→ Elm_creep joined (~PI.D01EEF3A.A9CC86BD.8EE46AA4|criigc#PI.D01EEF3A.A9CC86BD.8EE46AA4|criigc)
10:30 PM
— Elm_creep hello
10:30 PM
<Irken_defector> Hey there
10:30 PM
— Elm_creep hello babies
10:31 PM <Oboebandgeek99> .s der machandelbaum
10:31 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> Oboebandgeek99: Der Machandelbaum (Rating: +30. Written 2 years ago By: Oboebandgeek99) - http://scp-wiki.net/der-machandelbaum
10:31 PM
— Elm_creep ya'll are pretty and handsome
10:33 PM
<Elm_creep> .set
10:33 PM → Antumbra_Everheart joined ⇐ Conwell quit
10:33 PM
<DrLycus> .lc
10:34 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> DrLycus: SCP-4703: Desert Rain (Written 53 minutes ago By: Lilac Snow) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-4703
10:34 PM DrLycus: Memory Dives & Deep Desires (Written 1 hour ago By: Ellie3) - http://scp-wiki.net/memory-dives-deep-desires
10:34 PM DrLycus: SCP-4418: The Lovers (Written 3 hours ago By: Amelia Wright) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-4418
10:34 PM <DeadAndCuddly> What's a Sciency way of saying Bashful?
10:34 PM <Ellie3> DrLycus: hey that article by me looks good
10:34 PM
<DrLycus> embarrassed?
10:34 PM
<LittleFieryOne> Nervous?
10:34 PM
<Irken_defector> DeadandCuddly: Lemme see what's on Thesaurus
10:34 PM <Antumbra_Everheart> Timid?
10:34 PM
— Elm_creep i wanna know how you are doing
10:34 PM <Antumbra_Everheart> Reserved
10:35 PM
<Irken_defector> Diffident?
10:35 PM <DeadAndCuddly> Diffident's a good one
10:35 PM
<Irken_defector> I'm glad I could be helpful
10:35 PM <Dyslexion> what's the story
10:35 PM
<LittleFieryOne> what's the scoop?
10:36 PM <Dyslexion> i've gotta get the morning edition out
10:36 PM so give me a headline folks
10:36 PM
<Elm_creep> Secretary_helen set pronoun he him they them she her
10:36 PM
<LittleFieryOne> Here's a headline:
10:36 PM
— LittleFieryOne drinks since he knows he has to work 12 to 8 tomorrow.
10:37 PM
<Irken_defector> Oh man
10:37 PM
<Elm_creep> Secretary_helen .set pronoun he him they them she her
10:37 PM
— Elm_creep is confused on how the bot works
10:38 PM
<LittleFieryOne> I'ts just .setpronouns
10:38 PM No need ot say Secretary_Helen
10:39 PM
<Elm_creep> .setpronouns Agender Androgyne Androgynous Bigender Cis Cisgender Cis Female Cis Male Cis Man Cis Woman Cisgender Female Cisgender Male Cisgender Man Cisgender Woman Female to Male FTM Gender Fluid Gender Nonconforming Gender Questioning Gender Variant Genderqueer Intersex Male to Female MTF Neither Neutrois Non-binary Other Pangender Trans Trans* Trans Female Trans* Female Trans Male Trans* Male Trans Man Trans* Man Trans Person Trans* Per
10:39 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> Elm_creep: Inserted the following pronouns: Agender, Androgyne, Androgynous, Bigender, Cis, Cisgender, Cis, Female, Cis, Male, Cis, Man, Cis, Woman, Cisgender, Female, Cisgender, Male, Cisgender, Man, Cisgender, Woman, Female, to, Male, FTM, Gender, Fluid, Gender, Nonconforming, Gender, Questioning, Gender, Variant, Genderqueer, Intersex, Male, to, Female, MTF, Neither, Neutrois, Non-binary, Other, Pangender, Trans, Trans*, Trans, Female, Tra
10:39 PM
<Elm_creep> Thanks
10:39 PM I switch genders btw
10:39 PM A lot
10:39 PM
<Irken_defector> jesus
10:39 PM <•taylor_iOStkin> Uh
10:39 PM
<Elm_creep> Dw
10:39 PM I actually identifly as multiple genders
10:39 PM <Laneous> oh
10:40 PM
<Elm_creep> Hope ya'll can accept that
10:40 PM
<Irken_defector> Gender fluid I'm guessing
10:40 PM
<Elm_creep> Yeppp
10:40 PM <•taylor_iOStkin> We’re fine accepting that
10:40 PM
<Elm_creep> Gender fluid
10:40 PM Thanks :)
10:40 PM <•edna> Can you do .clearpronouns
10:40 PM <•taylor_iOStkin> As an op I’m gonna ask why you decided to input literally everything you could have as an aoption
10:40 PM Instead of what you had originally intended
10:40 PM
<Elm_creep> Because i switch genders a lot
10:40 PM <•taylor_iOStkin> Yes
10:40 PM
<Elm_creep> As a person
10:40 PM <•edna> Just put in the pronouns you accept because that list is long as fuck.
10:40 PM <•taylor_iOStkin> But you had something incredibly perfectly not what you just did
10:40 PM
<Elm_creep> Ok
10:41 PM .clearpronouns
10:41 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> Elm_creep: Deleted all pronoun records for Elm_creep.
10:41 PM <•taylor_iOStkin> For the record that input every word you typed as a single pronoun
10:41 PM <DeadAndCuddly> .pronouns DeadAndCuddly
10:41 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> DeadAndCuddly: DeadAndCuddly uses the following pronouns: Any, All; I have no record of accepted pronouns.
10:41 PM <•taylor_iOStkin> .pronouns taylor_itkin
10:41 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> taylor_iOStkin: taylor_itkin uses the following pronouns: anything_other_than_"that"_or_"it"; taylor_itkin accepts the following pronouns: he, she, they.
10:41 PM <DeadAndCuddly> Huh, so that's how that inputted
10:42 PM
<Irken_defector> There's like, 2 gender-fluid people here?
10:42 PM Or three
10:42 PM <•taylor_iOStkin> Probably more
10:43 PM
<Irken_defector> Well I'm cis, don't forget that
10:43 PM
<Elm_creep> .setpronoun Agender, Androgyne, Androgynous, Bigender, Cis, Cisgender, Cis Female, Cis Male, Cis Man, Cis, Woman, Cisgender, Female, Cisgender, Male, Cisgender, Man, Cisgender, Woman, Female to Male FTM, Gender Fluid Gender, Nonconforming Gender Questioning, Gender Variant, Genderqueer, Intersex Male to Female, MTF, Neither, Neutrois, Non-binary, Pangender, Trans
10:43 PM <•edna> Okay.
10:43 PM <•taylor_iOStkin> Elm_creep: ok hold up
10:43 PM ← Elm_creep (~PI.D01EEF3A.A9CC86BD.8EE46AA4|criigc#PI.D01EEF3A.A9CC86BD.8EE46AA4|criigc) was kicked by •edna: You just got told.
10:43 PM → Elm_creep joined (~PI.D01EEF3A.A9CC86BD.8EE46AA4|criigc#PI.D01EEF3A.A9CC86BD.8EE46AA4|criigc)
10:43 PM
<Elm_creep> Sorry
10:43 PM Lets move on
10:43 PM On the other hand
10:43 PM <•taylor_iOStkin> Can
10:43 PM Do you know what a pronoun is
10:44 PM
— Elm_creep wants to know taylor_iostkin's eye color and weight
10:44 PM <•taylor_iOStkin> Ah ok
10:44 PM
— Elm_creep is curious
10:44 PM <•taylor_iOStkin> Got it
10:44 PM •CorvusCaurinus banned *!*@4AA64EE8.DB68CC9A.A3FEE10D.IP (+b)
10:44 PM <•taylor_iOStkin> Dammit
10:44 PM
<Irken_defector> I can see why you have "creep" in your username
10:44 PM <•taylor_iOStkin> You beat me to it
10:44 PM ← Elm_creep (~PI.D01EEF3A.A9CC86BD.8EE46AA4|criigc#PI.D01EEF3A.A9CC86BD.8EE46AA4|criigc) was kicked by •CorvusCaurinus: troll or indistinguishable therefrom
Perma, host mark is 4AA64EE8.DB68CC9A.A3FEE10D.IP