Attempted to roll 1000 different 1000 sided dice. Was autokicked by the bot and banned. Op consensus was a 24hr ban.
This user was recently warned for giving poor critique in #thecritters. Log follows:
[2020-06-10 20:22:28] → WillIAmNot joined (~PI.2515B308.B91002CA.A9CF486E|criigc#PI.2515B308.B91002CA.A9CF486E|criigc)
[2020-06-10 20:26:23] ⇐ CaptainCold quit (~ten.tta.elibom.D0835B5C-CRInys|criigc#ten.tta.elibom.D0835B5C-CRInys|criigc): Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)
[2020-06-10 20:26:44] <WillIAmNot> Hello all, looking for a smidge of advice on a SCP concept before I ask for greenlights. It's a 3 meter tall human with sharp teeth and claws. It's supposed to show human level intelligence, but I'm wondering if it being friendly with people unless its hungry would be a good idea(or at least interesting)
[2020-06-10 20:27:28] <chiifu> im a bit conflicted on it, personally
[2020-06-10 20:27:33] <TheBlueHour> Sounds kind of boring you may want to work on something else.
[2020-06-10 20:27:43] <chiifu> ^ my thoughts
[2020-06-10 20:27:44] <TheBlueHour> We already have a ton of humanoid monster anomalies.
[2020-06-10 20:28:01] <DrFullham> Hey, just because it's humanoid doesn't mean it's unworkable
[2020-06-10 20:28:02] <Iszth> If it's friendly it could be interesting, so long as your story is compelling enough.
[2020-06-10 20:28:15] <DrFullham> WillIAmNot: Have you read the guide on writing humanoid SCPs?
[2020-06-10 20:28:16] <chiifu> it could work out, it just needs something good to go with it
[2020-06-10 20:28:30] <Iszth> Use an SCP as a tool to tell a story.
[2020-06-10 20:28:52] <WillIAmNot> DrFullham: I wasn't aware there was a guide for writing humanoid SCPs, I'll check it out! Thanks
[2020-06-10 20:28:53] <Iszth> There's no need to discredit humanoid monsters right out of the gate.
[2020-06-10 20:29:01] <DrFullham> .so you hum
[2020-06-10 20:29:06] <DrFullham> oopsd
[2020-06-10 20:29:10] <DrFullham> .s so you hum
[2020-06-10 20:29:11] <Secretary_Helen> DrFullham: So You Want to Write a Humanoid SCP Object (Rating: +237. Written 8 years ago By: Pig_catapult) -
[2020-06-10 20:29:22] <WillIAmNot> Thank you
[2020-06-10 20:29:27] <DrFullham> I also highly recommend
[2020-06-10 20:29:31] <DrFullham> .s common pit
[2020-06-10 20:29:31] <Secretary_Helen> DrFullham: Dr. Mackenzie's Common SCP Pitfalls (Rating: +69. Written 7 years ago By: Aelanna) -
[2020-06-10 20:29:33] <DrFullham> and
[2020-06-10 20:29:39] <DrFullham> .s essay narrative
[2020-06-10 20:29:40] <Secretary_Helen> DrFullham: untitled essay regarding scps, narratives, and how they can share a page (Rating: +83. Written 2 years ago By: Communism will win) -
[2020-06-10 20:29:53] ⇐ Mew-ltwoverse quit (moc.duolccri.notlrahc.B1D6C0A1-CRInys|083273diu#moc.duolccri.notlrahc.B1D6C0A1-CRInys|083273diu): Quit: Connection closed for inactivity
[2020-06-10 20:29:54] <WillIAmNot> Alrighty, this is helpful
[2020-06-10 20:29:56] <WillIAmNot> thank you
[2020-06-10 20:30:02] <DrFullham> Very, very useful guides, and you can find more on the
[2020-06-10 20:30:04] <DrFullham> .s guide hub
[2020-06-10 20:30:05] <Secretary_Helen> DrFullham: Guide Hub (Rating: +33. Written 7 years ago By: TroyL) -
[2020-06-10 20:30:49] <Iszth> Anyone wanna check out my 1.3k draft on a man who has to eat tiny copies of himself to survive?
[2020-06-10 20:34:29] ⇐ BlueJones quit (moc.duolccri.gnitoot.D6E3015-CRInys|932653diu#moc.duolccri.gnitoot.D6E3015-CRInys|932653diu): Quit: Connection closed for inactivity
[2020-06-10 20:35:13] ⇐ dentix quit (sesion.eipgam.naisarue.dliw|839423diu#sesion.eipgam.naisarue.dliw|839423diu): Quit: Connection closed for inactivity
[2020-06-10 20:38:31] ⇐ HarryBlank quit (~ac.lleb.lsd.5D4F499E-CRInys|criigc#ac.lleb.lsd.5D4F499E-CRInys|criigc): Quit: CGI:IRC
[2020-06-10 20:41:30] → Athenodora joined (moc.duolccri.gnitoot.66A2E4BA-CRInys|668493diu#moc.duolccri.gnitoot.66A2E4BA-CRInys|668493diu)
[2020-06-10 20:43:11] ⇐ WillIAmNot quit (~PI.2515B308.B91002CA.A9CF486E|criigc#PI.2515B308.B91002CA.A9CF486E|criigc): Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)
[2020-06-10 20:44:44] * Athenodora → Dora
[2020-06-10 20:45:14] <chiifu> anyone free to review a fantasy tale?
[2020-06-10 20:45:35] → Phomets joined (~PI.840E4D4F.AD79F867.49F0DA14|criigc#PI.840E4D4F.AD79F867.49F0DA14|criigc)
[2020-06-10 20:46:08] <Phomets> Is anyone familiar with the troxler effect?
[2020-06-10 20:47:22] <etoile> .g troxler effect
[2020-06-10 20:47:22] <Secretary_Helen> etoile: - Troxler's fading - Wikipedia: Troxler's fading, or Troxler fading, or the Troxler effect, is an optical illusion affecting visual perception. When one fixates on a …
[2020-06-10 20:47:41] <etoile> oh yeah that
[2020-06-10 20:48:01] <Phomets> yeah i was thinking of making an scp based on that concept
[2020-06-10 20:48:20] <Iszth> eotile: oh hey etoile, sorry I ended up offline the other day before you could review my draft. Work and all that.
[2020-06-10 20:48:28] <etoile> it's ok
[2020-06-10 20:48:33] <MalyceGraves> TheBlueHour: The goal is to assist the userbase. Straight up telling someone their idea is boring without giving ways to improve it is counterproductive and rude. Do not do that again.
[2020-06-10 20:48:54] <TheBlueHour> Okay, sorry.
[2020-06-10 20:48:55] → rattles joined (selt.tar|979233diu#selt.tar|979233diu)
[2020-06-10 20:48:55] * ChanServ set +h rattles
[2020-06-10 20:49:05] <Iszth> What if the idea is meant to be boring?
[2020-06-10 20:49:21] <MalyceGraves> You are not required to help, but you certainly are required to behave yourself.
I would like to advocate for a 1 week (standard escalation) on next infraction.
I would also like to commend Doctor Fullham for immediately jumping on that and providing assistance.