imreallytired came into site17 to figure out tabs, and ended up calling a member of staff "daddy". They also needed to be told several times how the tabs work.
imreallytired> hey, I need some help with my sandbox page, I have no idea how to make a new tab…can i have some help please?
2:35 PM ⇐ •AbsentmindedNihilist quit ↔ imreallytired nipped out
2:36 PM <Gee0765> imreallytired: look on the front page of the sandbox
2:36 PM It shows you how to there
2:37 PM
<imreallytired> hey, I need some help with my sandbox page, I have no idea how to make a new tab… can i get some help please? [I don't know if my old message was deleted by accident either]
2:37 PM thanks
2:38 PM <Gee0765> imreallytired: it’s explained how to on this page
2:38 PM
2:38 PM ^
2:38 PM <TheMightyMcB> "[[tabview]]"
2:38 PM "[[tab Tab 1 Title]]"
2:38 PM content of tab 1
2:38 PM "[[/tab]]"
2:38 PM "[[tab Tab 2 Title]]"
2:38 PM content of tab 2
2:38 PM "[[/tab]]"
2:38 PM ← TheMightyMcB (||981943diu) was kicked by Flooding (Limit is 7 lines per 5 seconds)
2:38 PM → TheMightyMcB joined (||981943diu)
2:38 PM
<XilasCrowe> F
2:38 PM <TheMightyMcB> bleh i get why that's a thing but come on
2:39 PM ⇐ LowKon quit ↔ synGuest453 popped in
2:39 PM <Gee0765> TheMightyMcB: that’s why I didn’t actually explain how :P
2:39 PM → LowKon joined (~PI.96841F55.B323BB39.B5CA0629|criigc#PI.96841F55.B323BB39.B5CA0629|criigc)
2:39 PM <Gee0765> That and laziness
2:39 PM
<LowKon> ok
2:39 PM accidentally dc'd
2:40 PM <Gee0765> LowKon: you’re in 17 right now
2:40 PM
<LowKon> I know
2:42 PM ⇐ FloppyPhoenix quit (moc.duolccri.notlrahc.E6AACF3B-CRInys|165003diu#moc.duolccri.notlrahc.E6AACF3B-CRInys|165003diu) Quit: Connection closed for inactivity
2:48 PM
<imreallytired> ssssoooo i'm a bit of a dumb dumb and STILL can't do it [don't judge me] where do I actually put those commands in?
2:49 PM <Gee0765> On the page
2:49 PM Mcb explained exactly what goes where
2:50 PM <TheMightyMcB> when you create or edit a page, a box pops up at the bottom where you can type in the wikidot markup code
2:50 PM if you structure it exactly like I did above, it'll work
2:50 PM
<imreallytired> can't fix stupidity [i'm so sorry]
2:51 PM <Gee0765> It’s cool
2:51 PM Fuck, I didn’t realise you didn’t know how to edit. Sorry about that, was a mistake by me
2:52 PM <TheMightyMcB> so at the bottom right of the page, there will be a bunch of stuff you can click on
2:52 PM the important one you'll need to write is "Edit"
2:52 PM imreallytired: ^^^
2:52 PM click that and a box will open at the bottom of the page where you can type
2:53 PM
<imreallytired> ok thanks [but knowing me i'll be back here in 5 mins so just be ready]
2:53 PM <TheMightyMcB> "[[tabview]]" opens up the tab coding, "[[tab tabname]]" gives your tab a name, then you type the content, and close off that tab with "[[/tab]]" when you're done
2:54 PM and you can repeat the "[[tab tabname]] thing as many times as you need to
2:54 PM then you close the whole thing off with a "[[/tabview]]"
2:56 PM → Ellie3 joined (moc.duolccri.notlrahc.D887D74E-CRInys|651753diu#moc.duolccri.notlrahc.D887D74E-CRInys|651753diu)
2:57 PM <•Crashington> imreallytired: check out pages that have the element you want to include and check the source (click "options" right where"edit" is and then "page source"
2:57 PM then you can just copy paste the elements out
2:58 PM <TheMightyMcB> that is also an easy way of doing things ^
3:01 PM → Prior, DrThorsen and FloppyPhoenix joined ⇐ Cregan_Stark and Hatcheye quit
3:15 PM
<imreallytired> so…I er I still can't do it…do i have to use code wizard or something? as i put in "[[tabview]]" and the name of the tab yet it jut turns up on my actual page as writing
3:16 PM → •ROUNDERHOUSE (voiced) joined
3:17 PM <TheMightyMcB> everything needs to be on separate lines imreallytired
3:17 PM also double check and make sure there aren't any misspellings or improperly closed brackets
3:18 PM <Gee0765> imreallytired: can you link the sandbox page here?
3:18 PM
<imreallytired> aaahhhh i shall try this new knowledge my valiant steed!
3:18 PM <Gee0765> Copy the link and paste it in a message if you still can’t fix it
3:18 PM
<imreallytired> ok one sec…
3:18 PM → •AbsentmindedNihilist (halfopped) joined
3:19 PM
<imreallytired> ok i can't link it but I can put the actual link here is that alright?
3:20 PM <Gee0765> Yes put the link here
3:20 PM
<imreallytired> here you go
3:20 PM → vezaz joined (moc.duolccri.gnilae.D8D025EB-CRInys|579151diu#moc.duolccri.gnilae.D8D025EB-CRInys|579151diu)
3:21 PM
<imreallytired> oh no it links automatically hell yeah!
3:21 PM <Gee0765> Where are the tab codes?
3:22 PM
<imreallytired> oh i'll put them in now give me one sec
3:23 PM <TheMightyMcB> imreallytired: oh i see. you never closed the tabs
3:23 PM you opened them and never closed them
3:24 PM after the content, you need to go put in "[[/tab]]" and then "[[/tabview]]"
3:24 PM
<imreallytired> ah…….yeah I have no idea about what i do on this site
3:24 PM <TheMightyMcB> on different lines
3:25 PM
<imreallytired> ok let me edit it real quick
3:26 PM <TheMightyMcB> ok let me know and ill reload the page to check it out
3:26 PM
<imreallytired> did i do it right daddy?
3:27 PM <TheMightyMcB> no
3:27 PM
<imreallytired> well goddammit
3:27 PM <TheMightyMcB> you deleted the "[[tabview]]" and "[[tab tabname]]" at the beginning
3:27 PM those were fine
3:28 PM you need those to open the block, and then the "[[/tab]]" and "[[/tabview]]" at the end to close it
3:28 PM
<imreallytired> aaaarrrgggghhhh fffffudgestickles
3:28 PM <TheMightyMcB> also please don't call me daddy
3:28 PM that's really weird
3:28 PM → Metaphysician joined (moc.duolccri.nevahenots.05740FD8-CRInys|818863diu#moc.duolccri.nevahenots.05740FD8-CRInys|818863diu)
3:29 PM
<imreallytired> eh can't stop a mans dreams
3:30 PM <TheMightyMcB> ok less daddy mcb and more fixing your tabs plz
3:30 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> imreallytired hey, speaking as chatstaff, stop calling people something that they don't want to be called
3:30 PM
<•WrongJohnSilver> Yes, but words coming out of one's mouth? Absolutely can be stopped.
3:30 PM → rattles joined (selt.tar|979233diu#selt.tar|979233diu)
3:31 PM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> if you call him daddy again, i will kick you.
3:31 PM
<imreallytired> ok, sorry just a habbit i have
3:32 PM <•edna> I highly suggest you drop that habbit.
3:33 PM → •Varaxous (opped), NamelessMediocre and DianaBerry joined ⇐ LowKon quit
3:35 PM <TheMightyMcB> ok Elektra complexes aside, imreallytired, it seems you've got it working properly now
3:35 PM
<imreallytired> yyyyyyeeeessssss I DID IT I FINALLY DID IT!
3:36 PM <TheMightyMcB> if you want to add another tab, put it between the "[[/tab]]" of the previous tab, but before the "[[/tabview]]"
3:37 PM
<imreallytired> and got the whole of site 17 helping me / getting pissed at me and getting werided out by me! *mission accomplished*
3:37 PM thanks for the help!
3:37 PM <TheMightyMcB> yep happy writing
3:38 PM also you /might/ wanna fix your format a bit
3:38 PM
<imreallytired> how so?
3:39 PM <TheMightyMcB> basic stuff like not having the whole:
3:39 PM Item #: SCP-XXXX
3:39 PM Object Class: <insert class>
3:39 PM etc
3:39 PM capitalizing your containment procedures title
3:39 PM
<imreallytired> ah i see
3:39 PM <rattles> i dont know exactly what he means but you can probably just ‘look` at any SCP and mimic it
3:40 PM <TheMightyMcB> yeah you can check out the coding for another scp by going to the bottom right and choosing "+ Options", and then choosing "Page Source"
3:40 PM that lets you look at the raw code
3:41 PM
<imreallytired> ok thanks!
3:42 PM <NamelessMediocre> yeah, page source is your best friend
3:42 PM every time I have a formatting problem, I just look for an article that already solved it
3:42 PM
<imreallytired> also this was basically just sponsoring my scp to the whole chat
3:42 PM <TheMightyMcB> i mean sort of but not really
3:43 PM i didn’t read the thing, just helped you fix the code
3:43 PM
<imreallytired> well the link will forever be there now [i think]
3:43 PM <TheMightyMcB> yeah it will but nobody is gonna check upscroll for it
3:44 PM
<imreallytired> ah i've got pens and needles ah
3:44 PM oh god the pain
3:44 PM <TheMightyMcB> imreallytired: ok if that's all the help you needed, you should probably take this to the general chat
3:45 PM /join #site19
3:45 PM
<imreallytired> yep see you ah god my entire legs gone
3:45 PM thanks for the help!
3:46 PM <TheMightyMcB> np
3:46 PM
<imreallytired> /join #site19
3:47 PM ah that didn't work
3:47 PM well now i look like an idiot
3:48 PM <rattles> a space in front of the / messes it up
3:48 PM
<imreallytired> yeah i've joined it now so bye!
3:52 PM → Calpatus and PyramidMan joined ← imreallytired left ⇐ DrThorsen and WindyCat quit ↔ Crystalitar popped in • GW → GW|Away
Came back the same day to be told how to make tabs, again.
→ •CuteGirl (voiced), •ARD (opped) and imreallytired joined ← PyramidMan left ⇐ Mr quit ↔ synGuest256, k and synGuest469 popped in
5:06 PM → DabinBuh joined ⇐ Oboebandgeek99 quit
5:08 PM
<imreallytired> so…me again, how do you make a new tab?
5:08 PM [for sandbox]
5:09 PM <TheMightyMcB> you do the same exact thing you did for the first tab, just before the "[[/tabview]]"
5:09 PM so after the "[[/tab]]" but before the "[[/tabview]]", you put "[[tab tabname]]"
5:09 PM then the content, and then another "[[/tab]]"
5:10 PM
<imreallytired> thanks but is there a way to view the previous conversation we had? it would save alot of time for me
5:10 PM → LittleFieryOne joined ⇐ DabinBuh quit
5:11 PM <•Crashington> "[[Tabview]]" "[[tab 1]]" blabka "[1]" "[[tab 2]]" blablabaka "[2]" "[[tab etc]]" bdnsks "[etc]" "[[/tabview]]"
5:11 PM <TheMightyMcB> not with sgiirc
5:11 PM → newnick joined (~ten.maertsdniw.pi.cimanyd.897B4891-CRInys|criigc#ten.maertsdniw.pi.cimanyd.897B4891-CRInys|criigc)
5:11 PM <TheMightyMcB> *cgiirc
5:11 PM → Dabin joined ⇐ newnick quit
5:11 PM <TheMightyMcB> you would need a different client that saves logs to do that
5:11 PM
<imreallytired> what are these strange words you speak of?
5:12 PM <TheMightyMcB> irc is the internet relay chat
5:12 PM
<imreallytired> mhum
5:12 PM <TheMightyMcB> you connect to it using a client
5:12 PM there are different clientys
5:12 PM yours doesn't save logs
5:12 PM mine does
5:12 PM
<imreallytired> ooooohhhhhh right
5:13 PM ⇐ Dabin quit (~ten.maertsdniw.pi.cimanyd.897B4891-CRInys|criigc#ten.maertsdniw.pi.cimanyd.897B4891-CRInys|criigc) Quit: CGI:IRC
5:13 PM
<imreallytired> well look a t you all high and MIGHTY… do you get it?
5:13 PM <TheMightyMcB> so use something other than the cgiirc embed on the site if you wanna save old chat
5:13 PM also no i don't get it
5:13 PM please explain it
5:13 PM → DabinBuh joined (~ten.maertsdniw.pi.cimanyd.897B4891-CRInys|criigc#ten.maertsdniw.pi.cimanyd.897B4891-CRInys|criigc)
5:14 PM
<imreallytired> your name has mighty in it and i used the phrase high and mighty…puns for days!
5:15 PM <TheMightyMcB> thanks for that
5:15 PM
<DabinBuh> So i decided to hop on the irc chat to possibly get feedback on an scp idea i have stuck in brainstorming, if anyone is willing to check it out i'd appreciate it!
5:15 PM
<imreallytired> i'm a helpful [ish] person!
5:15 PM <•edna> DabinBuh: Go to #thecritters or #site19
5:15 PM
<DabinBuh> Thank you!
5:16 PM
<imreallytired> yep but i can't greenlight
5:16 PM → •Conwell (opped), Veiedhimaedhr, Cregan_Stark (was Thedarkb-X40), MrMcKonz and Laneous joined ⇐ Calpatus, vezaz, RockTeethMothEyes, imreallytired and Jesin quit ↔ SpectralDragon and LittleFieryOne nipped out
And today marks the third time they came by 17 to figure out how tabs work.
→ Jesin and synGuest483 joined ⇐ fieldstone_ quit ↔ LittleFieryOne and imreallytired nipped out
12:42 PM
<imreallytired> so I've forgotten how to add tabs on the sandbox page…can i get some help please?
12:42 PM → DrPilatos (was synGuest601) and Hatcheye joined ⇐ synGuest483 quit
12:46 PM <rattles> you can check the source code for a page that uses tabs
12:46 PM .s SCP-2317
12:46 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> rattles: I'm sorry, I couldn't find anything.
12:46 PM <rattles> .SCP-2317
12:46 PM SCP-2317
12:46 PM
<•Secretary_Helen> rattles: SCP-2317: A Door to Another World (Rating: +1628. Written 5 years ago By: DrClef) -
12:46 PM <rattles> scroll down to options and you can find the source for making tabs
12:49 PM
<Hatcheye> The front page of the sandbox site also has the code to make tabs
12:50 PM
<imreallytired> thank you, master
12:50 PM but knowing me i'll be back here in 5 mins
12:50 PM <•edna> imreallytired: You were told to stop doing shit like this.
12:51 PM → calamitous1 joined (moc.duolccri.llewkcorb.49CCFC05-CRInys|052543diu#moc.duolccri.llewkcorb.49CCFC05-CRInys|052543diu)
12:52 PM
<imreallytired> well no-one has said they were uncomfortable id stop if they did
12:53 PM <•Crashington> you were specifically told to stop calling people things
12:53 PM not stop after theyve complained
12:53 PM its weird man
12:53 PM
<imreallytired> well i cant see earlier conversation so i'm sorry for being poor
12:54 PM and master implies power so its a compliment
12:54 PM <•Crashington> how does this have anything to do with this
12:54 PM you have a memory right?
12:55 PM
<imreallytired> no, i have no head at all just a plant pot
12:55 PM <•Crashington> ops
12:55 PM
<•Varaxous> No role playing in site17
12:55 PM <•Crashington> this is more trolling at this point
12:55 PM
<imreallytired> what role playing?
12:56 PM <•Crashington> theyve called another user daddy before
12:56 PM <•taylor_iOStkin> let me make this easy
12:56 PM ← imreallytired (~ten.43234sa.BC183D3A-CRInys|criigc#ten.43234sa.BC183D3A-CRInys|criigc) was kicked by •Lily: either grow up or leave
Now, you may think that after this they would drop it. But they instead came by 19 to do the exact same thing.
<imreallytired> so…I got kicked out of site17 and can't ask for help there [i swear im a good person] . and i still need help, how do you make new tabs on sandbox?
2:29 PM
<Kyza> He's the kind of character I would hate to see die in a movie.
2:29 PM
<War_> he's baby!!
image.png750.91KB • image/png
2:30 PM <CubikNeon> :o
2:30 PM → AKFrost joined (||tsorFKA)
2:30 PM <•edna> imreallytired: You got kicked out of 17 for asking the exact same question 5 times and for calling members of staff "daddy" and "master".
2:30 PM
<imreallytired> yeah and?
2:31 PM where im from thats a compliment
2:31 PM
<•MaliceAF> where are you from?
2:31 PM
<imreallytired> NOT a troll
2:31 PM
<War_> thaaaat's just creepy
2:31 PM <CubikNeon> Uh
2:31 PM <•edna> Yet I don't believe you.
2:31 PM
<Kyza> It's also a meme and slightly creepy.
2:32 PM
<imreallytired> well belive me or not i still need help
2:32 PM <•edna> You had this question answered five different times.
2:32 PM
2:32 PM Instructions there.
2:33 PM
<imreallytired> hey stop bulling me for my horrible memory
2:33 PM
<•MaliceAF> ',:I
2:33 PM nobody's bullying you mate
2:33 PM <CubikNeon> 👀
2:33 PM
<imreallytired> your…er…murdering me
2:33 PM
<•MaliceAF> ' ,:I
2:33 PM
<War_> ya quack like someone who's either underaged, a troll, or both
2:33 PM being honest
2:33 PM <TheMightyMcB> imreallytired: breh didn't i tell you how tabs work like three times now?
2:34 PM
<Kyza> It's all about point of view. You might think that, but we don't intend it.
2:34 PM ← imreallytired (~ten.43234sa.BC183D3A-CRInys|criigc#ten.43234sa.BC183D3A-CRInys|criigc) was kicked by •edna: Now I'm kicking you.
The user does have a disc record on the mainsite as JakeJBennett does not match any existing user name, as evidenced by the sandbox they linked.