Came into 19, spewed nonsense, was told to stop, was kicked, continued, was banned. Then came into 17 for much of the same.
[18:08] =-= Mode #site19 +b *!* by Wogglebug
[17:50] -->| Peace (||ecaeP) has joined #site19
[18:04] Peace Google, search dick pics.
[18:04] Live2Die
[18:04] Davsto |:
[18:04] Peace Google, sort by size.
[18:04] Peace Google, zoom in. Enhance.
[18:05] Davsto pls nu
[18:05] Bennings .gis tumbleweed
[18:05] Alexandra Bennings:
[18:05] Peace Google, send winking face to beachdude18.
[18:05] JamJam66 Uh
[18:05] JamJam66 What
[18:05] Bennings Ops
[18:06] Wogglebug Hi
[18:06] PhotosynWORKtic Hi there. What's up?
[18:06] PhotosynWORKtic …Peace.
[18:06] PhotosynWORKtic Stop that, please.
[18:06] Peace Tumbleweeds run away faster than you can smoke it.
[18:06] Wogglebug Bruh.
[18:07] Peace Yo bruh.
[18:07] Decibelle Peace: please stop acting incoherently. thank you
[18:07] Wogglebug Like, just uh, stop not making any sense.
[18:07] =-= Peace was booted from #site19 by PhotosynWORKtic (Quit trolling, please.)
[18:07] -->| Peace (||ecaeP) has joined #site19
[18:07] EldritchCyanide That also works : P
[18:07] Peace Dude, is it because I'm black?
[18:07] Decibelle Djoric: thank you for the reply to my tell btw
[18:08] Djoric no prob
[18:08] Djoric Decibelle: also. LISA the joyful next month
[18:08] kaktus Yeah no
[18:08] Djoric GEY HYPE
[18:08] Davsto …
[18:08] kaktus Wogglebug
[18:08] === Peace <||ecaeP> “Peace”
[18:08] === Peace is a registered nick
[18:08] === Peace: member of #site19, #site17, #xyuu, #Workcrew, #weeb, #toronto, #ssb, #secret, #sa, #rarelyused, #progress, #perth, #oi, #goonstation, #goonlifter, #byob8.3, and #atheism
[18:08] === Peace: attached to “FooNet Server”
[18:08] === Peace is using a Secure Connection
[18:08] --- End of WHOIS information for Peace.
[18:08] Djoric *GET
[18:08] Decibelle im so hype you dont even know
[18:08] Wogglebug Hi kaktus
[18:08] PhotosynWORKtic Peace, no, it's because you are behaving incoherently and showing little evidence that you understand the rules of this chatroom.
[18:08] Wogglebug oh lol
[18:08] kaktus Do the thing.
[18:08] |<-- ImQ009 has left (Quit: Leaving)
[18:08] AndarielHalo ohai kaktus
[18:08] =-= Mode #site19 +b *!* by Wogglebug
[Discussion with ops in SSSC, events in 17]
[18:10] =-= Peace was booted from #site19 by YOU (Permanent ban.)
[17:50] -->| Peace (||ecaeP) has joined #site17
[18:09] Peace Site19 don't like black people.
[18:09] EldritchCyanide Please stop trolling.
[18:09] Peace False statement.
[18:09] Decibelle Peace: are you here to appeal your ban? if so, stop trolling and explain why you feel like you should be unbanned.
[18:10] Peace I should be unbanned because it's a small hassle to ban evade.
[18:10] Peace But a hassle never the less.
[18:10] Decibelle i see.
[18:10] Decibelle well, in any case, your ban will be permenant.
[18:10] Peace Will be what? I didn't understand that last word.
[18:10] PhotosynWORKtic <Peace> Site19 don't like black people. < No. False statement. Site19 don't like trolls.
[18:11] Peace False. You're a troll.
[18:11] PhotosynWORKtic And it likes ban evaders even less.
[18:11] Decibelle Peace: you will never be unbanned.
[18:11] =-= Mode #site17 +b *!* by Wogglebug
[18:11] Decibelle ever.
[18:11] kaktus Enough.
[18:11] PhotosynWORKtic …No.
[18:11] <--| Peace has left #site17
They'll likely pop up again. Who knows.