Disc record here. Came into 17 today exhibiting the exact same behavior as what's led to what is almost certainly a renewed permanent ban from the site.
[10:09:25] * DrAuerbach (~PI.DCE33F85.AEFA7767.2EBE827A|tibbiM#PI.DCE33F85.AEFA7767.2EBE827A|tibbiM) has joined #site17
[10:10:01] <DrAuerbach> I think I am going to be banned again.
[10:10:26] <DrAuerbach> Can I appeal this ban in a year? Or does it have to be two years now because I already appealed once?
[10:11:03] <@Corvus> As much as it seems like a bad idea to encourage you to message anyone given your seemingly endless bullshit
[10:11:03] <DrAuerbach> How many appeals does one even get? I would hate to have to scrap the fan game I am making and switch to a different site.
[10:11:16] <DrAuerbach> Huh?!
[10:11:32] <@Corvus> IF you are banned respond to the message you are sent about it
[10:11:35] <@Corvus> Just once.
[10:11:39] <DrAuerbach> I won’t send any more PMs.
[10:11:42] <DrAuerbach> One appeal?!
[10:11:45] <DrAuerbach> Why?
[10:11:47] <@Corvus> Well past that point now.
[10:11:59] <DrAuerbach> I don’t deserve to be banned!
[10:12:23] <@Corvus> You're a ceaselessly disruptive waste of our time. You can appeal to the person who bans you.
[10:12:23] <DrAuerbach> I am actually going to improve! Please tell this to the admins?
[10:12:27] <@Tuomey> You're literally yelling about something that hasn't been decided
[10:12:33] <@Corvus> I won't because you won't.
[10:12:39] <DrAuerbach> What do you mean by “well past that point?”
[10:12:52] <@Tuomey> And the only thing we'll tell people is what you actually do and say
[10:12:59] <@Corvus> I mean that the time to stop sending PMs was about twenty PMs ago
[10:13:00] <DrAuerbach> OK. They are thinking about banning me though.
[10:13:32] <@Tuomey> Nobody is going to act as a character witness because character witnesses aren't a thing in disciplinary proceedings here
[10:13:38] <DrAuerbach> Bye! I am actually not sending any more PMs. For real. Honest.
[10:13:47] <@Corvus> Now get out
[10:14:04] <DrAuerbach> Ok. But I have no more reason to send PMs.
[10:14:11] <DrAuerbach> Bye!
[10:14:13] * DrAuerbach was kicked by Corvus (don't believe you, don't care)
[10:14:20] <@Tuomey> Dude just go before y- oh okay
[10:14:25] * Corvus sets mode: +b *!*@A728EBE2.7677AFEA.58F33ECD.IP
[10:14:31] <@Corvus> I'm gonna undo that in 30
[10:14:41] <@Corvus> I just know how much he likes follow ups
[10:14:45] <@Tuomey> solid plan
Ban was removed about 90 minutes later, came back about 5 hours later.
[15:01:24] * DrAuerbach (~ten.nozirev.soif.cdhsaw.0FC063C6-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.cdhsaw.0FC063C6-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site17
[15:01:34] <DrAuerbach> NickServ IDENTIFY [snipped]
[15:01:56] <DrAuerbach> I am going to return in five years to appeal.
[15:01:59] * DrAuerbach (~ten.nozirev.soif.cdhsaw.0FC063C6-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.cdhsaw.0FC063C6-CRInys|tibbiM) Quit (Quit: DrAuerbach)
[15:03:47] <+Crashington> bluesoul:
[15:03:57] <+Crashington> auerbach was auerbach
[15:04:07] <@bluesoul> Driving
[15:04:07] <+Crashington> and auerback
[15:04:09] <+stormfallen> I've poked opchat
[15:04:22] <+Crashington> oh woops
[15:04:40] <XilasCrowe> I’m disappointed he didn’t say that with the nick DrAurbeback
[15:08:56] * DrAuerbach (~ten.nozirev.soif.cdhsaw.0FC063C6-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.cdhsaw.0FC063C6-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site17
[15:09:04] <DrAuerbach> NickServ IDENTIFY [snipped]
[15:09:42] <dentix> that didnt quite work
[15:10:11] <@Scordatura> That was a short five years.
[15:10:46] <DrAuerbach> I give up on trying to avoid getting banned. I have decided that I am better off not having an account anyways. I can still read pages, and I can still interact in other ways. My article ideas sucked anyways.
[15:10:48] <Calibri_Bold> A minute here is five minutes on Earth.
[15:11:01] <DrAuerbach> Look out for my game and other fan works!
[15:11:08] <Calibri_Bold> Wait.
[15:11:11] <+Crashington> alright seeya
[15:11:14] <@Scordatura> I wait with bated breath.
[15:11:14] <+Crashington> please leave now
[15:11:14] <DrAuerbach> And my Halloween costume of the game’s protagonist!
[15:11:32] <DrAuerbach> DrAuerbach is OUT! PEACE!!!!!!!!!!
[15:12:04] * DrAuerbach (~ten.nozirev.soif.cdhsaw.0FC063C6-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.cdhsaw.0FC063C6-CRInys|tibbiM) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
We are going straight to perma here by consensus of three chat admins, a former admin, and several half-operators, with no chat staff opposed.