<LucidDreamer> Living like a billionaire would be awesome
2:58 PM — BlueJones comes into site19 to kick ass and chew bubblegum… and he's out of ass, so who's got any gum?
2:58 PM <BlueJones> Sup
2:58 PM <LordofLaugh> I have coconut espresso snacks
2:58 PM Pretty chewy
2:59 PM <Gee0765> .gis stonks
2:59 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> Gee0765: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/499/826/2f0.png - Stonks | Know Your Meme
2:59 PM <LucidDreamer> They don't have to worry about money
2:59 PM <Gee0765> rattles: ^
2:59 PM <rattles> ah. i see
2:59 PM it's all so clear now
3:00 PM
<TRutherford> All they worry about is money.
3:00 PM That's their entire lives.
3:00 PM <BlueJones> Mind if I ask, how does MTF Tau-5 retain their memories whenever they die? Like, do they use some tech in their head to send to Foundation servers?
3:00 PM <Gee0765> also, fuck billionaires
3:00 PM They're all awful people
3:00 PM And you can't change my mind on this
3:00 PM <LucidDreamer> For having money?
3:00 PM <rattles> billionaires are smaug
3:00 PM
<TRutherford> Bring back the Guillotine for the rich.
3:00 PM <Gee0765> Yes. And not helping people out
3:01 PM
<•soulonphone> Wanna see something utterly terrifying
3:01 PM https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/lay7HGul/IMG_1759.JPG
IMG_1759.JPG179.04KB • image/jpeg
3:01 PM <Gee0765> There is no way that someone /needs/ that much money
3:01 PM <LucidDreamer> I intend on being a billionaire one day.
3:01 PM <Gee0765> And there are people who do need it
3:01 PM <rattles> LucidDreamer: watch the hobbit movies, or rather just the scene where bilbo makes it to the mountain and there's this massive pile of gold
3:01 PM
<•soulonphone> Look at the size of that smile
3:01 PM
<XilasCrowe> BlueJones: however you want
3:01 PM ⇐ BoogeyMobile23 quit (moc.duolccri.nevahenots.3D9C5318-CRInys|728152diu#moc.duolccri.nevahenots.3D9C5318-CRInys|728152diu) Quit: Connection closed for inactivity
3:01 PM <BlueJones> soulonphone: MY GOD! THE HORROR!!!
3:02 PM
<•soulonphone> BlueJones: yeah humans smiling in pictures is honestly terrifying
3:02 PM <BlueJones> XilasCrowe: But is it like ever explained how they do it?
3:02 PM <rattles> then imagine the greed necessary to want it all for yourself, and you'll understand, hopefully, why billionaires are bad
3:02 PM <LucidDreamer> I really find it hard to care for strangers
3:02 PM
<XilasCrowe> I mean probably somewhere
3:02 PM But hell if I know
3:02 PM <BlueJones> soulonphone: Why is that… thing smiling!
3:02 PM → supersnail joined (~moc.rr.ser.lacos.018EF8FC-CRInys|criigc#moc.rr.ser.lacos.018EF8FC-CRInys|criigc)
3:03 PM
<•soulonphone> LucidDreamer: where’s that meme where someone says “I don’t know how to explain how it’s good to care about other people”
3:03 PM — BlueJones curls up in a ball and starts to cry from seeing the… HORROR!
3:03 PM
<LittleFieryOne> Is MTF Tau 5 the cyborg one that was in that interdemensional site scip?
3:03 PM <Gee0765> LucidDreamer: you don't have to actively care for them, but you can just give some money
3:03 PM
<weryllium> LittleFieryOne: yes
3:03 PM
<•soulonphone> Found it
3:03 PM “I Don’t Know How To Explain To You That You Should Care About Other People”
3:03 PM ⇐ TheRealKyza quit (~PI.5ACED2F4.6C17768A.F1956077|azyK#PI.5ACED2F4.6C17768A.F1956077|azyK) Connection reset by peer
3:03 PM <NamelessMediocre> LittleFieryOne: yup, AKA Samsara
3:03 PM → Kyza joined (~moc.rr.ser.oen.EA2E7EAF-CRInys|azyK#moc.rr.ser.oen.EA2E7EAF-CRInys|azyK)
3:03 PM <LucidDreamer> Once you give some, they'll never stop asking
3:04 PM
<LittleFieryOne> Ah. That explains how some of them died but were in the interviews afterward.
3:04 PM
<supersnail> .l
3:04 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> supersnail: SCP-4693: !!WATCH FLIPPIN' FIT FOREIGN CHICKS ENTERTAIN YOU LIVE!! (Written 5 hours ago By: Swaghetti) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-4693
3:04 PM supersnail: REMEMBER (Written 15 hours ago By: DrLycus) - http://scp-wiki.net/remember
3:04 PM supersnail: SCP-4579: Schrodinger's Duck… Or Not (Written 15 hours ago By: Simartar) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-4579
3:04 PM
<weryllium> yeah they essentially just boot a previous save into a new body
3:04 PM <Gee0765> LucidDreamer: and while you're still a billionaire, you should keep giving
3:04 PM <BlueJones> Oh so they do a back up of themselves!
3:04 PM
<•soulonphone> LucidDreamer: the issue with wanting to be a billionaire above all is that actual often billionaires kill people with their systematic abuse of human rights in the pursuit of money
3:05 PM <BlueJones> That actually makes a whole load of sense now for Tau-5
3:05 PM
<weryllium> did you read the original samsara miniseries contest bits
3:05 PM <LucidDreamer> Well, yeah. You want to be among the elite, you've gotta be ruthless.
3:05 PM
<weryllium> goes into more explanation
3:05 PM
<•soulonphone> LucidDreamer: generally, once you stop caring about how your actions are leading to the death and suffering of others because you’re benefiting from their death and suffering, you’re considered mortally evil
3:05 PM *morally
3:05 PM <Gee0765> LucidDreamer: so why be an asshole
3:05 PM when you can not be an asshole
3:05 PM
<LittleFieryOne> I did not. It kind of explains also why the tone of that scip changed at that point.
3:06 PM <BlueJones> Wery: Not really, I've read the Prometheus Labs format and their SCP counter part
3:06 PM
<•TyGently> it's almost as if samsara was a pre-established mtf before its inclusion in 1730
3:06 PM <LucidDreamer> Cause being an asshole seems to get you a better life.
3:06 PM
<weryllium> TyGently: i thought kaktus invented them /s
3:06 PM
<•TyGently> weryllium: ;w;
3:06 PM <LucidDreamer> If exploiting people is the only way to become a billionaire
3:06 PM <Gee0765> But overall, you're making the world worse
3:06 PM
<•soulonphone> LucidDreamer: actually
3:06 PM <LucidDreamer> Then exploit I wikk
3:06 PM
<•soulonphone> LucidDreamer: your quality of life stagnates wel below a billion
3:06 PM <LucidDreamer> *will
3:06 PM <Gee0765> And that's an absurdly selfish way to live your life
3:06 PM <•JazSleep> .seen A_Sack_Of_Potatoes
3:06 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> I last saw A_Sack_Of_Potatoes 89 days ago saying: what needs to be hidden or revealed
3:07 PM
<weryllium> my favorite bit is always the part with the loadouts and the storming the building scene
3:07 PM → literallymechanical joined • JazSleep → •Jazstar
3:07 PM
<•soulonphone> LucidDreamer: scientifically you should be aiming for like ~500k or something
3:07 PM
<literallymechanical> Hello friendos
3:07 PM <•Jazstar> im the real jazstar
3:07 PM <LucidDreamer> How does life stagnate when you have a billion fucking dollars
3:07 PM <•Jazstar> I promise
3:07 PM
<•soulonphone> LucidDreamer: because you stop being happier
3:07 PM
<weryllium> "generate tiny portal to hell to distort bullets and minimize impact" is great with the only side effect being "oh yeah it shoots gamma radiation when you do that"
3:07 PM
<•soulonphone> It’s just true
3:07 PM <Gee0765> Jazstar: I don't believe you
3:07 PM
<weryllium> Jazstar: prove it
3:07 PM <LucidDreamer> That's a lie poor people tell themselves
3:07 PM
<XilasCrowe> I’m stilll waiting for Mobile Toddler Force 2, wherein something goes wrong with samsara’s pods and they come out 2 years old
3:07 PM <•Jazstar> Gee0765 weryllium I can kick you to demonstrate
3:07 PM :P
3:08 PM
<XilasCrowe> But still retain their badassery
3:08 PM → DianaBerry joined (dellacer.neeb.sah.anaid|861373diu#dellacer.neeb.sah.anaid|861373diu)
3:08 PM
<weryllium> do it if you got the courage
3:08 PM XilasCrowe: yess
3:08 PM <•Jazstar> I won't, and that's what proves I'm me!
3:08 PM
<•soulonphone> LucidDreamer: at a certain point you stop being happier correlated with money
3:08 PM
<LittleFieryOne> LucidDreamer: Ever watch bojack horseman? Just because you have access do evetythign doesn't mean everythign is alright.
3:08 PM → Bardbarb joined (~moc.murtceps.ser.EFB59B6E-CRInys|criigc#moc.murtceps.ser.EFB59B6E-CRInys|criigc)
3:08 PM
<•soulonphone> LucidDreamer: it’s basic science
3:08 PM <LucidDreamer> Show me your sources.
3:08 PM <Gee0765> Logic?
3:08 PM <•Jazstar> LucidDreamer: Are you serious?
3:08 PM
<•soulonphone> LucidDreamer: anything else is a lie the rich tell themselves
3:08 PM Lol
3:08 PM <•Jazstar> This is a well known fact
3:08 PM <Gee0765> soulonphone: fuck I was gonna do that
3:09 PM
<weryllium> i mean extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof
3:09 PM <•Jazstar> Money can make life easier
3:09 PM But it does not necessarily bring happiness
3:09 PM
<weryllium> movies aren't real life, obviously
3:09 PM <LucidDreamer> How the fuck dies having more money=sadness
3:09 PM *does
3:09 PM
<weryllium> what's that old saying "money doesn't buy happiness but i'd rather cry on a yacht than in an alley"
3:09 PM <Gee0765> no, no that's not what soul meant
3:09 PM <•Jazstar> weryllium: pfft
3:09 PM
<•TyGently> weryllium: I love that part in particular because in a single tale sirpudding managed to completely define the things samsara would forever be known for, and it almost didn't happen that way
3:09 PM <Gee0765> There's a point at which more money doesn't equal more happiness
3:09 PM And it's before 1 billion
3:09 PM
<weryllium> TyGently: oh?
3:09 PM <•Jazstar> Well before 1 billion
3:10 PM <LucidDreamer> I still intend to get to a billion
3:10 PM
<weryllium> do tell, i love these kinds of behind-the-scenes stories
3:10 PM <NamelessMediocre> what they meant was that after a certain point, it doesn't really impact your life any more to be a millionaire than a billionaire
3:10 PM <•Jazstar> …
3:10 PM Ooooohkay
3:10 PM
<•soulonphone> LucidDreamer: https://psidonline.isr.umich.edu
3:10 PM This is the longest running study of family incomes dude
3:10 PM <Gee0765> LucidDreamer: and how do you plan to do this?
3:10 PM
<LittleFieryOne> LucidDreamer: When you can buy anythign, what's the point of having more money?
3:11 PM <LucidDreamer> It's about power.
3:11 PM <Gee0765> Are you going to use child labour, or just regular immoral actions?
3:11 PM <•Jazstar> I
3:11 PM <LucidDreamer> That's what I want
3:11 PM <•Jazstar> I
3:11 PM
<•soulonphone> LucidDreamer: your happiness begins to stop being correlated with money past like 200k
3:11 PM <•Jazstar> What the fuck is happening right now
3:11 PM
<literallymechanical> This is anecdata, but I’ve seen it happen. Once you get to the point where you don’t have to worry anymore, once rent and healthcare and stuff aren’t an issue, and you can impulse buy even kinda small stuff without worrying, money just gets kinda meaningless in a weird way? And then the lifelong drive of “make money” feels sour
3:11 PM <Metaphysician> Wasting my day on hold on the phone.
3:11 PM <Gee0765> Jazstar: I have no fucking clue tbh
3:11 PM
<•soulonphone> LucidDreamer: also a billionaire isn’t even enough money for power these days tbh, so you should reconsider lol
3:11 PM <BlueJones> Thats pretty much a toxic way of thinking. Its quite similar to what I had LucidDreamer, pretty much thinking that because your nice, you don't get much in life. Being an asshole is what makes life go forward. If you're a genuine nice guy, don't change who you are to get to that billion. Find an alternative method to getting that billion without resorting to being like the rest
3:11 PM
<weryllium> someone isn't conforming to the commie coolaid jaz :p
3:11 PM
<•soulonphone> If you want power you need a lot more than a billion
3:11 PM <Metaphysician> Hmm, that doesn't explain why the rich seem to hoard wealth.
3:11 PM And covet more and more.
3:11 PM <•Jazstar> weryllium: Guess they gotta go to the camp
3:11 PM <Gee0765> Money is barely power tbh, you need connections too
3:12 PM
<Drakkar> why does kazooie carry banjo all day when she's the top
3:12 PM — •Jazstar sends LucidDreamer to a teenage bonding camp
3:12 PM
<•TyGently> weryllium: yeah, sirpudding was our team's actual military person who knew how things worked irl. when it came time to write the AAR, we realized there was a bunch of miscommunication between sirpudding and the rest of the group
3:12 PM <Metaphysician> Status has a greater meaning to these types
3:12 PM <LucidDreamer> Really?
3:12 PM <Metaphysician> No different from the aristocrats of old.
3:12 PM
<literallymechanical> I’ve got a bunch of software engineer friends making 6 figures right out of college and they’re all slowly sliding into deeper depression
3:12 PM
<•soulonphone> Yeah
3:12 PM <LucidDreamer> I'm a teenager for wanting money and power?
3:12 PM <•Jazstar> LucidDreamer: What
3:12 PM No
3:12 PM I was
3:12 PM
<•soulonphone> literallymechanical is 100% correct
3:12 PM <•Jazstar> Making a joke about sending you to a camp
3:12 PM
<•TyGently> weryllium: he had come to think that there were actually *16* respawning soldiers, because 4 isn't enough for respawning to be especially tactically useful in real combat
3:12 PM <Metaphysician> Those who crave power are usually the least likely to deserve it.
3:12 PM <Gee0765> literallymechanical: no they're happy because they have money, duh
3:12 PM <•Jazstar> But then I didn't want to make fun of actual horrific camps
3:12 PM <Crashington> scp-4534
3:12 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> Crashington: SCP-4534: Thousands Of Photographs Of My Favourite Women (Rating: +102. Written 127 days ago By: Crashington) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-4534
3:13 PM <•Jazstar> So I sent you to the next worst thing. A teenage camp.
3:13 PM
<•soulonphone> Being rich doesn’t correlate with happiness beyond upper middle/upper class
3:13 PM <Metaphysician> The world doesn't need more sociopaths playing at ruling the world.
3:13 PM
<•TyGently> weryllium: so in overcoming this issue, he came up with the solution that really, these four troopers must be pretty goddamn powerful to the point that they are operated less like infantry and more like walking tanks
3:13 PM
<•soulonphone> Not even power correlated with happiness beyond that
3:13 PM <Gee0765> Basically, you get happier when you're not poor, but after that there's no change
3:13 PM <Metaphysician> A lack of worries, for the average person, matters most.
3:13 PM
<•soulonphone> Gee0765: yes
3:13 PM <Metaphysician> But then, if you are raised to think you are above the rest of us, they have very different values.
3:13 PM <LucidDreamer> There is a reason sociopaths control the world.
3:13 PM
<•soulonphone> Happiness after that is the pursuit of loving, validating relationships with other humans
3:13 PM <Metaphysician> To the point where, it seems almost alien.
3:13 PM
<•TyGently> weryllium: and thus the modern conception of cyborg commandos was created
3:13 PM
<literallymechanical> I think the best way I’ve heard it put is that wealth brings a life without worry, which is not the same as happiness, if that makes sense
3:13 PM <Gee0765> Yes, because they're awful people
3:13 PM <LucidDreamer> Because they aren't troubled by empathy.
3:14 PM <Metaphysician> Aye, one aspect of it.
3:14 PM
<•soulonphone> literallymechanical: this is correct
3:14 PM <LordofLaugh> LucidDreamer: -_-
3:14 PM <•Jazstar> LucidDreamer: did you see what I said?
3:14 PM ⇐ Antumbra_Everheart quit (moc.duolccri.egasrehtah.5D63CBD8-CRInys|463983diu#moc.duolccri.egasrehtah.5D63CBD8-CRInys|463983diu) Quit: Connection closed for inactivity
3:14 PM
<•soulonphone> LucidDreamer: hey man I don’t have empathy, don’t lump me in with your nonsense lol
3:14 PM <Metaphysician> Empathy is good.
3:14 PM
<MacLeod> listen kids
3:14 PM <•Jazstar> soulonphone: Pfft best response
3:14 PM <Gee0765> And I'm annoyed I don't believe in an afterlife, because that's the only way they'd be punished for their actions.
3:14 PM
<MacLeod> you will never ever be a billionaire
3:14 PM
<•soulonphone> I know better than to talk shit about power or whatever
3:14 PM <•Jazstar> Gee0765: Ditto
3:14 PM
<MacLeod> but it's not too late to find out what they taste like.
3:14 PM
<•soulonphone> That’s low class rich
3:14 PM
<weryllium> TyGently: huh
3:14 PM nice
3:14 PM <•Jazstar> MacLeod: YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO
3:14 PM <LucidDreamer> soulonphone: A lack of empathy is a telltale sign of ASPD
3:14 PM — •Jazstar becomes billionaire
3:14 PM
<MacLeod> (or whether they make good fertilizer if that's more your gig)
3:15 PM Jazstar: in zim dollars?
3:15 PM
<•soulonphone> LucidDreamer: hey man I have a personality and no empathy but don’t lump me in with your nonsense
3:15 PM
<MacLeod> or was that weimar reichsmarks? i forget.
3:15 PM — BlueJones becomes a Trillionare to outdo Jazstar
3:15 PM <•Jazstar> BlueJones: noooooooooooo
3:15 PM <Metaphysician> afk
3:15 PM
<MacLeod> BlueJones: see "reichsmarks," above.
3:15 PM <•Jazstar> MacLeod: … mebbe
3:15 PM → DrLycus joined (PI.83763B24.FF743968.70E9A207|tibbiM#PI.83763B24.FF743968.70E9A207|tibbiM)
3:15 PM <LucidDreamer> MacLeod kindly piss off with you're "eat the rich" rhetoric
3:15 PM <Gee0765> I have next to no empathy, but I can accept that /maybe/ you shouldn't be an awful human being
3:15 PM
<DrLycus> hey y'all
3:15 PM — Gee0765 eats the rich
3:15 PM
<•soulonphone> LucidDreamer: personality disorder*
3:15 PM <•Jazstar> LucidDreamer: Calm down.
3:15 PM Please
3:15 PM
<MacLeod> LucidDreamer: kindly piss off with sympathizing the rich
3:15 PM <BlueJones> What the hell is a reichsmarks?
3:15 PM <Gee0765> get nae naed
3:16 PM
<MacLeod> BlueJones: defunct german currency.
3:16 PM
<weryllium> it's weird that 'eat the rich' is common when most other edgelordery is looked down upon
3:16 PM → •AbsentmindedNihilist (opped) joined
3:16 PM — BlueJones eats the Gee0765 to become more powerful!
3:16 PM <LucidDreamer> I could care less about the poor.
3:16 PM <Gee0765> weryllium: because secretly everyone wants to know what they taste of
3:16 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> i return
3:16 PM <LordofLaugh> LucidDreamer: ohhhkayyy budy
3:16 PM <Gee0765> BlueJones: what the fuck man I'm not rich
3:16 PM
<weryllium> no one goes "boil the flat-earthers and drink their blood soup"
3:16 PM i hope
3:16 PM <BlueJones> Macleod Ah thanks
3:16 PM
<•soulonphone> LucidDreamer: if you want power, you need to learn how to be powerful
3:16 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> okay is there context to this
3:16 PM or do i need to kick
3:16 PM
<DrLycus> …I see i've stumbled into an interesting debate
3:16 PM
<•soulonphone> Nah AbsentmindedNihilist kick the asshole
3:17 PM
<MacLeod> LucidDreamer: and i don't care about you besides when i'll get to put you against the wall. fuck around and find out, motherfucker.
3:17 PM <LucidDreamer> I haven't broken any rules.
3:17 PM
<tawny> seems weird to characterize "eat the rich" as "edgelordery"
3:17 PM <Gee0765> Yes you have
3:17 PM Don't be a dick
3:17 PM <•Jazstar> Op order
3:17 PM Move on
3:17 PM ← LucidDreamer (moc.duolccri.llewkcorb.31B45FD4-CRInys|252053diu#moc.duolccri.llewkcorb.31B45FD4-CRInys|252053diu) was kicked by •AbsentmindedNihilist
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