<Achion> the one with the two spidermen pointing at eachother in confusion
7:44 PM spaghetti + Faggot = Faghetti & Spaggot
7:44 PM ← Achion (~ten.no.edonretni.2abh.1sarb.F42E188-CRInys|criigc#ten.no.edonretni.2abh.1sarb.F42E188-CRInys|criigc) was kicked by @taylor_iOStkin: no slurs
7:44 PM → Achion joined (~ten.no.edonretni.2abh.1sarb.F42E188-CRInys|criigc#ten.no.edonretni.2abh.1sarb.F42E188-CRInys|criigc)
7:45 PM <@taylor_iOStkin> Please don't use slurs. It is against the rules.
7:45 PM A<Achion> i didn't think i could get kicked for playing with words
7:45 PM <@taylor_iOStkin> You can.
7:45 PM You can get kicked for using slurs.
7:45 PM D<DrMagnus> Use a slur again, and you'll catch a ban, most likely.
7:45 PM <@taylor_iOStkin> Which is in the rules.
7:45 PM A<Achion> not like i called anyone a slur
7:45 PM <@taylor_iOStkin> I got it, Magnus.
7:45 PM Achion: using slurs is against the rules.
7:45 PM <@AbsentmindedNihilist> Achion: f*ggot is a slur.
7:46 PM A<Achion> faggot can also mean a bundle of sticks, using the context of spaghetti and faggot i was creating a word that would mean bundle of spaghetti
7:46 PM <@taylor_iOStkin> Yeah, no
7:46 PM <stormfallen> bruh
7:46 PM A<Achion> i'll take my bundle of spaghetti elsewhere
7:47 PM <@taylor_iOStkin> A smart person would say 'ok this is considered a slur here' and stop using the word
7:47 PM so
7:47 PM I'd suggest doing that
7:47 PM C<@Corvus> Honestly I see no point in continuing this
7:47 PM A<Achion> i did
7:47 PM @Corvus banned *!*@synIRC-881E24F.bras1.hba2.internode.on.net (+b)
7:47 PM ← Achion (~ten.no.edonretni.2abh.1sarb.F42E188-CRInys|criigc#ten.no.edonretni.2abh.1sarb.F42E188-CRInys|criigc) was kicked by @Corvus: week
7:48 PM C<@Corvus> And into the fiery orb with ye