So after getting yelled at for roleplaying as dado about, a week ago or so. Today they did sockpuppeting and gave the age old and bullet proof defense of "My sibling did it"
→ Dr_Wize joined (~ten.tsewq.nrlh.5C9D30C5-CRInys|criigc#ten.tsewq.nrlh.5C9D30C5-CRInys|criigc)
4:22 PM <BlueJones> That's how I interpret that at least
4:22 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> that's a different concept to modern takes on/current day activities of myths + fairytales
4:22 PM
<weryllium> paper faces on parade
4:22 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> they can certainly overlap
4:22 PM → lurkd joined (moc.duolccri.etaghgih.A3500637-CRInys|675643diu#moc.duolccri.etaghgih.A3500637-CRInys|675643diu)
4:22 PM <CalibriBold> AbsentmindedNihilist: Do you think "a picture is worth a thousand words" might actually be an interesting justification?
4:22 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> CalibriBold: the thing is that that's just a saying
4:23 PM
<Bennings> Like I remember seeing a convo on reddit in which someone said basically the only good urban fantasy they'd ever watched was My Little Pony
4:23 PM <CalibriBold> But not to them.
4:23 PM What if it was literal to them?
4:23 PM
<Dr_Wize> I love getting on midday and not knowing whats being talked about lol
4:23 PM So how is everyone
4:24 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> CalibriBold: but why would it be literally
4:24 PM
<weryllium> pretty good
4:24 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> why specifically a thousand
4:24 PM
<lurkd> Farts
4:24 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> or why would it lead to more hunting you than a word would
4:25 PM <CalibriBold> AbsentmindedNihilist: Maybe because one picture conveys what would ordinarily take many words?
4:25 PM
<Bennings> Hey dank meme I made
4:25 PM
4:25 PM ⇐ stormbreath quit (moc.duolccri.llewkcorb.188C0913-CRInys|526623diu#moc.duolccri.llewkcorb.188C0913-CRInys|526623diu)
4:25 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> CalibriBold: but that's not necessarily true
4:26 PM <dentix> well, one picture is worth a
4:26 PM how many words does wikidot count an image as again?
4:26 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> and how many words it would take to describe a picture differs from person to person
4:26 PM
<MalyceGraves> Bennings: MLP is urban fantasy?
4:26 PM
<Bennings> I unno that's what they said
4:26 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> of course, the doylist explantion for why you can't just use pictures is "2521 did it first and did it best"
4:26 PM
<Bennings> But it's a pretty damning statement of Urban Fantasy
4:27 PM <CalibriBold> Yeah.
4:27 PM Also, my goal is to literally use as few words as possible.
4:27 PM ⇐ Jesin quit (~ten.nozirev.soif.cdhsaw.CAF86C6A-CRInys|niseJ#ten.nozirev.soif.cdhsaw.CAF86C6A-CRInys|niseJ) Quit: Leaving
4:27 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> Bennings: or a huge misinterpretation of the genre
4:27 PM → dado joined (~ten.tsewq.nrlh.5C9D30C5-CRInys|criigc#ten.tsewq.nrlh.5C9D30C5-CRInys|criigc)
4:27 PM
<weryllium> it feels more like a transparent "most words gimmick" than an actual skip, tbh
4:27 PM ← dado (~ten.tsewq.nrlh.5C9D30C5-CRInys|criigc#ten.tsewq.nrlh.5C9D30C5-CRInys|criigc) was kicked by •edna: I told you.
4:27 PM ⇐ tawny quit (||ynwat) Connection reset by peer
4:27 PM <•edna> Dr_Wize: Enough of this.
4:27 PM ↔ dado popped in
4:27 PM
<weryllium> sorry, fewest words
4:27 PM
<Dr_Wize> i did nothing
4:28 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> the best thing about it is the "thirty-six hunt you now."
4:28 PM but uh
4:28 PM theory
4:28 PM <•edna> I can see your fucking hostmask.
4:28 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> on how to contain
4:28 PM
<Dr_Wize> i did nothing
4:28 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> Dr_Wize: your hostmasks are identical
4:28 PM
<Dr_Wize> i
4:28 PM did
4:28 PM nothing
4:28 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> do you have a good explnation for why that would be?
4:28 PM <CalibriBold> AbsentmindedNihilist: Yeah, the point was to tell the "story" with that last part.
4:29 PM
<Dr_Wize> i have siblings who also use the same stuff i do
4:29 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> Dr_Wize: bullshit.
4:29 PM
<Dr_Wize> et
4:29 PM bet
4:29 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> do you know how many times we get that excuse?
4:29 PM ⇐ Dr_Wize quit (~ten.tsewq.nrlh.5C9D30C5-CRInys|criigc#ten.tsewq.nrlh.5C9D30C5-CRInys|criigc) Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)
Perma , however if they admit to lying to an op we'll bump it down to a month.
Hostmask is
Edit: appeal in 17.
→ Dr_Wize joined ⇐ BlazingDiesel and MalyceGraves quit
4:57 PM
<Dr_Wize> I was going onto the rp server with the dado account
4:57 PM idk what sockpuppeting is
4:57 PM
<•Lily> Corvus:
4:57 PM <•edna> Lily: Procy banned.
4:58 PM
<•Corvus> Did I?
4:58 PM <•edna> Yeah
4:58 PM
<•Corvus> I don't think I did
4:58 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> i can take it
4:58 PM
<•Corvus> Ok niles
4:58 PM ⇐ octoocto3 quit (~PI.A62EE103.E00785C7.1F481C75|criigc#PI.A62EE103.E00785C7.1F481C75|criigc) Quit: CGI:IRC
4:58 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> Dr_Wize: so, you've given us 2 stories so far. siblings, and RP server.
4:58 PM honestly, neither of these holds water to me.
4:59 PM
<•Corvus> I will interject with him already having expressly denied being involved
4:59 PM And will now butt out
4:59 PM
<Dr_Wize> i do have siblings who use this, and i was going to the rp server
4:59 PM i did lie about the siblings using the dado thing
4:59 PM but i had no malicouis intention
4:59 PM and when i said i did nothingn, i menat i did nothing wrong
5:00 PM → vezaz joined (moc.duolccri.gnilae.D8D025EB-CRInys|579151diu#moc.duolccri.gnilae.D8D025EB-CRInys|579151diu)
5:00 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> you have lied twice to us.
5:01 PM
<•Corvus> If I may interject again
5:01 PM What rp server?
5:01 PM
<Dr_Wize> what was the second lie
5:01 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> Corvus: beat me to that question, lol
5:01 PM ⇐ SicknastyOfSpades quit (~ten.nozirev.soif.avdmcr.3137CB27-CRInys|ytsankciS#ten.nozirev.soif.avdmcr.3137CB27-CRInys|ytsankciS) Client exited
5:01 PM
<Dr_Wize> origins ooc
5:02 PM
<•Corvus> Funny. You've never once been there.
5:03 PM And that isn't how roleplay works there
5:03 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> it's also a dead server.
5:03 PM
<•Corvus> So do you want to keep digging this hole?
5:03 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> all we want to know is the truth.
5:04 PM it can't possibly hurt you more than what you're telling us.
5:04 PM
<•Corvus> Otherwise niles I return the floor to you
5:04 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> thank you, friend corvy
5:04 PM
<•Corvus> <3
5:05 PM ⇐ FloppyPhoenix quit (moc.duolccri.notlrahc.E6AACF3B-CRInys|165003diu#moc.duolccri.notlrahc.E6AACF3B-CRInys|165003diu) Quit: Connection closed for inactivity
5:05 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> Dr_Wize: if you don't respond, we'll take that as you not wanting to appeal and accepting the perma.
5:06 PM
<Dr_Wize> srry was afk
5:06 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> ah, no worries.
5:06 PM
<Dr_Wize> i was going to start as dado there
5:06 PM and i didnt mean any malicouis intent i was going to the rp server.
5:06 PM srry for lying about the siblins thing
5:07 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> Dr_Wize: why would you make a new account for that?
5:07 PM you know sockpuppeting is against the rules
5:07 PM and origins is an official server - it operates under the same rules of conduct as any other official channel.
5:07 PM
<Dr_Wize> i dont know what sockpuppeting is
5:07 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> which means no sockpuppeting.
5:07 PM creating two accounts and using both5:08 PM
<Dr_Wize> oh
5:08 PM i am sorry about that
5:08 PM i didnt know that was what that was
5:08 PM → SicknastyOfSpades joined (~ten.nozirev.soif.avdmcr.3137CB27-CRInys|ytsankciS#ten.nozirev.soif.avdmcr.3137CB27-CRInys|ytsankciS)
5:08 PM
<Dr_Wize> and i made a new account because i like to get completely into the role of the character
5:09 PM
<•Corvus> Again, do you mind if I interject as both an Origins staffer and a longtime DM, Niles?
5:10 PM Because I've got Shit to Say
5:10 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> Corvus: not at all, be an expert witness
5:10 PM → BlazingDiesel joined (~ten.enilnotpo.nyd.7428B70A-CRInys|criigc#ten.enilnotpo.nyd.7428B70A-CRInys|criigc)
5:10 PM
<•Corvus> Okay, first, I'll speak as an Origins staffer.
5:10 PM → Some_Guy joined (~ten.labolgcbs.cnhglr.deepsthgil.6501BDBC-CRInys|criigc#ten.labolgcbs.cnhglr.deepsthgil.6501BDBC-CRInys|criigc)
5:10 PM
<•Corvus> I've been on Origins staff for essentially as long as it has been a game. Probably four plus years now.
5:11 PM I can count on one hand the number of people who have joined as an established character sight unseen "fully in the role"
5:11 PM → PeppersGhost joined (moc.duolccri.gnilae.291372D6-CRInys|30748diu#moc.duolccri.gnilae.291372D6-CRInys|30748diu)
5:11 PM
<•Corvus> Because first of all that's not how origins works which you'd know if you actually wanted to join
5:11 PM And second of all because that's not normal fucking human behavior
5:12 PM This is not a thing that happens, basically ever.
5:12 PM And once again I am done. For the moment at least.
5:12 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> Corvus: correct me if i'm wrong, but dado is also not really a character that fits with the setting or tone of origins, correct?
5:13 PM
<•Corvus> That is correct.
5:13 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> thank you.
5:13 PM all right.
5:14 PM
<•Corvus> While I can see a newbie not understanding that they would join the chat out of character to find out
5:14 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> i deem this story to be complete bullshit, based on the information provided above.
5:14 PM this means you have now blatantly lied to chatstaff multiple times.
5:15 PM there is nothing i can give other than a perma.
5:15 PM ⇐ HammerMaiden quit (~PI.F526D394.4C116466.63BF1ADB|tibbiM#PI.F526D394.4C116466.63BF1ADB|tibbiM) Quit: time to go
5:15 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> you may appeal in a year.
5:16 PM now, we do not allow banned users to hang around in 17, so please leave or we will kick you.
5:16 PM but uh, respond to confirm that you see this.
5:17 PM
<Dr_Wize> once again, i am sorry as i did not understand the rules.I wasnt lying, because i found a dado hub and stuff, so i thought it would be in there.
5:17 PM but i understand your reasoning
5:17 PM ill leave srry for what i did
5:17 PM bye
5:18 PM ⇐ Dr_Wize quit (~ten.tsewq.nrlh.5C9D30C5-CRInys|criigc#ten.tsewq.nrlh.5C9D30C5-CRInys|criigc) Quit: CGI:IRC
Given the bullshit story, we're keeping the perma.