User captnq has been posting on site for a single day. And he's managed to run up no less than three staff posts.
The first can be found here, in which he utterly flips his shit at Lurk for providing formatting advice.
Is a coffee elemental unique and a worthy addition?
That was the question. Not, how do I format. I can format. I just wanted to know if I shouldn't bother investing anymore time into this.
Sorry if my original post was not clear as to exactly what I wanted feedback about. Because, you know, actually asking the question did not seem to be clear enough.
In the future, how should I ask a question, if I would like it to be answered?
Woggle got that one.
And the second, on a draft thread
Okay… Seriously?
Book Of Azvarter
Really? I'm sorry. I really don't find this funny. Nor Scary.
What's your point? Start at the end, not at the begining. Where do you want to end up? Do I want people do go, "Awww…" Or go, "Ewww…" It's usually better to start at the WHAM then work your way back to the beginning, then start at the beginning and get to a WHAM.
Horrible pun, BTW. How about… The Book of Pyrus Incendium? At least it's sort of thematic for setting things on fire?
BTW, do you even know how spellbooks usually worked? Go read a few read world examples, it will help.
Now, if you want a spooky book, have someone make a new one. Like there are about a half dozen versions of the Necronomicon out there. Have someone make a "supercut" of all the best parts of all the necronomicons on a PDF. Then have it make his house implode and leave behind a MTH (Multi-Tenticle Horror) that is really confused since he was working at the equivalent to Weenie Hut in Cronenburg-World before the dimensional folding dragged him here.
"I just want to go to college!"
Then have him find part of another alien horror in the wreckage of the house. It's his one true love, *Horrible screeching sound only half heard by the human ear*
"Oh, *Sound like someone gargling broken glass*! What.. what happened? I… We were going to be married! I just asked her! We were going to go to college together and… and… You… you HORRORS! YOU MONSTERS!!! YOU KILLED HER! YOU KILLED HER!!"
Then they gun down the teen-age MTH because he goes on a rampage killing people in a suburb of Sanduskly, Ohio.
Deci officially warned, and PM'd.
And then, the third. This happened immediately following the official warning and before the PM was finished, so he probably hadn't seen it yet.
Draft thread
Okay. First. Go to TVTropes. Read the website until you realize how bad an idea this is.
Then, once you realize how bad this idea is, do it anyways. First you must understand the suck, before you can hope to Cross the line twice.
Because, really, it's the only hope this idea has.
Don't just make it a tentacle portal that has tentacles, have it be the door to a god-damn amusement park where people willingly enter to have tentacles shoved down/into various orifices. The entire other side is like a Cronenburg version of Disney world.
You'll have to go so far into this that you will feel like you have tentacles up your ass in order to make this idea work. Seriously. I don't know if you are prepared to really go all the way on this one. I mean, you need to go all the way and then some on this one to make it work. You need to make it so people will consider calling the police on you. You have to come up with an idea so brilliant, You will get job offers from Japanese Hentai producers.
Otherwise, people will dismiss it as lame and you shouldn't bother. You're dealing with a really jaded group of people here. It won't be easy to make something that causes them to have problems sleeping at night.
To which I staffposted a restatement of the official warning.
Recommending ban on next infraction.