Chat user NetworkParadox has been a mildly negative value user in critters, usually just for wasting time, getting irate with reviewers, and not listening to advice. Today, the following exchange happened. Logs are kinda long but important for context, bannable offense is bolded.
<NetworkParadox> So I got two words. Sadistic Weapon.
12:34:34 <DrFullham> [] DrFullham Unless you meant inspiration in general, in which case, yes, I agree wholeheartedly
12:34:37 <NetworkParadox> What can I do with these, I wonder.
12:34:58 <DrFullham> [] DrFullham I mean……sadistic and weapon kinda go hand in hand already?
12:35:00 <Francis> synIRC CGI:IRC User Defining sanity is less of an anomaly and more of a real-world problem. Homosexuality was considered officially psychologically aberrant until the 70's in the US.
12:35:13 Interesting discussions there.
12:35:33 <DrFullham> [] DrFullham Like, sadistic means you like inflicting pain. Weapons are tools designed to inflict pain. Like…..kinda redundant?
12:35:45 <NetworkParadox> thats not-
12:35:45 ok
12:35:48 <Francis> synIRC CGI:IRC User I'd argue that weapons are tools designed to kill, not necessarily to hurt.
12:36:09 <NetworkParadox> Anyway what anomaly could I make with those two words
12:36:12 <Francis> synIRC CGI:IRC User I mean, that's flexible when you're talking about rubber bullets and tear gas, but I digress.
12:36:42 <HunterDog> synIRC CGI:IRC User Sadism is sexual pleasure from torture
12:36:55 <DrFullham> [] DrFullham HunterDog Not necessarily sexual, no
12:37:00 Just pleasure in general
12:37:21 It's most often used with sexual connotations, though
12:37:37 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy and not /necessarily/
12:37:39 torture
12:37:57 → PeppersGhost joined (moc.duolccri.gnilae.291372D6-CRInys|30748diu#moc.duolccri.gnilae.291372D6-CRInys|30748diu)
12:38:01 <NetworkParadox> I have an SCP idea but its kinda superhero esk.
12:38:01 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy >
the tendency to derive pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others.
12:38:06 <Francis> synIRC CGI:IRC User I think high levels of pleasure of any kind are oftentimes associated with sexuality, regardless of whether or not it's connected, since physical pleasure is often considered to peak in sex.
12:38:10 <DrFullham> [] DrFullham NetworkParadox A weapon that makes people sadistic when used? A weapon that is, itself, sentient/sapient and derives pelasure from being used to inflict pain?
12:38:31 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy .s apocalyptic sword
12:38:32 <•Secretary_Helen> PircBot 1.5.0 Java IRC Bot - SeasonsGee-tings: SCP-3749: Apocalyptic Death Metal Sword (Rating: +89. Written 303 days ago By: Weryllium) -
12:38:41 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy this is a sentient sword which exists
12:39:04 it gets sad when it can't kill stuff
12:40:04 <DrFullham> [] DrFullham That is…amazing
12:40:30 → BlueJones joined (moc.duolccri.notlrahc.DCBD23F6-CRInys|932653diu#moc.duolccri.notlrahc.DCBD23F6-CRInys|932653diu)
12:41:22 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB There's also this thing
12:41:27 .s soulberg
12:41:29 <•Secretary_Helen> PircBot 1.5.0 Java IRC Bot - TheMerryMcB: SCP-2200: Soulberg (Rating: +265. Written 5 years ago By: PeppersGhost) -
12:41:43 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB Sword convinces you that you're saving everybody you kill with it
12:42:00 And like you kinda are but you kinda aren't
12:42:17 <NetworkParadox> So how about a Kopis Sword. When the sword is held by any human, their physiology changes to want to constantly torture and harm people, and will do so like they have experience in doing those things.
12:42:36 The sword will also make people want to torture and harm animals too
12:42:47 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB …that feels gratuitous
12:42:47 <Francis> synIRC CGI:IRC User I have to duck out for a bit, but if anyone would care to take a quick look at my concept awaiting greenlight, I'd be most appreciative. I'll be back in later.
12:42:47 ⇐ •Mew-ltwoverse and Francis quit
12:43:07 <DrFullham> [] DrFullham NetworkParadox If I may, I think you may be going about this the wrong way. I think your goal should be less to find something that sounds interesting and then trying to make it an SCP, and more find something that immediately strikes you as something you could make into an SCP, and not only that, but something that sounds interesting to you. You
12:43:08 can add anomalous properties to anything, but what makes a good SCP is not the item or what it can do, but the story around it.
12:43:12 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB And also like it would be a trap in a DnD campaign
12:43:44 <NetworkParadox> THe ideation guide disagrees with you Fullham.
12:43:48 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB Piggybacking off of fullham, I think the best way of writing an SCP is to come up with a story first
12:43:57 <NetworkParadox> I picked two random words, put them together, and now making an SCP of them.
12:44:02 → •CaptainKirby (opped) joined
12:44:16 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB Ok but just slapping magic onto these two words doesn't make an scp
12:44:33 At least, not one people want to read
12:44:45 These are short stories or flash fiction, depending on length
12:45:02 The crux of fiction is to tell a story
12:45:10 <HunterDog> synIRC CGI:IRC User the only way i'd read something made off of two words is a -j
12:45:23 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB Eh
12:45:38 <NetworkParadox> Literally Im told to look at the ideation wiki. When I do and make something of it, I'm told to do the opposite.
12:45:41 <HunterDog> synIRC CGI:IRC User and even then - it's gotta be funny
12:45:50 <NetworkParadox> So what do yall want from me
12:45:53 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB Frankly that ideation guide kinda sucks
12:45:56 <NetworkParadox> Want me to follow the ideation wiki or no?
12:45:57 <HunterDog> synIRC CGI:IRC User The ideation wiki is to come up with an idea if I'm not mistaken
12:46:03 <•CalibriCold> CalibriBold HunterDog: I'm writing a non-J SCP based on the words "Michael Bublé".
12:46:05 <NetworkParadox> And I just did
12:46:09 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB It works for some people but it gives you just magic items
12:46:18 Which is hella misleading for new writers
12:46:34 <NetworkParadox> Isnt that the entire purpose of the scp foundation, contain magic stuff?
12:46:44 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> i'm back
12:46:47 <NetworkParadox> Magic would be considered an anomaly.
12:46:54 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy Yes, but
12:47:04 people need to be interested by what they read
12:47:05 <HunterDog> synIRC CGI:IRC User but CalibriCold did you think of the story?
12:47:06 <•CalibriCold> CalibriBold NetworkParadox: That's the purpose of the Foundation, but not the purpose of the writing we do.
12:47:10 <HunterDog> synIRC CGI:IRC User I think that's more the issue here
12:47:14 <DrFullham> [] DrFullham NetworkParadox The purpose of the foundation, yes. But you're trying to make an SCP, not an Anomalous Item.
12:47:14 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB This is the best essay on the subject personally
12:47:17 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy also there's more than just magic stuff but that's not relevant
12:47:18 <•Secretary_Helen> PircBot 1.5.0 Java IRC Bot - TheMerryMcB: untitled essay regarding scps, narratives, and how they can share a page (Rating: +68. Written 2 years ago By: Communism will win) -
12:47:25 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy yeah this is the best one
12:47:27 <•CalibriCold> CalibriBold HunterDog: My story?
12:47:32 <HunterDog> synIRC CGI:IRC User Yeah.
12:47:53 <NetworkParadox> People tell me to look at the ideation guide, then people say its bad, then people say look at something else
12:47:58 <DrFullham> [] DrFullham
12:48:02 <NetworkParadox> Someone needs to please make up their mind
12:48:03 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB If I could remove the ideas guide and replace it with this one, I would
12:48:05 <NetworkParadox> On what I'm doing here.
12:48:17 <HunterDog> synIRC CGI:IRC User I'm personally biased torwards interview logs though, no SCP catches my eye like ones with interviews, I love the humanizations of SCP's.
12:48:18 <DrFullham> [] DrFullham NetworkParadox There's not going to be a single resource that gives you a step by step guide on how to write an SCP
12:48:28 Everyone's process is slightly different
12:48:29 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB ^^^
12:48:31 <•CalibriCold> CalibriBold HunterDog: Michael Bublé, the spirit of Christmas, is being targeted by Mariah Carrey, and so the Foundation needs to make sure nobody kills him so they can save Christmas.
12:48:37 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy NetworkParadox: people have given you their opinion
12:48:41 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB Fullham is on the money here
12:48:43 <HunterDog> synIRC CGI:IRC User oh my
12:48:49 I'd read it
12:48:53 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy multiple slightly different but pretty similar opinions
12:49:15 <NetworkParadox> No its not slightly different.
12:49:20 <HunterDog> synIRC CGI:IRC User I think my current favorite SCP is the plurality of bright
12:49:22 <NetworkParadox> I was told "look at the ideation wiki"
12:49:28 Now its "Dont look at the ideation wiki"
12:49:42 The exact opposite
12:49:47 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy the ideation guide kinda wank
12:49:52 look at what mcb linked
12:49:55 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB Who told you to look at the ideation guide
12:50:04 Because I'm willing to bet it wasn't a member of critstaff
12:50:09 <HunterDog> synIRC CGI:IRC User NetworkParadox: Here let's put it this way, you come up with an idea, but it's a sword, why is that sword magical?
12:50:09 <DrFullham> [] DrFullham The ideation guide can help you find an *idea* but an SCP is more than an idea, it's a *story*. My biggest advice is read the top rated SCPs from the last several months. I read literally hundreds of SCPs before even trying to write one.
12:50:15 <•unclenicolini> ping
12:50:30 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB unclenicolini: critstaff?
12:50:33 <NetworkParadox> If people knew why the sword was magical it wouldnt be magical
12:50:38 <•unclenicolini> ping x 3 combo
12:50:43 <DrFullham> [] DrFullham NetworkParadox Wrong
12:50:45 → Simerrytar joined (moc.duolccri.egasrehtah.D032B83D-CRInys|309383diu#moc.duolccri.egasrehtah.D032B83D-CRInys|309383diu)
12:50:48 <NetworkParadox> Why is 682 a giant immortal lizard, why is 173 a statue that moves
12:51:01 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB We have already told you that s1 is not a good model
12:51:01 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy NetworkParadox: alright so
12:51:04 <DrFullham> [] DrFullham 682 and 173 are terrible by modern SCP standards
12:51:05 <NetworkParadox> "Wrong" what a GREAT piece of critism.
12:51:06 <Simerrytar> .l
12:51:07 <•Secretary_Helen> PircBot 1.5.0 Java IRC Bot - Simerrytar: BREAKNECK (Written 4 minutes ago By: Rounderhouse) -
12:51:07 <HunterDog> synIRC CGI:IRC User If you want a sadism sword make a reason behind it.
12:51:08 <•Secretary_Helen> PircBot 1.5.0 Java IRC Bot - Simerrytar: SCP Field Codes (Written 22 hours ago By: toadking07) -
12:51:09 Simerrytar: SCP-4486: Happy Is Relative (Written 1 day ago By: ManyMeats) -
12:51:12 <HunterDog> synIRC CGI:IRC User Was the originally creator a sadist?
12:51:17 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy basically
12:51:20 stop being a wanker
12:51:22 <HunterDog> synIRC CGI:IRC User Did he use it to torture victims?
12:51:26 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy everyone is trying to help
12:51:52 <HunterDog> synIRC CGI:IRC User Too many people seem to be at once.
12:51:56 <NetworkParadox> a "wanker"?
12:51:57 <HunterDog> synIRC CGI:IRC User I'm gonna back down a bit.
12:52:01 <Simerrytar> SeasonsGee-tings: that's the most British sentence I've seen you say
12:52:05 <NetworkParadox> I'm getting 10 different opinions.
12:52:15 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy Simerrytar: :P
12:52:23 •NetworkParadox was voiced (+v) by •TheMerryMcB
12:52:23 <HunterDog> synIRC CGI:IRC User Everyone has different opinions on what we like
12:52:24 Channel mode set to +m by •TheMerryMcB
12:52:28 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB Alright
12:52:41 <•NetworkParadox> What is +v?
12:52:41 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB Chilling out a little here because this is getting out of hand
12:52:51 Means you can talk and nobody else without a dot can
12:52:51 <•NetworkParadox> What are these commands
12:52:59 A dot?
12:53:11 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB Everybody with rank can talk
12:53:21 It quiets the room so we can talk easier
12:53:31 Alright?
12:53:31 <•NetworkParadox> Ok well, where do I start to make ideas?
12:54:06 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB That's a question you'll need to figure out the answer to on your own, unfortunately
12:54:19 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> Ah, the ever present chase for inspiration… That's a tough nut
12:54:21 <•NetworkParadox> Ok I'll work with the sadistic sword.
12:54:27 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB People get inspired by all kinds of things
12:54:30 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> i get it from books. Music. Movies
12:54:36 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB ^
12:54:39 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> sometimes a conversation with a friend.
12:54:42 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB Other writers inspire the shit out of me
12:55:01 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> It's hard to say exactly, I very rarely set myself down and say "Okay, come up with an SCP"
12:55:04 I did that exactly one time.
12:55:12 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB I never have
12:55:16 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> normally there's some external impetus which drives me to do it.
12:55:18 <•CalibriCold> CalibriBold I have never actively come up with an SCP.
12:55:25 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB My last scp I came up with on discord voice chat with a few other authors
12:55:32 So we all collabed and wrote it
12:55:37 <•CalibriCold> CalibriBold I literally see or hear something and go, "Hey, that would make a great SCP!"
12:55:46 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy drink a shitload of coke and don't sleep
12:55:48 <•DrAkiHoHoHo> Jonathan Doe Boi I have actively come up with like all but 3 of my scips
12:56:02 <•NetworkParadox> The sword was found in Arslantepe, Turkey. Judging from the wear on the sword, it can be concluded it was made in B.C around Julius Caesars life span.
12:56:12 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> this actually reminds me of one that I came up with a while ago which has sat, unwritten, for about 5 years.
12:56:13 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB :/
12:56:13 <•NetworkParadox> The Foundation won't know the creator since obviously they didn't exist before christ.
12:56:15 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> So…
12:56:37 ok…
12:56:44 So this is a magical ancient item
12:56:51 <•NetworkParadox> Pretty much.
12:56:54 Well.'
12:57:05 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> One the foundation doesn't know anything about, and … can't?
12:57:26 <•NetworkParadox> It changes the holders phycology to want to constantly harm and torture people as long as its held.
12:57:33 And animals. Any living thing.
12:57:39 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> That's very generic
12:57:47 <•CalibriCold> CalibriBold NetworkParadox: Making it kill people doesn't help.
12:57:56 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> we have several of those in series one. one leaping to mind is a whiskey snifter
12:57:57 <•NetworkParadox> That was always my idea?
12:58:06 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy .s sadist tum
12:58:07 <•Secretary_Helen> PircBot 1.5.0 Java IRC Bot - SeasonsGee-tings: SCP-209: The Sadist's Tumbler (Rating: +427. Written 11 years ago By: unknown author rewritten on: 2009-03-23 by mulciber) -
12:58:17 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> Thank you Gee
12:58:34 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB So, the thing about magic items is that we have thousands of them in the database
12:58:45 <•NetworkParadox> Ok, so no magic items?
12:58:46 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB So you need to figure out what makes yours interesting
12:58:49 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> A compulsive item that makes people meany pants isn't going to get you far without one hell of a hook
12:59:04 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB In a sea of vastness, you just need that little thing that makes yours different
12:59:14 Usually, the best way to do that is a narrative
12:59:18 <•NetworkParadox> How do I make mine different
12:59:20 <•CalibriCold> CalibriBold It can kill people, that doesn't mean it should kill people.
12:59:37 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy The actual object isn't the important part of an SCP in most cases.
12:59:40 <•CalibriCold> CalibriBold ^
12:59:46 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB So what is important then is the world your scp exists in
13:00:03 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> Its context is more interesting than itself
13:00:16 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB For example
13:00:25 To shill my own stuff cause I have no shame
13:00:29 Scp-2410
13:00:31 <•Secretary_Helen> PircBot 1.5.0 Java IRC Bot - TheMerryMcB: SCP-2410: We Are Beary Sorry (Rating: +124. Written 55 days ago By: themightymcb, n_aepic_fael, crashington) -
13:00:34 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> Lol, i'm right behind you
13:00:37 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB These are teddy bears with real insides
13:00:44 <•NetworkParadox> Ok goodie.
13:00:45 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB Very simple and very boring
13:01:19 The interesting part is that the ethics committee and the O5s have a lengthy debate about where their responsibilities end
13:01:34 They contain the anomalies but they leave thousands of children mentallys scarred
13:01:54 So the interesting part is that moral debate, not the teddy bears
13:02:03 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> Oh nooooo
13:02:08 oh wow
13:02:16 i haven't read it and I love it.
13:02:23 So, just as example NetworkParadox
13:02:25 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB Lmao thanks ffb
13:02:40 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> This article gets right into your gut with the trauma of childhood
13:02:41 <•NetworkParadox> So how can I make my scp interesting?
13:02:46 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> we've all broken or damaged a beloved toy
13:02:54 that emotional pain is in there
13:03:08 Juxtapose that with an actual, lurid, vivid disembowelment
13:03:17 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy NetworkParadox: that's for you to figure out. Definitely read this guide
13:03:23 .s untitled narrative
13:03:23 <•Secretary_Helen> PircBot 1.5.0 Java IRC Bot - SeasonsGee-tings: untitled essay regarding scps, narratives, and how they can share a page (Rating: +68. Written 2 years ago By: Communism will win) -
13:03:33 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB This is one of the best essays we have
13:03:35 I agree
13:03:50 There's also this one
13:03:50 <•NetworkParadox> I was hoping to get help brainstorming but13:03:55 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB .s thing what do a thing
13:03:57 <•Secretary_Helen> PircBot 1.5.0 Java IRC Bot - TheMerryMcB: Did you mean : 'Things what do a thing'- An Essay On Anomalies That Are Things That Do A Thing, A Few Examples Of Things Not To Do In An SCP And What To Do Instead, ?
13:03:58 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> Now I'm smashed. My emotions are primed for the rest. most of what comes after this can be window dressing about Foundation assets trying to deal with fallout, it doesn't matter
13:04:01 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB .sm 1
13:04:02 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> the knife is already in.
13:04:03 <•Secretary_Helen> PircBot 1.5.0 Java IRC Bot - TheMerryMcB: 'Things what do a thing'- An Essay On Anomalies That Are Things That Do A Thing (Rating: +81. Written 350 days ago By: Uncle Nicolini) -
13:05:02 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy NetworkParadox: Brainstorming won't really be helpful without the knowledge from these guides
13:05:11 <•NetworkParadox> I have a sudden urge to make a hamster scp.
13:05:25 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB Lmao then go for it
13:05:36 I don't remember reading many articles about hamsters
13:05:39 <•NetworkParadox> A hamster that makes people dizzy when you hold it x.x
13:05:48 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> …Alright, so
13:05:52 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB So what's the catch
13:05:59 <•NetworkParadox> It's sad though, that idea came from my hamster because she's been sick and dizzy lately.
13:06:03 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> Remember the disemboweled teddy rucksbin
13:06:18 and tell me why this is gonna hit me somewhere i can still feel
13:06:28 <•NetworkParadox> Because hamsters are cute uwu
13:06:32 Kidding :P
13:06:38 I didn't really make the idea yet
13:06:42 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> Okay, sick pet, that's got some juice
13:06:49 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB ^
13:07:04 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> That's another common thread in human psychology that your audience can resonate with
13:07:05 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB Everybody who has had a pet has to eventually deal with that pet dying or getting sick
13:07:13 Unless it's a turtle or something
13:07:16 Or a parrot
13:07:22 <•NetworkParadox> or goldfish
13:07:24 x.x
13:07:27 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB Lmao
13:07:35 There is no farm upstate
13:08:00 Yo an scp about dead pets actually at a farm upstate would be great
13:08:12 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> Omg i might cry
13:08:17 <•NetworkParadox> So the hamster scp is constantly out of balance. She can't walk properly, she's been sick for half of her lifetime. And it doesn't seem like she's aging in the way she should, so she can live above her average lifespan.
13:08:18 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> i might also laugh
13:08:38 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB That could be worked into a pathos skip, a lighthearted one, or even a j
13:08:40 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> fido all dessicated with half a skull missing playing tug of war with rover whose hips were clearly smashed by a truck
13:08:45 <•NetworkParadox> The Foundation is stuck between whether to put the hamster down to put it out of her misery or to continue studies.
13:09:17 When the hamster is held, the holder feels dizzy and gets painful migraines.
13:09:27 Assumingly what the hamster feels.
13:09:39 They'll feel this effect for about an hour after letting the hamster go.
13:09:51 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB ….dude
13:09:54 <•NetworkParadox> They'll become nauseous like the hammie
13:10:08 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB I just fielded you a goddamn excellent story direction and you glazed over it
13:10:19 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> it wasn't theirs…
13:10:26 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB No but I was offering it freely
13:10:27 — •FFB|HollyMaiden sighs
13:10:30 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> I know it
13:10:33 you know it
13:10:38 NetworkParadox: you oughta know it.
13:10:46 <•CalibriCold> CalibriBold TheMerryMcB: If he doesn't write it, I will.
13:10:48 NetworkParadox was de-voiced (-v) by •TheMerryMcB
13:10:58 Channel mode set to -m by •TheMerryMcB
13:11:07 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB I'm done here, dude obv doesn't wanna lisyen
13:11:09 <NetworkParadox> What oughta I know?
13:11:12 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> Farm upstate where all the dead pets come back
13:11:14 <NetworkParadox> Wh-
13:11:15 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB And I'll be taking that upstate farm idea
13:11:18 <HunterDog> synIRC CGI:IRC User hello
13:11:21 <NetworkParadox> I was told not to make other peoples idea.
13:11:24 <•CalibriCold> CalibriBold TheMerryMcB: Frick.
13:11:26 <NetworkParadox> But ok
13:11:30 <•CalibriCold> CalibriBold (I jest.)
13:11:39 ⇐ DalekCraft quit (moc.duolccri.notlrahc.3C33CDD3-CRInys|477463diu#moc.duolccri.notlrahc.3C33CDD3-CRInys|477463diu) Quit: Connection closed for inactivity
13:11:51 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy NetworkParadox: did anything you were told there go in though?
13:11:59 <NetworkParadox> I'm just trying to brainstorm an idea and people are just shitting on me.
13:12:01 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy you're still bogged down by the specifics of anomalies
13:12:09 → defestiveroscoe joined (moc.duolccri.gnilae.337CBCA5-CRInys|739443diu#moc.duolccri.gnilae.337CBCA5-CRInys|739443diu)
13:12:10 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> NetworkParadox: yeah, but we're here brainstorming with you. For future reference, when you're in that situation, most of the time we're trying to feed you something you can use
13:12:10 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy and your narrative is barebones to non-existent
13:12:38 <NetworkParadox> I thought the hamster thing was good.
13:13:05 <HunterDog> synIRC CGI:IRC User The person who makes the idea will always think it's good
13:13:10 its up to others to poke holes in it
13:13:26 <Cerastes> Hi DrAkiHoHoHo, you around?
13:13:49 <NetworkParadox> I would just like not to be essentially called ignorant by people like Merry when trying.
13:13:55 I'm trying my best.
13:15:07 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> I would find it easier to sympathize with what you're going through if you were listening to anything other than our final frustration of trying to communicate to you and being just brushed off
13:15:09 <HunterDog> synIRC CGI:IRC User He never called you ignorant, they are trying their best to help you.
13:15:29 <NetworkParadox> I am listening you just don't want to see it.
13:15:36 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> …
13:15:40 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy bro
13:15:43 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> oh yeah?
13:15:44 <DrFullham> [] DrFullham NetworkParadox, Nobody is saying your idea is good or bad. They are trying to explain that you need more than the idea - you need a narrative, a story that is told with the idea. The narrative needs to come from you. You are pitching a lot of ideas but seem to be missing that point.
13:15:54 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy stop being an ass or nobody will give you the time of day
13:15:55 <HunterDog> synIRC CGI:IRC User That's personal-bias
13:16:02 <NetworkParadox> I'm not being an ass what the fuck
13:16:18 I'm just trying to learn.
13:16:21 Chill out.
13:16:23 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB You very clearly aren't listening to your critters when they speak
13:16:26 <HunterDog> synIRC CGI:IRC User Calm - look at it from the outside perspective they are trying to help you - taking offense to advice is bad.
13:16:42 <NetworkParadox> "stop being an ass" isn't just advice
13:16:43 It's being a douche.
13:17:04 I have learning and memory disabilities so I will need a bit more of a push for things.
13:17:05 <HunterDog> synIRC CGI:IRC User You sound very defensive for someone trying to receive help.
13:17:05 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy It wasn't crit
13:17:05 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> Again, listening to the final frustration instead of actually processing the legitimate notes.
13:17:27 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy it was feedback on how to be a user with positive value
13:17:39 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> I'm about done with trying to hold your hand into emotional maturity. My patience is running out.
13:17:46 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy FFB|HollyMaiden: the final frustration which case from the initial ignorance
13:18:01 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> SeasonsGee-tings: i'm on your side, coz
13:18:12 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy i know
13:18:18 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> …wait, fuck that I'm not on a side, but I know your perspective
13:18:25 and share it.
13:18:26 NapGirl → CutemasGirl
13:18:58 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy i still get you
13:19:05 it's not really a side
13:19:15 <•CalibriCold> CalibriBold It's just it.
13:19:33 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB Ur mom's just it
13:19:34 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy IT (2017)
13:19:37 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB HA SUCK IT
13:19:46 I just dunked on all of yall
13:19:46 <•CalibriCold> CalibriBold TheMerryMcB: sigma balls.
13:19:48 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> ye. I'm not trying to be anyones adversary. Or anyone's antimuse or the voice of the masses screaming at a young author to stop because they'll never be good enough
13:19:53 I refuse to be that.
13:19:56 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy suck an egg mcb
13:19:58 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> All the same…
13:20:06 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB SeasonsGee-tings: only urs bb
13:20:46 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> NetworkParadox: we have got an awful lot of people with disabilities and mental illnesses and atypical neurology here, some of which are even on staff
13:22:37 none of that is an excuse
13:23:19 ⇐ NetworkParadox quit (~PI.8856F377.66D51D7B.614C8F8A|criigc#PI.8856F377.66D51D7B.614C8F8A|criigc) Quit: CGI:IRC
13:23:23 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> In this room, we're about one thing: serving the site by serving the best and most impacting stuff we can
13:23:25 well, there we go
13:23:30 <•CalibriCold> CalibriBold Yep.
13:23:46 <DrFullham> [] DrFullham Whoof.
13:25:06 Hey speaking of whoof who wants to crit my -J draft about dogs that appear when people smoke too much SCP-420-J? It's lazy and probably terrible but I find it hilarious.
13:28:20 → NetworkParadox joined (~PI.8856F377.66D51D7B.614C8F8A|criigc#PI.8856F377.66D51D7B.614C8F8A|criigc)
13:28:38 <NetworkParadox> a hamster that can fly
13:28:39 mk
13:29:03 <•CalibriCold> CalibriBold Welcome back.
13:29:57 <NetworkParadox> A giant 30 foot tall stick with sirens on its head that impersonate people
13:30:07 ⇐ •ChaoSera quit (NIAGRAB.OT.EMOC.EVI.UM|MROD#NIAGRAB.OT.EMOC.EVI.UM|MROD) Quit: Connection closed for inactivity
13:30:23 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB If all you're gonna do is shotgun ideas out in the abyss, then this isn't the room for you
13:30:35 NetworkParadox: ^
13:30:43 <NetworkParadox> a chat that talks about making scps
13:31:02 Well trying to make real ideas just had people call me a "wanker" and an "ass"
13:31:26 <edna> Edna NetworkParadox: There's rules on the mainsite for shotgunning ideas, those still apply here.
13:31:40 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB This room is for critique and discussion
13:32:01 Before was critique. Whether you listen to it or not is up to you
13:32:14 <•Dashington> Crashington >
A giant 30 foot tall stick with sirens on its head that impersonate people
13:32:20 <NetworkParadox> Calling me vulgar names isnt critique
13:32:30 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB That came after the critique
13:32:33 <•Dashington> Crashington for the record, if this is in reference to siren ead, that would be plagiarism
13:32:34 <•CalibriCold> CalibriBold NetworkParadox: This room isn't for you to keep chucking out ideas until someone says that it passes.
13:32:44 <•Dashington> Crashington just saying because a few people have ried that before
13:32:53 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB People are allowed for form negative opinions of you after you don't listen to them
13:33:10 <NetworkParadox> Yet if I form a negative opinion I can get banned right?
13:33:10 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> what i was typing as you left…
13:33:13 In this room, we're about one thing: serving the site by serving the best and most impacting stuff we can
13:33:17 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB NetworkParadox: no
13:33:30 You won't be banned for not liking somebody
13:33:34 <•Dashington> Crashington DrFullham: hit me
13:33:35 <NetworkParadox> Last time I formed a negative opinion I got kicked
13:33:35 So
13:33:38 <•TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB You will be banned for breaking rule one
13:33:42 DONT BE A DICK
13:33:53 last time you broke rule 1
13:33:53 <NetworkParadox> Ok so calling me an ass and a wanker isnt being a dick
13:33:56 its being a princess
13:33:58 ok
13:33:59 → FloppyPhoenix joined (moc.duolccri.notlrahc.E6AACF3B-CRInys|165003diu#moc.duolccri.notlrahc.E6AACF3B-CRInys|165003diu)
13:34:11 <•SeasonsGee-tings> Wrong Opinion Guy it's allowed if it's true
13:34:12 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> -_-;
13:34:13 <•ManyMeats> TS I assure you that the way you're conducting yourself now, as adversarial and confrontational, is doing far more damage than deciding to not like someone
13:34:15 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> hey
13:34:18 → •uraniumempire (opped) joined
13:34:20 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> So, remember that thing i said
13:34:24 FloppyPhoenix → Floppy|nap
13:34:33 <NetworkParadox> Well if true things are allowed than Season your retarded and an asshole.
13:34:37 <•FFB|HollyMaiden> Where it's important to take in the positive stuff as well as the negative?
13:34:46 ← NetworkParadox (~PI.8856F377.66D51D7B.614C8F8A|criigc#PI.8856F377.66D51D7B.614C8F8A|criigc) was kicked by •TheMerryMcB
13:34:53 → NetworkParadox joined (~PI.8856F377.66D51D7B.614C8F8A|criigc#PI.8856F377.66D51D7B.614C8F8A|criigc)
13:34:59 •TheMerryMcB banned *!*@A8F8C416.B7D15D66.773F6588.IP (+b)
13:35:18 ← NetworkParadox (~PI.8856F377.66D51D7B.614C8F8A|criigc#PI.8856F377.66D51D7B.614C8F8A|criigc) was kicked by •TheMerryMcB: slurs are a quick way to get banned, asshole
Basically a tl;dr would be that they came in with a slightly problematic magic item, multiple people tried to help but I saw they were getting frustrated so i voiced them and muted the channel so they had a chance to catch their breath and talk with crit staff. That went south when they ignored said staff very blatantly, so I unmuted and the bannable exchange happened when they called Gee the r slur.
EDIT: Oh, and of note, the reference I made to "last time" was two days earlier, when this user was being helped by fortunefavorsbold. FFB informed another user of her preferred pronouns, to which the user replied with
10:39:05 <NetworkParadox> Jak said they for a reason, don't get your panties in a bunch over it.
I kicked and that was seemingly the end of it
The following PM convo happened after the ban
<NetworkParadox> So as I predicted, I form a negative opinion I get banned on the spot.
13:36:02 THe dude can call me an ass, a wanker, say its allowed if its true, and he's applauded.
13:36:03 <TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB No, you used a slur
13:36:16 If you just called him an asshole you would have been fine
13:36:34 <NetworkParadox> Didn't he break rule 1 like three times
13:37:05 Like it's completely bias.
13:37:14 <TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB Nope, because you coulda called him an asshole too
13:37:26 It woulda been uprodictive and I woulda told you both to shut ip
13:37:29 But you coulda
13:37:36 <NetworkParadox> That doesnt mean its not against rules.
13:37:43 <TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB We made the rules
13:37:43 <NetworkParadox> He still broke the rule THREE times and gets applauded.
13:37:44 <TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB Not you
13:37:52 <NetworkParadox> So he's exempt
13:37:57 Lmao thats the definition of bias
13:38:00 <TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB No, you broke them and he didnt
13:38:06 You used a slur and he didnt
13:38:06 <NetworkParadox> Yes he did.
13:38:12 <TheMerryMcB> TheMightyMcB Not stop PMing me and appeal in 17
13:38:24 #site17
13:38:26 Have fun
13:38:29 <NetworkParadox> Whether I used a slur or not, he still was a dick
13:38:35 Therefore a rule break
Pretty standard rules lawyering. I banned in critters and 19 and procy took the appeal in 17.
12:39 PM
<NetworkParadox> I need to appeal for the critters channel I guess.
12:40 PM <rattlesanta> NetworkParadox: appeal a ban, do you mean?
12:40 PM
<•SantaCaws> I'll handle it once we decide how long you will be banned for
12:40 PM
<NetworkParadox> Yea a ban from the critters channel.
12:40 PM <•TheMerryMcB> And 19
12:40 PM
<NetworkParadox> Whatever
12:40 PM Both then
12:42 PM Why im banned in a channel I never spoke in ill never know but I just request appeal for critters.
12:43 PM
<•SantaCaws> If you are banned from critters you are banned from 19 and vice versa
12:43 PM It goes for everyone.
12:43 PM
<NetworkParadox> Ok.
12:43 PM Did you decide a time yet
12:43 PM
<•SantaCaws> As of now your ban is permanent.
12:43 PM
<NetworkParadox> Mk
12:43 PM And I can appeal now?
12:43 PM
<•SantaCaws> You may begin your appeal at your leisure.
12:44 PM → Francis joined (~PI.E719B6A.C2305EC7.F87B212A|criigc#PI.E719B6A.C2305EC7.F87B212A|criigc)
12:44 PM
<NetworkParadox> Ok well I guess now is a good time to start.
12:44 PM Does someone ask me questions or
12:45 PM
<•SantaCaws> You tell me why you should be unbanned or do not deserve to be banned and I will ask you questions and make statements until I reach a decision
12:46 PM
<NetworkParadox> Ok well as you know I was banned for saying a slur. Not racist or anything obviously. But why I think I should be unbanned is because the guy who I referred to got to provoke me with names such as "wanker", "ass", "its not a rulebreak if its true". He gets applauded for breaking that rule three times. I finally get angry back at him and I insult him and I'm perma banned on sight while still being called vulgar names by staff.
12:47 PM I joined this community wanting to have a good time and enjoy a positive enivornment. Instead, I'm greeted almost immediately with hostility and alienation.
12:47 PM By staff members none the less, not even community members. Purely staff.
12:47 PM
<•SantaCaws> While I cannot speak to the accusations against Gee, which I will be looking into immediately after posting this comment, you were exceptionally difficult and combative
12:47 PM All throughout
12:48 PM
<NetworkParadox> Because I was being attacked by him. Insulted by people and being alienated.
12:48 PM And I got pissed off.
12:48 PM
<•SantaCaws> I had seen repeated complaints in private from basically everyone involved in critiquing you over your behavior well before that happened
12:48 PM
<NetworkParadox> Yes because people have been irritating me since I joined.
12:49 PM
<•SantaCaws> Sometimes when everyone calls you an asshole, you are, in fact, an asshole.
12:49 PM
<NetworkParadox> Instead of advice on improving my ideas, they completely trash them.
12:49 PM
<•SantaCaws> Some ideas are unsalvageable.
12:49 PM
<NetworkParadox> Ok so that means its ok to go up to me and call me an asshole, then when I say it back I get perma banned and they get applauded.
12:49 PM
<•SantaCaws> I mean if you called them an asshole back it would likely be a different conversation we are having
12:50 PM
<NetworkParadox> The people who were involved weren't patient with me at all. I have learning and memory disabilities so all I asked was some patience
12:50 PM
<•SantaCaws> It looks to me like they were fairly patient with you but that patience was spat on at every turn.
12:50 PM
<NetworkParadox> That's not how I saw it.
12:50 PM
<•SantaCaws> Obviously not, but that's how everyone else saw it.
12:51 PM And how I am currently seeing it
12:51 PM
<NetworkParadox> They were being disrespectful to me overall. It'd be fine if they denied my idea and said "Hey, welcome to the community. I don't think that idea would work in modern day, so let's think of a new one".
12:51 PM Instead it's trashing my work, trashing my desire to be an author, and then insulting me.
12:51 PM
<•SantaCaws> They're there to give honest critique, not stroke you off.
12:52 PM
<NetworkParadox> You can give honest critique without being rude.
12:52 PM You can say that my idea wouldn't work in modern day, or you can say your idea is absolute garbage your shit.
12:52 PM Both mean the same thing essentially, but said in a completely different tone.
12:52 PM Wood and would situation.
12:53 PM
<•SantaCaws> Funny, I'm seeing them being very polite in the initial interactions upon review of the logs.
12:53 PM
<NetworkParadox> I've been polite as well until some point.
12:53 PM
<•SantaCaws> I'll put it simply. You do not have the emotional maturity to handle this community and the ban is upheld.
12:53 PM
<NetworkParadox> And the guy who insulted me three times?
12:53 PM He's off scot free?
12:54 PM Given a hug?
12:54 PM A promotion?
12:54 PM
<•SantaCaws> Probably a cup of cocoa and a goodnight kiss
12:54 PM
<•Tuomey> If I may interject, as that guy's boss
12:54 PM
<NetworkParadox> That just proves the pure bias that exists in this community Caws.
12:54 PM
<•Tuomey> We don't have to discipline someone in front of others
12:54 PM
<•SantaCaws> Floor's yours, Tuomey
12:55 PM
<NetworkParadox> Ridiculous he can insult me and be given a cup of cocoa and a goodnight kiss
12:55 PM But I say one thing and I'm perma banned
12:55 PM
<•Tuomey> SantaCaws already said we'd be looking into that immediately after your thing
12:55 PM → Vicious_Unicycle joined (~PI.C3DAB9AE.C3015EBD.D9AABB52|criigc#PI.C3DAB9AE.C3015EBD.D9AABB52|criigc)
12:55 PM
<•SantaCaws> Are you…
12:55 PM Did you take that seriously
12:55 PM
— •Tuomey sighs
12:55 PM
<NetworkParadox> Whats with these roleplay commands
12:55 PM
— NetworkParadox
12:55 PM <•edna> NetworkParadox: Please wait.
12:56 PM
<NetworkParadox> Anyway funny I have the emotional maturity to be a supervisor and leader in larger communities but not to exist in this one.
12:56 PM
<•SantaCaws> Either way, the decision's been made. We will be looking into Gee's behavior immediately after this, but that does not change the result here.
12:56 PM
<•Tuomey> I was literally explaining to you that we weren't just ignoring your accusations, dude
12:56 PM
<•SantaCaws> Well then go do that there, and best of luck to you.
12:56 PM But it's curtains here.
12:56 PM
<•Tuomey> Please just go
12:56 PM
<•SantaCaws> Please show yourself out.
12:56 PM → DrYUL3 joined (moc.duolccri.gnilae.807A7243-CRInys|651304diu#moc.duolccri.gnilae.807A7243-CRInys|651304diu)
12:57 PM
<NetworkParadox> Show myself out? You realize this is a chat room that looks like it was made in the 70s and not real life.
12:57 PM ← NetworkParadox (~PI.8856F377.66D51D7B.614C8F8A|criigc#PI.8856F377.66D51D7B.614C8F8A|criigc) was kicked by •Tuomey: later
12:57 PM → NetworkParadox joined (~PI.8856F377.66D51D7B.614C8F8A|criigc#PI.8856F377.66D51D7B.614C8F8A|criigc)
12:57 PM
<•SantaCaws> I mean
12:57 PM
<NetworkParadox> Later
12:57 PM <•ManyMeats> the 70s are not real life?
12:57 PM ← NetworkParadox (~PI.8856F377.66D51D7B.614C8F8A|criigc#PI.8856F377.66D51D7B.614C8F8A|criigc) was kicked by •Tuomey: go
12:57 PM → NetworkParadox joined (~PI.8856F377.66D51D7B.614C8F8A|criigc#PI.8856F377.66D51D7B.614C8F8A|criigc)
12:57 PM
<•SantaCaws> Get the fuck out is a bit ruder
12:57 PM
<NetworkParadox> Say please.
12:57 PM
<•SantaCaws> Nah
12:58 PM Fuck off
12:58 PM
<Scordatura> Say "banned".
12:58 PM
<NetworkParadox> Banned
12:58 PM •SantaCaws banned *!*@A8F8C416.B7D15D66.773F6588.IP (+b)
12:58 PM <•Dashington> "maturity"
12:58 PM
<•ARD> NetworkParadox: please fuck off
12:58 PM ⇐ Havenfield quit (~PI.49761A78.281C91A6.6466D99F|oisrA#PI.49761A78.281C91A6.6466D99F|oisrA) Ping timeout: 186 seconds
12:58 PM
<Scordatura> And there it is.
12:58 PM → dudeski joined (~ten.ssenisubtsacmoc.cfh.EF256C68-CRInys|criigc#ten.ssenisubtsacmoc.cfh.EF256C68-CRInys|criigc)
12:58 PM
<•Tuomey> You are now banned from this room also
12:58 PM ← NetworkParadox (~PI.8856F377.66D51D7B.614C8F8A|criigc#PI.8856F377.66D51D7B.614C8F8A|criigc) was kicked by •SantaCaws: pwease owo
Appeal denied, obviously. Permanent ban is upheld.