I have received an official complaint from the FR branch regarding an EN users' behavior, djkaktus and Woedenaz specifically as well as several others as screenshotted (It is late, but I will try to collect a full list of screenshotted users wikidot names…) The entire complaint is regarding behavior on the french discord and the fan-discord channel, SCP Declassified. The entire google doc can be found here (note that this is a copy of the original complaint except the screenshot links are instead embedded images) and the screenshots and logs have been downloaded for posterity should this page expire.
1- Specific users mainly on the french wiki downvote a lot of kaktus's works for having ACS formatting.
2- Kaktus comes to the french wiki's discord to make his concerns known in a manner the FR wiki deemed unacceptable for their community standards (thus the complaint), and also goes to the fan-discord to name and shame said french wiki users.
3- Woedenaz contacts at least one french wiki member in private about their downvotes. Several EN members are shown to be (alleged) mocking or insulting in SCP Declassified regarding the french wiki members in question.
Given that this is on the FR branch and the SCP Declassified fan discord, I am under the impression these are not within the juristiction of disciplinary matters (excepting harassment cases of which this is not explicitly reported as one, and thus not investigated as such). Both the FR branch and the SCPD discord may discipline as they deem fit to manage their own communities.
Regardless, I am entirely open to suggestions of possible actions. This post was entirely for posterity and to provide greater context of these users behaviors in the future and to respect our sister sites regarding their concerns of our membership and community.
(Edit to clarify: This is a general incident report and thus IMHO all members of staff may comment or advocate for actions as fits their judgements. Note a related discussion here is contextually related but will be discussed on itself.
(Edit: The following users with non-obvious names have been clarified thanks to Modulum's assistance:
moldy artist is pastarasta1 does not match any existing user name, cadaver industrial is CadaverCommander, spy flupjuck is Henzoid. Let me know if there are other unknown usernames there.
Living the dream, or dreaming the life?