Xeper> whoops
[2015-08-02 13:39:03] <kaktus> ProcyonLotor: ban pls
[2015-08-02 13:39:07] <ProcyonLotor> If you're going to complain about us having standards…
[2015-08-02 13:39:09] <ProcyonLotor> Ah, that works too
[2015-08-02 13:39:14] <kaktus> Easy fix.
[2015-08-02 13:39:16] * ProcyonLotor set channel modes +b *!*@synIRC-38861C99.no.no.cox.net
[2015-08-02 13:39:16] * Xeper was kicked by ProcyonLotor (Can't say you will be missed)
Kaktus said list as perma with option to remand to 24 on appeal, I see no reason to disagree, so there we go.