From today, and there was an incident were they essentially harassed another user to crit their draft.
24 ban from op consensus, hostmask is
<DoctorPensin> E
12:45 PM A
12:45 PM sucks
12:45 PM lmao
12:45 PM ⇐ tawny quit (||t) Ping timeout: 180 seconds
12:46 PM
<DoctorPensin> At least the sonic games aren't fortnite
12:46 PM Someone makes an scp thats a copy of fortnite that makes you a really shitty person and makes you addicted the more you play it
12:46 PM <DrAkimoto> .s coke, cow
12:46 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> DrAkimoto: SCP-4677: Coke, Cow, and Capitalism (Rating: +51. Written 3 days ago By: DrAkimoto) -
12:47 PM
<DoctorPensin> Is nice
12:47 PM <Gee0765> DoctorPensin: too blatant of a message
12:47 PM However
12:47 PM SCP-4362
12:47 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> Gee0765: SCP-4362: Achilles Defense Systems (Rating: +69. Written 2 days ago By: The Great Hippo) -
12:47 PM <Gee0765> nice
12:47 PM
<DoctorPensin> I mean theres a porn version of that
12:47 PM <Gee0765> okay?
12:47 PM
<DoctorPensin> of th \e scp ide
12:47 PM <Gee0765> There's a porn version of everything
12:47 PM
<DoctorPensin> true
12:47 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> Hmmm
12:48 PM Today I fucked up by making a white man angry
12:48 PM :)
12:48 PM <DrAkimoto> Shame on you
12:48 PM
<DoctorPensin> You slap that ass
12:48 PM <LordofLaugh>
smellme.jpg86.9KB • image/jpeg
12:48 PM
<DoctorPensin> and tell them white trash
12:48 PM and leave
12:48 PM <Gee0765> no
12:48 PM no you don't
12:48 PM please don't do that that's sexual harassment
12:49 PM <DrAkimoto> Shit
12:49 PM I gotta apologize to my dog
12:49 PM
<DoctorPensin> i mean…literally anything is sexual harrassment these days
12:49 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> DoctorPensin: wow that is not funny in any way whatsoever! Don’t make that kind of joke again!
12:49 PM
<DoctorPensin> It wasn't
12:49 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> DoctorPensin: I’m assuming you’ve never been sexually harassed
12:49 PM <Gee0765> Slapping someone's ass is /clearly/ fucking sexual harassment.
12:49 PM
<DoctorPensin> I have
12:50 PM by a guy
12:50 PM he was gay
12:50 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> DoctorPensin: so why do you think you get to invalidate other peoples experiences???
12:50 PM
<DoctorPensin> I don't?
12:50 PM I never said that?
12:50 PM
<Raddagher> This whole take is yikes DoctorPensin
12:51 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> DoctorPensin: you’re saying that “everything is sexual harassment these days”
12:51 PM <Gee0765> 18:49:27 <DoctorPensin> i mean…literally anything is sexual harrassment these days
12:51 PM
<DoctorPensin> Well its true
12:51 PM <Gee0765> sounds like invalidation
12:51 PM <•edna> Okay so hey, instead of talking about this how about we don't
12:51 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> That is clearly implying that people are making it up/exaggerating
12:51 PM
<DoctorPensin> someone looks at an ass
12:51 PM "Harrassment"
12:51 PM <•edna> Op order, lets move on.
Given this user's near-universal negative value to 19, I would like to advocate for accelerated escalation for any infractions following his return.
After far, far too many warnings I gave a final warning to them, but op consensus lead to a month long instead.
<DoctorPensin> Im just busy trying to get greenlights
3:34 PM
3:35 PM <Metaphysician>
3:35 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> Metaphysician: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - The Trashman FULL - All Scenes - length 2m9s - 14184↑101↓ - 609329 views - Frank Reynolds (Best of Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia) -
3:35 PM
<DoctorPensin> Yes
3:35 PM I know
3:35 PM It applies
3:35 PM
<Dequoi> It might just be my preference for longer narratives, but I feel like the discovery log could use something to fuel more speculation. Right now, it has some level of that, the identity of the woman, the relationship between her and Qoaquin, but not much about the fluid or how it might have gotten there
3:36 PM
<DoctorPensin> Im the trashman, I EAT GARBAGE
3:36 PM
<Simartar> DoctorPensin: took a look - so it's just a guy that absorbs people who litter?
3:36 PM <Dyslexion> If you like longer narratives Dequoi, u should read my newest article.
3:36 PM SCP-4793
3:36 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> Dyslexion: SCP-4793: Stele (Rating: +26. Written 3 days ago By: Dyslexion) -
3:36 PM
<Dequoi> Smooth segue :P
3:36 PM
<Simartar> throwing 16k skips on people
3:36 PM
<Navimaster> haha
3:36 PM 16k at yo face!
3:36 PM xD
3:37 PM
<weryllium> i figured /why/ the fluid exists at all wasn't important
3:37 PM but hmm
3:37 PM
3:37 PM <Gee0765> DoctorPensin: it's been three minutes.
3:37 PM
<DoctorPensin> Simartar: Yes
3:38 PM <Gee0765> Don't spam.
3:38 PM
<DoctorPensin> I wish someone would just say something like: Not now, okay, or no
3:38 PM foodie → glewmie
3:38 PM
<Dequoi> You don't have to explain why it exists, but I feel giving some hints to how the woman/Qoaquin got their hands on it would be interesting
3:38 PM <Gee0765> Simartar is talking about it right now.
3:39 PM
<weryllium> how i envision it is
3:39 PM
<Simartar> Yeah don't expect instant crit on the forum
3:39 PM
<DoctorPensin> I know XD
3:39 PM but my last one didn't get crit and it was a week ago
3:39 PM
<weryllium> Joaquin just manifested it inside himself and it's related somehow to his being a musician
3:39 PM
<DoctorPensin> I cancelled it.
3:39 PM <naepicfael> SwSh has unironically some of the best quotes I can think of
3:39 PM <•edna> DoctorPensin: Okay, so here's going to be your last warning
3:39 PM
<Simartar> So you've got a trashman that duplicates himself everytime he sees someone litter
3:39 PM
<Dequoi> Okay, I see
3:40 PM <BlueJones> SwSh?
3:40 PM
<weryllium> meanwhile the woman was already obsessed with Joaquin, and upon discovering the blood just went full crazy and starting shooting up with it
3:40 PM
<DoctorPensin> Simartar: Yes.
3:40 PM
<weryllium> pokemon sword shield
3:40 PM
<Simartar> So I suppose the issue here would be the guy spreading everywhere since the amount of people would increase exponentially, but other than that there's not much to this
3:40 PM It's just a guy that turns other guys into himself
3:40 PM <•edna> DoctorPensin: You are on thin ice, and you've been on thin ice for far too long. So quit spamming or you'll end up with a month long ban, do I make myself clear?
3:41 PM
<DoctorPensin> edna: yes, I don't try to spam, I understand your concern, I do have a quirky way of writing by using multiple messages, and im trying to stop.
3:41 PM <Gee0765> DoctorPensin: that isn't what he meant.
3:41 PM <•edna> Gee0765: I've got this.
3:41 PM <Gee0765> He meant repeatedly posting the forum link.
3:41 PM oh okay, cool
3:42 PM
<DoctorPensin> edna: If its about the forum link, I do admit, I am VERY anxious, and i haven't been monitoring myself, which i should do more.
3:43 PM
<War_> suuuuuuuuuuuup assholes
3:43 PM
<Simartar> edna: out of curiosity, where's the line drawn between "plugging my thread" and "spamming my thread"?
3:43 PM <BlueJones> War_: The sky
3:43 PM
<War_> listen here you little shit
3:43 PM <•edna> DoctorPensin: I and along with other chat staff don't care if that's how you type, stop with the multiple messages you should know how to act after how many warnings you've revived. The same goes for you spamming the chat with ideas or links to your thread.
3:43 PM
<DoctorPensin> Hey
Pensin returned from his ban today, and is once again being disruptive. Taylor gave a 24h ban after he made a cancer joke, and has also requested a year-long on next infraction.
11:55:01 AM <DoctorPensin> SCP-294
11:55:01 AM <%Secretary_Helen> DoctorPensin: SCP-294: The Coffee Machine (Rating: +1555. Written 11 years ago By: arcibi) -
Extraneous logs redacted
11:57:33 AM <DoctorPensin> D-151839's leukemia is my favorite beverage
11:57:36 AM <LordofLeaping> pixel 4 is literally just a downgrade from the 3 it's insane
11:57:39 AM → vestroyax joined (moc.duolccri.gnilae.BC106948-CRInys|647482diu#moc.duolccri.gnilae.BC106948-CRInys|647482diu)
11:57:40 AM <%SeasonsGee-tings> What.
11:57:42 AM <%SeasonsGee-tings> No.
11:57:48 AM <%SeasonsGee-tings> No cancer jokes.
11:57:58 AM <LordofLeaping> DoctorPensin: >_>
11:58:01 AM <vestroyax> SeasonsGee-tings: SEASONING??? IS THAT YOU???
11:58:03 AM <Vicious_Unicycle> Would anyone be willing to help me shorten it? Last time I tried, I cut too much and got dismissed as not having fleshed out my idea
11:58:11 AM <DoctorPensin> *looks to SCP-294 and looks back*
11:58:17 AM <%SeasonsGee-tings> i don't think it is
11:58:19 AM <DoctorPensin> I was referencing that
11:58:24 AM <vestroyax> Ah shit.
11:58:28 AM <%SeasonsGee-tings> this is just a shitty Christmas name lol
11:58:31 AM <DoctorPensin> The final test of it.
11:58:38 AM <%TheMerryMcB> DoctorPensin: yes, we know
11:58:51 AM <DoctorPensin> SCP-420-J
11:58:51 AM <%Secretary_Helen> DoctorPensin: SCP-420-J: The Best ████ in the World (Rating: +826. Written 10 years ago By: Quikngruvn) -
11:58:55 AM <%TheMerryMcB> That doesn't mean you can go "lol cancer XD" out of nowhere
11:59:01 AM <vestroyax> Always those weird ass season names…
11:59:17 AM <LordofLeaping> vestroyax: hey mine is clever :<
11:59:26 AM <%SeasonsGee-tings> yours is clever
11:59:27 AM <DoctorPensin> I mean, I've been affected by it, I say laughter ist he best medicine…
11:59:43 AM <DoctorPensin> But okay.
11:59:43 AM vestroyax → vestrohoho
11:59:49 AM <DoctorPensin> No.
11:59:51 AM <%SeasonsGee-tings> A lot of people here don't think that.
12:00:06 PM <%SeasonsGee-tings> Me included. So lay off the insensitivity in the future.
12:00:15 PM DoctorPensin → DoctorPresent
12:00:18 PM <Scordatura> Don't be blaming 420-J for whatever shit you do.
12:00:19 PM <%TheMerryMcB> Yeah just because you find a thing cathartic doesn't mean you can just joke about it on main
12:00:19 PM <Chrom> Hmm
12:00:24 PM <DoctorPresent> I didn't?
12:00:35 PM <%TheMerryMcB> Lots of suicidal people will make suicide jokes
12:00:41 PM <%TheMerryMcB> Doesn't mean we tolerate it in 19
He had also previously been aggressive against furries, and spouting lolrandom nonsense.
10:54:38 AM <DoctorPensin> You know those things that are always nice, and always have the right atmosphere, and then fans of it ruin it? LIke…I think scp-1471, It was a good idea, and then someone just, CRAPPED, all over it.
10:54:43 AM <%SeasonsGee-tings> just shine a torch at a solar panel
10:54:56 AM <riyangendut> sp-1471
10:54:57 AM <TRutherford> Gee do you wanna get arrested!?
10:54:58 AM <riyangendut> scp-1471
10:54:59 AM <%Secretary_Helen> riyangendut: SCP-1471: MalO ver1.0.0 (Rating: +1006. Written 6 years ago By: LurkD) -
10:55:04 AM <edna> CutemasGirl: Can't have people get something that's a necessity for modern life be free
10:55:12 AM <CutemasGirl> DoctorPensin: what?
10:55:17 AM <%SeasonsGee-tings> TRutherford: government hiding the truth
10:55:19 AM <CutemasGirl> DoctorPensin: can you elaborate your meaning?
10:55:23 AM <TRutherford> This is like that time you said if you learn how to lift more than your bodyweight you'll effectively know how to fly
10:55:25 AM <AlanDaristmas> o/
10:55:29 AM <TRutherford> You're right but shhhhhh!
10:55:30 AM <orbitmintdentist> the world fucking sucks man
10:55:45 AM <edna> Privatization is a good thing and doesn't lead to people becoming homeless because of needing to go to the hospital.
10:55:51 AM → Mark joined (~PI.C3E8264.031468C4.D787D8DB|criigc#PI.C3E8264.031468C4.D787D8DB|criigc)
10:55:54 AM <Mark> Hey
10:55:59 AM <DoctorPensin> Malo was a good idea, and It had nothing bad about it, UNTIL THE FANS CAME ALONG AND PRODUCED SO MUCH FURRY CRAP that it flooded the whole world *hyperbole*
10:56:00 AM <AlanDaristmas> edna: Jojolion is so weird. :|
10:56:08 AM <AlanDaristmas> But I like it
10:56:09 AM <%SeasonsGee-tings> what's wrong with furries?
10:56:10 AM <CutemasGirl> DoctorPensin: nothing wrong with furries
10:56:11 AM <AlanDaristmas> so far
10:56:12 AM <%stormfallen> umu
10:56:14 AM <%SeasonsGee-tings> the answer is nothing
10:56:23 AM <%stormfallen> Also malo's pic is a fursuit
10:56:24 AM <AlanDaristmas> Y'all bias
10:56:26 AM <AlanDaristmas> :P
10:56:27 AM <DoctorPensin> cutemas I know
10:56:28 AM <CutemasGirl> DoctorPensin: I thought you might be referring to unnecisarily sexualising the female mal0 instances
10:56:28 AM <%SeasonsGee-tings> except stormfallen. stormfallen is everything wrong with furries
10:56:29 AM <%stormfallen> So the furries came first
10:56:38 AM <DoctorPensin> Thats what i was reffering to
11:19:52 AM <DoctorPensin> **laughs in keyboard viru-Excuse me what did I just say.
11:19:57 AM <CutemasGirl> I spent like 10 minutes drawing taylor peanut and long boi porn
11:19:57 AM <BlueJones> Mr Mime isn't meant to be eaten! If you should eat any pokemon eat a Crabby
11:20:00 AM <DoctorPensin> Keyboard virus?
11:20:00 AM <%SeasonsGee-tings> Huh.
11:20:07 AM <DoctorPensin> What does that even mean…
11:20:15 AM <%SeasonsGee-tings> bro can you be less disruptive thanks
I would like to request we move immediately to a perma on next infraction instead. Few users are as aggressively zero-value as Pensin.
I have no real objections to this.
Barely two hours after returning from his 24h ban, Pensin spouted everyone's favorite abelist nonsense. Permanent ban for death by a thousand disruptive cuts, per op consensus.
3:07:33 PM <DoctorPensin> I'm using RANDOM SCP to find scps, is this a good tactic?
3:07:40 PM <DoctorPensin> i mean to read scps
3:07:48 PM <DoctorPensin> to like…READ
3:07:51 PM <DoctorPensin> REEE
3:07:55 PM <Jak> DoctorPensin of course. You'll never know what you can find, theres so many to keep track of after all
3:07:58 PM <%DrMagnus> It only actually takes you to—
3:08:03 PM <+QuikInABox> Oh goddammit.
3:08:06 PM ← DoctorPensin (~ten.ssenisubtsacmoc.cfh.013F0537-CRInys|criigc#ten.ssenisubtsacmoc.cfh.013F0537-CRInys|criigc) was kicked by %DrMagnus: No Reeing.
3:08:12 PM <AlleraRey> Cerastes: I see. So nay?
3:08:16 PM → DoctorPensin joined ⇐ JaksAway quit
3:08:19 PM <Vicious_Unicycle> Depends on whether you have reading preferences.
3:08:22 PM <AlleraRey> DrMagnus; What do you mean?
3:08:32 PM <DoctorPensin> I cannot do that…that is interesting.
3:08:48 PM <+QuikInABox> No, you cannot do that.
3:08:50 PM <FFB|HollyMaiden> Welp… stalling out at +3
3:08:50 PM <Jak> .s the lost story
3:08:51 PM <%Secretary_Helen> Jak: SCP-4981: The Lost Storyteller (Rating: +9. Written 23 hours ago By: JakdragonX) -
3:08:54 PM <FFB|HollyMaiden> it's living…
3:09:01 PM <+QuikInABox> Or, well, you *can*, but you won't stick around for very long.
3:09:22 PM <&soulonphone> DoctorPensin: it’s understood that the “reee” is commonly a punching down joke
3:09:27 PM <+DrJollyham> Jak +9! It's getting there!
3:09:44 PM ← DoctorPensin (~ten.ssenisubtsacmoc.cfh.013F0537-CRInys|criigc#ten.ssenisubtsacmoc.cfh.013F0537-CRInys|criigc) was kicked by %SeasonsGee-tings: Disruption
3:09:53 PM %stormfallen banned *!* (+b)