Showed up in 17 and claimed mind control was really, banned for one year whereupon we can reopen the question of his age.
20:58 DrTrue i just made a contribution . im a bit more at ease but i will add more to it as i go on . theres alot i need to write on the subject .
20:59 DrTrue thank you for your patience you wont regret this
21:00 * naepicfael quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) drocer.csid.gnidiova.wohemos|669853diu#drocer.csid.gnidiova.wohemos|669853diu
21:00 edna DrTrue: You didn't because it takes 2-3 days for applications to be processed.
21:00 edna Stop roleplaying.
21:00 DrTrue i used the sand box and im not roleplaying
21:02 DrTrue ok and im sorry but the best fictions are based one real events . or things close to reality . well im basing mine off of what happened with me
21:02 TheMightyMcB the manner in which you are talking about using the site makes it sound like you are pretending that you work for the Foundation
21:03 * Laneous joined #site17 moc.duolccri.notlrahc.1A38A9FE-CRInys|662453diu#moc.duolccri.notlrahc.1A38A9FE-CRInys|662453diu
21:04 * DrPing quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)) ~ten.mnigriv.elbac.9414677B-CRInys|criigc#ten.mnigriv.elbac.9414677B-CRInys|criigc
21:05 TheMightyMcB The Foundation isn't real, this is a hobby writing site where a bunch of horror writer wannabes can write themed creepypasta
21:05 DrTrue the things i have created are at best comparable to the CIAs MK-Ultra program
21:05 DrTrue its not a horror
21:06 Tuomey How do you mean the things you have created are comparable to MK-Ultra??
21:09 DrTrue as in mind-control. i know you geus have many of theses things but i figured out these things in real life . the company i work with deals with things ..similar to these subjects . i have no life but my research . i dont care if you guys beleive me . but i truley feel bad about making these ideas a reality
21:10 edna DrTrue: I'm going to ask you a question, and I want you to answer as truthfully as you can.
21:10 DrTrue yes
21:10 edna Understand?
21:10 DrTrue yes i do
21:10 edna How old are you?
21:10 DrTrue 26
21:10 edna I doubt that.
21:10 DrTrue june 19 93
21:10 edna As I said, as truthfully as possible.
21:11 edna Because I really doubt that you're 26.
21:11 TheMightyMcB ‘i dont care if you guys beleive me . but i truley feel bad`
21:11 TheMightyMcB this is not the speech of a 26 year old
21:11 DrTrue im being serious . i dont know how to prove it and im not going to risk my public identity be givin out
21:11 * Dr joined #site17 ~ten.mocrie.ogils.dtr.2sar-b.F1DA39E3-CRInys|criigc#ten.mocrie.ogils.dtr.2sar-b.F1DA39E3-CRInys|criigc
21:12 edna You can start by telling the truth.
21:12 DrTrue i have autism it i exel in art and sports but lack in writing and math
21:12 edna That’s odd, I've never met anyone with autism that acts like this.
21:13 edna So mate, don't use mental illness as a way to lie to me. Tell me how old you really are.
21:13 DrTrue 26
21:14 DrTrue how else can i prove that
21:14 edna As I said before, quit lying to me.
21:14 * DrPing joined #site17 ~ten.mnigriv.elbac.9414677B-CRInys|criigc#ten.mnigriv.elbac.9414677B-CRInys|criigc
21:14 DrTrue im not
21:14 edna You are though.
21:14 DrTrue i wish i could video chat a prove it but i cannot
21:14 DrTrue cause you guys think im a kid right
21:15 edna No, I know you are.
21:15 * Dr quit (Quit: CGI:IRC) ~ten.mocrie.ogils.dtr.2sar-b.F1DA39E3-CRInys|criigc#ten.mocrie.ogils.dtr.2sar-b.F1DA39E3-CRInys|criigc
21:15 edna So tell me how old you are.
21:15 DrTrue 26
21:15 TheMightyMcB edna: hey its ok i got this
21:15 * DrAboleth joined #site17 ~ten.mocrie.ogils.dtr.2sar-b.F1DA39E3-CRInys|criigc#ten.mocrie.ogils.dtr.2sar-b.F1DA39E3-CRInys|criigc
21:15 DrTrue want to video chat see my birth certificate
21:15 soulonphone Hi, chiming Iām to say it does not matter how old you are if you behave below our expected maturity level, now I will leave it to everyone else
21:15 DrTrue thats on you
21:16 TheMightyMcB DrTrue: look man all I'm saying is a 26 year old shouldn't be rushing around to show their birth cert to randos on the internet
21:17 TheMightyMcB there are lots of autistic users on the wiki and they all act at an expected level of maturity
21:19 * aismallard quit (Ping timeout: 183 seconds) drallam.sia|drallamsia#drallam.sia|drallamsia
21:19 Tuomey DrTrue: unfortunately, as it stands, given you showing up here to tell us about how mind control is real and everything you're going to be banned for a while for being indistinguishable from underage.
21:19 DrTrue i thought i was mature i guess . my life to most people is confusing till they talk to who i know . and my friends and family . then they usualy go . that explains alot
21:19 Tuomey We'll see you in a year.
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21:19 * DrTrue was kicked by ChanServ (Requested (Tuomey))