Chat user Vitamin-D was acting erratic and lolrandom. They became difficult when age questioned, were warned multiple times, and ultimately were kickbanned. Op consensus at the time was a 24hr.
Chat was moving fast at the time so the logs are long. The relevant bits have been bolded.
4:34:15 PM <vitamin-D> wanna make friends with Basilisk?
4:34:17 PM <jornax> follow-up: would the Foundation use on of these (1 person variant) to interview a newly found humanoid skip?
4:34:56 PM <CuteGirl> Why would glass be used not force lol
4:35:20 PM <@AbsentmindedNihilist> it would depend on the hostility + abilities of the skip
4:35:39 PM <jornax> well it's just that I want the SCP to be able to move her arms, but restraining it would prevent that
4:35:53 PM <CuteGirl> I mean
4:36:06 PM <CuteGirl> Unless shes hostile dont restrain
4:36:09 PM <jornax> and it's just discovered so they don't know what she does yet (not threathening but they don't know yet)
4:36:36 PM <CuteGirl> Plague doctor isnt restrained
4:36:40 PM <CuteGirl> S1 but still
4:36:47 PM <vitamin-D> Mew-ltiverse: Y no 4th letter ?
4:36:55 PM <jornax> yeah but a reviewer said it seemed wierd she wasn't, so I came to ask
4:37:03 PM <&Scordatura> How do they know she's anomalous if they don't know what she can do?
4:37:18 PM <CuteGirl> Update this man just noticed my shoes
4:37:53 PM <vitamin-D> do you want to choose between cat and sobriety?
4:38:05 PM <vitamin-D> /bin/cat
4:38:07 PM <jornax> she's anomalous in that her memory's been tampered with by the CotBG, she has USB drives for memory
4:38:19 PM <CuteGirl> Unrelated I sat down
4:38:25 PM ⇐ Postmo quit (~moc.rr.ser.oen.93E006C5-CRInys|omtsoP#moc.rr.ser.oen.93E006C5-CRInys|omtsoP) Connection reset by peer
4:38:31 PM <CuteGirl> vitamin-D: what are u on about
4:38:32 PM <CuteGirl> …
4:38:49 PM <jornax> so they took her in because normal people don't have usb ports in their necks
4:38:54 PM <glewmie> CuteGirl: every time i wear heels, i'm like, miserable after 4 hours unless very intoxicated
4:39:11 PM <glewmie> and even then
4:39:14 PM <&Tuomey>
4:39:20 PM <vitamin-D> negadeath?
4:39:20 PM <DrTARS> I don't understand high heels
4:39:27 PM <CuteGirl> glewmie: I'm okay if I don't have to stand on the tram usually
4:39:31 PM <weryllium> pffffft
4:39:35 PM <weryllium> now /i/ want 500 bouncy balls
4:39:40 PM <%TheMightyMcB> vitamin-D: can you like please start making sense
4:39:41 PM <vitamin-D> 555
4:39:56 PM <CuteGirl> This pair arent the best for standing but still okay ish. I prefer to sit
4:40:08 PM <CuteGirl> My knee is kinda fucked so that ended my daily run lol
4:40:21 PM <glewmie> CuteGirl: heels are for wearing and looking at, not so much walking lol
4:40:34 PM <Raycast> Crap now I want bouncy balls
4:40:48 PM <CuteGirl> Lmao ikr glewmie
4:40:53 PM <weryllium> frig i'm a grown man i can go get them right now
4:40:59 PM <CuteGirl> I have a few pairs of heels I'm just grand in
4:41:07 PM <CuteGirl> Ans yet they're never the ones I wear
4:41:08 PM <DrFullham> wery, do it
4:41:12 PM <riyangendut> I wonder if heels were invented as torture device and introduced to the noble society via "Emperor's New Clothes" method
4:41:14 PM <DrFullham> Buy exactly 500
4:41:23 PM <glewmie> riyangendut: no the history ofheels is understood
4:41:25 PM <Raycast> I think you can purchase large amounts from Amazon weryllium
4:41:25 PM <vitamin-D> try 555!!!
4:41:26 PM <CuteGirl> riyangendut: they were for the shit in the streets
4:41:30 PM <glewmie> yeah
4:41:30 PM <CuteGirl> And worn by men
4:41:36 PM <Calibri_Bold> glewmie: What are you talking about, I run all my marathons in high heels!
4:41:36 PM <CuteGirl> vitamin-D: pls explain
4:41:37 PM <glewmie> it's so your cloaks and stuff don't drag on the ground
4:41:49 PM <vitamin-D> something something INFINITESIMALS
4:41:57 PM <CuteGirl> Calibri_Bold: spoken like someone who doesnt wear heels
4:42:01 PM <&Tuomey>
4:42:02 PM <CuteGirl> TheMightyMcB: man can u just
4:42:11 PM <Raycast> Where do get 555 vitamin-D
4:42:11 PM <vitamin-D> if you don't respect em
4:42:14 PM <CuteGirl> Lmfao tuom
4:42:22 PM <riyangendut> CuteGirl ah, that makes some sense. though the needle-like point of the modern heels are just plain scary
4:42:23 PM <vitamin-D> dreams are in danger
4:42:23 PM <weryllium> but i've already bought so much stuff recently
4:42:25 PM <CuteGirl> Scp-555
4:42:26 PM <%Secretary_Helen> CuteGirl: SCP-555: Corpse Magnet (Rating: +210. Written 8 years ago By: atomicthumbs) -
4:42:28 PM <%TheMightyMcB> vitamin-D: how old are you
4:42:37 PM <%TheMightyMcB> vitamin-D: I expect an answer to this question
4:42:49 PM <vitamin-D> honestly not less than 18
4:42:51 PM <ihp> .l
4:42:52 PM <%Secretary_Helen> ihp: SCP-4528: Osseous Growth (Written A few seconds ago By: DrBabo) -
4:42:53 PM <%Secretary_Helen> ihp: Modern Hauntings, Old Charlatanism (Written A few seconds ago By: Ihp) -
4:42:54 PM <%Secretary_Helen> ihp: The Heart Art Page (Written 17 hours ago By: KaraKatt) -
4:42:55 PM <ihp> .au
4:42:55 PM <%Secretary_Helen> ihp: Ihp - ( has 161 pages. (44 SCP articles, 102 Tales, 6 GoI Formats, 9 others.) They have 14218 net upvotes with a rounded average of 88. Their latest page is Modern Hauntings, Old Charlatanism at 3.
4:42:58 PM <%TheMightyMcB> vitamin-D: that's not an answer
4:43:02 PM <%TheMightyMcB> How old are you
4:43:05 PM <riyangendut> Tuomey hurrah for inflamable flag, ISO should get to this
4:43:15 PM <riyangendut> non-inflamable, I mean
4:43:24 PM <riyangendut> god the word "inflamable" is dumb
4:43:26 PM <literallymechanical> Oh my fuck why does my entire body hurt
4:43:28 PM <&Scordatura> Non-flammable?
4:43:33 PM <&Scordatura> riyan, seriously.
4:43:39 PM <vitamin-D> i dislike to give my precise enough age.
4:43:41 PM <literallymechanical> The answer is like, bones and stuff I guess
4:43:47 PM <%TheMightyMcB> Because I'm incredibly close to considering you indistinguishable for underage vitamin-D
4:43:49 PM <CuteGirl> Fire/flame retardant is the phrase officially iirc
4:43:51 PM <CuteGirl> But like
4:43:52 PM <%Gee0765> You're going to have to give us your age.
4:43:54 PM <CuteGirl> Yknow
4:43:56 PM <riyangendut> hey, I never said I speak english good
4:44:01 PM <glewmie> literallymechanical: like, all of a sudden?
4:44:04 PM <%Gee0765> CuteGirl: yeah it's still used for whatever reason
4:44:08 PM <%Gee0765> it's on my tent
4:44:18 PM <CuteGirl> Gee0765: man it literally means slow
4:44:21 PM <literallymechanical> glewmie: no, this is more of a lifestyle than an event
4:44:25 PM <ihp> riyangendut: Inflammable can mean both "burnable" and "not burnable".
4:44:28 PM <ihp> The English Language is fucking dumb
4:44:32 PM <glewmie> literallymechanical: forgive me for laughing.
4:44:32 PM <riyangendut> ikr
4:44:35 PM <&Tuomey> is this supposed to be hard
4:44:36 PM <%Gee0765> CuteGirl: oh I get what it means, but you'd think they'd think about changing it
4:44:38 PM <CuteGirl> The French for being late is like "je suis retarde" or sth
4:44:41 PM <&Scordatura> I love how flammable and inflammable look like opposites but are really synonyms.
4:44:46 PM <TheBlueHour> See you guys later.
4:44:49 PM <glewmie> bi weekly means twice a week or once every two weeks
4:44:50 PM <&Scordatura> Like ravel and unravel.
4:44:52 PM <glewmie> see you TheBlueHour
4:44:55 PM ⇐ TheBlueHour quit (~ten.nozirev.soif.dmmtlb.80061D03-CRInys|criigc#ten.nozirev.soif.dmmtlb.80061D03-CRInys|criigc) Quit: CGI:IRC
4:45:00 PM <Cyvstvi> I mean retardant comes from the Latin for slow.
4:45:02 PM <&Scordatura> glewm, bi-weekly is every two weeks.
4:45:05 PM <literallymechanical> glewmie: lol same
4:45:10 PM <Cyvstvi> That's what r-d originally meant, it was a euphemism.
4:45:10 PM <&Scordatura> Twice a week would be semi-weekly.
4:45:19 PM <DrFullham> Tuomey: Literally pirate 1000 individual songs
4:45:22 PM <CuteGirl> Cyvstvi: yeah we know
4:45:26 PM <DrFullham> Every song is a crime, technically
4:45:27 PM <&Tuomey> DrFullham: yeah exactly
4:45:28 PM <Cyvstvi> Like many insults towards disabled people, they started out as medical euphemisms.
4:45:29 PM <DianaBerry> I’m supposed to eat more fruit and I like it but I like meat
4:45:32 PM <riyangendut> wait "ravel" and "unravel" means the same thing?
4:45:39 PM <&Scordatura> riyan, yep!
4:45:41 PM <ISAPU> CuteGirl: "je suis en retard"
4:45:41 PM <DianaBerry> I’m late on that know but I’m tired and I do things slowly
4:45:44 PM <glewmie> to come apart? right?
4:45:45 PM <%Gee0765> riyangendut: loosen and unloosen
4:45:51 PM <&Scordatura> Yep!
4:45:53 PM ← ISAPU (~am.ten.mai.9-691lsda.9F891726-CRInys|criordna#am.ten.mai.9-691lsda.9F891726-CRInys|criordna) was kicked by %Crashington: no slurs
4:45:53 PM → ISAPU joined (~am.ten.mai.9-691lsda.9F891726-CRInys|criordna#am.ten.mai.9-691lsda.9F891726-CRInys|criordna)
4:45:54 PM <glewmie> i've never seen unloosen
4:45:55 PM <CuteGirl> ISAPU: I knew it was something along those linea
4:45:56 PM <weryllium> Cyvstvi: it still has a use in physics, plus the general use of stuff like 'flame retardant'
4:45:58 PM — riyangendut mind is blown
4:45:58 PM <CuteGirl> Crashington: man
4:46:00 PM <literallymechanical> bi-weekly means you're in a long-distance poly relationship where you can see your girlfriend during the week and your boyfriend on the weekends
4:46:03 PM <CuteGirl> He translated my sentence
4:46:07 PM <CuteGirl> He didn't use a slur
4:46:10 PM <Cyvstvi> weryllium: Mhm!
4:46:11 PM <CuteGirl> That's french for "I'm late"
4:46:15 PM <@Lily> Well unravel never composed bolero
4:46:18 PM <%Crashington> then i apologize
4:46:22 PM <@Lily> so theres a difference
4:46:24 PM <%Crashington> lmao sorry ISAPU
4:46:32 PM <&Scordatura> They haven't come back.
4:46:38 PM <%Gee0765> they did
4:46:41 PM <%TheMightyMcB> They immediately rejoined
4:46:46 PM <weryllium> stuff like "the transition from air to glass retards the propagation of light waves etc"
4:46:47 PM <vitamin-D> TheMightyMcB: turn your palms to you and multiply indices of your removed fingers - if you're normal and not a programmer
4:46:49 PM <&Scordatura> Oh goddammit, I'm so blind.
4:47:01 PM <glewmie>
4:47:13 PM <%Gee0765> vitamin-D: man, if you don't stop being deliberately this obtuse you're gonna be out pretty fast
4:47:14 PM <%TheMightyMcB> vitamin-D: how about you stop being deliberately obtuse and start acting like an adult for once
4:47:18 PM <&Scordatura> Oh dear gods vitamin-D just give a goddamn straight answer.
4:47:18 PM <CuteGirl> ISAPU: sorry you got in trouble for that
4:47:22 PM <glewmie> i feel like atlas obscura is some SCP crude oil
4:47:25 PM <CuteGirl> For a half second lmak
4:47:30 PM <%Crashington> dont consider it trouble
4:47:32 PM <riyangendut> don't worry Scordatura nobody here would fault you for your ages.
4:47:34 PM <riyangendut> :P
4:47:37 PM <%Crashington> consider it me being dumb haha
4:47:43 PM <Mew-ltiverse> #:46 in the afternoon, and im having cheereos, a slim Jim mini, and pepperoni for lunch and earlier I had Nutella toast with chocolate chips
4:47:49 PM <%Gee0765> crashingdumb
4:47:51 PM <Mew-ltiverse> I meant 3:36
4:47:52 PM <&Scordatura> riyan, to be fair, I've been fairly blind since grade school.
4:47:56 PM <Mew-ltiverse> #:46
4:48:01 PM <Mew-ltiverse> FU3
4:48:04 PM <CuteGirl> Crashington: I love how that's where you copped it
4:48:05 PM <Mew-ltiverse> 3:46
4:48:05 PM <&Tuomey> vitamin-D: listen buddy the point is that if you don't stop being incoherent and lolrandumb you're gonna get banned so hard your grandkids won't be able to access the site
4:48:05 PM <DianaBerry> I had cherios and a belvita thingy for breakfast
4:48:08 PM <Raycast> #:46?
4:48:08 PM <Mew-ltiverse> FUUUUUU4:48:12 PM <CuteGirl> Not the like 6 times I used it accurately too lol
4:48:12 PM <Raycast> What does that mean?
4:48:18 PM <Mew-ltiverse> I meant 3:46
4:48:20 PM <Raycast> Mew-ltiverse I think you need to go back to bed
4:48:25 PM <%Crashington> CuteGirl: didnt ping me then
4:48:25 PM <Mew-ltiverse> I kept mistyping it
4:48:31 PM <Mew-ltiverse> no I just have a migraine
4:48:34 PM <glewmie> i'm eating lunch rn.
4:48:34 PM <ISAPU> ISAPU: it's alright ^^
4:48:48 PM <%Crashington> you pinged your self
4:48:54 PM <%Crashington> but i guess you meant me :P
4:48:54 PM <DianaBerry> I had soup for lunch that I ate almost none of
4:48:54 PM <glewmie> ginger pork cutlet, marinated lotus root, dried apricots, pecans, rice + tamago furikake
4:49:02 PM <glewmie> bento box bento box
4:49:11 PM <DianaBerry> Damn you serious bro? That sounds amazing
4:49:13 PM <&Scordatura> I had half a Dr. Pepper for lunch.
4:49:24 PM — &Scordatura usually doesn't eat lunch, or breakfast for that matter.
4:49:24 PM <Mew-ltiverse> sounds like something I would do
4:49:27 PM <DianaBerry> Soup. Cold soup
4:49:28 PM <riyangendut> uuh, these description of food made me hungry
4:49:30 PM <Mew-ltiverse> if I liked Dr Pepper
4:49:45 PM <glewmie>
4:49:52 PM <DianaBerry> Yeah my eating schedule is also very irregular
4:49:55 PM <&Scordatura> Mew, they didn't have Cherry Dr. Pepper in the machine downstairs, so I went with OG Pepper.
4:49:58 PM %Crashington set the topic: (._. ? ) | Rules | Readme: | | Help: #site17 | Crit: #thecritters | Seminars: #workshop | | | where can i validate my clown license?
4:50:03 PM <@Lily> Dont eat lotus glewmie
4:50:07 PM <@Lily> you'll get stuck
4:50:08 PM <vitamin-D> Gee0765: TheMightyMcB: did NOBODY punish you for communicating directly yet?
4:50:11 PM <DianaBerry> I normally only eat good food if it’s made for me
4:50:18 PM <Mew-ltiverse> I don't have breakfast that often, or I didn't im starting to because my doctor was like bro you need all meals
4:50:19 PM → BlackWing joined (~BlackWing@FB54C800:25E1D669:E89A0F56:IP)
4:50:21 PM <CuteGirl> In Paris crash, just dont be late
4:50:23 PM <glewmie> .pronouns unaccepted bro, sir
4:50:23 PM <%Secretary_Helen> glewmie: I'm sorry, I don't have any record of pronouns for unaccepted
4:50:24 PM <CuteGirl> You might ban yourself
4:50:25 PM — Raycast usually forgets to ingest sustenance
4:50:28 PM <DianaBerry> I’m lazy by nature because I’m also fatigued so I never make an effort
4:50:29 PM — BlackWing steps in through the window
4:50:29 PM <glewmie> .pronouns unacceptable bro, sir
4:50:30 PM <%Secretary_Helen> glewmie: I'm sorry, I don't have any record of pronouns for unacceptable
4:50:32 PM <glewmie> hm
4:50:35 PM <CuteGirl> glewmie: that's
4:50:36 PM <glewmie> .setpronouns unacceptable bro, sir
4:50:36 PM <@Lily> glewmie: also fuck ur keyboard
4:50:37 PM <&Scordatura> Jesus, glewm, what is that abomination of a keyboard there?
4:50:37 PM <%Secretary_Helen> glewmie: Inserted the following pronouns: unacceptable, bro, sir as pronouns.
4:50:38 PM <CuteGirl> Fuxking with the bot
4:50:40 PM <glewmie> there we go
4:50:40 PM <Mew-ltiverse> Scordatura: I feel that
4:50:42 PM <CuteGirl> ????
4:50:45 PM <@Lily> CuteGirl: not rly
4:50:51 PM <%stormfallen> .pronouns glewmie
4:50:51 PM <%Secretary_Helen> stormfallen: glewmie uses the following pronouns: she, unacceptable, her, sir, hers, bro; glewmie accepts the following pronouns: theirs, their, them, they glewmie DOES NOT accept the following pronouns: his, man, he, him.
4:50:53 PM ← CuteGirl (mom.tnalp|616703diu#mom.tnalp|616703diu) was kicked by %Crashington: that made me cackle. rude
4:51:00 PM <%stormfallen> you tried
4:51:03 PM → CuteGirl joined (mom.tnalp|616703diu#mom.tnalp|616703diu)
4:51:06 PM <DianaBerry> Man BlackWing , That’s a new entrance style
4:51:11 PM <CuteGirl> 9:50 PM <CuteGirl> Lily: magnus is definitely gonna get mad lol
4:51:12 PM <%Crashington> pffffff
4:51:12 PM <glewmie> Scordatura: lol the keycaps are kind of ugly tbh
4:51:14 PM <&Tuomey> glewmie: I'm assuming you meant to set those as not accepted?
4:51:16 PM <glewmie> Scordatura: but it's an ergodox
4:51:17 PM <CuteGirl> Before I was RUDELY OUSTED
4:51:20 PM <glewmie> oh wack
4:51:22 PM <@Lily> CuteGirl: no
4:51:25 PM <BlackWing> DianaBerry, I like to change things up every now and then.
4:51:26 PM <glewmie> Tuomey: how fix blease
4:51:27 PM <@Lily> it'e literally ok
4:51:31 PM <Jak> Someone pinged me?
4:51:36 PM <&Scordatura> Oh, glewm, now I see the other half.
4:51:37 PM <%Crashington> cg not rude, definitly deserved
4:51:45 PM <BlackWing>
4:51:45 PM <&Tuomey> I think you gotta clear them and set them again
4:51:46 PM <%Secretary_Helen> BlackWing: "Sitcom Rage is Real" | Late Night Tumblr Posts - length 5m24s - 3740↑12↓ - 33741 views - P.M. Seymour -
4:51:48 PM <vitamin-D> Tuomey: when is there a need to stop an absent state?
4:51:51 PM <CuteGirl> Lily mag doesnt like the deviations
4:51:54 PM <glewmie> damnit
4:52:01 PM <glewmie> how do i clear pronouns?
4:52:05 PM <glewmie> .clearpronouns
4:52:05 PM <%Secretary_Helen> glewmie: Deleted all pronoun records for glewmie.
4:52:08 PM <DrTARS> .pronouns
4:52:08 PM ⇐ Ethagon quit (~ed.dnalhcstued-lebak.cimanyd.A6522F42-CRInys|criigc#ed.dnalhcstued-lebak.cimanyd.A6522F42-CRInys|criigc) Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)
4:52:09 PM <%Secretary_Helen> DrTARS: DrTARS uses the following pronouns: his, he, him; DrTARS accepts the following pronouns: their, they I have no record of unaccepted pronouns.
4:52:09 PM <@Lily> No
4:52:09 PM <glewmie> ok that worked.
4:52:09 PM <&Scordatura> Like that.
4:52:15 PM <CuteGirl> Lily: maybe he is okay for unaccepted tho
4:52:19 PM <vitamin-D> "incoherent" - point. "lolrandumb" - PURELY subjective, even meaning of this word?
4:52:32 PM <Mew-ltiverse> .pronouns
4:52:33 PM <%Secretary_Helen> Mew-ltiverse: I'm sorry, I don't have any record of pronouns for Mew-ltiverse
4:52:42 PM <DianaBerry> .pronouns
4:52:42 PM <%Secretary_Helen> DianaBerry: I'm sorry, I don't have any record of pronouns for DianaBerry
4:52:42 PM <glewmie> i'm not messing with the pronouns on purpose, i just don't want people to sir or bro me.
4:52:43 PM <Mew-ltiverse> ah I need to set the again
4:52:44 PM <&Scordatura> vitamin-D, what on God's green earth are you talking about?
4:52:45 PM <@Lily> CuteGirl: and i'm saying that i'll allow those sort of things as no
4:52:48 PM %Gee0765 banned *!*@9E291D5.D4D882FD.41F40E7A.IP (+b)
4:52:51 PM <@Lily> Because they're important
4:52:55 PM ← vitamin-D (~PI.A7E04F14.DF288D4D.5D192E9|resu#PI.A7E04F14.DF288D4D.5D192E9|resu) was kicked by %TheMightyMcB: you can appeal in 17