So, got pissy in 19 with chat staff.
bumblebeeman> Hi looking for someone to help Greenlight my concept
3:41 PM — Necrophysician slumps.
3:42 PM <Gee0666> bumblebeeman: this isn't the best way to ask
3:42 PM <BlueJones> META!
3:42 PM — BlueJones unslumps Necrophysician
3:42 PM <BlueJones> How you doing buddy?
3:42 PM → Spooky_Stark joined (~ten.mocrie.dtw-prp.ynk.3gga.B80AE2F-CRInys|oneb#ten.mocrie.dtw-prp.ynk.3gga.B80AE2F-CRInys|oneb)
3:43 PM <NamelessEvilOgre> bumblebeeman: if you are looking to attract attention to your idea, it is best to give a snippit of the narrative or summary of the idea
3:43 PM <Necrophysician> hmm
3:43 PM AbsentbodiedPoltergeist → •AbsentmindedNihilist
3:43 PM <Necrophysician> Well, sick, feel sick, as always - you know, chipping away at my sanity. The usual.
3:43 PM AbsentmindedNihilist → •AbsentbodiedPoltergeist
3:45 PM <BlueJones> Anything we can do to help, Meta?
3:45 PM <Necrophysician> Nah
3:46 PM Trying to focus my brain. Wondering if there is a "dark mode" for google docs…
3:46 PM <•AbsentbodiedPoltergeist> Necrophysician: there definitely is
3:46 PM i've found it before
3:46 PM <Necrophysician> Oh cool, will look for it
3:46 PM <•AbsentbodiedPoltergeist> ahhh
3:46 PM it's a chrome extension
3:46 PM
3:47 PM <Necrophysician> Oh neat
3:47 PM That works
3:47 PM <•AbsentbodiedPoltergeist> glad i could help
3:47 PM → Vadam joined (~zc.loi.2dnabdaorb.A7E9F026-CRInys|criigc#zc.loi.2dnabdaorb.A7E9F026-CRInys|criigc)
3:47 PM <Necrophysician> I'll look to see if there is a firefox version
3:48 PM Turn on the dark.
3:49 PM Sweet.
3:49 PM
<bumblebeeman> Okay then I'm looking for someone to help greenlight my skip, My skip was originally a college student until she was kidnapped and altered into a human chimera hybrid and has the anomalous ability to locate things, she was pick up by the foundation, spoiler alert she's a sleeper agent
3:49 PM <Necrophysician> So much better for my eyes.
3:49 PM And saw edna mention earlier that it can help with dyselxia.
3:50 PM <•AbsentbodiedPoltergeist> bumblebeeman: that is a whole lot in one skip, my friend
3:50 PM <stormspooken>'t%20work%20terribly%20well%20with%20Reddit
doesn't work terribly well with Reddit260.96KB • image/png
3:50 PM dangit why do I keep putting the message in the filename field
3:50 PM <•AbsentbodiedPoltergeist> you may want to pare down the story you want to tell
3:50 PM <stormspooken> doesn't work terribly well with reddit
image.png260.96KB • image/png
3:51 PM <DrLycus> .au lycus
3:51 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> DrLycus: DrLycus - ( has 6 pages. (2 SCP articles, 3 Tales, 0 GoI Formats, 0 others.) They have 592 net upvotes with an average of 98. Their latest page is Dust and Shopper's Rewards at 18.
3:51 PM
3:51 PM this tweet made me laugh out loud
3:51 PM <Necrophysician> Haha
3:51 PM <DrLycus> so close to a nice even number
3:51 PM <•edna> bumblebeeman: From what I've seen, you have not made any edits from last time. Despite multiple reviewers telling you that this idea will not work as is.
3:52 PM <•AbsentbodiedPoltergeist> oh god
3:52 PM <•AbsentbodiedPoltergeist> trump literally used the phrase "in my great and unmatched wisdom" without even a HINT of irony
3:52 PM
<kinch> isnt it wild that people who were like super pro apartheid are still alive
3:52 PM <Gee0666> AbsentbodiedPoltergeist: oh god I know
3:52 PM
<bumblebeeman> Her ability and and altered body play into the fact she's a sleeper agent
3:52 PM ⇐ LordofSlaughter quit (moc.duolccri.llewkcorb.1B0BF7E2-CRInys|748872diu#moc.duolccri.llewkcorb.1B0BF7E2-CRInys|748872diu) Quit: Connection closed for inactivity
3:52 PM
<kinch> and like doing things that arent living in like… a ditch
3:52 PM ⇐ Vadam quit (~zc.loi.2dnabdaorb.A7E9F026-CRInys|criigc#zc.loi.2dnabdaorb.A7E9F026-CRInys|criigc) Quit: CGI:IRC
3:53 PM <•AbsentbodiedPoltergeist> bumblebeeman: the ability and the altered body don't match up
3:53 PM <Gee0666> bumblebeeman: sounds an awful lot like a generic superpowered human too
3:53 PM <•edna> bumblebeeman: That doesn't matter though, multiple people have told you that this won't work.
3:53 PM <•AbsentbodiedPoltergeist> gee is correct
3:53 PM <Gee0666> Did you read RockTeethMothEyes' crit? Because that perfectly explains my view on this
3:54 PM <•AbsentbodiedPoltergeist> yes, his crit also summarizes my feelings on the concept.
3:54 PM <Gee0666> I know he didn't see the full story, but that doesn't fix the anomaly
3:54 PM <Maw-tiverse> anyone up to read a 211 word draft about a painting grenade
3:54 PM .au mew
3:54 PM
<FreeFull> Are there any SCPs where you have to rotate them 720° to get back to the starting position? (rather than just 360°)
3:54 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> Maw-tiverse: Mew-ltiverse - ( has 14 pages. (8 SCP articles, 3 Tales, 0 GoI Formats, 2 others.) They have 497 net upvotes with an average of 35. Their latest page is SCP-4542: Bug Bunnies at 20.
3:54 PM <Maw-tiverse> 3 more to 500 lets go bois
3:55 PM that is a really specific question
3:55 PM <•AbsentbodiedPoltergeist> FreeFull: i think there's a j scp about a charger
3:55 PM <Gee0666> FreeFull: not off the top of my head, but it would need a bit more to it than that
3:55 PM
<bumblebeeman> I've seen some of the other 4000 series I really don't think my idea is so far fetched by comparrison
3:55 PM <•AbsentbodiedPoltergeist> that you have to do that to get it to go in
3:55 PM <Gee0666> bumblebeeman: 4969 is good.
3:55 PM <•taylor_work> ya ever just been tired
3:55 PM → Vadam joined (~zc.loi.2dnabdaorb.A7E9F026-CRInys|madaV#zc.loi.2dnabdaorb.A7E9F026-CRInys|madaV)
3:55 PM
<FreeFull> I mean, just that property on its own isn't enough
3:55 PM <Maw-tiverse> tho ive asked a specific question and gotten the answer yes so
3:55 PM <Gee0666> that doesn't make your concept good
3:55 PM <Maw-tiverse> taylor_work: you mean like me right now
3:55 PM <•AbsentbodiedPoltergeist> bumblebeeman: the difference is that those authors are also exceptionally experienced and know how to make a concept interesting. you haven't demonstrated skill ike that.
3:56 PM
<FreeFull> You could always tie it into quantum mechanics
3:56 PM <•edna> bumblebeeman: How old are you?
3:56 PM <•AbsentbodiedPoltergeist> hang on, i'll finf it
3:56 PM .s j scps
3:56 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> AbsentbodiedPoltergeist: Did you mean : Joke SCPs - Tales Edition, SunnyClockwork's Artwork - Joke SCPs, The Janitor (who cleans up after messy SCPs), ?
3:56 PM <•AbsentbodiedPoltergeist> .sm 1
3:56 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> AbsentbodiedPoltergeist: Joke SCPs - Tales Edition (Rating: +6. Written 32 days ago By: Elogee FishTruck) -
3:56 PM <•edna> This is a question I expect an answer to.
3:56 PM <•AbsentbodiedPoltergeist> nope
3:56 PM .s joke scps
3:56 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> AbsentbodiedPoltergeist: Did you mean : Joke SCPs - Tales Edition, SunnyClockwork's Artwork - Joke SCPs, ?
3:56 PM ⇐ •anqxyr quit (~PI.E770AD1.E3967AFC.9EBA60A8|ryxqna#PI.E770AD1.E3967AFC.9EBA60A8|ryxqna) Ping timeout: 184 seconds
3:56 PM <•AbsentbodiedPoltergeist> .s joke
3:56 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> AbsentbodiedPoltergeist: Did you mean : That's The Joke, Joke SCPs - Tales Edition, SunnyClockwork's Artwork - Joke SCPs, No Joke, SCP-690: Joke Bandages, SCP-2293: An Inside Joke, A god, a joke, and some ducks, SCP-3369: A Living Joke, SCP-2719-J: an inside joke, ?
3:56 PM <•AbsentbodiedPoltergeist> what the hell
3:57 PM <Gee0666>
3:57 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> Gee0666: Joke SCPs: Some of the best articles on the site are clever and funny. Make sure yours is before you add it. (Rating: +50. Written 8 years ago By: TroyL) -
3:57 PM <Gee0666> that's a long title
3:57 PM <•AbsentbodiedPoltergeist> why the HELL did that not show up
3:57 PM <stormspooken> scp-999-j
3:57 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> stormspooken: SCP-999-J: Creepy Speedo Man (Rating: +496. Written 7 years ago By: namedaftercolor, salman corbette, wilt) -
3:57 PM <•AbsentbodiedPoltergeist> bumblebeeman: you do have to answer this question. if you do not, we will assume you are underage and kick you
3:57 PM <Gee0666> .s Make sure yours is
3:57 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> Gee0666: Joke SCPs: Some of the best articles on the site are clever and funny. Make sure yours is before you add it. (Rating: +50. Written 8 years ago By: TroyL) -
3:57 PM <Gee0666> haha
3:57 PM
<bumblebeeman> 21
3:58 PM <•edna> Then start acting like it.
3:58 PM <•AbsentbodiedPoltergeist> where the FUCK is this one j???
3:59 PM
<bumblebeeman> Sure I'll start making more serious stories like jellyfish condoms
3:59 PM <Gee0666> It doesn't need to be serious
4:00 PM Just good
4:00 PM ← bumblebeeman (||criigc) was kicked by •edna: Don't sass chat staff.
So there was the warning kick. This behavior continued into critters, as they started shotgunning ideas while being shitty to crit staff.
bumblebeeman> A horseshoe that grants infinite luck
5:00 PM <•Mewl-ltiverse> im also going to just note ive got a 211 word draft about a painting grenade that needs some looksies
5:00 PM
<PeppersGhost> Night! Hanks a ton!
5:00 PM Poop they left
5:00 PM Thanks to you too Mew!
5:00 PM <•Mewl-ltiverse> ill tell them latter aha, and no problem! that was very enjoyable
5:00 PM
<PeppersGhost> ❤️
5:01 PM <•Mewl-ltiverse> might even draw fan art for it I really liked it
5:01 PM
<NuclearPill> i posted on the forum already I can link that or summarize it here (ive changed a few things since then)
5:01 PM <•Mewl-ltiverse> bumblebeeman: that's a fairly cliche idea, due to horse shoes being a symbol of luck plus that's just a thing that does a thing unless you can expand
5:02 PM NuclearPill: just sum it up for me
5:03 PM <•Gee0666> bumblebeeman: this is literally a single out of context sentence
5:03 PM
<NuclearPill> basically its a football that when used in any game eventually ramps up the game's intensity as it goes along and eventually leads to the opposing teams fighting each other to the death
5:03 PM <•Gee0666> I understand it is a concept, but try to be more courteous
5:04 PM
<bumblebeeman> It's mainly suppose to be a joke skip in that it grants you luck to the point of annoyance
5:04 PM <Skelesky> Hello fellow kidz
5:04 PM <•Mewl-ltiverse> subjectively, that's not very humorous bumblebeeman
5:04 PM <Skelesky> kool kid sky has a tale that needz critting
5:04 PM <•Gee0666> You have completely avoided my comment. There is a correct way to attempt to receive conceptual crit, and this isn't it
5:05 PM And I don't think that would be funny. I don't see how it could be realistically annoying, and we've already got things like SCP-181
5:06 PM <•Mewl-ltiverse> what is the joke supposed to be? its not that funny to me personally to be so lucky it becomes annoying it can legit have social reprimands
5:06 PM that's just me
5:06 PM <Skelesky> it has potential
5:06 PM imo
5:06 PM
<bumblebeeman> Like people start praising you for simple things like brushing your teeth
5:06 PM <•Gee0666> that's not even luck
5:07 PM that's just people being weird, not something I think is lucky
5:07 PM <Skelesky> that's unwanted attention tho
5:07 PM <•Mewl-ltiverse> NuclearPill: hm, a bit cliche. I like the idea of it ramping up the game's intensity, but the fighting to the death thing is a bit much
5:07 PM but this has potential if you take it right
5:07 PM bumblebeeman: you are not listening to our criticism
5:07 PM
<bumblebeeman> Basically it's suppose to be a portable version of that Twilight Zone episode: 'A Nice Place to Visit'
5:08 PM <•Gee0666> If it exists already then it's not a great idea
5:08 PM <Skelesky> NuclearPill: going off of what mew said, I think that instead of fighting to the death, maybe playing until they die of exhaustion?
5:08 PM <•Gee0666> Unoriginal at best, plagiarism at worst
5:08 PM <•Mewl-ltiverse> NuclearPill: I say no death
5:08 PM <Skelesky> but like fr anyone wanna crit my tale
5:08 PM <•Mewl-ltiverse> this idea doesn't need death in it
5:08 PM Skelesky: how long
5:08 PM <Skelesky> extremely short
5:08 PM it looked longer on paper h
5:09 PM <•Mewl-ltiverse> Skelesky: pm me link ill look over it later
5:09 PM → •TheFrightyMcB (opped) joined
5:09 PM
<NuclearPill> that could maybe work better, tho it will be harder to fit with the other idea of the skip which was the lasting hatred opposing team members would have
5:10 PM so even if they were seperated before they could harm each other they would still have a inexplicable hatred for anyone on the opposing team
5:10 PM <•Gee0666> bumblebeeman: are you just going to disappear?
5:11 PM
<NuclearPill> perhaps it could work better if the game was intensified but perhaps not to the point of murder but just so that whoevers playing cant stand each other or something of that sort
5:12 PM <•Mewl-ltiverse> Gee0666: I think you can do a derivative of a previously done idea, but it has to be done really well in order to not be a copy or too similar to be enjoyable
5:12 PM <Skelesky> anyone else wanna look over my tale, I need crit
5:12 PM <•Gee0666> bumblebeeman: Because this critting experience is even more painful if you just don't reply
5:12 PM Mewl-ltiverse: oh, I know. But that's not what it sounded like
5:12 PM <•Mewl-ltiverse> ah gotcha
5:13 PM NuclearPill: what if it was the audience that takes the hit
5:14 PM <Skelesky> ooo
5:14 PM <•Mewl-ltiverse> so im gonna propose a slightly different idea
5:14 PM so this football intensifies the passion of the fans
5:14 PM → Spooky_Stark joined (~ten.mocrie.dtw-prp.ynk.3gga.B80AE2F-CRInys|oneb#ten.mocrie.dtw-prp.ynk.3gga.B80AE2F-CRInys|oneb)
5:14 PM <Skelesky> oh shit that's good
5:14 PM <•Mewl-ltiverse> they'll argue over every little thing purely because they are from opposing teems
5:14 PM *teams
5:15 PM they'll argue online, they'll argue verbally and physically
5:15 PM they just genuinely despise each other
5:15 PM some of them will jump to the field during the game to sabotage the other team, or to help their team due to devotion
5:15 PM what about that NuclearPill
5:16 PM <Skelesky> lmao laser pointers
5:16 PM
<NuclearPill> hmm let me think
5:16 PM <•Mewl-ltiverse> it's a bit differently, but the intensity turning into fighting over football aspect is still there
5:16 PM *different
5:16 PM
<bumblebeeman> Here's an idea a severed penis that grants magical abilities
5:16 PM
<NuclearPill> see part of what I already had planned was a interview log with a brother of someone of the opposing team, where they'd begin hating their brother being the interesting part
5:17 PM <Skelesky> bumblebeeman: no
5:17 PM
<NuclearPill> i wonder if I can adapt it to something liek that
5:17 PM like*
5:17 PM <Skelesky> would the effect carry over to animals?
5:17 PM
<NuclearPill> animal spectators?
5:17 PM <•Gee0666> bumblebeeman: no
5:17 PM <•Mewl-ltiverse> bumblebeeman: that is not funny.
5:18 PM
<bumblebeeman> Your right, my bad it's already been done
5:18 PM <Skelesky> like if it was like a family playing football
5:18 PM and the family dog is being cute and like watching or smth
5:18 PM would the dog get mad?
5:18 PM
<NuclearPill> interesting, though I wonder how an animal would pick a side
5:18 PM <•Gee0666> bumblebeeman: can you just like, fucking stop?
5:18 PM This is voluntary work, and you're going to get nowhere with this attitude
5:19 PM <•Mewl-ltiverse> Dude you're on very thin ice, bumblebeeman.
5:19 PM <Skelesky> maybe like if a dog's owner and someone else played
5:19 PM and the dog attacked them
5:20 PM or other spectaters
5:20 PM spectators
5:20 PM ← bumblebeeman (||criigc) was kicked by •Mewl-ltiverse: You need to stop. You got warning, dude.
24 hour, hostmask is
On the main site they have a nondisc, that shows the same behavior as here:
EDIT: So they just tried to join 19 under a new nick, then dropped by 17.
<Athena> hello
5:45 PM <•edna> Hello bumblebeeman.
5:46 PM You have been banned for 24 hours, if you would like to appeal I will get someone to take your appeal.
5:46 PM If not, please leave this channel.
5:46 PM
<Athena> so no fooling you, very well I'll leave
5:47 PM
<•MurderofCrows> That's a permanent ban
5:47 PM Congratulations on being a dumbass.
5:47 PM → Limepop joined ← Athena left ⇐ •ARD quit
Now it's a permanent ban, play stupid games win stupid prizes.