Naia showed up to, basically, complain about our chat policy on plurality (please do not tell us literally constantly) and then went to #help to make threats.
Claims to be the "wolf in every form but physical" person, although I did not ask for verification, and provided an email address that would go along with that, although this could be a rather excellent troll.
This is looking like a permanent ban for potential legal threats, unless other admins or a significant amount of ops wish to contradict.
03:12 | * Naia joined #site17 ~naia@46A80C85:225841D7:A1ADE04:IP | |
03:12 | * Dashington quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) moc.duolccri.egasrehtah.BFEE4527-CRInys|362453diu#moc.duolccri.egasrehtah.BFEE4527-CRInys|362453diu | |
03:13 | Naia | Right, I'm Naia Ōkami |
03:13 | Naia | as in "on all levels except physical, I am a wolf." |
03:13 | stormfallen | Do you have a question for staff, or are you just trolling |
03:13 | Cerastes | Naia: Can we help you with something? |
03:14 | Naia | I'm the actual person, and I can verify upon request. |
03:14 | Naia | I do indeed have a question for staff. |
03:15 | Cerastes | What's up? |
03:15 | Naia | It has come to my attention that there is a hostility here towards members of plural systems. I wanted to see if it were true or not. |
03:16 | Cerastes | Corvus: you available? |
03:16 | Tuomey | There's a hostility towards people who change their chat names every ten seconds, more so. |
03:16 | Tuomey | People can be whatever they are, but a plural person took it very badly when we tried to get them to stop doing that. |
03:17 | * LittleFieryOne quit (No route to host) ~PI.31F3C797.490B4FD4.C55D8DCD|eiFelttiL#PI.31F3C797.490B4FD4.C55D8DCD|eiFelttiL | |
03:17 | Tuomey | Reintroducing oneself constantly tends to disrupt chat. |
03:17 | Naia | I see; are there alternative ways for system members to speak? We have designated features on Kinmunity to allow this. I.E. Klohe (our system management bot) and channel modes to suppress nickname changes on IRC where desired. |
03:17 | * Luan joined #site17 ~PI.0BA9943D.8A06A8A3.F89EE207|tibbiM#PI.0BA9943D.8A06A8A3.F89EE207|tibbiM | |
03:17 | * LittleFieryOne joined #site17 ~PI.31F3C797.490B4FD4.C55D8DCD|eiFelttiL#PI.31F3C797.490B4FD4.C55D8DCD|eiFelttiL | |
03:18 | * Luan quit (Quit: Luan) ~PI.0BA9943D.8A06A8A3.F89EE207|tibbiM#PI.0BA9943D.8A06A8A3.F89EE207|tibbiM | |
03:18 | * GINGERBREADHOUSE joined #site17 moc.duolccri.etaghgih.E270BA3C-CRInys|394913diu#moc.duolccri.etaghgih.E270BA3C-CRInys|394913diu | |
03:18 | + ChanServ has given voice to GINGERBREADHOUSE | |
03:18 | * Lexxy joined #site17 ~ten.labolgcbs.xtrhnp.deepsthgil.D87361CC-CRInys|criigc#ten.labolgcbs.xtrhnp.deepsthgil.D87361CC-CRInys|criigc | |
03:20 | Tuomey | Our IRC is too fast moving to really make special exceptions for people; we require everyone to pick a somewhat coherent identity for interacting with the community and stay with it, within reason. Whether it bears any resemblance to their identity elsewhere is not our business. |
03:21 | Tuomey | People constantly changing names - and sometimes hostmasks - has been a strong symptom of trolling in the past and remains wildly disruptive, even if no malicious intent exists. |
03:23 | Naia | I count 91 nicks; there are channels with over 300 that can properly accomodate systems. Some bodies have multiple coherent identities within them. This is a documented psychological phenomena. |
03:23 | * Luan joined #site17 ~PI.0BA9943D.8A06A8A3.F89EE207|tibbiM#PI.0BA9943D.8A06A8A3.F89EE207|tibbiM | |
03:23 | Naia | (and 23 +os) |
03:23 | * Lexxy quit (Quit: CGI:IRC) ~ten.labolgcbs.xtrhnp.deepsthgil.D87361CC-CRInys|criigc#ten.labolgcbs.xtrhnp.deepsthgil.D87361CC-CRInys|criigc | |
03:23 | Tuomey | I don't disagree that it's a documented psychological phenomenon. |
03:23 | Tuomey | However |
03:23 | * Lt_Flops quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) moc.duolccri.notlrahc.E6AACF3B-CRInys|165003diu#moc.duolccri.notlrahc.E6AACF3B-CRInys|165003diu | |
03:24 | Tuomey | We don't allow depressed people to take over the chat with depression problems or any other equivalent |
03:24 | Naia | This is a matter of identity, not disruptive symtomology. |
03:24 | * Luan quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client) ~PI.0BA9943D.8A06A8A3.F89EE207|tibbiM#PI.0BA9943D.8A06A8A3.F89EE207|tibbiM | |
03:24 | Naia | symptomology* |
03:24 | * Luan joined #site17 PI.0BA9943D.8A06A8A3.F89EE207|tibbiM#PI.0BA9943D.8A06A8A3.F89EE207|tibbiM | |
03:26 | Tuomey | Bluntly, if someone feels they absolutely have to change their name as fast as IRC will allow and introduce themselves to the chat repeatedly, it is disruptive, no matter the motivation. |
03:27 | Naia | So, as an alternative, what about adding a prefix to text. |
03:27 | * Luan quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client) PI.0BA9943D.8A06A8A3.F89EE207|tibbiM#PI.0BA9943D.8A06A8A3.F89EE207|tibbiM | |
03:28 | Naia | Ie. Nick is named "SystemX" and members type such as |
03:28 | Naia | Member1: hi |
03:28 | Naia | Member2: hi |
03:28 | Naia | etc |
03:28 | Tuomey | While we are an open and welcoming community and have come under attack for being such in the past, this is a community focused around producing fiction |
03:28 | bluesoul | No |
03:28 | bluesoul | go create your own channel for that |
03:28 | bluesoul | there is nothing stopping you |
03:28 | * Luan joined #site17 ~PI.0BA9943D.8A06A8A3.F89EE207|tibbiM#PI.0BA9943D.8A06A8A3.F89EE207|tibbiM | |
03:28 | Naia | Some of these people ARE producing fiction, and they are excluded from the community due to these policies. |
03:29 | Luan | Hello, i have the passcode, i don't know where do i put it |
03:29 | TheMightyMcB | Luan: applications are currently down due to trolling/spamming |
03:29 | TheMightyMcB | you'll have to give it a few days |
03:29 | Tuomey | Luan: applications are currently closed due to spammers but you can still use the sandbox and chatrooms |
03:29 | Luan | Ok |
03:29 | Luan | Thanks |
03:30 | * Luan quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client) ~PI.0BA9943D.8A06A8A3.F89EE207|tibbiM#PI.0BA9943D.8A06A8A3.F89EE207|tibbiM | |
03:30 | Tuomey | Naia: unfortunately, due to previous trolls, we're unable to distinguish good faith accommodation requests from bad faith requests |
03:30 | Tuomey | There's no way we can do this without it becoming disruptive |
03:31 | Naia | I disagree entirely. Can somebody with at least sudo access to the main wiki please contact [EMAIL REDACTED TO PREVENT HARASSMENT] ? |
03:31 | Naia | to the VPS the main wiki is hosted on, rather |
03:31 | Tuomey | To make it clear and final: plural folks are fine, but as with anyone else, they will not be allowed to literally constantly tell us about themselves. |
03:32 | Corvus | Feel free to talk to Wikidot corporate if you like |
03:32 | Corvus | They certainly aren't picking up the phone when we call |
03:32 | Naia | Ah, you're not an independent site? |
03:32 | Tuomey | As far as chat regulations go, this conversation is over. |
03:32 | Tuomey | Do you have any other questions for staff? |
03:32 | Naia | I want to speak to your most senior administrator over the wiki. |
03:32 | DrMagnus | No. |
03:33 | DrMagnus | If you need technical advisement, I am where the buck stops. |
03:33 | Tuomey | I sincerely doubt he is available, since it's December 26th and we don't get paid. |
03:33 | Corvus | For reference, the chat is under a different power scheme than the wiki by mutual agreement |
03:33 | Naia | I don't get paid either. I gave you an email address. |
03:33 | DrMagnus | And? |
03:33 | Corvus | And both Tuomey and Bluesoul are at the top of that particular totem pole. |
03:33 | Tuomey | As a member of both site disciplinary staff and chat administration, I can assure that anyone going out of their way to go after plural folks will absolutely get banned. |
03:34 | Naia | The issue here is that they have absolutely no way to express their alters. I'm not asking for spammy /nick, I'm asking for ANY SORT OF WAY. I don't see why typing prefixes are disruptive. All messages are still attributed to a single nick. |
03:34 | Tuomey | I can't give special accommodations for anyone, myself included. We've /had/ plural folks on staff and the site who did just fine; I am not at liberty to out them, of course. |
03:35 | bluesoul | then go write code for the ircv3 spec |
03:35 | bluesoul | since you're asking for people with sudo access |
03:35 | Naia | funny story that |
03:35 | Naia | kaniini actually works on that shit |
03:35 | bluesoul | great, go bother them |
03:35 | Naia | who I know rather well |
03:35 | Naia | why is |
03:35 | bluesoul | this conversation is over and you can leave |
03:35 | Naia | person1: hi such an issue? |
03:35 | Naia | that's all I ask. |
03:35 | * Naia was kicked by Corvus (you were told to go) | |
03:36 | * Naia joined #site17 ~naia@46A80C85:225841D7:A1ADE04:IP | |
03:36 | Naia | seriously? |
03:36 | Naia | I'm not being malicious. |
03:36 | —- bluesoul has banned *!*@46A80C85:225841D7:A1ADE04:IP | |
03:36 | Tuomey | Naia: it's disruptive because one account typing for multiuple is excessive chatting, 9 times out of 10 |
03:36 | Corvus | There's no point re-explaining it a fifth time |
03:36 | * Naia was kicked by Corvus (Corvus) |
03:38 Naia per your policies, anything that hinders users from having an enjoyable experience on the network is forbidden.
03:38 Naia (/rules)
03:38 Naia I would like to report such an issue.
03:38 bluesoul hi, synIRC server administrator here
03:39 * TheMightyMcB joined #help||981943diu
03:39 Naia recuse yourself, as this concerns a channel you are op at.
03:39 sats hi
03:39 Naia hi
03:40 Naia as this issue involves a server administrator (in their capacity as an operator of a channel), I would like to contact executive council per charter.
03:40 Naia how may I do so?
03:41 sats you dont contact the executive council over channel drama. if you have an issue with an oper in a channel the proper way to deal with it would be to discuss it with the channel owner
03:41 * XilasCrowe joined #help||
03:41 Naia so, founder listed in CS?
03:42 sats yes
03:42 Naia if the issue involves discriminary practices against a group of people, possibly violating the ADA of 1990, is the advice the same?
03:43 sats thats at the discretion of channel owners. we dont get involved
03:43 Naia understood; thanks
03:43 sats np
03:43 * Naia left #help (Konversation terminated!) ~naia@46A80C85:225841D7:A1ADE04:IP
edit: a letter