I had to cut a few lines from this to trim down on length, but everything I cut was completely irrelevant to the conversation. I kept joins/quits/nick changes for easier landmarks.
This first argument started after Yucatan expressed her excitement for the FFVII remake, and involved GreenWolf (going by MobileWolf and SleepWolf in these logs), AndarielHalo, Veeleren, Davsto, and Silber.
[01:04] <DrYucatan> So who else is excited for FFVII: Remake?
[01:05] <AndarielHalo> no one
[01:05] <Veeleren> It's all Hype
[01:05] <DrYucatan> Lies
[01:05] <Veeleren> The Last Guardian>FFVII Remake
[01:05] <AndarielHalo> they already remade it in 2007 or so
[01:05] <DrYucatan> They /remastered/ it
[01:05] <DreamwalkerFae> so, yeah, that's the thing.
[01:05] <AndarielHalo> it's the same thing
[01:05] <DrYucatan> It was just a graphical overhaul
[01:05] <DrYucatan> It's not the same thing
[01:05] <Veeleren> I'll read through it all DreamwalkerFae and get back to you on whether I'll make an attempt to contribute.
[01:06] <DreamwalkerFae> Veeleren: cool.
[01:06] <AndarielHalo> pokemon fire red and leaf green
[01:06] <AndarielHalo> remakes? or remasters?
[01:06] <AndarielHalo> it was exactly the same thing and could've been either
[01:06] <DrYucatan> Full-on remakes
[01:06] <AndarielHalo> no one cares
[01:06] * Davsto (ten.mnigriv.elbac.A4A107CF-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.mnigriv.elbac.A4A107CF-CRInys|tibbiM) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[01:06] <DrYucatan> Total Recall 1990 and Total Recall 2012? EXACT SAME FILM OR WHAT GUIZE?????!?!
[01:07] <MobileWolf> Final Fantasy is awful and always will be
[01:07] <DrYucatan> Like, they're distinct things.
[01:07] <AndarielHalo> no those are remakes
[01:07] * DrYucatan recoils in horror from MobileWolf
[01:07] <AndarielHalo> because they have entirely different storylines
[01:07] <DrYucatan> You take that back you cur
[01:07] * MobileWolf hides from enraged JRPG fans
[01:07] <AndarielHalo> and entirely different characters
[01:07] <TheRaven> DrYucatan: 2012 had no Mars and no Martian hooker with three boobs
[01:07] <AndarielHalo> exactyly
[01:07] <Veeleren> It's ok MobileWolf, once the remake is crap they won't ask for another one.
[01:07] <DrYucatan> FFVII remake is going to be amazing
[01:07] <DrYucatan> Super amazing incredible graphics
[01:07] <DrYucatan> I am literally very emotionally invested in this
[01:08] <AndarielHalo> "graphics"
[01:08] * dingus (~moc.retrahc.iw.ludf.pchd.328F6E7B-CRInys|sugnid#moc.retrahc.iw.ludf.pchd.328F6E7B-CRInys|sugnid) has joined #site19
[01:08] <AndarielHalo> that's the only thing you can tell about it?
[01:08] <Veeleren> ^
[01:08] <AndarielHalo> graphics are garbage and no one cares
[01:08] <DrYucatan> It'll be the same storyline and general gameplay mechanics, yeah
[01:08] <Veeleren> There's not much on the story to be honest
[01:08] <AndarielHalo> they're like the water in soup
[01:08] <DrYucatan> With a better translation
[01:08] <AndarielHalo> Functional and present
[01:08] <Veeleren> They just showed a cool trailer and everyone is foaming at the mouth
[01:08] <DrYucatan> That's all I want
[01:08] <AndarielHalo> a trailer loaded with pre-rendered cinematics
[01:08] <Veeleren> Not necessarily
[01:08] <MobileWolf> Fuck graphics
[01:09] <Veeleren> A remake changes things
[01:09] <Veeleren> Which is my worry over it
[01:09] <AndarielHalo> which is little better than a video of a man jerking off in 3D
[01:09] <MobileWolf> I want gameplay mechanics
[01:09] <MobileWolf> And story
[01:09] <AndarielHalo> ^
[01:09] <Veeleren> ^
[01:09] <MobileWolf> And interesting characters
[01:09] <DrYucatan> If you honestly don't think it's amazing that it's going to look super cool, I don't understand you.
[01:09] <Veeleren> You ever heard of a game called Sunless Sea?
[01:09] <AndarielHalo> Because I'm not a little baby
[01:09] <AndarielHalo> I'm not amused by shiny trash
[01:09] <MobileWolf> If it has all of those things, /and/ it looks shiny, then that's a plus
[01:09] <DrYucatan> So the prettiness of a game means nothing?
[01:09] <AndarielHalo> I require substance, not flashy colors
[01:09] <AndarielHalo> Yup
[01:09] * littlebitsofdingus (~moc.retrahc.iw.ludf.pchd.328F6E7B-CRInys|sugnid#moc.retrahc.iw.ludf.pchd.328F6E7B-CRInys|sugnid) Quit (Ping timeout)
[01:09] <Veeleren> The graphics aren't that great or the game mechanics but the story and atmopshere are amazing.
[01:09] <AndarielHalo> look at Crusader Kings 2
[01:10] <MobileWolf> Yes
[01:10] <MobileWolf> That is exactly it
[01:10] <AndarielHalo> barely any graphics, and the kind of game you put 1000 hours into
[01:10] <MobileWolf> It's like food
[01:10] <DrYucatan> If you don't think that a game's prettiness at all affects the experience, I don't understand you.
[01:10] <Veeleren> lol
[01:10] <DrYucatan> So you'd eat a big brown pile of goop that looks like shit, MobileWolf?
[01:10] <MobileWolf> I could care less if my food looks like it should be an art installation
[01:11] <DrYucatan> Tastes like filet mignon, looks literally like feces?
[01:11] <MobileWolf> I want it to taste good
[01:11] <Veeleren> I would if it's healthy and makes me feel energized
[01:11] <AndarielHalo> DrYucatan Yes
[01:11] <MobileWolf> Yes
[01:11] <AndarielHalo> if it tasted good and was nutritious
[01:11] <DrYucatan> Are you actually trying to put forth your opinions or to be contrarian?
[01:11] <AndarielHalo> would you eat hot garbage if it was covered in gold?
[01:11] <Anaxagoras> Well, there's a difference between very flashy graphics and the best graphics for something.
[01:11] <Veeleren> lol
[01:11] <DrYucatan> Because I can't tell.
[01:11] <MobileWolf> News Flash: people can disagree with you
[01:11] <MobileWolf> And be serious
[01:12] <DrYucatan> I know. That's why I asked, MobileWolf .
[01:12] <Anaxagoras> I've never played CKII, but from what I gather, it wouldn't benefit from anything fancier.
[01:12] <DrYucatan> Because people sometimes do a thing called "trolling" and I'm always paranoid people are doing it to me.
[01:12] <DrYucatan> And not being serious.
[01:12] <AndarielHalo> This is what CK2 looks like: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/433819956980962029/2BAA218DE2CCFFCEC96FC73584675A531CA63269/
[01:12] <AndarielHalo> and I've put 300+ hours into it
[01:12] <AndarielHalo> and still want to play it again
[01:12] <Anaxagoras> And I can definitely see something with graphics so bad that it's distracting or unpleasant to play, even if the graphics don't literally interfere with gameplay.
[01:12] <DrYucatan> But it's not the same type of game, AndarielHalo.
[01:12] <AndarielHalo> something like Bioshock Infinite was spectacular
[01:12] <AndarielHalo> and I put 9 hours into it
[01:13] <AndarielHalo> and i never want to play it again
[01:13] <Veeleren> ^
[01:13] <AndarielHalo> ok another example
[01:13] <Metaphysician> Yup.
[01:13] <DrYucatan> It's a false equivalency. You can't say "Crusader Kings doesn't have great graphics" because that's not the point.
[01:13] <AndarielHalo> This is what Payday2 looks like http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/536259730580110220/23E171FE8CD631A459EEBF8A39A426696587CAE9/
[01:13] <AndarielHalo> I've put in over 1000 hours into that game
[01:13] <DrYucatan> It's got pretty good graphics.
[01:13] <AndarielHalo> This is the kind of graphics Payday2 tends to have: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/537382558034266668/100963B0FCBE34B13144A524E7EA6B681B7BD73F/
[01:14] <AndarielHalo> http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/540762066971156620/C0CBE5BD30A0D2DE34733CAF911661BDDBE97E3F/
[01:14] <DrYucatan> FFVII had a story that captivated millions, a world that was fun to explore, and characters that made you feel something.
[01:14] <DrYucatan> Not to mention amazing music and combat that, while weird, was still fun at times.
[01:15] <AndarielHalo> I can't stop playing it over and over and over again because it's got spectacular music, solid gameplay, fun characters, and complicated intricate missions that have countless different ways of completing
[01:15] <DrYucatan> We'll be getting all that and more hopefully, but with graphics that will blow us away and immerse us in the experience.
[01:15] * %Silber reads upscroll
[01:15] <MobileWolf> One of my favorite games
[01:15] <MobileWolf> Literally has no graphics
[01:15] <AndarielHalo> NotGTAV?
[01:15] <%Silber> DrYucatan: I'm pretty sure that the FFVII remake won't be a remake in the way that Total Recall was a remake
[01:15] <MobileWolf> KSP? Looks decent, I guess
[01:16] <DrYucatan> True, Silber.
[01:16] <%Silber> the storyline will probably /be/ exactly the same with just differences in translation
[01:16] <DrYucatan> But AndarielHalo was saying that the 2007 remaster would be exactly the same thing as the upcoming remake.
[01:16] <DrYucatan> Which…like…not really?
[01:16] <AndarielHalo> 2007 remake had "better graphics"
[01:16] <MobileWolf> New Vegas? Bitch please, this is Falllout, not Crysis
[01:17] <AndarielHalo> all I've heard of this new remake is "better graphics"
[01:17] <%Silber> nah that's just updating the game for modern machines
[01:17] <AndarielHalo> and it's like… a linear story RPG
[01:17] <DrYucatan> Because some people appreciate the visual aspect of games.
[01:17] <DrYucatan> Lots, in fact.
[01:17] <AndarielHalo> what could they change without making it a completely different game?
[01:17] <BiggerJ> There's people wondering what will be replaced or removed. Barrett's sailor suit, for example, The guy bouncing off the train. Cloud noticing the pointing finger cursor.
[01:17] <DrYucatan> People want to look at stuff that looks nice.
[01:17] <MobileWolf> AH: linear story rpgs are abominations
[01:17] <BiggerJ> And, of course, Crossdressing Cloud in the age of social justice.
[01:17] <%Silber> MobileWolf: some of my favorite games are linear story RPGs
[01:17] <DrYucatan> Mine too, Silber.
[01:18] <%Silber> Mother 3! Chrono Trigger!
[01:18] <DrYucatan> I just don't understand what's bad about wanting a game that's pretty to look at.
[01:18] <DrYucatan> Or why that makes me a "baby", as AndarielHalo insinuated.
[01:18] * thomas (rodos.fo.elsi|2E#rodos.fo.elsi|2E) Quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by thomas0))
[01:18] <MobileWolf> DrYucatan: when you want that more than good mechanics or story, well
[01:18] <AndarielHalo> those are called movies, not games
[01:18] <MobileWolf> ^
[01:19] <DrYucatan> I've already got roughly the story I want for FFVII!
[01:19] * thomas (rodos.fo.elsi|2E#rodos.fo.elsi|2E) has joined #site19
[01:19] <DrYucatan> I don't understand why you don't understand that!
[01:19] * Davsto (ten.mnigriv.elbac.A4A107CF-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.mnigriv.elbac.A4A107CF-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[01:19] <DrYucatan> And I'm fine with original mechanics for FFVII! But they'll almost certainly update them.
[01:19] <MobileWolf> If my decisions don't affect the course of the story, why the fuck am I playing?
[01:19] <%Silber> MobileWolf: you just called story-driven RPGs garbage :P
[01:19] <MobileWolf> Might as well as just watch someone else play
[01:19] <DrYucatan> Because not everyone wants a totally choice-based experience.
[01:19] <MobileWolf> Silber: no, /linear/ story
[01:20] <MobileWolf> Linear story is bullshit, and belongs in FPSes
[01:20] <MobileWolf> Not RPGs
[01:20] <%Silber> if you can't enjoy Mother 3 then you have no soul
[01:20] <DrYucatan> Some people want to have an interactive movie experience. I mean, hell, FFVII has some choice elements.
[01:20] <DrYucatan> Well, millions of gamers disagree with you, MobileWolf .
[01:20] <DrYucatan> Just don't buy linear RPGs then.
[01:20] <MobileWolf> Silber: We have already established the second
[01:20] <AndarielHalo> i never played mother3
[01:20] <AndarielHalo> that was before my time
[01:20] <MobileWolf> And I have never played mother 3
[01:20] <Davsto> …
[01:20] <%Silber> AndarielHalo: it was released for the GBA
[01:20] <Davsto> What have I come back to
[01:21] <AndarielHalo> GBA was after my time
[01:21] <MobileWolf> Davsto: murder
[01:21] <MobileWolf> Murder is about to happen
[01:21] * MrWrong (PI.D858D846.E8833772.97B6925A|tibbiM#PI.D858D846.E8833772.97B6925A|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[01:21] <%Silber> Davsto: MobileWolf only plays open-world games and thinks anything else is dumb and wrong
[01:21] <DrYucatan> Why is linear bad?
[01:21] <%Silber> AndarielHalo only plays games with shit graphics and thinks anything else is dumb/wrong
[01:21] <DrYucatan> Sometimes I like the story to be out of my hands.
[01:21] <DrYucatan> To see what will unfold before me.
[01:21] <AndarielHalo> that's not even close to what I said
[01:21] <%Silber> AndarielHalo: so you're saying that Mother 3 is both before and after your time simultaneously
[01:22] <DrYucatan> Rather than knowing that I have power over everything.
[01:22] <AndarielHalo> I'm saying I'm done
[01:22] <MobileWolf> Silber: that is not what i said
[01:22] <MobileWolf> Fuck this, this is a stupid argument
[01:22] <MobileWolf> And you're twisting my words
[01:22] <Davsto> MobileWolf: Oh, you mean you have your head up your ass again with video game opinions, and refuse to listen to anyone else's?
[01:22] <MobileWolf> Davsto: please read scrollback
[01:22] <Davsto> Because that's what this is looking like to me
[01:22] <DrYucatan> You literally did say that linear games are bullshit
[01:23] <MobileWolf> DrYucatan: linear rpgs
[01:23] <Davsto> "Linear story is bullshit" yeh
[01:23] <DrYucatan> Linear RPGs, at least
[01:23] <DrYucatan> Yeah
[01:24] <DrYucatan> Why do you care how other people have fun?
[01:24] <DrYucatan> I haven't been shitting on the games you like
[01:24] <MobileWolf> Do you want a serious answer?
[01:24] <DrYucatan> Yes.
[01:24] * Deci|AFK is now known as Decibelle
[01:25] <MobileWolf> Because I can explain how other people's purchasing decisions affect the products that companies make
[01:25] <%Silber> Linear RPGs killed his parents
[01:25] <Davsto> Fuck off mate, if we enjoy stuff, we enjoy it
[01:25] <MobileWolf> And that affects the things that are available for me to buy
[01:25] <DrYucatan> So you want to influence people to make only products you like?
[01:25] <@Decibelle> MobileWolf, DrYucatan, Silber, Davsto, chill the fuck out
[01:25] <DrYucatan> Or, to influence purchasing decisions so that games are only what you want them to be?
[01:25] <%Silber> Shot them down in the streets, drove away laughing and shouting "You'll never be able to directly influence our narratives! Bwahaha!"
[01:25] <@Decibelle> stop arguing because this is getting more and more asinine and heated
[01:25] * %anqxyr (~PI.ADDA37C1.FCCA0B6B.02D702C6|ryxqna#PI.ADDA37C1.FCCA0B6B.02D702C6|ryxqna) Quit (Client exited)
[01:26] <MobileWolf> Decibelle: Got it. Was trying to leave anyways
[01:26] <Ireul> Buffalo, huh?
[01:26] <@Decibelle> and has devolved to insult-flinging
[01:26] <DrYucatan> I was just trying to be excited about FFVII
[01:26] <%Silber> Decibelle: that's exactly what a linear lover would say >:[
[01:26] <DrYucatan> But people decided that I couldn't be excited and I had to be told how shit my preferences were
This second argument started after AndarielHalo brought up a current news event, and involves Yucatan, GreenWolf (again), and Scantron.
[01:36] <AndarielHalo> Japan can now invade other countries
[01:37] <MobileWolf> AH: did they amend their constitution?
[01:37] <%Silber> AndarielHalo: they must
[01:37] <AndarielHalo> .g japan security bill
[01:37] <%Alexandra> AndarielHalo: http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/07/15/national/politics-diplomacy/amid-angry-scenes-ruling-parties-force-security-bills-lower-house-committee/ — Amid angry scenes, ruling parties force security … - The Japan Times: "20 hours ago … Special security bill Yasukazu Hamada committee chairman (center) is surrounded by opposition politicians shouting and waving placards in…"
[01:37] <MrWrong> Huh? They finally changed the constitution.
[01:38] <MobileWolf> … Japan, don't do this
[01:38] <MobileWolf> Please don't
[01:38] <DrYucatan> Why?
[01:38] * MobileWolf looks at the political situation in East Asia with concern
[01:38] <AndarielHalo> too late, it's already been approved
[01:39] * %Famine_ (~Famine_@4C3C1342:4E00C380:F1CF88E6:IP) Quit (Quit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5uXbM3mLPk)
[01:39] <DrYucatan> I personally think militaries are ridiculous
[01:39] <DrYucatan> The concept of nations/nationalism is ridiculous
[01:39] <Shrek> remove governments
[01:39] <MobileWolf> DrYucatan: Yes, and we should all sing kumbaya, no?
[01:39] <DrYucatan> ^
[01:39] <DrYucatan> That was at Shienth
[01:40] <DrYucatan> At SHREK
[01:40] <DrYucatan> Goddamn autocomplete
[01:40] <MobileWolf> Gdi, you've set him off again
[01:40] <DrYucatan> Also, MobileWolf, that's a tired argument, try again
[01:40] <Shrek> mobilewolf yes that sounds nice
[01:40] <DrYucatan> I'm a woman, MobileWolf.
[01:40] <Shrek> i think wolf was talking about me
[01:40] <DrYucatan> Oh.
[01:40] <MobileWolf> DrYucatan: I wasn't talking about you
[01:40] <DrYucatan> But yes, down with governments.
[01:40] <Shienth> Was briefly confused, having not said a single word in weeks.
[01:40] <MobileWolf> Shrek = Scantron
[01:40] <DrYucatan> And yes, sitting around and singing nice things is nice.
[01:41] <DrYucatan> Not perpetuating capitalism is nice.
[01:41] <DrYucatan> Not having violent racist cissexist police would be nice.
[01:41] * MobileWolf sighs
[01:41] <Davsto> :|
[01:41] <MobileWolf> Guys, revolutionary socialism doesn't work
[01:41] <MobileWolf> At all
[01:42] <DrYucatan> not with that attitude it doesn't
[01:42] <Shrek> mobilewolf: it's yogurt from a tube, dipshit
[01:42] <MobileWolf> :/
[01:42] <MobileWolf> That was uncalled for
[01:42] <DrYucatan> Are you telling me communism is go-gurt, Shrek
[01:42] * DrMann (moc.wzvym.23-512-57-bus.602AB5D8-CRInys|nnaMrD#moc.wzvym.23-512-57-bus.602AB5D8-CRInys|nnaMrD) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
[01:42] <Davsto> Something something war is sometimes necessary blame the powers that make it necessary by being violent rather than those which attempt a Just War to prevent unnecessary deaths
[01:43] <Shrek> well first off i'm fucking tired of chatzilla's sudden unwillingness to make tab-complete work
[01:43] <%Silber> There's no such thing as a good war, kiddo
[01:43] <%Silber> -Greg Universe
[01:43] * DrMann (moc.wzvym.61-712-57-bus.2A2901BC-CRInys|nnaMrD#moc.wzvym.61-712-57-bus.2A2901BC-CRInys|nnaMrD) has joined #site19
[01:44] <Davsto> anyway
[01:44] <AndarielHalo> what about the american civil war?
[01:44] * Veeleren (~PI.535C234D.07701D4E.23DC9C23|ymereJ#PI.535C234D.07701D4E.23DC9C23|ymereJ) Quit (Ping timeout: 188 seconds)
[01:44] <Davsto> I gots to go shower
[01:44] <Shrek> second off mobilewolf if you complain openly about someone "set[ting] me off again" i have no compunctions about responding to your bad ideas with cool internet jokes
[01:44] <Davsto> Be back in some time or something maybe prpbably
[01:44] * MrWrong (PI.D858D846.E8833772.97B6925A|tibbiM#PI.D858D846.E8833772.97B6925A|tibbiM) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[01:44] * Davsto (ten.mnigriv.elbac.A4A107CF-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.mnigriv.elbac.A4A107CF-CRInys|tibbiM) Quit (Quit: :|)
[01:45] <Shrek> dryucatan: yeah basically
[01:45] <DrYucatan> Basically what?
[01:46] <DrYucatan> Oh, that communism is go-gurt
[01:46] <Shrek> yep
[01:46] <MobileWolf> I am not going to get into this argument. I'm tired, annoyed, and probably going to end up saying something stupid
[01:46] <MobileWolf> So good night
[01:46] * MobileWolf is now known as SleepWolf
[01:46] <DrYucatan> Radical
[01:46] <DrYucatan> Well meme'd, tovarisch
[01:46] * Nemi (~seeB.seeB.seeB|heveraz#seeB.seeB.seeB|heveraz) Quit (Quit: )
[01:46] * DrYucatan offers Shrek a highfive
[01:46] * Shrek ^5
[01:47] <DrYucatan> "Socialism never works" yeah because the capitalists literally try and prevent socialism from working at every turn
[01:48] <DrYucatan> They have literally been trying to fuck us over every time we gain any ground
[01:48] <SleepWolf> DrYucatan: okay, fuck you
[01:48] <AndarielHalo> is that what Stalin said as he was sending millions of people to be worked to death?
[01:48] <SleepWolf> I did not say that
[01:48] <SleepWolf> I said revolutionaru socialism
[01:48] <Locke> communism aint the same as socialism
[01:48] <DrYucatan> Oh, I wasn't responding to you, SleepWolf ???
[01:48] <SleepWolf> also, what locke said
[01:48] <DrYucatan> I was just saying as a general rebuttal to people who say that communism/socialism can't work
[01:49] <AndarielHalo> socialism is working all over the world
[01:49] * Light (~PI.44FEF92A.49542543.159AA3DE|thgiL#PI.44FEF92A.49542543.159AA3DE|thgiL) has joined #site19
[01:49] * ChanServ sets mode: +ao Light Light
[01:49] <DrYucatan> So…thank you for telling me "fuck you"
[01:49] <AndarielHalo> communism isn't
[01:49] <Shrek> lol nerd
[01:49] <SleepWolf> :/
[01:49] <SleepWolf> Fuck you
[01:49] <AndarielHalo> UR the nerd
[01:49] <DrYucatan> Sleep tight pupper ;)
[01:49] <Shrek> yeah sweet dreams
[01:49] * SleepWolf was kicked by Silber (Raise the level of discourse.)
[01:49] <DrYucatan> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDlDOyYVEAAbmlN.jpg:large
[01:50] <Locke> communism doesn't work. Well, not in large scale. Socialism works fine, but it comes with unnecessary amount of bureaucracy
[01:50] <Shrek> sleep tight pupper
[01:50] <@Decibelle> i think with that kick
[01:50] <@Decibelle> im shutting down this topic of conversation for the moment
[01:50] <DreamwalkerFae> Socialism seems like it would be great on paper, but in practice it generates technological advancement, moves power from one small group of people to another small group of people, gets personal property confiscated, and gets people killed.
[01:50] <DreamwalkerFae> Judjing from my studies.
[01:50] <%Silber> DreamwalkerFae: conversation's been stopped
[01:50] <DreamwalkerFae> oh, sorry.
[01:51] <@Decibelle> operator order: if you're going to talk about the merits of socialism/communism/anarchy/what the fuck ever do it in a way that doesnt devolve into insults and swearing and yelling or snarky attitude
[01:51] <@Decibelle> or else dont talk about it at all
[01:51] <@Decibelle> just to make that clear
[01:51] <%Silber> anyone who wants to have a legit conversation about this, #neutralzone is free
[01:51] <%Silber> and designed for this sort of thing