Couldn't figure out how to join, refused to read the chat guide.
confusedduck13> yo i need a greenlight can anyone help me?
1:20 PM <•SeasonsGee-tings> not here.
1:20 PM .s chat guide
1:20 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> SeasonsGee-tings: Chat Guide (Rating: +155. Written 10 years ago By: Sophia Light) -
1:20 PM <•SeasonsGee-tings> read this.
1:21 PM
<confusedduck13> k
1:21 PM Cerastockings → Cerastockings
1:22 PM
<confusedduck13> j/#thecritters
1:22 PM that didnt work
1:23 PM <Kyza> /join #thecritters
1:23 PM <•SeasonsGee-tings> you need to register
1:23 PM <•edna> You, didn't read the guide.
1:23 PM <•SeasonsGee-tings> like come on read the guide
1:23 PM ↔ confusedduck13 nipped out • DrJechtAlchest → DrJechtAlchestmas
1:24 PM
<confusedduck13> yeah i didnt read it thats how i got to it
1:24 PM <•edna> confusedduck13: Just, read the guide
1:24 PM
<•SpecterOfXmasFuture> well you should read it then
1:24 PM <•edna> It has pictures telling you what to do.
1:24 PM
<confusedduck13> i did it works not child
1:24 PM byr
1:25 PM bye
1:25 PM
<•SpecterOfXmasFuture> bye i guess
1:25 PM <•edna> confusedduck13: No, it didn't work.
1:25 PM You just joined some random channel that isn't #thecritters
1:25 PM <•SeasonsGee-tings> you also didn't read the guide
1:25 PM → •ARD (opped) joined ↔ confusedduck13 nipped out • taylor_iOStkin → •tAFKlor_itkin
1:30 PM <•edna> confusedduck13: You're going to need to read the guide.
1:30 PM
<confusedduck13> so i went to the critters and there is no one there what should i do?
1:30 PM <chearie> you should read the guide because you didn't go to #thecritters
1:30 PM <•edna> The reason you didn't see anyone was because you didn't join the channel.
1:30 PM chearie: I've got this.
1:30 PM <chearie> sorry yes rite.
1:31 PM <•edna> confusedduck13: So, either you actually read the guide or stop asking how to join.
1:31 PM It's that simple.
1:34 PM
<confusedduck13> no no i joined channel i made sure i went back made sure it worked and it said i didnt connect
1:35 PM trust me im used to taking orders its just not working for me
1:35 PM <•edna> confusedduck13: You didn't join the right channel.
1:35 PM Now as I said before, read the guide or stop asking how to join.
1:35 PM
<confusedduck13> i read the dawm guide
1:35 PM <•SeasonsGee-tings> No.
1:35 PM You didn't.
1:35 PM <•edna> Given that you aren't registered, I'm going to say you didn't.
1:36 PM
<confusedduck13> how am i not registered i gave a name password and number
1:37 PM
<•SpecterOfXmasFuture> On IRC?
1:37 PM
Screenshot_20191209-143655_IRCCloud.jpg117.96KB • image/jpeg
1:37 PM Because you're not identified, bruh.
1:37 PM If you've registered you need to log in, once you get on the server.
1:38 PM
<•SantaCaws> Honestly, confusedduck13
1:38 PM Don't even bother
1:38 PM If you make it into 19 I will immediately be banning you for being indistinguishable from underage
1:38 PM Save both of us the trouble.
1:39 PM
<•SpecterOfXmasFuture> I would personally admit to being impressed if you made it to 19, though.
1:39 PM
<confusedduck13> listen obviously im identified cause you have name for me
1:39 PM ⇐ confusedduck13 quit (~ten.xoc.ko.ko.9A0E9D1D-CRInys|criigc#ten.xoc.ko.ko.9A0E9D1D-CRInys|criigc) Quit: CGI:IRC
1:39 PM <CalibriCold> They were indeed a confused duck.
1:39 PM <•ManyMeats> psyduck used confusion
1:39 PM it hurt itself
1:39 PM → confusedduck13 joined ⇐ IronDruid quit
1:40 PM
<•SpecterOfXmasFuture> Welcome back.
1:40 PM
<•DrMagnus> confusedduck13: if you were identified, it would say "identified as blah blah"
1:40 PM
<•SantaCaws> confusedduck13: Listen. You are obviously too young to be here.
1:40 PM Guys don't waste your time
1:40 PM
<•DrMagnus> But thank you for trying to tell the technical captain of the wiki he doesn't understand IRC.
1:41 PM
<•SantaCaws> As such I will be removing you
1:41 PM ⇐ confusedduck13 quit (~ten.xoc.ko.ko.9A0E9D1D-CRInys|criigc#ten.xoc.ko.ko.9A0E9D1D-CRInys|criigc) Quit: confusedduck13
Procy said if they joined 19 they would be insta banned for acting underage, that then happened. Here's the log of the "appeal"
→ confusedduck13 joined ⇐ moreworldliness quit ↔ synGuest089 popped in ↔ GEBV nipped out
2:16 PM <•edna> confusedduck13: Hi
2:16 PM ops
2:16 PM
<GEBV> Im terribly sorry, but could someone tell me how to join site19 For some reason, it just doesnt appear
2:16 PM <rattlesanta> .s chat guide
2:16 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> rattlesanta: Chat Guide (Rating: +155. Written 10 years ago By: Sophia Light) -
2:16 PM <rattlesanta> here are the instructions
2:16 PM <•edna> GEBV: Identify then you can join.
2:17 PM
<•SantaCaws> confusedduck13: you have been banned for being indistinguishable from underage. Either appeal your ban or get out.
2:18 PM
<GEBV> Thanks a lot!
2:18 PM → Kilonova joined (~PI.7AE12AAA.87D6667A.10A01A37|avonoliK#PI.7AE12AAA.87D6667A.10A01A37|avonoliK)
2:20 PM ← confusedduck13 (~ten.xoc.ko.ko.9A0E9D1D-CRInys|criigc#ten.xoc.ko.ko.9A0E9D1D-CRInys|criigc) was kicked by •SantaCaws: Do not return unless you wish to appeal your ban.
2:20 PM → confusedduck13 joined • FFB|HammerMaiden → FFB|HollyMaiden
2:23 PM
<confusedduck13> join/ #thecritters
2:23 PM wait thats wrong
2:23 PM <•SeasonsGee-tings> confusedduck13: you have been banned
2:23 PM for being underage.
2:24 PM or indistinguishable from
2:24 PM <rattlesanta> confusedduck13: seriously take the fuckin hint
2:24 PM
<•DrMagnus> rattlesanta: we've got this.
2:24 PM <•SeasonsGee-tings> So you can either appeal or you can fuck off
2:25 PM
<confusedduck13> listen i sent a message to edna trying to explain
2:25 PM
<Quiknalia> If you're gonna explain, explain it here, right now.
2:25 PM This is your chance.
2:25 PM → DrSallow joined (||tibbiM)
2:25 PM
<confusedduck13> that wasnt me my cousin was over and i was telling him about the scp i was writing
2:25 PM
<DrSallow> Can someone tell me why I was randomly removed from the SCP Wiki?
2:26 PM
<confusedduck13> and i guess i left my computer open so he thought he would try and help
2:26 PM
<DrSallow> I made an article which people disliked and I understand but it shouldn't constitute my removal.
2:26 PM
<confusedduck13> obviously he didnt help at all
2:26 PM <•edna> confusedduck13: You sure as fuck didn't message me.
2:26 PM <•SeasonsGee-tings> DrSallow: wait one second I'll explain after this
2:26 PM
<confusedduck13> i did to i sent you a private message
2:26 PM
<•DrMagnus> That….is an impressively lame defense.
2:26 PM
<confusedduck13> unless i had the wrong edna
2:26 PM <rattlesanta> DrSallow: explanation here
2:26 PM <•edna> confusedduck13: Now, you aren't appealing your ban and now you're lying to chat hop.
2:27 PM Now, either appeal or piss off.
2:27 PM
<confusedduck13> im not lying im just trying to make sure my hardwork isnt thrown in the garbage
2:28 PM
<DrSallow> So I was permanently banned, do I understand this correctly?
2:28 PM <rattlesanta> DrSallow: yes
2:28 PM <•edna> confusedduck13: Appeal or piss off.
2:28 PM
<DrSallow> Ok then I'd like to request the opportunity to appeal.
2:28 PM
<confusedduck13> fine ill appeal
2:28 PM
<Quiknalia> Sallow, stand by.
2:28 PM
<confusedduck13> its ridicoulous that this is necasarry for something someone else did but whatever
2:29 PM
<DrSallow> Will do Quiknalia.
2:29 PM <•edna> I think we're counting procy as the banning op.
2:30 PM
<•Lily> I can take the appeal
2:30 PM confusedduck13: why should we unban you
2:30 PM Because believe me
2:30 PM
<•SantaCaws> Before you begin the appeal lily
2:30 PM Given the above
2:30 PM
<•Lily> We have heard the "it was my cousin/brother/pet argument well over 100 times"
2:30 PM
<DrSallow> "It was my pet" is a fun one.
2:30 PM
<•SantaCaws> As banning op I am escalating to perma for lying to operators.
2:31 PM This is now a permanent ban appeal.
2:31 PM
<•DrMagnus> DrSallow: no peanut gallery
2:31 PM
<•Lily> DrSallow: your input is not needed
2:31 PM SantaCaws: noted
2:31 PM
<confusedduck13> i am sure you have heard it a bunch of times
2:31 PM
<DrSallow> "No peanut gallery?" Sorry, I don't understand the statement.
2:31 PM
<•Lily> confusedduck13: and no matter what you say I am not going to believe it
2:31 PM DrSallow: stop talking please
2:31 PM <CalibriCold> DrSallow: No casual talk.
2:31 PM
<•DrMagnus> DrSallow: don't interject comments during things you're not involved in.
2:31 PM ← CalibriCold (moc.duolccri.nevahenots.0455BF84-CRInys|643693diu#moc.duolccri.nevahenots.0455BF84-CRInys|643693diu) was kicked by •Lily: what did you expect
2:32 PM ← DrSallow (||tibbiM) was kicked by •SantaCaws: "shut the fuck up and wait your turn"
2:32 PM → DrSallow joined ⇐ Hatcheye quit
2:32 PM
<confusedduck13> but im serious he likes the scp foundation and he even inspired the one im writing he was just trying to help
2:32 PM → CalibriCold joined (moc.duolccri.nevahenots.0455BF84-CRInys|643693diu#moc.duolccri.nevahenots.0455BF84-CRInys|643693diu)
2:32 PM
<•Lily> confusedduck13: look, if you claim one more time it was a cousin I'm upholding the ban and you're out. So tell me why I should unban you for real
2:32 PM
<confusedduck13> other than that i have spent time on this scp despite my complete suckyness of my coding i worked on it
2:33 PM i cross fed it with some friends and made sure it would work
2:33 PM
<•Lily> Frankly, I couldn't care less about time spent on the site when dealing with chat
2:33 PM
<confusedduck13> and for the most part i really respect the people of the scp foundation
2:34 PM and wouldnt do anything to hurt myself or the people of this community
2:34 PM
<•Lily> Okay, so.
2:34 PM You have failed to explain why you should be unbanned
2:34 PM And thus I'm upholding the now permanent ban
2:34 PM You may appeal in a year
2:35 PM
<confusedduck13> look i dont know what you want me to say im just telling you why i shoudnt be banned
2:35 PM
<•Lily> If you have no further questions please leave
2:35 PM ⇐ Kilonova quit (~PI.7AE12AAA.87D6667A.10A01A37|avonoliK#PI.7AE12AAA.87D6667A.10A01A37|avonoliK) Quit: Kilonova
2:35 PM ← confusedduck13 (~ten.xoc.ko.ko.9A0E9D1D-CRInys|criigc#ten.xoc.ko.ko.9A0E9D1D-CRInys|criigc) was kicked by •Lily: bye then
I received the pm after the fact, contents were the same shit as the appeal. Perma for lying to chat ops.