24 hour, host mask is synIRC-BB56B51.charlton.irccloud.com
24 hour, host mask is synIRC-BB56B51.charlton.irccloud.com
Another 24 hour for saying something wildly inappropriate, should probably consider escalating to a week after this.
2020-03-05 22:53:01.254701 DrFullham: Oh man last year on Mother's Day he ran up to me and gave me a big flying hug and said "Uncle Mikey! I missed you!" and I definitely didn't have to try incredibly hard to not cry on the spot
2020-03-05 22:53:44.214781 Calibri_Bold: ;-;
2020-03-05 22:53:59.698644 DrFullham: Because you know there's only honesty there.
2020-03-05 22:54:13.981592 DrFullham: Kids don't make stuff like that up to spare your feelings.
2020-03-05 22:55:27.668512 DrFullham: Here's my holding him for the first time
2020-03-05 22:55:27.694361 DrFullham: https://i.imgur.com/9LHTv3i.jpg
2020-03-05 22:55:50.941301 Calibri_Bold: ;-;
2020-03-05 22:55:56.388749 Sonderance: ;-;
2020-03-05 22:56:40.356963 IronDruid: DrFullham: not gonna lie, you look a bit like rapist
2020-03-05 22:56:50.581045 DrFullham: That's
2020-03-05 22:56:55.593402 starClight: What
2020-03-05 22:56:57.606576 LittleFieryOne: And the mood goes right out the window
2020-03-05 22:56:58.641091 DrFullham: Kinda of an incredibly uncool thing to say?
2020-03-05 22:57:19.53433 stormfallen: IronDruid: dude, what the fuck
2020-03-05 22:57:30.879408 Sonderance: IronDruid: Bye
2020-03-05 22:57:33.245293 IronDruid: stormfallen: OK sorry
2020-03-05 22:57:42.528795 Calibri_Bold: IronDruid: What the frick.
2020-03-05 22:58:05.930273 IronDruid: Sorry that was a very inappropriate thing to say
2020-03-05 22:58:10.745051 IronDruid: Sorry DrFullham
2020-03-05 22:58:53.284972 DrFullham: Honestly I'm more confused than anything lol
2020-03-05 22:59:33.882873 IronDruid: DrFullham: I'm very sorry for saying that
2020-03-05 22:59:42.37993 LittleFieryOne: Me too, like the worst thing that went through my head was "Nerdy." But I'd be one to talk if I'd said that.
2020-03-05 23:00:25.056899 DrFullham: IronDruid: You are forgiven, but your penance is to give Tubb 10 munchies
2020-03-05 23:00:39.99405 DrFullham: Of the highest quality.
2020-03-05 23:00:59.467797 IronDruid: I'm so sorry
2020-03-05 23:01:13.614523 DrAkimoto: Scp-5208
2020-03-05 23:02:04.51781 Mew-ltiverse: .au
2020-03-05 23:02:32.585058 Mew-ltiverse: I want to write about all of my characters at once
2020-03-05 23:02:40.520695 XilasCrowe: dewit
2020-03-05 23:03:03.554138 DrFullham: Create the Mew-ltiverse literally
2020-03-05 23:03:04.929561 LittleFieryOne: Mew-ltiverse, Have a conversation between two, but keep changing their names for no reason.
2020-03-05 23:03:51.347499 Mew-ltiverse: http://mew-ltiverse-s-sandbox-site.wikidot.com/
2020-03-05 23:04:03.296232 Mew-ltiverse: I have made the Mew-ltiverse
2020-03-05 23:04:42.463892 thewalkindude368: I bet you could find a cool logical reason for them to change their names constantly
2020-03-05 23:05:05.105941 thewalkindude368: I suppose 4000 already has a lock on that though
2020-03-05 23:05:35.910849 LittleFieryOne: It's time to rewrite 4000, no one will notice.
2020-03-05 23:05:35.930646 RIyanGENdut: and ofc xilas is already there
2020-03-05 23:05:47.380209 XilasCrowe: hmm?
2020-03-05 23:05:54.995406 RIyanGENdut: mew's sandbox
2020-03-05 23:05:55.015299 DrFullham: Hot take Xilas is SCP-4000
2020-03-05 23:06:00.994753 XilasCrowe: oh yea
2020-03-05 23:06:02.808846 DrFullham: And no I have no idea what that would even mean
2020-03-05 23:06:04.791494 XilasCrowe: i am in all the sandboxes
2020-03-05 23:06:11.06465 Mew-ltiverse: http://kontainer.djkakt.us/container-of-cats you should all go check out the container of cats
2020-03-05 23:06:17.697698 stormfallen: stormfallen has banned *!*@cheese.in.irc.chat
2020-03-05 23:06:33.689306 IronDruid: IronDruid was kicked by stormfallen for: 24 hour ban, I shouldn't have to explain why
2020-03-05 23:06:33.829975 LittleFieryOne: XilasCrowe, If I make a sandbox I'm gonna beat you to it
2020-03-05 23:06:44.285769 LittleFieryOne: And I'm gonna put in it "Xilas is a poopy butt"
2020-03-05 23:06:53.137541 XilasCrowe: LittleFieryOne: bring it on
I'm of the opinion this should be at least a week now.
~🌸~Flower Power~🌸~
Agreed. This is an incredibly inappropriate and insulting thing to say and since there has ben a 24h ban before this feels severe enough to go straight to a week.
With the agreement of Dora and Niles, ban has been upgraded to a week, or will be when we work out the bot.
~🌸~Flower Power~🌸~
As the chat admin who originally called for the 24, I support this in retrospect. I had been unaware of the previous 24 hour ban, and was not informed. With this awareness, a week is the correct option.
Appealed in 17, Taylor heard it out.
2020-03-07 20:29:45.414747 IronDruid: Hi, I would like to appeal my ban if possible
2020-03-07 20:30:14.178582 Gee0765: lemme just grab someone
2020-03-07 20:30:18.938673 IronDruid: Thanks gee
2020-03-07 20:30:31.977613 Canadian: i ave a question about an SCP
2020-03-07 20:30:58.232462 ROUNDERHOUSE: Canadian: let's hear it
2020-03-07 20:31:00.377688 taylor_iOStkin: Hello IronDruid
2020-03-07 20:31:06.888568 taylor_iOStkin: Let me read up real quick
2020-03-07 20:31:11.990476 IronDruid: sure thing
2020-03-07 20:31:36.849551 Canadian: what would the most powerful SCP be would it be 3812 or when day breaks since 001 effects all living things.
2020-03-07 20:31:48.461394 Canadian: and 3812 well you know
2020-03-07 20:31:55.241413 taylor_iOStkin: Ok
2020-03-07 20:32:01.386667 taylor_iOStkin: IronDruid: ok you can appeal now
2020-03-07 20:32:05.248287 taylor_iOStkin: Why should we unban you?
2020-03-07 20:32:52.182692 IronDruid: What I did was wrong no doubt about it. i didn't think before I acted, and what I said was deeply inappropriate.
2020-03-07 20:33:12.538441 Tuomey: Canadian: that would be a question for general chat.
2020-03-07 20:33:17.657876 Canadian: ok
2020-03-07 20:33:32.964581 IronDruid: My intention was never to insult fullham, and once I realised how he felt, I wia=sh I could have taken it back
2020-03-07 20:34:16.547327 IronDruid: Yes, I do have some maturity issues, which im getting help with. But i still do slip up from time to time, make a bada mistake
2020-03-07 20:34:37.724495 IronDruid: And I do want to improve from that, and this community has helped me much in that sense
2020-03-07 20:35:19.957295 IronDruid: This incident has already set a massive reminder to me, that I need to be more careful with my words, because I dont know how people can react to them
2020-03-07 20:35:38.406307 taylor_iOStkin: I’m going to stop you
2020-03-07 20:35:46.109821 IronDruid: ok
2020-03-07 20:35:48.720913 taylor_iOStkin: Because the amount of “missing the point” that is going on is ridiculous
2020-03-07 20:35:57.336677 taylor_iOStkin: It’s not that Fulham felt insulted by what you said
2020-03-07 20:36:04.00457 taylor_iOStkin: Frankly, that’s irrelevant at this point
2020-03-07 20:36:05.786569 taylor_iOStkin: Dude
2020-03-07 20:36:10.951531 taylor_iOStkin: You told someone they look like a rapist
2020-03-07 20:36:20.581151 taylor_iOStkin: I don’t care how they feel about you saying that, that’s *not okay*
2020-03-07 20:36:35.22334 taylor_iOStkin: It doesn’t matter how *they* react. It’s just not okay. Period. End of discussion. That’s it.
2020-03-07 20:36:44.576262 taylor_iOStkin: Does that make sense?
2020-03-07 20:36:51.287453 IronDruid: Yes it does
2020-03-07 20:37:00.665694 taylor_iOStkin: Granted, Fulham had and has every right to be deeply insulted
2020-03-07 20:37:21.368708 taylor_iOStkin: You’re right, it was an incredibly stupid and idiotic thing to say, and if the only reason you can realize that is because he felt rightfully insulted
2020-03-07 20:37:26.243408 taylor_iOStkin: Then you do not know what you did wrong
2020-03-07 20:37:40.345918 IronDruid: ok
2020-03-07 20:37:41.893023 taylor_iOStkin: Appeal denied. Come back after your week is up, and please think on this.
2020-03-07 20:37:45.812789 taylor_iOStkin: Please.
2020-03-07 20:37:59.851891 IronDruid: I will. Thank you for your time.
Appeal denied.
Polite conversation about religion was going on, IronDruid up and insulted someone's patron deity to their face. Standard escalation is one week. Irrelevant lines removed.
I will note that IronDruid did apologise after being called on it.
16:02 | DrFullham | I've known people that swear by Luck just as much as anyone swears by a god/dess or other spirituality |
16:03 | DrMagnus | Odin is my patron diety, but only a fool doesn't pay homage to luck. |
16:05 | DrMagnus | I'm not sure I believe in actual dieties, so much as ideals. |
16:05 | IronDruid | DrMagnus: Odin is a scumbag |
16:06 | DrMagnus | Well, that's incredibly offensive, and grounds for actually challenging you to a duel. |
16:06 | carolynn | IronDruid: yeah that's really uncool to insult a deity someone else just mentioned they have a connection with |
16:06 | MalyceGraves | IronDruid: You really think that insulting someone's Patron is a wise move? |
16:06 | DrMagnus | And if you think I'm joking, I am not. I suggest you retract that. |
16:06 | IronDruid | Ok sorry bout that |
16:07 | IronDruid | Ill take that back |
16:07 | IronDruid | DrMagnus: sorry for that |
16:07 | MalyceGraves | Uncool. |
16:07 | DrMagnus | Good. You should be, that was really fucked up. |
16:07 | IronDruid | Yeap sorry, wont happen again |
16:08 | Orchitty | I don't want to impose here, but I'd like to request |
16:08 | Orchitty | We deescalate here |
16:08 | - Tuomey has banned *!*@cheese.in.irc.chat | |
16:08 | * IronDruid was kicked by Tuomey (take a week, as per standard escalation) |
Actually, their last ban was a week; this should be a month.
~🌸~Flower Power~🌸~
I took the appeal, it's down to a 24, and ops present in opchat at the time agreed a week was a good length.
Log of the appeal follows:
2020-04-24 11:17:40 IronDruid: I would like to make an appeal
2020-04-24 11:19:15 MalyceGraves: One moment.
2020-04-24 11:19:24 IronDruid: thank you
2020-04-24 11:20:32 MalyceGraves: Please stand by, the 0p handling this is reading up.
2020-04-24 11:20:42 IronDruid: mhmm
2020-04-24 11:23:31 AbsentmindedNihilist: IronDruid: okay, ready to hear your appeal
2020-04-24 11:23:38 IronDruid: thank you
2020-04-24 11:24:37 IronDruid: I made a crude remark at Mangus, because initially, I had my own perception about the topic at hand
2020-04-24 11:25:17 IronDruid: But i didnt bother to think through my action, about whether or not what I said could offend mangus
2020-04-24 11:25:47 IronDruid: Also, what i said is hurtful not just to mangus, but other people who share the same views as him
2020-04-24 11:26:00 AbsentmindedNihilist: i'm glad you recognize that.
2020-04-24 11:26:06 IronDruid: I could have just refrained from saying what i said, and respected his perspective
2020-04-24 11:26:35 IronDruid: I didn't stop myself , but acted on impulse, and I really did not intend to offend mangus
2020-04-24 11:26:39 IronDruid: or anyone else
2020-04-24 11:27:18 IronDruid: I should have been more considerate towards other people views, instead of acting like ajerk and mocking/insulting their views
2020-04-24 11:27:55 IronDruid: This was a huge misstep on my part, and I hope that can be forgiven
2020-04-24 11:28:18 IronDruid: That is all
2020-04-24 11:28:28 AbsentmindedNihilist: IronDruid: what assurance can i have that you won't do this in the future?
2020-04-24 11:29:45 AbsentmindedNihilist: and do you understand why magnus was upset with the remark?
2020-04-24 11:29:56 IronDruid: You have my word, but that won't do much. I'm asking for your trust rather, because I will make sure to improve myself from this incident. And if this happens again, you can escalate it further, to one month, or as deemed appropriate.
2020-04-24 11:29:59 IronDruid: yes
2020-04-24 11:30:11 IronDruid: because it was something he believed in personally
2020-04-24 11:30:25 IronDruid: and by insulting that, i was belittiling him as a person
2020-04-24 11:30:25 AbsentmindedNihilist: it's a religious issue, specifically
2020-04-24 11:30:59 IronDruid: Yes, and its a very sensitive issue, which makes my action even worse
2020-04-24 11:31:07 AbsentmindedNihilist: okay.
2020-04-24 11:31:17 AbsentmindedNihilist: i think you do understand the gravity of the situation
2020-04-24 11:31:18 IronDruid: I apologise, and will do my best to be more considerate in the future
2020-04-24 11:31:28 AbsentmindedNihilist: and i'm reasonably confident that you won't do it again
2020-04-24 11:31:43 IronDruid: mhmm
2020-04-24 11:31:53 IronDruid: thank you for trusting me
2020-04-24 11:32:30 AbsentmindedNihilist: give me two minutes to discuss this
2020-04-24 11:32:41 IronDruid: alright, thank you
2020-04-24 11:34:31 AbsentmindedNihilist: IronDruid: okay.
2020-04-24 11:35:16 AbsentmindedNihilist: i'm shortening to a 24, as while you have shown understanding of the incident and i trust that you'll make an effort to be far more conscientious in future
2020-04-24 11:35:17 AbsentmindedNihilist: but
2020-04-24 11:36:12 AbsentmindedNihilist: the initial incident was egregious enough that i want to make sure that it's clear that this sort of remark isn't tolerated.
2020-04-24 11:37:00 AbsentmindedNihilist: i hope that makes sense.
2020-04-24 11:37:30 D-boi: so i registered my nickname but a cant join #site19, do you guys know why that might be the case?
2020-04-24 11:37:46 IronDruid: It does, and I understand. thank you for your understanding.
2020-04-24 11:37:54 IronDruid: Ill take my leave
Following a harassment team ban, logged here, this user has been permabanned from 19.
Unless the harassment ban ends up removed, we will not be hearing an appeal for this ban.