Newer user, was giving dog-whistle vibes, then dropped "J J E W" mostly out of nowhere (we were talking the Star Wars sequels and their directors). Corvus gave a weeklong.
1:19:08 PM <yoko> wait girls play video games
1:23:09 PM <yoko> im a history nerd
1:23:26 PM <yoko> History is my love
1:27:27 PM <Popsioak> AbsentmindedNihilist: didn't JJ also make Poe, played by a Guatemalan guy, be a drug runner for the cartel
1:27:33 PM <@AbsentmindedNihilist> Popsioak: yes.
1:27:41 PM JakFrost → Jak
1:27:42 PM <Popsioak> bruh
1:27:56 PM <DrTARS> Wow
1:28:10 PM <yoko> Jak how many times will you change your name
1:28:13 PM <BlueJones> The trailers for The Old Republic are much better than the recent movies (barring rogue one and Solo)
1:28:23 PM <NamelessMediocre> I still need to see Solo
1:28:27 PM <AndarielHalo> Solo was boring
1:28:35 PM <Jak> Sorry yall, adding nicks to my group
1:28:40 PM <yoko> They did no justice for the character by making solo
1:28:55 PM <NamelessMediocre> I just know it bombed in the box office because expectations were so low after TLJ
1:28:58 PM <AndarielHalo> "Solo" was basically "Member all the random little things Han Solo off-handedly mentions in the movies? We're gonna cram all of them in together just to fill time"
1:29:09 PM <BlueJones> I liked solo cause it reminded me of a cowboy movie or a heist movie
1:29:16 PM <%Gee0765> what if i say solo wasn't bad
1:29:31 PM <DrTARS> Nothing will happen
1:29:37 PM <AndarielHalo> just like in the movie
1:29:38 PM <AndarielHalo> ho ho ho
1:29:54 PM <Jak>
1:29:54 PM ⇐ @JazSleep quit (ratsaM.rammarG|894792diu#ratsaM.rammarG|894792diu) Quit: Connection closed for inactivity
1:30:05 PM <yoko> a movie explaining han solo had so much potential for a movie it was the execution tho
1:30:08 PM <AndarielHalo> those are the best memes
1:30:09 PM <BlueJones> AndarielHalo: is it bad i read ho ho ho in Jabba's voice?
1:30:13 PM <AndarielHalo> yes
1:30:23 PM <@AbsentmindedNihilist> Popsioak: tbh i didn;t even notice that until you pointed it out but yeah thar's bad
1:30:29 PM <NamelessMediocre> I think it is mandatory to read that in Jabba's voice
1:30:30 PM <AndarielHalo> i'm at least 10 years away from being that fat
1:30:37 PM <dentix> nooooo her dad
1:30:41 PM <Popsioak> AbsentmindedNihilist: i saw some dude point it out on reddit
1:30:46 PM <dentix> he's gonna die
1:30:49 PM <Popsioak> i was like, wow that's *fucked*
1:31:07 PM <BlueJones> dentix: ah you on the platform bit, are you?
1:31:16 PM <yoko>
1:31:19 PM <DrTARS> What part are you at dentix ?
1:31:31 PM <AndarielHalo> good things i will say about Solo
1:31:43 PM <AndarielHalo> th guy they cast as him actually vaguely looks like and sounds a lot like Harrison Ford
1:31:44 PM <yoko> That there was only one
1:31:48 PM <yoko> get it
1:31:48 PM <dentix> the one where everything is confusing and x-wings and rain
1:31:48 PM <AndarielHalo> and donald glover too
1:31:49 PM <yoko> solo
1:31:57 PM <NamelessMediocre> Popsioak: this sounds par for the course for star wars
1:32:06 PM <Popsioak> fair
1:32:11 PM <Popsioak> but man, JJ, that's cold
1:32:28 PM <dentix> nooooooo this is so sad
1:32:32 PM <yoko> J J E W
1:32:35 PM <DrTARS> I think I know what you are talking about
1:32:44 PM <Scordatura> yoko, what the fuck?
1:32:47 PM <yoko> ok
1:32:49 PM <yoko> im sorry
1:32:50 PM DrSleep → DrBleep
1:32:50 PM <dentix> he's dying
1:32:55 PM <yoko> oh
1:32:58 PM <yoko> well now i feel bad
1:33:05 PM <dentix> he's dead
1:33:14 PM <dentix> ) :
1:33:15 PM <yoko> ok now i feel worst
1:33:48 PM <NamelessMediocre> considering Jar Jar, all the space wizards who are important are white, Star Wars has always had some rather offensive racial and gender themes just sitting right there in the open where all the rich white men making the movie just miss it entirely
1:33:50 PM @Corvus banned *!* (+b)
1:34:08 PM ← yoko (||criigc) was kicked by @Corvus: that kind of shit is completely unacceptable here. You will be welcome back in a week.
1:34:48 PM ⇐ yoko quit (||criigc) Quit: CGI:IRC
1:34:52 PM → yoko joined (||criigc)
1:37:14 PM <@Corvus> Yoko, are you going to appeal your ban?
1:37:17 PM <yoko> ok i was banned from site 19 because i said something i was not suppose to and which was also offensive and in the future i will not repeat these actions
1:38:15 PM <@Corvus> Your show, Niles.
1:38:39 PM <%AbsentmindedNihilist> hang on
1:38:44 PM <%AbsentmindedNihilist> let me see what was said
1:39:05 PM <%AbsentmindedNihilist> ah, i see now.
1:39:14 PM <@Corvus> 1:32:33 PM <yoko> J J E W
1:39:26 PM <yoko> Yes
1:40:02 PM <yoko> that is offensive to a certain minority in this culture i see what i did wrong and i can see it could of offended someone
1:40:11 PM <%AbsentmindedNihilist> yeah there is no excuse for that, and if you don't understand how that is not acceptable to say in that conversation, (or almost any conversation, frankly) you're going to need the week to take the time to understand why.
1:40:27 PM <%AbsentmindedNihilist> ban upheld
1:40:40 PM <yoko> ok ill wait a week i guess
1:41:02 PM <@Corvus> You won't get a second chance.
1:41:05 PM <@Corvus> Now leave.
1:41:49 PM <@Corvus> Err, suppose that'd be a third chance
1:41:56 PM ← yoko (||criigc) was kicked by @Corvus: either way, fuck off