Banned for 3-ish years, I guess?
- Braydon (~moc.rr.ser.yncwt.6253E35D-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.yncwt.6253E35D-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<Braydon> im wondering if this scp is good
<Diana> I've given two and regretted one because after being super nice initially the person like started rejecting crit and I was like WELP
<Diana> FU-
<Braydon> Can you tell me if this ones good please
<Braydon> Scp ???? class / euclid
<JakdragonX> Zyn: Alot of that is just in one section. I tried to summarize all the Addendum and the preferable amount of logs and such. The original had like, 1,000 words xD (People were asking me about why the concept was important to the Foundation and I enjoy detailed answers so less questions are asked
<JakdragonX> )
<JakdragonX> I was able to summarize it though in less than a hundred words
<DoctorPearlescent> I am looking to see if my SCP concept is worth pursuing or if it wouldn't be interesting enough to warrant being an SCP. It is about an unfinished building mentally convincing people to have it finished. It is 284 words long.
<Zyn> Braydon: please don't attempt to copy-paste a draft in here
<Zyn> it's not going to work because there's formatting discrepancies and a character limit.
<JakdragonX> The other 2,000 words are just detail
<Braydon> Item #: SCP-???? (havent come up for a number)
<Cregan_Stark> Or worse, it will work and flood the chat for five minutes.
<Zyn> > I enjoy detailed answers so less questions are asked
<Zyn> that's the issue
<Zyn> you run the risk of overwhelming reviewers with /too much/
<Zyn> the good thing about questions asked is that people don't ask questions about stuff they don't care about
<Braydon> i dont
<Cregan_Stark> I did that by accident with the manual for a Pentax camera from 1975.
<JakdragonX> Ah, that makes sense. Let me try something @Zyn
<Cregan_Stark> Pasted the whole thing into an IRC channel.
<Zyn> if you attempt to circumvent that with just overloading a ton of that preemptively, it's a reader deterrent
<JakdragonX> Is 1,000 words sound better?
<JakdragonX> Does not Is*
<JakdragonX> Because I can cut the other 1,000 XD
<Zyn> Try to aim for 500 if possible.
<JakdragonX> I really did try to only do 500
<JakdragonX> but then I got asked all those hard questions so I needed the detail
<Zyn> If you can't get it down to guideline recommendations, it makes the reader wonder if the author knows what the premise's strengths and hooks actually are
<Zyn> hard questions can still have simple answers. Quality over quantity.
<MrWorkstopheles> Would anyone be willing to review my skip? It's a calculator skip, one that fucks with numbers, but it's less focused on format screwery and more on how even an SCP that has such a minor power can still be dangerous. If you're interested, the link is here: and any feedback is appreciated!
<Zyn> Same happens for SCP articles in general—lot of stuff whiffles in the mediocre single-digit ratings because there's just too much to process
<JakdragonX> Alright, fair game. Hang on, I'll try to keep dubbing things down a bit
<Zyn> and the readers drop out interest before they clear the middle of the article
<PsychLantern> I have a doubt
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<DrAstari> Hello beautiful people
<DrAstari> Anyone wanna take a look at a tale? Happy to trade if someone's got a shorter/medium length thing for me to look at
<Zyn> MrWorkstopheles: swap with DrAstari
<PsychLantern> After I get a first draft approved, does it become needless to ask for stuff on I&B or do I ned to have more approved articles before?
<PsychLantern> *need
<DrAstari> MrWorkstopheles
<Braydon> Item #: SCP-????? object class euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP???? is to be kept in a lock container at all times. When class D personnel must enter, no more than 1 can enter at a time Description : Located at [REDACTED] . SCP?????
<MrWorkstopheles> mine's on the long side, though, 2.5ish words
<PsychLantern> …
<DrAstari> The one titled Beep if that's cool! Added a few sentences responding to some feedback
<PsychLantern> Braydon, link a draft/idea isntead of pasting the whole thing
<MrWorkstopheles> DrAstari: So you don't have to review mine, like i said, it's 2.5k words, which is on the long side
<DrAstari> MrWorkstopheles: I'm still happy to take a look at it, I just might send you a tell later tonight instead of knocking it all out right this second — is that ok?
<PsychLantern> *instead
<Braydon> No this is my idea
<Braydon> Wait for it
<MrWorkstopheles> DrAstari: sure
<PsychLantern> By idea I mean anm I&B thread
<Zyn> Braydon: out of curiosity, are you in college yet?
<PsychLantern> *an
<Zyn> PsychLantern: you need to get a page posted successfully
<Zyn> not a first draft approved
<Zyn> there isn't any sort of draft approval process on the site
<PsychLantern> I see
<PsychLantern> So D&C is just for ajor feedback?
<PsychLantern> *major
<Zyn> PsychLantern: uh… it's for feedback on drafts.
<Zyn> I'm not sure what you mean by "major"
<MrWorkstopheles> DrAstari: Ah, I remember this from a while back!
<MrWorkstopheles> DrAstari: What's happening with the beeps makes a lot more sense now
<PsychLantern> Well, people are encouraged to post there when their draft is nearing completion. I said major to refer to feedback on the whole draft
<Jimmyjimjim> I'm not big on D&C it didn't give me any crit I didn't get from people on chat.
<Mew> I don't use d&c anymore
<Mew> I use the chat
<DrAstari> MrWorkstopheles: Glad to hear it! Yeah, I played with those a bit, and then I added a few small sections to build out some characterization
<Braydon> Scp Is a ghost like figure that resembles a bleeding little girl with eyes that look restless and they stair at the test subjects. Scp??? is extremely hostile. The scp will make anyone who sees it go mentally insane and commit suicide in 10 hours due to unknown reasons. In events of an actack all scientist shall evacutate the room
<PsychLantern> Dungeons & Crayons
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<DrAstari> Braydon: dude no
<JakdragonX> Zyn: I was able to cut it down to 750 words… does that seem better?
<DrAstari> Don't copy/paste the whole thing
<Braydon> Its not good okay…..
<Braydon> I didnt copy and paste that
- Bell has quit (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
<DrAstari> Just link us to a thread or a sandbox if you want us to look
<MrWorkstopheles> JayDragonX: You need bzzip.exe
<PsychLantern> Bleeding eyes and small ghost girls are horror cliches imo
<Braydon> Im writing what i wrote off from a peice of paper
<MrWorkstopheles> .s bzzip
<Secretary_Helen> MrWorkstopheles: SCP-3045: bzzip.exe (Rating: +437. Written 2 years ago By: the great hippo) -
<JakdragonX> JayDragonX? Who's That?
<MrWorkstopheles> whoops
<Jimmyjimjim> I'm excited about my new skip. I just really need people's opinions and whether it's upvotable
<Braydon> So not good enough lol i knew this was going to happen
<Braydon> Im trying to find other ideas
<Braydon> what was good about it
<Zyn> JakdragonX: objectively better than 2000+, yes.
<Braydon> i think the fact that it makes people go insane
<Braydon> Is good
<PsychLantern> being cliche doesn't mean you can't get something good out of it
<Braydon> wait im making a new one
<MrWorkstopheles> DrAstari: In general, I don't see any more issues with it. It looks good to go, to me (though i'm much better at reviewing tone and flow than catching typos and the like
<Zyn> Braydon: again, are you in college yet?
<Braydon> No
<Zyn> Your writing may not be up to SCP article standards. You may need to do some self-study on clinical tone
<Zyn> Have you taken AP-level writing classes in high school yet?
<Kyza> MrWorkstopheles: I changed the announcement to an audio transcription.
<JakdragonX> Zyn: XDD
<Zyn> > 18:58 PsychLantern Well, people are encouraged to post there when their draft is nearing completion. I said major to refer to feedback on the whole draft
<DrAstari> MrWorkstopheles: Thanks! Appreciate the feedback!
<Zyn> Yes, you can ask for feedback on the entire draft
<Zyn> I don't see why people wouldn't
<Zyn> > 18:58 Jimmyjimjim I'm not big on D&C it didn't give me any crit I didn't get from people on chat.
<Zyn> D&C is for more focused, in-depth crit, yeah
<Zyn> also negates the need to have a chatlog to save the review
<Jimmyjimjim> I might toss my draft up there for a final crit
<JakdragonX> Zyn: Hey! I got to 650! See? Told ya: It's in the details xD
<Simartar> Hey can I bounce an idea off in here?
<Diana> I'm gonna drop my draft in here again before I go to sleep
<PsychLantern> I see
<Kyza> Could anyone crit my short bit of dialog?
- ROUNDERHOUSE (sretrauqgnivil.lacirehps|394913diu#sretrauqgnivil.lacirehps|394913diu) has joined
<DrAkimoto3> Are there changes from yesterday Diana
<DrAkimoto3> Kyza may i take a peek
<Jimmyjimjim> Simartar: who you want to bounce it off?
<Diana> DrAkimoto: Not major as of yet
<Simartar> Well just everyone here in general, I guess. You might have heard it before, it's the weird schrodingers duck one
<DrAkimoto3> Im still gonna read it again lol
<Jimmyjimjim> Kyza: anyone but me. I suck so bad at dialog I deleted an entire exploration log which was 99% of my article lol
<DoctorPearlescent> I'm going to bed too. I'm just looking for a basic critique of my idea. I basically want to be told if it has merit or not, which means I can move onto something else or work and develop my current idea. Thank you to anyone who takes the time for it.
<Kyza> Sure.
<Simartar> Now that my tale collab is up I'm thinking about what I want to do for my second article
- DoctorPearlescent has quit (Quit: CGI:IRC)
<Jimmyjimjim> I see
<Braydon> Okay this time its a picture
<Jimmyjimjim> .au Simartar
<Secretary_Helen> Jimmyjimjim: Simartar - has 1 pages. (0 SCP articles, 1 Tales, 0 GoI Formats, 0 others.) They have 14 net upvotes with an average of 14. Their latest page is The Rampart, the Rogue, and the Renegade at 14.
<Braydon> of two pine trees that makes people go insane and kill themselfs for unknow reasons
<JakdragonX> Alright, trimmed it down to about 608 to 610 words
- Crashington has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
<Zyn> Braydon: same issue as your previous one
<Zyn> Braydon: have you read any Series III through V SCPS?
<Braydon> Ive only really red series 1
<Braydon> *read
<Zyn> Braydon: yeah, most of that stuff's from 10+ years ago
<Zyn> you're not going to get anywhere with today's audience
- Sanamsam1 (~ten.tsacmoc.av.1dsh.1538FE46-CRInys|criigc#ten.tsacmoc.av.1dsh.1538FE46-CRInys|criigc) has joined
<Braydon> then how are they so popualr
<Zyn> also, if you haven't taken AP high school classes yet, which grade are you in?
<Jimmyjimjim> Braydon: read sIII or sV skips.
<PsychLantern> They were the first
<DrAkimoto3> Kyza in the 4th sentence chunk you need to put holding back tears
<Zyn> Braydon: games, lower standards 10+ years ago, extra time to get upvotes
<Simartar> Braydon: they're popular because they're in the games
<PsychLantern> NMore people know them
- edna (moc.duolccri.nevahenots.DB51BE03-CRInys|139963diu#moc.duolccri.nevahenots.DB51BE03-CRInys|139963diu) has joined
<PsychLantern> *More
- Mortos has quit (Quit: Reality is an annoyance I have to put up with every now and then.)
<Braydon> fuck
<Sanamsam1> Hi all! I'd really appreciate it if someone had the time to check out my first SCP idea. I was dumb and titled it "First time Author! - SCP Draft" forgive me
<PsychLantern> Well, 999 is quite popular and I've never seen a game with it
<JakdragonX> You can change the title
<Simartar> You know I was actually thinking of turning Frank from my tale into either a GoI format or a skip but I'm not sure if it'd work
- DrBleep (~peelb.gnipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelb.gnipeeelb.gnipeelB|zemta#peelb.gnipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelb.gnipeeelb.gnipeelB|zemta) has joined
<Zyn> PsychLantern: someone's probably modded it into CB
<PsychLantern> Oh yeah
<Braydon> its scp readers
<Simartar> I mean people keep yelling at Northwood to add 999 into Secret Lab
<Kyza> DrAkimoto3: I fixed that, thanks.
<Braydon> so im going to have a bad time with this
<PsychLantern> There was a fake 999 for an April Fools updated in Secret Lab
<Braydon> Im not going to wright my new idea then
- ARD (||eh) has joined
<Braydon> even though it would be done if right
<DrAkimoto3> Kyza in the 5th chunk the "when it came to our site-(??)" Sounds a bit funky you could cut that out of the sentance and it flows better
<ARD> Braydon, I’ve got to ask why you think you should be copying decade old articles
<Braydon> I dont know
<Braydon> This isnt copying
<Braydon> I havent seen an scp like this
<ARD> You said you’ve only read series 1 skips, right?
<Braydon> I yeah
<Braydon> yeah because i really dont care about any other series
<Kyza> DrAkimoto3: you mean like move that to the beginning of the sentence?
<PsychLantern> Dude you should
<Kyza> I misread.
<PsychLantern> Series V is great
<Braydon> Okay…
<ARD> Braydon: perhaps modern readers do care about other series?
<DrAkimoto3> Either that or just cut that part out Kyza
<Jimmyjimjim> Braydon: unfortunately your audience isn't foucesed towards that style of writing anymore
<Kyza> I'll cut it out, that's a better idea.
<Jimmyjimjim> Focused
<Braydon> im going to try it if it gets deleted ill try a more modern scps
<Braydon> scp*
<ARD> Braydon: what I was initially hoping to lead you to before deciding to cut to the Chase is that you’re simply not going to be able to get away with writing a series 1 article anmore
<JakdragonX> Braydon: That's a dangerous game to play. You should really try to diversify and read what all the other authors have written. You'll figure out pretty quickly that there are a lot of good ideas. And, keep in mind, not every SCP has to kill.
<Braydon> the scp doesnt kill
<PsychLantern> You can make a Series 1-esque anomaly, but a twist or good story could make it fit at Series V
<ARD> Braydon: making you crazy and suicidal sounds like it kills
<Braydon> They kill themselfs not the scp the scp just makes them hallucinate and see things that make them want to never see again making them rip there eyes out
<DrBleep> Psychlantern what you mean to say is: Series 1 concept with a later series execution
<PsychLantern> Yeps
<Braydon> i give up
<PsychLantern> Don't, dude
<Braydon> This is a first spc
<Braydon> I dont know anything better than this in my idea book
<PsychLantern> Just take your time to do research
<Braydon> I need more ideas
<PsychLantern> And improve it
<Jimmyjimjim> Braydon: there is no rush to publish
<DrAkimoto3> Kyza in the last chunk: maybe try The splinter retrieved from his throat during the autopsy has been ceremoniously tossed into the incinerator. Now even in death his memory can empower us all to be most productive in writing up our reports
<ARD> Braydon: here’s a simple idea for you to try
<Braydon> should i make an scp based off a creature from a nightmare ive had
- BoogeyMobile23 (moc.duolccri.nevahenots.3D9C5318-CRInys|728152diu#moc.duolccri.nevahenots.3D9C5318-CRInys|728152diu) has joined
<DrAkimoto3> Kyza just something to break up the sentance
<Braydon> Ive had a nightmare that would make a pretty good scp
<JakdragonX> Braydon: No one ever achieved by giving up. You should really read all the other series. Go to the homepage and use the "Pick Random SCP" button to read a random SCP from a random series. You'll find inspiration, and even some methods on how to execute an SCP. Maybe one that doesnt cause suicide or death
<Kyza> DrAkimoto3: yeah, that's one gnarly sentence isn't it.
<Kyza> Thanks.
<DrAkimoto3> Np
<ARD> Braydon: the idea is that a grieving father whose daughter died in a car crash builds a device that teleports him to the scene of other crashes so he can help, but the Foundation finds out and confiscated the device
<Kyza> DrAkimoto3: did you get what the skip referenced?
<Braydon> sounds stupid
<Mew> Braydon if you don't use that idea can I
<Mew> I love that idea
<JakdragonX> Mew: XD
<Braydon> mew please give me the idea
<Zyn> Braydon: what grade are you in?
<Mew> the one ARD suggested? I was just saying if you don't want it
<PsychLantern> There is only one way to decide who keeps the idea
<DrAkimoto3> Kyza im not gonna lie i just read the dialogue but i will give it a look in a sec
<Braydon> Yeah i want another one
<Zyn> Braydon: staff order. If you don't answer, we kick you from the chatroom
<Braydon> I may take it
<Kyza> No problem.
<JakdragonX> Braydon: A lot of the SCP's sound "stupid" when just summarizing them. But once you make a story behind the SCP's themselves, you can make a "stupid" SCP into something amazing
<Kyza> ^
<Zyn> Braydon: what is your age?
<Jimmyjimjim> Braydon: answer zyn
<Kyza> ^
<Braydon> just ban me
<Kyza> Braydon: please.
<Braydon> Im a middle schooler ban me from the scp website
<Kyza> You're fine. Just answer please.
<Braydon> Im 12
<ARD> Hey, you said it
<JakdragonX> I was that age once
<Braydon> Am i going to get banned from the scp sight
<ARD> Yes
<DrAkimoto3> JakdragonX I think i was too
<PsychLantern> There is literally a dimensional traveller duck SCP iirc
<Braydon> Shit
<JakdragonX> Language
<Zyn> Braydon: it's in the rules
<PsychLantern> The minimal age 15
<Zyn> and even if you made it onto the mainsite
<Zyn> with the attitude you currently have, you'd probably be permabanned anyway.
<Mew> we can cuss here its okay
<Simartar> A couple years would help with your writing
<Braydon> exactly why i didnt want to answer
<ParadoxBrother> I've finished editing the thread o<o
<Zyn> Braydon: better to be banned for age than for attitude.
<Braydon> I knew i was going to get banned for this.
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<Zyn> The age ban will elapse when you're 15.
<ParadoxBrother> What did I walk in on
<JakdragonX> Braydon: Use this as an example. Learn from your mistakes. Come back when you're a bit older and keep thinking of ideas
<Zyn> Permanent bans for rulebreaking/vehemence don't elapse.
<Braydon> I dont want wait 3 years
<Zyn> ParadoxBrother: 12 year old.
<ParadoxBrother> Say no more
<Zyn> Braydon: that sort of maturity indicates you're not ready to join the site.
<Braydon> Zyn why does my age make me inmature
<Kyza> Braydon: don't get discouraged though. It's not personal. It's more of an ethical reason.
<Zyn> Everyone needs to follow the rules on the SCP wiki. Yourself included.
<JakdragonX> Its the inexperience behind the age - not the age itself
<Braydon> I dislike that rule
<Zyn> Doesn't matter if you don't want to follow them or not.
<Kyza> There's a lot of 18+ crap on here.
- Zyn has kicked Braydon from #thecritters (Zyn)