Posted to disc record:
Site user snuggly face has gone on a bit of a spree in the ideas forums today. They responded to eight different ideas threads, and all of their replies have been questionable at absolute best. There have been a litany of spelling errors and some overly positive critique (though not necessarily worth directly calling out for 5 of the 8 replies) in addition to an instance of backseat modding and two of proper shitcrit.
Honestly, most of the threads just need crit from somebody with more experience, because snuggly is encouraging some pretty lackluster ideas. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to pick up 6+ extra threads, so any critters willing to chip in have my thanks.
Special thanks to gee for helping me with all of these as well:
It sounds cool, as a thing that does a thing with a bit of a backstory. This is a nice basis, but it isn't enough to be an interesting scip as the idea is now.
Tip: If you made it less ancient it may be possible to dive into that backstory and have the story-intrigue of the article be the journy the creator of the cat took to end up making it, why did they make an in the first place? Did they want a pet? Why didn't they just adopt a cat? Were they anomalously artistic? Did tthey have a cat and then they turn it into an origami cat somehow? If so why? Is the reason connected to their overprotectivness? Maybe it's a AWCY? Artwork(if so then a lot has to be added to and changed about the concept).
The idea is cute but there is already a Cute SCP cat, and a very well made Origami SCP. The differance between lucy and the dragons is the depth, while the former is cute the other has reason and depth behind the broad description, there is an answer to "why should i csre about origami dragons?" So you need an answer to "why should I care about an origami cat?" And make your way up to "I can't believe this story about an origami cat was so fun/interesting"'Good luck with writing, i will love to help more if you want to contact me on the PMs for discussing the idea, and feel free to hit me up when you update the idea.
Why van? I mean it makes sense to have a thing that turns you into an easter bunny… i guess, but why is it a van with such a soecific clause? This idea is a basic "thing that does a thing", so before anybody else chews you up for that i would reccomend reading up on a few guides about ideatjons in the guide hub on the left. You need a story to come with this, it could go in whatever direction you want, weather you want to dive into the origins, who made the csr and why are they obsessed with easter? Or maybe you can tell about the victims who are doomed to spend eternity in containment as prize pooping rabbits, and their attempts to get rid of their curse, and maybe a researcher tries to help them investigate the thing… or any other direction you think of. Basically, if you are passionate enough about this thing amyou can make it work, it just needs more, a whole story more.
Good luck and feel free to send me a PM if you update this and want me to take another look. (addressed by Gee)
Holy shit this is cool.
It is reminiscant of O death, The red sea object, and The red pond. You could must1 go in the same direction as they did, doing cool exploration logs. And if you want to go a little bit in the direction of Bigfoot, you could hint to the idea that the portal fridge is the time travelling reason for the coming and going ice ages. or it just works in waves. or it flipps; when one side turns into a total ice age the other side begins to thaw then a bunch of million years pass and it does it again2(though then you should probably let go of the "life forms from the fridge dimension carry the same freezing ability as the open fridge" bit). This could go in so many direction omg i wish i could greenlight but i don't have that power. Pls notify ne when you update this, i really want to see how it goes. Good luck.
I think its really good, it has a lot of potential, the idea of a camera that shows people odd things is common and this is very basic, but it is strong. As it is now it isn't wnough though, you need to build a story about this, make the readers invested in the people who are connected to the things that were photographed. Have you seen rick and morty? The first interdimensional cable episode does this well1. Maybe the foundation uses this as a research asset? They take pictures of scp documents(or the scps themselves) and see how different dimensions handle them2. Or go in a differemt direction and tell the story of the person who created it, trying to esxape their lives maybe, shown through the albom of pictures found with the camera. Then every picture has a title, and there are a few pictures of every thing / place / person, and the foundation adds their assumptions as to what dimensions are common between pictures(if you want to put in the work to actually take pictures and photoshop and find usable pictures and have this be a visual experiance then you have yourself a winning article). Then slowly the reader understands through contexts what the storybof the creator was, maybe theybwere lonly, and their magician parents were mean, or their family dies, and they want to see them again, or other reasons.
Obviously, this can go an entirely different direction, i trust that this will be great. (Sorry for not greenlighting, i haven't the power.) Good luck, pls PM me when you update this post, i would love to see how it decelops, and eventually posted. (this one was an all around train wreck)
This has been done before, so I would suggest you read that article and if you have any idea to make your concept different then do so, it would be safe; "SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a high security storage locker fused to the gound" etc' etc'.
Also when you have ideas, i suggest a quick google (such as "SCP dice") to make sure it hasn't been done before, and if you still want to do it then read what was done and then do it differantly.
The way to make it differant is to come up with a story, which any scip needs anyway (though you have a higher originality bar set for you), the story should be in line with the themes of games and chance, read up on those concepts (wikipedia really is helpful) and see what happens. Also i recommend reading the guides for first tine writers on the left. Good luck. (called out for backseat modding by me)
Read this before the critters crush you, edit this post.
This post doesen't follow the rules, it might get frozen so act quikly.Also why is a couch that puts people to sleep interesting? Maybe it has something to do with the extremely overspecific containment procedures? read this too, very carefully, and all the links in it.
So this is cool as a thing that does a thing, it needs a story, but first to answer your questions.
how would this be contained?
In a locker, it doesen't fry metal.
Or if you want to go lighter, it is bolted in place in the level 4 cafeteria1 and used to make the best samniches.why would it need to be contained?
Because it is anomalous, and dangerous to humans.
maybe if a non-meat substance touches it, it'll do something much worse to it?
Maybe it instantly burns non meat food into coal?, if you do this then the article can go in the direction where the creator is a slightly anomalous person creating a line of anti-vegan or anti-vegetarian kitchenware and they are still working off the kinks. (Could be funny but tread cautiously)
This needs a story and the themes this idea deals with are a great place to look for inspiration, as you can see above, the idea that it destinguishes between meat and non meat leads to that subject of dicussion, and therefore to anti-vegetarianism(in my head), so you can do.the same dot connecting proccess to create your own original story for the pan2. I think its funny that it creates a perfectly cooked hand and that means its hard to use it but the bacon is just so good so we keep it on the counter and use it all the time without touching it. does it need oil? If so does it regect all plant oils and only work with animal fat?
Also if you want to add it to site lore then you can go with an anti-Sarkik route, maybe it was made from the metal of a powerful anti flesh sward used to battle fleshy monstrosities and was shamefully repurposed as a pan(or just outbof nccessity when the knight that used the sward retired the hero life and saw the cooking potential in the sward and opened a very successful resturaunt3) in any case good luck. PM me if you want more help or if you updated this post. (called out by gee)
I love this, the idea is a story, which is great, a few short horror movies set in a Foundation-style big brother show, basically a house of horrors. in a collapsible, would you mind summarising a few examples for what happened to residents before containment and to the D-class?
I've decided that all of the above is worth a C&D, and Nico has concurred with this assessment. Will issue and PM as soon as I can. C&D issued here, PM sent.
PM contents below (of note, this user has a successful main site page, and thus has been issued an indefinite C&D):
snuggly face,
This message is to inform you that, as per your O5 record, as well as the critique that you have given in this thread, you are being issued a Cease and Desist order for posting criticism in the forums.
Given that staff have needed to address problematic feedback and behavior from you multiple times, you are now ordered to refrain from posting any further critique in the forums. This action is appealable to the Forum Criticism Team and may be overturned when your criticism has improved substantially.
Thank you,
Operational Staff, Forum Criticism Team
E: Got a reply:
I understand, Sorry for the inconvenience, I will cease for the foreseeable future, again sorry.