User made a joke about a minor masturbating, and then doubled-down with a "miner" joke when told said user was a minor. They also missed a stop order and was clueless after getting kicked for it. Ops decided on a week-long. Appeal denied by Corvus.
(Note: logs edited to remove irrelevent posts)
11:30:37 AM <Mew-ltiverse> my wrist hurts
11:30:39 AM <Mew-ltiverse> FUCk
11:30:40 AM <ScaledDatura> what did i just walk in on
11:31:51 AM <VioletStorm> I think Mew was fap'n
11:32:00 AM <VioletStorm> Past that idk
11:32:13 AM <Mew-ltiverse> VioletStorm: please don't
11:32:16 AM <Mew-ltiverse> im a minor
11:32:35 AM <ScaledDatura> god damn
11:32:50 AM <ScaledDatura> that's,
11:32:55 AM <VioletStorm> The mines get mighty lonesome after the first few years
11:33:06 AM <VioletStorm> Unless you find gems down there, then that's fun
11:33:49 AM → %TheMightyMcB (halfopped) joined
11:33:52 AM <%Crashington> VioletStorm: do not do that
11:33:59 AM <%Crashington> thats a warning
11:34:02 AM <LordofLaugh> VioletStorm: relax buddy
11:34:15 AM <VioletStorm> Those jokes not allowed here?
11:34:22 AM <VioletStorm> I thought this area was 16+
11:34:22 AM <ScaledDatura> VioletStorm: hmm, seem like you've been at sea for a long time
11:34:24 AM <DianaBerry> Mew’s only 17
11:34:29 AM <VioletStorm> No harm meant
11:34:36 AM <%Crashington> you don tknow this person
11:34:44 AM <%Crashington> so dont make jokes like that about them
11:34:55 AM <VioletStorm> That's a big deal here?
11:34:57 AM <DianaBerry> She stated she was uncomfortable
11:35:14 AM <DianaBerry> Dude it’s not hard to understand
11:35:20 AM <Calibri_Bold> VioletStorm: Don't make lewd jokes about folks in general, especially not minors.
11:35:28 AM <VioletStorm> I switched it up, I didn't keep going when they said they weren't cool with the joke
11:35:29 AM <Mew-ltiverse> im asexual so I really don't like that type of stuff. plus, you didn't know my age, and you made that comment about a minor
11:35:30 AM <ScaledDatura> some people are ok with those kinds of jokes some people arn't
11:35:38 AM <@Lily> YES LET'S ALL DOGPILE
11:35:40 AM <@Lily> shitnuh
11:35:44 AM <@Lily> Not meant to be caps
11:35:54 AM <@Lily> fr all of y'all if you're not staff lay off
11:35:55 AM <VioletStorm> I'm used to Discord I guess, different culture there xD
11:36:01 AM <Mew-ltiverse> sorry lily
11:36:10 AM <DianaBerry> Sorry Mew’s my sister I’m kinda protective, my apologies
11:36:12 AM <Calibri_Bold> Lily: The fact that you said that in all caps made you legit sound enthusiastic about dogpiling.
11:36:14 AM <DianaBerry> I’ll stop
11:36:29 AM <VioletStorm> No harm meant Mew
11:36:29 AM <Calibri_Bold> I'll stop too, I'm sorry for jumping on this.
11:36:39 AM <@Lily> VioletStorm: well shape up to ours quick then
11:36:57 AM <Mew-ltiverse> VioletStorm: I know, so I won't hold it against you, no worries
11:37:28 AM <VioletStorm> So is this place supposed to be G rated only?
11:37:38 AM <ScaledDatura> pg 13
11:37:39 AM <Balthazaar> XD
11:37:39 AM <VioletStorm> The rules seem different from the main site
11:37:51 AM <@Lily> VioletStorm: no just don't make sex jokes about people you don't know
11:37:53 AM <CuteGirl> VioletStorm: dont post actual porn
11:37:57 AM <@Lily> Common sense
11:38:14 AM <VioletStorm> If you say so
11:38:21 AM <VioletStorm> I'll keep the pg13 in mind though
11:38:25 AM <DianaBerry> If you say so?
11:38:32 AM <ScaledDatura> a hentai joke is appreciated by some but not all,
11:38:36 AM <Mew-ltiverse> Diana don't dogpile
11:38:43 AM <LordofLaugh> VioletStorm: like you said 15+ so we still have a bunch of underaged people here
11:38:49 AM <ScaledDatura> just know your audience
11:38:56 AM <VioletStorm> 15 is legal where I'm from so idk
11:38:56 AM <DianaBerry> Sorry sorry
11:39:02 AM <VioletStorm> Maybe I just don't get the culture difference
11:39:09 AM <VioletStorm> I'll try to not step on toes though
11:39:11 AM <ScaledDatura> where do you live?
11:39:28 AM <VioletStorm> I'm German xD
11:39:30 AM <@Lily> well learn quick or you'll catch a ban
11:39:33 AM <VioletStorm> It's 14+ here
11:39:38 AM <ScaledDatura> i know in SC the age of consent is 15
11:39:46 AM <%DrMagnus> Hey.
11:39:46 AM <Cyvstvi> Yeah, here it's sixteen.
11:39:47 AM <CuteGirl> Man actually common sense would say if you make a joke about any of us fappig we wont appreciate, which I dont think was explicitly stated
11:39:49 AM <VioletStorm> Idk where SC is
11:39:55 AM <%DrMagnus> None of us give a shit about the AOC local
11:39:56 AM <%Crashington> that doesnt mean you make jokes about it to strangers wtf
11:39:58 AM <ScaledDatura> south carolina
11:40:00 AM <CuteGirl> ScaledDatura: jesus christ
11:40:00 AM <Cyvstvi> South Carolina
11:40:01 AM ⇐ ScaledDatura quit (||criigc) Quit: CGI:IRC
11:40:14 AM <%DrMagnus> 18+ is the minimum for anything even vaguely involving sexual themes. Period end of story.
11:40:16 AM <Calibri_Bold> DrMagnus: What's the AOC local?
11:40:17 AM <DianaBerry> The age of consent in Mississippi is 16, but 18 is the official age of adulthood everywhere
11:40:19 AM <CuteGirl> Let's not discuss minors and their age of fucking consent in fucked up states please
11:40:19 AM <%Crashington> also this was clearly not in consent
11:40:20 AM <Calibri_Bold> Oh.
11:40:21 AM <%DrMagnus> Age of consent
11:40:31 AM <VioletStorm> Not used to people caring *shrug*
11:40:32 AM <ROUNDERHOUSE> god i hate mississippi
11:40:41 AM <@Lily> well fucking get used to it
11:40:41 AM — ROUNDERHOUSE shudders
11:40:43 AM <VioletStorm> Like I said I'll keep it in mind for here though
11:40:43 AM <CuteGirl> VioletStorm: well that's not our problem its yours
11:40:45 AM <@Lily> How is this difficult for you
11:40:48 AM <DianaBerry> I live in Mississippi
11:40:48 AM <@Lily> CuteGirl: pls
11:40:48 AM <Calibri_Bold> DrMagnus: I thought you were talking about Alexandria Ocasio Cortez mloa
11:40:49 AM <VioletStorm> Chill guys xD
11:40:53 AM <CuteGirl> Lily: sorry
11:41:08 AM <%Crashington> okay i hope they got it, lets drop the entire topic now
11:41:42 AM <%DrMagnus> If its not clear that is an op order just so no one tries to play dumb.
11:41:48 AM <%DrMagnus> Carry on <3
11:45:07 AM <VioletStorm> To be fair you guys say fuck and curse in general a lot, I figured it was a mature environment, didn't mean anything buy it though Mew-ltiverse, really didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable hun, I'll note it for the future that it's more or less a family friendly enforcement language aside.
11:45:13 AM <ROUNDERHOUSE> bro
11:45:15 AM <ROUNDERHOUSE> we dropped it
11:45:22 AM ← VioletStorm (~VioletSto@A82FABA9:5DD638E6:2E453657:IP) was kicked by %TheMightyMcB: violating the op order
11:46:16 AM → VioletStorm joined (~VioletSto@A82FABA9:5DD638E6:2E453657:IP)
11:46:25 AM <VioletStorm> Why was I kicked .-.
11:46:37 AM <%TheMightyMcB> You violated the stop order on the topic
11:46:48 AM <VioletStorm> I did what? .-.
11:46:53 AM <%DrMagnus> VioletStorm: kicks are the standard warning, per the rules you agreed to.
11:47:06 AM <%DrMagnus> You continued to discuss something the channel operators told everyone not to.
11:47:12 AM <VioletStorm> I just don't know why I was kicked but okay .-.
11:47:16 AM <%DrMagnus> Continuing to do so will lead to a ban.
11:47:20 AM <ROUNDERHOUSE> we just explained it
11:47:22 AM <%DrMagnus> I literally Just Told You.
11:47:23 AM <ROUNDERHOUSE> like, 3 times
11:47:25 AM <VioletStorm> Oh I didn't know we were supposed to stop
11:47:41 AM <VioletStorm> Yeah just read their explanation
11:47:41 AM <%DrMagnus> VioletStorm: I literally made it crystal clear so that you couldn't say that.
11:47:45 AM <%Crashington> watch out for what people with a role say in situations like this
11:48:13 AM <%TheMightyMcB> 11:41:42 <• DrMagnus> If its not clear that is an op order just so no one tries to play dumb.
11:48:20 AM <VioletStorm> I missed when whichever OP said to stop
11:48:37 AM <%TheMightyMcB> VioletStorm: see above I just sent the message again with a timestamp
11:48:41 AM <%DrMagnus> That's not our responsibility.
11:48:44 AM <%Crashington> VioletStorm: now you know, look out next time
11:48:45 AM <%DrMagnus> That's on you.
11:48:47 AM <VioletStorm> I was just apologizing to her again, but sorry again again xD
11:48:59 AM <%TheMightyMcB> Literally just drop it dude
11:49:04 AM <%TheMightyMcB> Kicks don't matter
11:49:12 AM <VioletStorm> I'm not worried about the kick
11:49:27 AM <VioletStorm> Just didn't understand at first why it happened
11:49:31 AM <VioletStorm> All good now
11:49:42 AM <%Crashington> okay final op order: its cleared up, everyone move on
11:49:49 AM <%Crashington> ok? ok
12:57:16 PM <@Corvus> Alright.
12:57:30 PM <@Corvus> Upon review your stuff was far worse than we initially thought
12:57:58 PM <@Corvus> When someone says, essentially, "please don't make sex jokes about me I am a minor"
12:58:11 PM <@Corvus> The correct response is not to make another one with a mining theme
12:58:25 PM <@Corvus> I do not care what dumbass discords you are in that is basic human social skills.
12:59:10 PM <@Corvus> If you have a reason you think that was acceptable, I'd be very interested in hearing it.
12:59:40 PM <VioletStorm> I was under the impression by both the site and the way people act here that this was a mature area, and while NSFW images are now allowed I didn't realize mature jokes were also against the rules. The actions I have seen would suggest the contrary. But now I know and I was told we were to move on with only warming barring I don't do it again. Also the mining joke was to lighten the mood and also because I wasn't sure if they were
12:59:40 PM <VioletStorm> seriously upset or just joking in return, I was under the impression this is a 16+ area as well and they were actually 17 which isn't a minor where I am from, but that doesn't matter either way due to those kind of comments being againt the rules here.
1:00:21 PM <VioletStorm> Wrote this while I was waiting for you to say carry on but I might have missed something, I saw the part about the minor joke but let me read back first to double check
1:00:40 PM <VioletStorm> Alright yes
1:01:14 PM <VioletStorm> That's my explanation, the places I hang out are mature and I was under the impression this place was also mature baring nsfw images.
1:02:15 PM <@Corvus> Yeah, I have no responsibility over what kind of shitholes you hang out in elsewhere but that shit don't fly here. Ban stands.
1:02:40 PM <@Scordatura> If I may make a comment.
1:03:14 PM <@Corvus> You may
1:03:35 PM <@Scordatura> We do not ban mature jokes, or even jokes of a sexual nature. What you did was make a sexual joke about a minor, and then doubled down.
1:03:39 PM <VioletStorm> Making a mature joke ≠ being a shithole in a mature environment, wouldn't you agree?
1:03:52 PM <@Corvus> No. I wouldn't.
1:04:00 PM <@Scordatura> If you cannot see the difference, again, that's on you.
1:04:08 PM <@Scordatura> Anyway, that's all I wanted to add.
1:04:09 PM <VioletStorm> I wasn't aware they were a minor
1:04:17 PM <VioletStorm> Again I thought this area was 16+
1:04:20 PM <@Corvus> If the entirety of your social circle hangs out in places where it's cool to make dirty jokes about kids you hang out in shitholes.
1:04:24 PM <@Corvus> Now get out.