→ Dr_Roush joined ⇐ •Athenodora quit
10:17 PM <naepicfael> .s mokele
10:17 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> naepicfael: I'm sorry, I couldn't find anything.
10:17 PM <naepicfael> figured
10:17 PM
— Dr_Roush flops in.
10:18 PM
<Dr_Roush> So I found something that may make good SCP fuel
10:19 PM
<Nixie> oh?
10:19 PM → lurkd joined (~ten.xoc.hp.hp.A1CB3DBA-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.xoc.hp.hp.A1CB3DBA-CRInys|tibbiM)
10:19 PM
<Dr_Roush> uhhh
10:19 PM the heck's that mean and how do I get them
10:20 PM Oh
10:20 PM I see
10:20 PM hah, I almost forgot those
10:20 PM Nixie, yeah.
10:20 PM I was reading on reddit about something or another
10:20 PM Think it was a thread asking worst way to die
10:20 PM Someone said massive radiation poisoning
10:20 PM Linked some dude named Ouchi
10:20 PM One sec, will post picture that got my attention
10:21 PM [Image link removed]
10:21 PM
<•Taffeta> hey uhhhh
10:21 PM can we not
10:23 PM
<Dr_Roush> I was thinking some kind of cruel twist on 'superpowers from radiation'.
10:23 PM
<DrLycus> hmm
10:23 PM <naepicfael> that deserves a pretty big content warning
10:23 PM
<DrLycus> is that picture really bad?
10:23 PM
<Dr_Roush> Like stating it's NSFL?
10:23 PM In full bold?
10:23 PM
<•Taffeta> Yeah no shit it's really bad, it's a picture of a fucking radiation burn casualty
10:23 PM <naepicfael> just warn us ahead of time that it's shock horror
10:23 PM
<Dr_Roush> DrLycus, it's a dude mostly dead from massive radiation burns in full traction.
10:23 PM
<DrLycus> yikes
10:24 PM im gonna skip out of chat to remove the temptation to click it
10:24 PM ← DrLycus left (ten.elbacwahs.cv.BCDB96F4-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.elbacwahs.cv.BCDB96F4-CRInys|tibbiM)
10:24 PM
<Dr_Roush> Alright, my apologies, everyone.
10:24 PM → DrLycus joined (ten.elbacwahs.cv.BCDB96F4-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.elbacwahs.cv.BCDB96F4-CRInys|tibbiM)
10:24 PM
<DrLycus> back again
10:24 PM
<Dr_Roush> I thought the bold would be enough, I won't make the mistake a second time.
10:24 PM
<DrLycus> its probably a good idea not to post things like that in here
10:24 PM
<•Taffeta> My dude I have no idea what kind of prolapse in judgement you have going on to think that posting that much gore in 19 was acceptible
10:25 PM
<Dr_Roush> Probably not having slept in ~25 hours.
10:25 PM Still can't sleep.
10:25 PM
<•Taffeta> Then don't sleep somewhere away from 19 if you're going to do shit like this
10:25 PM christ
10:26 PM <•Dyslexion> Yeah what happened to the people at Chernobyl is horrible, but I def wouldn’t post it here
10:26 PM
<Dr_Roush> Wasn't that.
10:26 PM Some incident in Japan involving breeder reactors, IIRC?
10:26 PM <•edna> Okay.
10:26 PM
<•Taffeta> no matter where it was from
10:27 PM ← Dr_Roush (~Scootaloo@A59DC20D:BAFC6723:2F64540F:IP) was kicked by •edna: That shit is not okay, don't do it again.
24 hours. Host mark is A59DC20D:BAFC6723:2F64540F:IP
Request from Dex: The person in the image was not the Japanese man Rous was talking about.