I believe most of the Clown Town discussion took place over IRC, so that would require much deeper digging that I don't have time for at the moment. It's kind of moot, though, because the most egregious and clear-cut plagiarism is SCP-3440. As mentioned in the chat log, the reason why I didn't report this sooner is because the Clown Town incident made me lose any remaining belief that Chandra has been acting in good faith.
My work, dated January 7th 2016:
Special Containment Procedures: All knowledge of SCP-XXXX and its point of access must be restricted to Foundation personnel. Any non-Foundation individuals capable of perceiving and accessing SCP-XXXX's entry point are to be interviewed and amnesticized. Foundation agents embedded in the Civic Opera Building's security staff are to prevent access to SCP-XXXX, except in the case of authorized personnel.
Description: SCP-XXXX is a dual-purpose entertainment and embalmment facility of anomalous construction and operation located approximately 100 feet beneath the ground floor of the Civic Opera Building in Chicago, Illinois…
SCP-XXXX is accessed via an elevator in the basement of the Civic Opera Building. The elevator is protected by a perceptual anomaly that renders it undetectable to human subjects who do not have prior knowledge of SCP-XXXX's existence. This defense mechanism, combined with additional pretermemetic interference4, prevented the Foundation from discovering SCP-XXXX until…
The main room of SCP-XXXX is a three-story theater built for an audience capacity of 1,044…
Chandra, October 1st 2017:
Special Containment Procedures: All knowledge of SCP-3440 and its point of access must be restricted to personnel with 3440/2 clearance or higher. Any non-Foundation individuals capable of perceiving and accessing SCP-3440's entry point are to be detained, debriefed and amnesticized. Foundation agents embedded in the Civic Opera Building's security staff are to prevent unauthorized access to SCP-3440.
Description: SCP-3440 is a dual-purpose entertainment and embalming facility of anomalous construction and operation located approximately ██ meters beneath the ground floor of the Civic Opera Building in Chicago, Illinois…
SCP-3440 is accessed via an elevator in the basement of the Civic Opera Building. The elevator is protected by a perceptual anomaly that renders it undetectable to human subjects who do not have prior knowledge of SCP-3440's existence. This defence mechanism, combined with additional pretermemetic1 interference, prevented the Foundation from discovering SCP-3440 until…
The main room of SCP-3440 is a three-story theatre built for an audience capacity of 1,044…
Excerpt from a message I sent via Wikidot PM to DrChandra on June 29th 2017:
Sorry about that; as you can tell, I tend to move at a pretty glacial pace when it comes to responding to messages.
To address your questions:
What are the remaining 2 SCPs you have planned?
Okay, well, they're gonna be pretty dang long, so even the summaries are gonna be pretty lengthy, but I'll give it a shot:
Herman Fuller's Marvelous Mechanical Marionette Matinee (title pending): a clockwork theater located 75 meters below the Civic Opera Building in Chicago, Illinois. It was created by Fuller as part of his later efforts to expand his entertainment empire beyond the circus. The theater also served the purpose of allowing Fuller to get additional performances out of performers who had already died.
The theater is a dual-purpose entertainment and embalming facility. In essence, when a deceased human body is placed in the machine, it is automatically embalmed through injections of paraffin and the replacement of blood with glycerin. A compound similar to SCP-1921-A2 is also introduced into the body, effectively replacing the subject's nervous system. Unlike SCP-1921-A2, threadlike strands extend from the subject's arms, head, and shoulders. These strands are then connected to the overall theater machine. Once connected and activated, the corpse becomes a human marionette that the theater can control. Marionettes aren't fully alive, but they're not fully dead either.
The audience seats in front of the stage are full of old marionettes that have been disconnected and covered by sheets. One lone marionette remains connected to the system, bearing the name "Herman Fuller." The machine is programmed for several performances: a monologue about himself, a musical number, and a serious of inarticulate screams. The third performance, unlike the previous two, does not seem to be on a set loop and always has unique variations.
[Crapton of additional lore redacted for brevity]
Hoooo boy! Having typed all this up, I now remember just how freaking much I still have left to write. I need to get on that while there's still good spots left in Series IV. I don't think I'll be able to get to critiquing your newer stuff in this sitting, but I'll try not to keep you waiting another three weeks!
So, yeah, this is officially how Herman Fuller meets his end. However, the Circus doesn't always travel linearly through time, so there's still the possibility they can run into him while he's still living.
As you can see, there is no room to question whether or not I still intended to finish the draft.